ClassNotFound in HazelcastMembers for ReplicatedMaps, but ok for Maps - classnotfoundexception

Our Problem might be similar to that one:
Hazelcast ClassNotFoundException for replicated maps
Since the description of the environment is not given in detail I describe our problematic enironment here:
We have a dedicated Hazelcast Server(Member), out of the box with some config. No additional classes added (The ones from our project).
Then we got two Hazelcast Clients using this Member with several of our own classes.
The Clients intend to use Replicated Maps, so at some point in our software they do "hazelcastInstance.getReplicatedMap("MyName")" and then do some put operations.
Doing this, the dedicated hazelcast server throws a ClassNotFound for our classes we want to put into the replicated map. I understand this. How should he know about the classes.
Then I change to a Map insteadof replicatedMap.
With no other change it works. And this is what makes me wonder how that can be?
Does this have to do with different InMemory Storage? Does replicatedMap here behave differently ?
Hazelcast Version is: 3.9.2
One info might be important: the Client configures a NearCache for all the maps used:
EvictionConfig evictionConfig = new EvictionConfig()
new NearCacheConfig()
I changed the InMemoryFormat to BINARY. Still the same ClassNotFound
The Start of the stacktrace is:
at com.hazelcast.internal.serialization.impl.JavaDefaultSerializers$
at com.hazelcast.internal.serialization.impl.AbstractSerializationService.toObject(
at com.hazelcast.spi.impl.NodeEngineImpl.toObject(
EDIT: wrote a little Test do demonstrate my problem:
package de.empic.hazelclient.client;
import com.hazelcast.client.HazelcastClient;
import com.hazelcast.client.config.ClientConfig;
import com.hazelcast.config.EvictionConfig;
import com.hazelcast.config.InMemoryFormat;
import com.hazelcast.config.NearCacheConfig;
import com.hazelcast.core.HazelcastInstance;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
public class HazelClient {
private static final String[] MAP_KEYS = {"Mike", "Ben", "Luis", "Adria", "Lena"};
private static final String MAP_NAME = "Regular Map" ;
private static final String REPLICATED_MAP_NAME = "Replicated Map" ;
private static final String CACHE_MEMBERS = "" ;
private static final String MNGT_CENTER = "" ;
HazelcastInstance hazelClientInstance = null ;
private static Random rand = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
public static void main(String[] args) {
new HazelClient(true).loop();
private HazelClient(boolean useNearCache)
ClientConfig cfg = prepareClientConfig(useNearCache) ;
hazelClientInstance = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(cfg);
private void loop()
Map<String, SampleSerializable> testMap = hazelClientInstance.getMap(MAP_NAME);
Map<String, SampleSerializable> testReplicatedMap = hazelClientInstance.getReplicatedMap(REPLICATED_MAP_NAME);
int count = 0 ;
while ( true )
// do a random write to map
testMap.put(MAP_KEYS[rand.nextInt(MAP_KEYS.length)], new SampleSerializable());
// do a random write to replicated map
testReplicatedMap.put(MAP_KEYS[rand.nextInt(MAP_KEYS.length)], new SampleSerializable());
if ( ++count == 10)
// after a while we print the map contents
System.out.println("MAP Content -------------------------");
printMapContent(testMap) ;
System.out.println("REPLIACTED MAP Content --------------");
printMapContent(testReplicatedMap) ;
count = 0 ;
// we do not want to drown in system outs....
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
private void printMapContent(Map<String, SampleSerializable> map)
for ( String currKey : map.keySet())
System.out.println(String.format(" - %s -> %s", currKey, map.get(currKey)));
private ClientConfig prepareClientConfig(boolean useNearCache)
ClientConfig cfg = new ClientConfig();
cfg.getProperties().put("hazelcast.client.statistics.enabled", "true");
cfg.getProperties().put("hazelcast.client.statistics.period.seconds", "5");
if ( useNearCache )
// we use a single member for demo
String[] members = {CACHE_MEMBERS} ;
return cfg ;
private NearCacheConfig defineNearCache(String name)
EvictionConfig evictionConfig = new EvictionConfig()
NearCacheConfig nearCacheConfig = new NearCacheConfig()
.setEvictionConfig(evictionConfig) ;
return nearCacheConfig;
To have the full info, the Hazelcast member is started with the following xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<hazelcast xsi:schemaLocation=""
<multicast enabled="false"/>
<tcp-ip enabled="true">
<management-center enabled="true"></management-center>
The fact that the Hazelcast Member is running in docker while the clients are not is not important I think.

Can you post your configurations for both mapConfig and replicatedMapConfig? I will try to reproduce this.
