Loading application.properties file in a non SpringBoot application - spring

I've a set of microservices built with spring boot and using feign as client. All is working perfectly, but I have a problem with a non SpringBoot application.
In this case I would like to use configuration properties file (application.properties) to configure different client (like Ribbon).
In my configuration bean I've included #ImportAutoConfiguration for all the components, but configuration is not loaded from properties file.
Is there a way to perform this?

import org.springframework.context.annotation.PropertySource;
public class StudentController{
private Environment env;
//get properties using keys
and put config.properties file inside src/main/resources


Spring Boot's embedded Tomcat ignores access log configuration

I've enabled the access log as follows:
This usally works in my Spring Boot projects, but not in my current project (Spring Boot 2.6.6), where I'm not using #SpringBootApplication due to some limitations.
I'm currently using the following annotations for my main class:
#ServletComponentScan(basePackageClasses = { /* ... */})
#ImportAutoConfiguration({WebMvcAutoConfiguration.class, DispatcherServletAutoConfiguration.class,
public class ...
Is there any autoconfiguration I need to import explicitly to configure the embedded tomcat? (server.address as well as server.port gets already respected).
You need to import EmbeddedWebServerFactoryCustomizerAutoConfiguration as well.

Define properties in a custom file, for Spring data JPA

I have a custom properties file for my spring boot application for database configurations. I use spring data JPA for persistence, By default spring boot choose application.properties to load the configurations.
How to avoid it and use any custom file, to read the database configuration on application startup
Example : database-connection.properties
Thank you
You will avoid future complications if you use just one and the classic application.properties.
Spring requires more than just database configurations so replace the entire application.properties by a simple database-connection.properties is not a good idea.
Anyway, if you need to add more properties alongside application.properties you could use
one of the following approaches:
You could load extra properties alongside the application.properties or replace it entirely if you delete the application.properties
In your main class:
public class PropertiesConfiguration {
public PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer properties() {
final PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer ppc = new PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer();
final List<Resource> resourceLst = new ArrayList<Resource>();
resourceLst.add(new ClassPathResource("database-connection.properties"));
ppc.setLocations(resourceLst.toArray(new Resource[]{}));
return ppc;
You could replace the entire application.properties file at the moment of run of your jar with spring parameter --spring.config.location
java -jar app.jar --spring.config.location=/foo/bar/database-connection.properties
Similar to PropertiesConfiguration but without java code, just #annotations
#PropertySources({#PropertySource(value = "classpath:database-connection.properties")})
public class Application {

Spring boot #ConfigurationProperties not loading from external properties file or class path property file

Hi I am trying to use a reusable library that I have created using spring boot(2.0.5) from 2 applications I am able to bind properties from application.properties which is in my classpath to my bean as follows and I see the schemas being set through the setters in my debug in my first spring batch application which is also created with spring boot(2.0.5)
This is the property bean class in my library which holds some service api- this library is just a jar package created with spring boot.
package com.test.lib.config
#PropertySource(value = "${ext.prop.dir}", ignoreResourceNotFound = true),
#PropertySource(value = "classpath:application.properties", ignoreResourceNotFound = true)
public class ServiceProperties {
* Schema for the service
private String schema;
public String getSchema() {
return schema;
public void setSchema(String schema) {
this.schema = schema;
And the config bean for this library is as follows in the same package.
public class LibraryModuleConfig {
This code works perfectly fine when called from a sprint boot spring batch application which includes this library as a dependency and the corresponding setters are called and I can see the schema set when I add job.schema=testSchema in application.properties
I try to use this same library in an existing spring mvc web application started from a tomcat server with external files directory as launch arguments( This application was not created with spring boot) and added the appropriate context:component-scan to include the beans (java config beans) from the library in the application-context(appn-context.xml). The job.schema property is passed from both application.properties file and even a external file in C drive as given by the ${ext.prop.dir}" in the #propertySources annotation. The schema property in ServiceProperties Bean never gets set and even the setters never get called in the debug. Why will this libray config bean not work in an existing spring mvc application but work with the spring batch application. Both of them add the library as a dependency. I have been at this at a long time and except for the spring property binding the other functionality seem to work.
#EnableConfigurationProperties is a handy annotation that Spring Boot provides. (Spring MVC doesn't provides in default)
For a legacy Spring MVC app (specifically for Spring 3.x), you can use #Value annotation for the properties.
#Value annotation also works in Spring Boot so I guess you can make a change so that it works with older version (Spring 3.x) and newer version just works without changing anything at all.
Hope this helps! Happy Coding :)

How to correctly using Spring profile on windows

I am trying to maintain different Spring profiles for development and production, for which I have created a folder(web skeleton) on my desktop with my Spring Boot project, application-dev.properties and application-prod.properties.
However, I am unable to import the profile into my project. The code that I use to import it to my project is as follows.
#PropertySource("file:///${user.home}/web skeleton/application-dev.properties")
public class DevelopmentConfig {
public EmailService emailService(){
return new MockEmailService();
Can someone tell me if this is the right way to use PropertySource in Spring.
You can optionally define a custom source where we’re storing these properties, else the default location (classpath:application.properties) is looked up. So we now add the above annotations to the existing properties class:
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "dev")
public class ConfigProperties {
// previous code
Now any properties defined in the property file that has the prefix dev and the same name as one of the properties are automatically assigned to this object.
#Simple properties
Check this
I have done this kind of configuration too
Just add below code in your configuration class
And this propery in application.properties
you can change it to prod and cert as per you need.

How to add properties programmatically(just like adding key-value into application.properties)?

I have some common properties that every projects should set, such as
I don't want to repeatedly add these props in every project so I'm going to create an extra jar file containing #Configruation class. How to add properties in #Configuration class? Thanks!
You may load an application.properties from another jar this way:
public class SomeJavaConfig {
You can find the reference in Spring's documentation:
Spring Boot uses a very particular PropertySource order that is
designed to allow sensible overriding of values. Properties are
considered in the following order:
#PropertySource annotations on your #Configuration classes.
I won't go in all the details, but another option is to use spring-cloud-config to define these properties in a git (using spring-cloud-config-server). Then, have your spring-boot application load the application.properties using spring-cloud-config-client directly from git.
Check this:
