Apache Nifi MergeContent output data inconsistent? - hadoop

Fairly new to using nifi. Need help with the design.
I am trying to create a simple flow with dummy csv files(for now) in HDFS dir and prepend some text data to each record in each flowfile.
Incoming files:
"Eldon Base for stackable storage shelf, platinum",Muhammed MacIntyre,3,-213.25,38.94,35,Nunavut,Storage & Organization,0.8
"1.7 Cubic Foot Compact ""Cube"" Office Refrigerators",BarryFrench,293,457.81,208.16,68.02,Nunavut,Appliances,0.58
"Cardinal Slant-D Ring Binder, Heavy Gauge Vinyl",Barry French,293,46.71,8.69,2.99,Nunavut,Binders and Binder Accessories,0.39
Desired output:
d17a3259-0718-4c7b-bee8-924266aebcc7,Mon Jun 04 16:36:56 EDT 2018,Fellowes Recycled Storage Drawers,Allen Rosenblatt,11137,395.12,111.03,8.64,Northwest Territories,Storage & Organization,0.78
25f17667-9216-4f1d-b69c-23403cd13464,Mon Jun 04 16:36:56 EDT 2018,Satellite Sectional Post Binders,Barry Weirich,11202,79.59,43.41,2.99,Northwest Territories,Binders and Binder Accessories,0.39
ce0b569f-5d93-4a54-b55e-09c18705f973,Mon Jun 04 16:36:56 EDT 2018,Deflect-o DuraMat Antistatic Studded Beveled Mat for Medium Pile Carpeting,Doug Bickford,11456,399.37,105.34,24.49,Northwest Territories,Office Furnishings,0.61
the flow
(this may be a poor way to achieve what I am trying to get, but I saw somewhere that uuid is best bet when it comes to generating unique session id. So thought of extracting each line from incoming data to flowfile and generating uuid)
But somehow, as you can see the order of data is messing up. The first 3 rows are not the same in output. However, the test data I am using (50000 entries) seems to have the data in some other line. Multiple tests show usually the data order changes after 2001st line.
And yes, I did search similar issues here and tried using defragment method in merge but it didnt work. I would appreciate if someone can explain what is happening here and how can I get the data in the same way with unique session_id,timestamp for each record. Is there some parameter I need to change or modify to get the correct output? I am open to suggestions if there is a better way as well.

First of all thank you for such an elaborate and detailed response. I think you cleared a lot of doubts I had as to how the processor works!
The ordering of the merge is only guaranteed in defragment mode because it will put the flow files in order according to their fragment index. I'm not sure why that wouldn't be working, but if you could create a template of a flow with sample data that showed the problem it would be helpful to debug.
I will try to replicate this method using a clean template again. Could be some parameter problem and the HDFS writer not able to write.
I'm not sure if the intent of your flow is to just re-merge the original CSV that was split, or to merge together several different CSVs. Defragment mode will only re-merge the original CSV, so if ListHDFS picked up 10 CSVs, after splitting and re-merging, you should again have 10 CSVs.
Yes, that is exactly what I need. Split and join data to their corresponding files. I dont specifically (yet) need to join the outputs again.
The approach of splitting a CSV down to 1 line per flow file to manipulate each line is a common approach, however it won't perform very well if you have many large CSV files. A more efficient approach would be to try and manipulate the data in place without splitting. This can generally be done with the record-oriented processors.
I used this approach purely instinctively and did not realize this is a common method. Sometimes the datafile could be very large, that means more than a million records in a single file. Wont that be an issue with the i/o in the cluster? coz that would mean each record=one flowfile=one unique uuid. What is a comfortable number of flowfiles that nifi can handle? (i know it depends on cluster config and will try to get more info about the cluster from hdp admin)
What do you suggest by "try and manipulate the data in place without splitting" ? can you give an example or template or processor to use?
In this case you would need to define a schema for your CSV which included all the columns in your data, plus the session id and timestamp. Then using an UpdateRecord processor you would use record path expressions like /session_id = ${UUID()} and /timestamp = ${now()}. This would stream the content line by line and update each record and write it back out, keeping it all as one flow file.
This looks promising. Can you share a simple template pulling files from hdfs>processing>write hdfs files but without splitting?
I am reluctant to share the template due to restrictions. But let me see if I can create a generic templ and I will share
Thank you for your wisdom! :)