I’m thinking this has to do with where the serialization happens. A couple things to keep in mind, there are two different configurations for map and replicatedmap. When you changed your getReplicatedMap("MyName") to .getMap("MyName"), if you don’t have a map config for “MyName”, then it will use the default config.
By default, Replicated Maps store in object memory format for performance.

I found my mistake. I configured the near cache to be of memory type "BINARY"
The server itself I did not configure. After having the replicated maps defined as "BINARY" in the server it works.


How to integrate a Spring RMI server with a pure Java RMI client which is a non-spring Swing GUI?

I'm migrating a J2EE EJB application to Spring services. It's a desktop application which has a Swing GUI and to communicate to the J2EE server it uses RMI. I have created a simple spring service with spring boot which exports a service by using spring remoting, RMIServiceExporter. The client is a rich client and have a complicated architecture so i'm trying make minimum changes to it to call the spring rmi service.
So in summary I have a plain RMI client and a spring RMI server. I have learned that spring rmi abstracts pure java rmi so in my case they don't interoperate.
I will show the code below but the current error is this. Note that my current project uses "remote://". So after I have got this error I have also tried "rmi://". But, in both cases it gives this error.
javax.naming.CommunicationException: Failed to connect to any server. Servers tried: [rmi://yyy:1099 (No connection provider for URI scheme "rmi" is installed)]
at org.jboss.naming.remote.client.HaRemoteNamingStore.failOverSequence(
at org.jboss.naming.remote.client.HaRemoteNamingStore.namingStore(
at org.jboss.naming.remote.client.HaRemoteNamingStore.namingOperation(
at org.jboss.naming.remote.client.HaRemoteNamingStore.lookup(
at org.jboss.naming.remote.client.RemoteContext.lookupInternal(
at org.jboss.naming.remote.client.RemoteContext.lookup(
at org.jboss.naming.remote.client.RemoteContext.lookup(
at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(
at javax.swing.SwingWorker$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
I have searched for how we can interoperate spring rmi and plain/pure java rmi and i read several answers from similar questions at stackoverflow and web but i couldn't find anything useful or fits my case because even the best matched answer says only that it doesn't interoperate.
I thought that maybe i need to turn my swing gui client to spring by using spring boot but i couldn't be sure about application context since i don't want to break existing client code. So i have looked for maybe there is something like partial spring context so that maybe i can put only my client code to it and spring only manages this file.
And then I thought that maybe I need to change my RMI server to force spring to create some kind of plain/pure Java RMI instead of default spring RMI thing. I say thing because I read something about spring rmi that explains it's an abstraction over rmi and we can force it to create standard RMI stub.
While I'm searching for a solution i have encountered the Spring Integration but I couldn't understand it really since it looks like an other abstraction but it also tell something about adapters. Since I have seen "adapter" maybe it is used for this kind of integration/legacy code migration cases. But I couldn't go further.
Client Side:
private boolean initializeEJBz(String userName, String password) throws Exception {
ri = RemoteInvocationFactory.getRemoteInvocation(user, pass);
if (ri != null) {
return initializeEJBz(ri);
} else {
return false;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
public final class RemoteInvocationFactory {
private static final CommunicationProperties cp = new CommunicationProperties();
public static synchronized RemoteInvocation getRemoteInvocation(
byte[] userName, byte[] password) throws NamingException {
String url = System.getProperty("rmi://");
if (url != null) {
return new JbossRemotingInvocationFactory(userName, password, url);
return null;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
public class JbossRemotingInvocationFactory implements RemoteInvocation {
private final byte[] userName, password;
private final String providerURL;
private volatile InitialContext initialContext;
private final SecretKey secretKey;
private static final String SSL_ENABLED = "";
private static final String SSL_STARTTLS = "";
private static final String TIMEOUT = "jboss.naming.client.connect.timeout";
private long timeoutValue;
private final boolean startSsl;
public JbossRemotingInvocationFactory(byte[] userName, byte[] password, String providerURL) {
try {
KeyGenerator keyGenerator = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES");
secretKey = keyGenerator.generateKey();
this.providerURL = providerURL;
startSsl = Boolean.valueOf(System.getProperty(SSL_ENABLED));
String property = System.getProperty("myproject.connect.timeout");
if (property != null) {
try {
timeoutValue = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(Long.parseLong(property), TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (Exception e) {
timeoutValue = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
Hashtable jndiProperties = new Hashtable();
this.userName = encrypt(userName);
jndiProperties.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, new String(password, UTF_8));
initialContext = new InitialContext(jndiProperties);
this.password = encrypt(password);
} catch (NamingException | NoSuchAlgorithmException ne) {
throw new RuntimeException(ne);
public <T> T getRemoteObject(Class<T> object, String jndiName) throws NamingException {
if (initialContext != null) {
T value = (T) initialContext.lookup(jndiName);
return value;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException();
public <T> T getRemoteObject(Class<T> object) throws NamingException {
throw new IllegalAccessError();
private void addOptions(Hashtable jndiProperties) {
jndiProperties.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "org.jboss.naming.remote.client.InitialContextFactory");
jndiProperties.put("jboss.naming.client.ejb.context", "true");
jndiProperties.put("", "false");
jndiProperties.put("", "false");
jndiProperties.put(SSL_STARTTLS, "false");
jndiProperties.put(TIMEOUT, Long.toString(timeoutValue));
if (startSsl) {
jndiProperties.put("", "true");
jndiProperties.put(SSL_ENABLED, "true");
jndiProperties.put("", "JBOSS-LOCAL-USER");
jndiProperties.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, providerURL);
jndiProperties.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, new String(decrypt(userName), UTF_8));
public void reconnect() {
try {
Hashtable jndiProperties = new Hashtable();
jndiProperties.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, new String(decrypt(password), UTF_8));
initialContext = new InitialContext(jndiProperties);
} catch (NamingException ignore) {
private boolean initializeEJBz(RemoteInvocation remoteInvocation) throws Exception {
cs = remoteInvocation.getRemoteObject(CustomerService.class, JNDINames.CUSTOMER_SERVICE_REMOTE);
// here is the integration point. try to get RMI service exported.
