Xamarin forms circular slider - xamarin

I want to create like this in xamarin forms. How to implement this?
Xamarin forms create circular scroll view in both android and ios. I have checked with knobcontrol but i have problem with that.

I suggest to go for syncfusion nuget package if you want something that will be kept updated.


Customise bottom Navigation using xamarin forms c#

I need to design bottom navigation bar like I attached image using xamarin.forms common code for both android and IOS. Can anybody refer any link or library tool to do this?
You should check the xamarin community toolkit, this is certainly possible to create with the tabview.

How do you mix Xamarin.Forms with Xamarin.Native using MvvmCross?

According to MvvmCross 5.3 documentation you can mix Xamarin.Forms and Xamarin.Native:
"With MvvmCross 5.3, you will now be able to mix and match Native Xamarin views with Xamarin.Forms pages using ViewModel navigation!"
My scenario is the solution contains Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS projects which rely quite heavily on MvvmCross. Going forward I would like to be able to create new views/pages using Xamarin.Forms. I'm assuming this is what is meant by "mix and match".
Other than the above statement I can't find any documentation or examples on how to do this.
I tried extending the MvvmCross TipCal app to show a new Xamarin.Forms view/page without any luck.
Can someone explain or provide an example of how to mix and match Xamarin.Forms with Native Xamarin using MvvmCross?
I think if you truly want to mix forms/native you need to either create a custom view presenter or trick the existing view presenter to "embed" a forms page into a viewcontroller/fragment/activity.
I have created a helper library as a proof of concept to embed Xamarin.Forms content pages into fragments/activities/viewControllers but could use some help ironing out some bugs with Android. It seems to work fine for iOS.
Let's take iOS as an example.
This approach has you create you content page as normal, but also create a wrapper viewController. You embed the content page in the viewController and when you navigate, you navigate to the viewController wrapper instead of the content page.

Bind/set short text data from Android MainActivity.cs to a shared Xamarin Forms Label?

Is there a way to define a Label in Xamarin Forms (XAML or code-behind) AppXYZ that can be updated from the Xamarin Android AppXYZ.Android: MainActivity.cs and AppXYZ.iOS:Main.cs? i.e. upon an event in Android (e.g. BlueTooth) set a short text in a common Forms elements? After viewing many example, no clarity yet. MessageCenter perhaps?
In Android Project: MainActivity.cs (for example):
FormsAppXYZ.LabelXYZ.Text = "Updated string";
If not possible, then proper way to do this with Xamarin Android Native ? appreciated since I'll have to mix in the label into a shared Xamarin Forms Tabbed GUI.
Depending on how much Bluetooth work you need to do, my first suggestion would be to use MessagingCenter as you have already alluded to.
The other obvious approach would be to use a third party plugin, as I don't believe Xamarin have released one. I am currently aware of these two:

Create bottom toolbar using xamarin form for android and iOS

There are good numbers of post of this but not of them are simple one. One of them is below one which is look simple https://developer.xamarin.com/recipes/ios/content_controls/navigation_controller/add_a_nav_bar_bottom_toolbar/
I am new to xamarin and currently using xamarin form to develope an cross plate form app. It looks above example is using xamarin native not xamarin form? Can same example will work for xamarin form? Or for this kind of UI manipulation xamarin native is better than xamarin form. As i am new to xamarin, should i focus on xamarin native instead of xamarin form for serious app development.
Please click here for Bottom Navigation Bar for Xamarin Forms.
This will look like below:
You could build it on your own with a ControlTemplate.
No CustomRenderer is needed.

Skia view element in xamarin.forms

I'm trying to draw new elements/images via the new skiasharp library for xamarin forms.
I got the samples working but they only change the full content page with the new canvas.
So my question would be how to implement a single view which can be placed in any place in another content page. Does anyone have experiences with skia?
How do I choose the canvas? Do I have to overwrite an existing Image or similar?
Thanks for you help.
Sure, and there is a view which you are looking for: SkiaView.
It inherited from Xamarin.Forms.View and contains some properties such as HeightRequest or Scale.
I suppose you are interested in these classes:
iOS - SkiaViewRenderer
iOS - NativeSkiaView
Android - SkiaViewRenderer
Android - NativeSkiaView
Finally there is a NuGet package with Xamarin.Forms support: SkiaSharp.Views.Forms 1.54.1-beta1. Samples are available in SkiaSharp repository.