How to implement the equivalent of the Aggregator EIP in Nifi

I'm very experienced with Apache Camel and EIPs and am struggling to understand how to implement equivalents in Nifi. I understand that Nifi uses a different paradigm (flow based programming) but I don't think what I'm trying to do is unreasonable.
In a nutshell I want the contents of each file to be sent to many rest services and I want to aggregate the responses into a single document which will stored in elasticsearch. I might also do some further processing and cleanup to improve what is stored (but this isn't my immediate issue)
The screenshot is a quick mock-up of what I'm trying to achieve but I don't understand enough about Nifi to know how to implement this pattern correctly.
If you are going to take a single piece of data and then fork to multiple parts of the flow and then converge back, there needs to be a way for MergeContent to know which pieces go together.
There are generally two ways this can be done...
The first is using MergeContent in "defragment mode". Think of this as reversing a split operation that was performed by one of the split processors like SplitText. For example, you split a file of 100 lines into 100 flow files of 1 line each, then do some stuff to each one, then want to converge back. The split processors produce a standard set of split attributes (described in the docs of the processors) and the defragment mode knows how to bin the splits accordingly and merge them back together. This probably doesn't apply to your example since you didn't start with a split processor.
The second approach is the "Correlation Attribute" in MergeConent. This tells merge content to only merge flow files together that have the same value for the attribute specified. In your example, when a file gets picked up by GetFile and sent to 3 InvokeHttp processors, there are 3 flow files created, and they all should have their "filename" attribute set to the name of the file picked up from disk. So telling MergeContent to correlate on filename should do the trick, and probably setting the min and max number of entries to the number you expect like 3, and a maximum time in case one of them fails or hangs.

Nifi: how to avoid copying file that are partially written

I am trying to use Nifi to get a file from SFTP server. Potentially the file can be big , so my question is how to avoid getting the file while it is being written. I am planning to use ListSFTP+FetchSFTP but also okay with GetSFTP if it can avoid copying partially written files.
thank you
In addition to Andy's solid answer you can also be a bit more flexible by using the ListSFTP/FetchSFTP processor pair by doing some metadata based routing.
After ListSFTP each flowfile will have attributes such as 'file.lastModifiedTime' and others. You can read about them here https://nifi.apache.org/docs/nifi-docs/components/org.apache.nifi/nifi-standard-nar/1.3.0/org.apache.nifi.processors.standard.ListSFTP/index.html
You can put a RouteOnAttribute process in between the List and Fetch to detect objects that at least based on the reported last modified time are 'too new'. You could route those to a processor that is just a slow pass through to intentionally wait a bit. You can then run those back through the first router until they are 'old enough'. Now, this is admittedly a power user approach but it does give you a lot of flexibility and control. The approach I'm mentioning here is not fool proof as the source system may not report the last mod time correctly, it may not mean the source file is doing being written, etc.. But it gives you additional options IF you cannot do the definitely correct thing above that Andy talks about.
If you have control over the process which writes the file in, a common pattern to solve this is to initially write the file with a specific naming structure, such as beginning with .. After the successful write operation, the file is renamed without the . and it is picked up by the processor. Both GetSFTP and ListSFTP have a processor property called Ignore Dotted Files which is set to true by default and means those processors will not operate on or return files beginning with the dot character.
There is a minimum file age property you can use. The last modification time gets updated as the file is being written. Setting this value to something other than 0 will help fix the problem:

Gathering heterogeneous data with hadoop

We have a system, including some Oracle and Microsoft SQL DBMS, that get data from some different sources and in different formats, stores and process it. "Different formats" means files: dbf, xls and others, including binary formats (images), which are imported to DBMS with different tools, and direct access to the databases. I want to isolate all the incoming data and store it "forever" and want to get them later by source and creation time. After some studies I want to try hadoop ecosystem, but not quite sure, if it's an adequate solution for this goal. And what parts of ecosystem should I use? HDFS alone, Hive, may be something else? Could you give me a piece of advise?
I assume you want to store the files that contain the data -- effectively a searchable file archive.
The files themselves can just be stored in HDFS ... or you may find a system like Amazon's S3 cheaper and more flexible. As you store the files, you could manage the other data about the data, namely: location, source, and creation time by appending to another file -- a simple tab-separated file or several other formats supported by Hadoop make this easy.
You can manage and query the file with Hive or other SQL-on-Hadoop tools. In effect, you're creating a simple file system with special attributes, so the trick would be to make sure that each time you write a file, you also write the metadata. You may have to handle cases like write failures, what happens when you delete, rename, or move files (I know, you say "never").
Your solution might be simpler depending on your needs, you may find that storing the data in subdirectories within HDFS (or AWS S3) is even simpler. Perhaps if you wanted to store DBF files from source "foo", and XLS files from "bar" created on December 1, 2015, you could simply create a directory structure like
This solution has the advantage of being self-maintaining -- the file path stores the metadata which makes it very portable and simple, requiring nothing more than a shell script to implement.
I don't think there's any reason to make the solution more complicated than necessary. Hadoop or S3 are both fine for long-term, high-durability storage and for querying. My company has found that storing the information about the file in Hadoop (which we use for many other purposes) and storing the files themselves on AWS S3 is far simpler, more easily secured and much cheaper.
There are various things that you may want to do, each with their own solution. If more than 1 use case is relevant for you, you probably want to implement multiple solutions in parallel.
1. Store files for use
If you want to store files in a way that they can be picked up efficiently (distributed), the solution is simple: Put the files on hdfs
2. Store the information for use
If you want to use the information, rather than storing the files you should be interested in storing the information in a way that they can be picked up efficiently. The general solution here would be: Parse the files in a lossles way and store their information in a database
You may find that storing information in (partitioned) ORC files can be nice for this. You can do this with Pive, Pig or even UDFs (e.g. python) in Pig.
3. Keep the files for the future
In this case you would mostly care about preserving the files, and not so much about ease of access. Here the recommended solution is: Store compressed files with proper backups
Note that the replication that hdfs does is to deal more efficiently with data (and hardware issues). Just having your data on hdfs does NOT mean that it is backed up.

Ruby PStore file too large

I am using PStore to store the results of some computer simulations. Unfortunately, when the file becomes too large (more than 2GB from what I can see) I am not able to write the file to disk anymore and I receive the following error;
Errno::EINVAL: Invalid argument - <filename>
I am aware that this is probably a limitation of IO but I was wondering whether there is a workaround. For example, to read large JSON files, I would first split the file and then read it in parts. Probably the definitive solution should be to switch to a proper database in the backend, but because of some limitations of the specific Ruby (Sketchup) I am using this is not always possible.
I am going to assume that your data has a field that could be used as a crude key.
Therefore I would suggest that instead of dumping data into one huge file, you could put your data into different files/buckets.
For example, if your data has a name field, you could take the first 1-4 chars of the name, create a file with those chars like rojj-datafile.pstore and add the entry there. Any records with a name starting 'rojj' go in that file.
A more structured version is to take the first char as a directory, then put the file inside that, like r/rojj-datafile.pstore.
Obviously your mechanism for reading/writing will have to take this new file structure into account, and it will undoubtedly end up slower to process the data into the pstores.

One file database with HDFS and MapReduce

Lets imagine I want to store a big number of urls with associated metadata
URL => Metadata
in a file
I would like this file to grow (if new URLs are found) after every run of MapReduce.
Would that work with Hadoop? As I understand MapReduce outputs data to a new directory. Is there any way to take that output and append it to the file?
The only idea which comes to my mind is to create a temporary urls.seq and then replace the old one. It works but it feels wasteful. Also from my understanding Hadoop likes the "write once" approach and this idea seams to be in conflict with that.
As blackSmith has explained that you can easily append an existing file in hdfs but it would bring down your performance because hdfs is designed with "write once" strategy. My suggestion is to avoid this approach until no option left.
One approach you may consider that is you can make a new file for every mapreduce output , if size of every output is large enough then this technique will benefit you most because writing a new file will not affect performance as appending does. And also if you are reading the output of each mapreduce in next mapreduce then reading anew file won't affect your performance that much as appending does.
So there is a trade off it depends what you want whether performance or simplicity.
( Anyways Merry Christmas !)