myService = remoteInvocation.getRemoteObject(HelloWorldRMI.class, JNDINames.HELLO_WORLD_REMOTE);
return true;
public static final String CUSTOMER_SERVICE_REMOTE = getRemoteBean("CustomerServiceBean", CustomerService.class.getName());
public static final string HELLO_WORLD_REMOTE = getRemoteBean("HelloWorldRMI", HelloWorldRMI.class.getName());
private static final String APPLICATION_NAME = "XXX";
private static final String MODULE_NAME = "YYYY";
protected static String getRemoteBean(String beanName, String interfaceName) {
return String.format("%s/%s/%s!%s", APPLICATION_NAME, MODULE_NAME, beanName, interfaceName);
Server Side:
package com.example.springrmiserver.service;
public interface HelloWorldRMI {
public String sayHelloRmi(String msg);
package com.example.springrmiserver.service;
import java.util.Date;
public class HelloWorldRMIimpl implements HelloWorldRMI {
public String sayHelloRmi(String msg) {
System.out.println("================Server Side ========================");
System.out.println("Inside Rmi IMPL - Incoming msg : " + msg);
return "Hello " + msg + " :: Response time - > " + new Date();
package com.example.springrmiserver;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.remoting.rmi.RmiServiceExporter;
import com.example.springrmiserver.service.HelloWorldRMI;
import com.example.springrmiserver.service.HelloWorldRMIimpl;
public class Config {
RemoteExporter registerRMIExporter() {
RmiServiceExporter exporter = new RmiServiceExporter();
exporter.setService(new HelloWorldRMIimpl());
return exporter;
package com.example.springrmiserver;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import java.util.Collections;
public class SpringRmiServerApplication {
public static void main(String[] args)
//, args);
SpringApplication app = new SpringApplication(SpringRmiServerApplication.class);
app.setDefaultProperties(Collections.singletonMap("server.port", "8084"));;
So, my problem is how to interoperate pure/plain/standard java rmi client which is in a swing GUI with spring rmi server?
Edit #1:
By the way if you can provide further explanations or links about internal details of spring RMI stub creation and why they don't interoperate i will be happy. Thanks indeed.
And also, if you look at my getRemoteBean method which is from legacy code, how does this lookup string works? I mean where does rmi registry file or something resides at server or is this the default format or can i customize it?
Edit #2:
I have also tried this kind of lookup in the client:
private void initializeSpringEJBz(RemoteInvocation remoteInvocation) throws Exception {
HelloWorldRMI helloWorldService = (HelloWorldRMI) Naming.lookup("rmi://xxx:1099/helloworldrmi");
System.out.println("Output" + helloWorldService.sayHelloRmi("hello "));
//hw = remoteInvocation.getRemoteObject(HelloWorldRMI.class, "helloworldrmi");
Edit #3:
While I'm searching i found that someone in a spring forum suggested that to force spring to create plain java rmi stub we have to make some changes on the server side so i have tried this:
import java.rmi.server.RemoteObject;
public interface HelloWorldRMI extends **Remote** {
public String sayHelloRmi(String msg) throws **RemoteException**;
public class HelloWorldRMIimpl extends **RemoteObject** implements HelloWorldRMI {
Is the code above on the right path to solve the problem?
Beside that the first problem is the connection setup as you can see in the beginning of the question. Why i'm getting this error? What is the difference between "rmi://" and "remote://" ?
While I was trying to figure out, I could be able to find a solution. It's true that Spring RMI and Java RMI do not interoperate but currently i don't have enough knowledge to explain its cause. I couldn't find any complete explanation about internals of this mismatch yet.
The solution is using plain Java RMI in Spring backend by using java.rmi.*(Remote, RemoteException and server.UnicastRemoteObject).
java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject is used for exporting a remote object with Java Remote Method Protocol (JRMP) and obtaining a stub that communicates to the remote object.
I think this post is closely related to this interoperability issue: Java Spring RMI Activation
Spring doesn't support RMI activation. Spring includes an RmiServiceExporter for calling remote objects that contains nice improvements over standard RMI, such as not requiring that services extend java.rmi.Remote.
This is the interface that server exports:
import java.rmi.Remote;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
public interface HelloWorldRMI extends Remote {
public String sayHelloRmi(String msg) throws RemoteException;
and this is the implementation of exported class:
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject;
import java.util.Date;
public class HelloWorldRMIimpl extends UnicastRemoteObject implements HelloWorldRMI {
public HelloWorldRMIimpl() throws RemoteException{
public String sayHelloRmi(String msg) {
System.out.println("================Server Side ========================");
System.out.println("Inside Rmi IMPL - Incoming msg : " + msg);
return "Hello " + msg + " :: Response time - > " + new Date();
and the RMI Registry is:
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry;
import java.rmi.registry.Registry;
import java.util.Collections;
public class ProxyServerApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
Registry registry = LocateRegistry.createRegistry(1200); // this line of code automatic creates a new RMI-Registry. Existing one can be also reused.
System.out.println("Registry created !");
registry.rebind("just_an_alias",new HelloWorldRMIimpl());
registry.rebind("path/to/service_as_registry_key/CustomerService", new CustomerServiceImpl());
SpringApplication app = new SpringApplication(ProxyServerApplication.class);
app.setDefaultProperties(Collections.singletonMap("server.port", "8084")); // Service port;
HelloWorldRMI helloWorldService = (HelloWorldRMI)Naming.lookup("rmi://st-spotfixapp1:1200/just_an_alias");
System.out.println("Output" + helloWorldService.sayHelloRmi("hello from client ... "));

Spring Boot Gemfire Server Configuration

I am trying to understand how to host a Spring Boot Gemfire server process.
I found this example Spring Gemfire Server
The problem I am having is the the server I am trying to add to the cluster is not showing up in the cluster after I start the process.
Here are the steps I am taking:
Start a new locator locally (default port): gfsh>start locator --name=loc-one
I want to add this SpringBootGemfireServer to the cluster:
note I have commented out the embeded locator start-up - I want to add this to the existing locator already running
public class SpringGemFireServerApplication {
private static final boolean DEFAULT_AUTO_STARTUP = true;
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
static PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer propertyPlaceholderConfigurer() {
return new PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer();
private String applicationName() {
return SpringGemFireServerApplication.class.getSimpleName();
Properties gemfireProperties(
#Value("${gemfire.log.level:config}") String logLevel,
#Value("${[10334]}") String locatorHostPort,
#Value("${gemfire.manager.port:1099}") String managerPort) {
Properties gemfireProperties = new Properties();
gemfireProperties.setProperty("name", applicationName());
gemfireProperties.setProperty("log-level", logLevel);
//gemfireProperties.setProperty("start-locator", locatorHostPort);
//gemfireProperties.setProperty("jmx-manager", "true");
//gemfireProperties.setProperty("jmx-manager-port", managerPort);
//gemfireProperties.setProperty("jmx-manager-start", "true");
return gemfireProperties;
CacheFactoryBean gemfireCache(#Qualifier("gemfireProperties") Properties gemfireProperties) {
CacheFactoryBean gemfireCache = new CacheFactoryBean();
return gemfireCache;
CacheServerFactoryBean gemfireCacheServer(Cache gemfireCache,
#Value("${gemfire.cache.server.bind-address:localhost}") String bindAddress,
#Value("${gemfire.cache.server.hostname-for-clients:localhost}") String hostNameForClients,
#Value("${gemfire.cache.server.port:40404}") int port) {
CacheServerFactoryBean gemfireCacheServer = new CacheServerFactoryBean();
return gemfireCacheServer;
PartitionedRegionFactoryBean<Long, Long> factorialsRegion(Cache gemfireCache,
#Qualifier("factorialsRegionAttributes") RegionAttributes<Long, Long> factorialsRegionAttributes) {
PartitionedRegionFactoryBean<Long, Long> factorialsRegion = new PartitionedRegionFactoryBean<>();
return factorialsRegion;
RegionAttributesFactoryBean factorialsRegionAttributes() {
RegionAttributesFactoryBean factorialsRegionAttributes = new RegionAttributesFactoryBean();
return factorialsRegionAttributes;
FactorialsCacheLoader factorialsCacheLoader() {
return new FactorialsCacheLoader();
class FactorialsCacheLoader implements CacheLoader<Long, Long> {
// stupid, naive implementation of Factorial!
public Long load(LoaderHelper<Long, Long> loaderHelper) throws CacheLoaderException {
long number = loaderHelper.getKey();
assert number >= 0 : String.format("Number [%d] must be greater than equal to 0", number);
if (number <= 2L) {
return (number < 2L ? 1L : 2L);
long result = number;
while (number-- > 1L) {
result *= number;
return result;
public void close() {
When I go to gfsh>connect list members
I only see the locator.
I haven't verified the full configuration to check whether there's something else wrong, but the main issue I see right now is that you seem to be confusing the start-locator property (automatically starts a locator in the current process when the member connects to the distributed system and stops the locator when the member disconnects) with the locators property (the list of locators used by system members, it must be configured consistently for every member of the distributed system). Since you're not correctly setting the locators property when configuring the server, it just can't join the existing distributed system because it doesn't know which locator to connect to.
The default locator port used by GemFire is 10334, so you should change your gemfireProperties method as follows:
Properties gemfireProperties(#Value("${gemfire.log.level:config}") String logLevel, #Value("${[10334]}") String locatorHostPort, #Value("${gemfire.manager.port:1099}") String managerPort) {
Properties gemfireProperties = new Properties();
gemfireProperties.setProperty("name", applicationName());
gemfireProperties.setProperty("log-level", logLevel);
// You can directly use the locatorHostPort variable instead.
gemfireProperties.setProperty("locators", "localhost[10334]");
return gemfireProperties;
Hope this helps.

Access all Environment properties as a Map or Properties object

I am using annotations to configure my spring environment like this:
public class GeneralApplicationConfiguration implements WebApplicationInitializer
Environment env;
This leads to my properties from being part of the Environment. I want to use the #PropertySource mechanism here, because it already provides the possibility to overload properties through several fallback layers and different dynamic locations, based on the environment settings (e.g. config_dir location). I just stripped the fallback to make the example easier.
However, my problem now is that I want to configure for example my datasource properties in You can pass the settings to the datasource without knowing in detail what settings the datasource expects using
Properties p = ...
However, the problem is, the Environment object is neither a Properties object nor a Map nor anything comparable. From my point of view it is simply not possible to access all values of the environment, because there is no keySet or iterator method or anything comparable.
Properties p <=== Environment env?
Am I missing something? Is it possible to access all entries of the Environment object somehow? If yes, I could map the entries to a Map or Properties object, I could even filter or map them by prefix - create subsets as a standard java Map ... This is what I would like to do. Any suggestions?
You need something like this, maybe it can be improved. This is a first attempt:
import org.springframework.core.env.PropertySource;
import org.springframework.core.env.AbstractEnvironment;
import org.springframework.core.env.Environment;
import org.springframework.core.env.MapPropertySource;
public class GeneralApplicationConfiguration implements WebApplicationInitializer
Environment env;
public void someMethod() {
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap();
for(Iterator it = ((AbstractEnvironment) env).getPropertySources().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
PropertySource propertySource = (PropertySource);
if (propertySource instanceof MapPropertySource) {
map.putAll(((MapPropertySource) propertySource).getSource());
Basically, everything from the Environment that's a MapPropertySource (and there are quite a lot of implementations) can be accessed as a Map of properties.
This is an old question, but the accepted answer has a serious flaw. If the Spring Environment object contains any overriding values (as described in Externalized Configuration), there is no guarantee that the map of property values it produces will match those returned from the Environment object. I found that simply iterating through the PropertySources of the Environment did not, in fact, give any overriding values. Instead it produced the original value, the one that should have been overridden.
Here is a better solution. This uses the EnumerablePropertySources of the Environment to iterate through the known property names, but then reads the actual value out of the real Spring environment. This guarantees that the value is the one actually resolved by Spring, including any overriding values.
Properties props = new Properties();
MutablePropertySources propSrcs = ((AbstractEnvironment) springEnv).getPropertySources();, false)
.filter(ps -> ps instanceof EnumerablePropertySource)
.map(ps -> ((EnumerablePropertySource) ps).getPropertyNames())
.forEach(propName -> props.setProperty(propName, springEnv.getProperty(propName)));
I had the requirement to retrieve all properties whose key starts with a distinct prefix (e.g. all properties starting with "log4j.appender.") and wrote following Code (using streams and lamdas of Java 8).
public static Map<String,Object> getPropertiesStartingWith( ConfigurableEnvironment aEnv,
String aKeyPrefix )
Map<String,Object> result = new HashMap<>();
Map<String,Object> map = getAllProperties( aEnv );
for (Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet())
String key = entry.getKey();
if ( key.startsWith( aKeyPrefix ) )
result.put( key, entry.getValue() );
return result;
public static Map<String,Object> getAllProperties( ConfigurableEnvironment aEnv )
Map<String,Object> result = new HashMap<>();
aEnv.getPropertySources().forEach( ps -> addAll( result, getAllProperties( ps ) ) );
return result;
public static Map<String,Object> getAllProperties( PropertySource<?> aPropSource )
Map<String,Object> result = new HashMap<>();
if ( aPropSource instanceof CompositePropertySource)
CompositePropertySource cps = (CompositePropertySource) aPropSource;
cps.getPropertySources().forEach( ps -> addAll( result, getAllProperties( ps ) ) );
return result;
if ( aPropSource instanceof EnumerablePropertySource<?> )
EnumerablePropertySource<?> ps = (EnumerablePropertySource<?>) aPropSource;
Arrays.asList( ps.getPropertyNames() ).forEach( key -> result.put( key, ps.getProperty( key ) ) );
return result;
// note: Most descendants of PropertySource are EnumerablePropertySource. There are some
// few others like JndiPropertySource or StubPropertySource
myLog.debug( "Given PropertySource is instanceof " + aPropSource.getClass().getName()
+ " and cannot be iterated" );
return result;
private static void addAll( Map<String, Object> aBase, Map<String, Object> aToBeAdded )
for (Entry<String, Object> entry : aToBeAdded.entrySet())
if ( aBase.containsKey( entry.getKey() ) )
aBase.put( entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() );
Note that the starting point is the ConfigurableEnvironment which is able to return the embedded PropertySources (the ConfigurableEnvironment is a direct descendant of Environment). You can autowire it by:
private ConfigurableEnvironment myEnv;
If you not using very special kinds of property sources (like JndiPropertySource, which is usually not used in spring autoconfiguration) you can retrieve all properties held in the environment.
The implementation relies on the iteration order which spring itself provides and takes the first found property, all later found properties with the same name are discarded. This should ensure the same behaviour as if the environment were asked directly for a property (returning the first found one).
Note also that the returned properties are not yet resolved if they contain aliases with the ${...} operator. If you want to have a particular key resolved you have to ask the Environment directly again:
myEnv.getProperty( key );
The original question hinted that it would be nice to be able to filter all the properties based on a prefix. I have just confirmed that this works as of Spring Boot 2.1.1.RELEASE, for Properties or Map<String,String>. I'm sure it's worked for while now. Interestingly, it does not work without the prefix = qualification, i.e. I do not know how to get the entire environment loaded into a map. As I said, this might actually be what OP wanted to begin with. The prefix and the following '.' will be stripped off, which might or might not be what one wants:
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "abc")
public Properties getAsProperties() {
return new Properties();
public MyService createService() {
Properties properties = getAsProperties();
return new MyService(properties);
Postscript: It is indeed possible, and shamefully easy, to get the entire environment. I don't know how this escaped me:
public Properties getProperties() {
return new Properties();
As this Spring's Jira ticket, it is an intentional design. But the following code works for me.
public static Map<String, Object> getAllKnownProperties(Environment env) {
Map<String, Object> rtn = new HashMap<>();
if (env instanceof ConfigurableEnvironment) {
for (PropertySource<?> propertySource : ((ConfigurableEnvironment) env).getPropertySources()) {
if (propertySource instanceof EnumerablePropertySource) {
for (String key : ((EnumerablePropertySource) propertySource).getPropertyNames()) {
rtn.put(key, propertySource.getProperty(key));
return rtn;
Spring won't allow to decouple via java.util.Properties from Spring Environment.
But Properties.load() still works in a Spring boot application:
Properties p = new Properties();
try (InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/")) {
The other answers have pointed out the solution for the majority of cases involving PropertySources, but none have mentioned that certain property sources are unable to be casted into useful types.
One such example is the property source for command line arguments. The class that is used is SimpleCommandLinePropertySource. This private class is returned by a public method, thus making it extremely tricky to access the data inside the object. I had to use reflection in order to read the data and eventually replace the property source.
If anyone out there has a better solution, I would really like to see it; however, this is the only hack I have gotten to work.
Working with Spring Boot 2, I needed to do something similar. Most of the answers above work fine, just beware that at various phases in the app lifecycles the results will be different.
For example, after a ApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent any properties inside are not present. However, after a ApplicationPreparedEvent event they are.
For Spring Boot, the accepted answer will overwrite duplicate properties with lower priority ones. This solution will collect the properties into a SortedMap and take only the highest priority duplicate properties.
final SortedMap<String, String> sortedMap = new TreeMap<>();
for (final PropertySource<?> propertySource : env.getPropertySources()) {
if (!(propertySource instanceof EnumerablePropertySource))
for (final String name : ((EnumerablePropertySource<?>) propertySource).getPropertyNames())
sortedMap.computeIfAbsent(name, propertySource::getProperty);
I though I'd add one more way. In my case I supply this to com.hazelcast.config.XmlConfigBuilder which only needs java.util.Properties to resolve some properties inside the Hazelcast XML configuration file, i.e. it only calls getProperty(String) method. So, this allowed me to do what I needed:
public class SpringReadOnlyProperties extends Properties {
private final org.springframework.core.env.Environment delegate;
public String getProperty(String key) {
return delegate.getProperty(key);
public String getProperty(String key, String defaultValue) {
return delegate.getProperty(key, defaultValue);
public synchronized String toString() {
return getClass().getName() + "{" + delegate + "}";
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
if (!super.equals(o)) return false;
SpringReadOnlyProperties that = (SpringReadOnlyProperties) o;
return delegate.equals(that.delegate);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(super.hashCode(), delegate);
private void throwException() {
throw new RuntimeException("This method is not supported");
//all methods below throw the exception
* override all methods *
P.S. I ended up not using this specifically for Hazelcast because it only resolves properties for XML file but not at runtime. Since I also use Spring, I decided to go with a custom org.springframework.cache.interceptor.AbstractCacheResolver#getCacheNames. This resolves properties for both situations, at least if you use properties in cache names.
To get ONLY properties, defined in my hibernate.properteies file:
public class SomeClass {
public static final String HIBERNATE_PROPERTIES = "";
private Environment env;
public void someMethod() {
final Properties hibProps = asProperties(HIBERNATE_PROPERTIES);
private Properties asProperties(String fileName) {
((AbstractEnvironment) env).getPropertySources().spliterator(), false)
.filter(ps -> ps instanceof ResourcePropertySource)
.map(ps -> (ResourcePropertySource) ps)
.filter(rps -> rps.getName().contains(fileName))
(props, rps) -> props.putAll(rps.getSource()),
A little helper to analyze the sources of a property, which sometimes drive me crazy . I used this discussion to write on github.
It could be used in a test:
public class SpringConfigurableEnvironmentTest {
private ConfigurableEnvironment springEnv;
public void testProperties() {
SpringConfigurableEnvironment properties = new SpringConfigurableEnvironment(springEnv);
SpringConfigurableEnvironment.PropertyInfo info = properties.get("profile.env");
assertEquals("default", properties.get(info.getValue());
"Config resource 'class path resource []' via location 'optional:classpath:/'",
All answers above have pretty much covers everything, but be aware of overridden values from environment variables. They may have different key values.
For example, if a user override[1].value using environment variable MY_PROPERTY[1]_VALUE, iterating through EnumerablePropertySources.getPropertyNames() would give you both[1].value and MY_PROPERTY[1]_VALUE key values.
What even worse is that if[1].value is not defined in applications.conf (or applications.yml), a MY_PROPERTY[1]_VALUE in environment variables would not give you[1].value but only MY_PROPERTY[1]_VALUE key value from EnumerablePropertySources.getPropertyNames().
So it is developers' job to cover the those properties from environment variables. Unfortunately, there is no one-on-one mapping between environment variables schema vs the normal schema, see the source code of SystemEnvironmentPropertySource. For example, MY_PROPERTY[1]_VALUE could be either[1].value or my-property[1].value

How to write multiple outputs of different formats in a hadoop reducer?

How do you use the MultipleOutputs class in a reducer to write multiple outputs, each of which can have its own unique configuration? There is some documentation in the MultipleOutputs javadoc, but it seems limited to Text outputs. It turns out that MultipleOutputs can handle the output path, key class and value class of each output, but attempts to use output formats that require the use of other configuration properties fail.
(This question has come up several times but my attempts to answer it have been thwarted because the asker actually had a different problem. Since this question has taken more than a few days of investigation for me to answer, I'm answering my own question here as suggested by this Meta Stack Overflow question.)
I've crawled through the MultipleOutputs implementation and have found that it doesn't support any OutputFormatType that has properties other than outputDir, key class and value class. I tried to write my own MultipleOutputs class, but that failed because it needs to call a private method somewhere in the Hadoop classes.
I'm left with only one workaround that seems to work in all cases and all combinations of output formats and configurations: Write subclasses of the OutputFormat classes that I want to use (these turn out to be reusable). These classes understand that other OutputFormats are in use concurrently and know how to store away their properties. The design exploits the fact that an OutputFormat can be configured with the context just before being asked for its RecordWriter.
I've got this to work with Cassandra's ColumnFamilyOutputFormat:
package com.myorg.hadoop.platform;
import org.apache.cassandra.hadoop.ColumnFamilyOutputFormat;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configurable;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
public abstract class ConcurrentColumnFamilyOutputFormat
extends ColumnFamilyOutputFormat
implements Configurable {
private static String[] propertyName = {
"cassandra.output.keyspace" ,
"cassandra.output.keyspace.username" ,
"cassandra.output.keyspace.passwd" ,
"cassandra.output.columnfamily" ,
"cassandra.output.thrift.port" ,
"cassandra.output.thrift.address" ,
private Configuration configuration;
public ConcurrentColumnFamilyOutputFormat() {
public Configuration getConf() {
return configuration;
public void setConf(Configuration conf) {
configuration = conf;
String prefix = "multiple.outputs." + getMultiOutputName() + ".";
for (int i = 0; i < propertyName.length; i++) {
String property = prefix + propertyName[i];
String value = conf.get(property);
if (value != null) {
conf.set(propertyName[i], value);
public void configure(Configuration conf) {
String prefix = "multiple.outputs." + getMultiOutputName() + ".";
for (int i = 0; i < propertyName.length; i++) {
String property = prefix + propertyName[i];
String value = conf.get(propertyName[i]);
if (value != null) {
conf.set(property, value);
public abstract String getMultiOutputName();
For each Cassandra (in this case) output you want for your reducer, you'd have a class:
package com.myorg.multioutput.ReadCrawled;
import com.myorg.hadoop.platform.ConcurrentColumnFamilyOutputFormat;
public class StrongOutputFormat extends ConcurrentColumnFamilyOutputFormat {
public StrongOutputFormat() {
public String getMultiOutputName() {
return "Strong";
and you'd configure it in your mapper/reducer configuration class:
// This is how you'd normally configure the ColumnFamilyOutputFormat
ConfigHelper.setOutputColumnFamily(job.getConfiguration(), "Partner", "Strong");
ConfigHelper.setOutputRpcPort(job.getConfiguration(), "9160");
ConfigHelper.setOutputInitialAddress(job.getConfiguration(), "localhost");
ConfigHelper.setOutputPartitioner(job.getConfiguration(), "org.apache.cassandra.dht.RandomPartitioner");
// This is how you tell the MultipleOutput-aware OutputFormat that
// it's time to save off the configuration so no other OutputFormat
// steps all over it.
new StrongOutputFormat().configure(job.getConfiguration());
// This is where we add the MultipleOutput-aware ColumnFamilyOutputFormat
// to out set of outputs
MultipleOutputs.addNamedOutput(job, "Strong", StrongOutputFormat.class, ByteBuffer.class, List.class);
Just to give another example, the MultipleOutput subclass for FileOutputFormat uses these properties:
private static String[] propertyName = {
"mapred.output.compression.type" ,
"mapred.output.compression.codec" ,
"mapred.output.compress" ,
and would be implement just like ConcurrentColumnFamilyOutputFormat above except that it would use the above properties.
I have implemented MultipleOutputs support for Cassandra (see this JIRA ticket, and it is currently scheduled for release in 1.2. If you need it now, you can apply the patch in the ticket. Also check out this presentation on the topic which gives examples on its usage.

How to purge/delete message from weblogic JMS queue

Is there and way (apart from consuming the message) I can purge/delete message programmatically from JMS queue. Even if it is possible by wlst command line tool, it will be of much help.
Here is an example in WLST for a Managed Server running on port 7005:
connect('weblogic', 'weblogic', 't3://localhost:7005')
The last command should return the number of messages it deleted.
You can use JMX to purge the queue, either from Java or from WLST (Python). You can find the MBean definitions for WLS 10.0 on
Here is a basic Java example (don't forget to put weblogic.jar in the CLASSPATH):
import java.util.Hashtable;
import javax.naming.Context;
public class PurgeWLSQueue {
private static final String WLS_USERNAME = "weblogic";
private static final String WLS_PASSWORD = "weblogic";
private static final String WLS_HOST = "localhost";
private static final int WLS_PORT = 7001;
private static final String JMS_SERVER = "wlsbJMSServer";
private static final String JMS_DESTINATION = "test.q";
private static JMXConnector getMBeanServerConnector(String jndiName) throws Exception {
Hashtable<String,String> h = new Hashtable<String,String>();
JMXServiceURL serviceURL = new JMXServiceURL("t3", WLS_HOST, WLS_PORT, jndiName);
h.put(JMXConnectorFactory.PROTOCOL_PROVIDER_PACKAGES, "");
JMXConnector connector = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(serviceURL, h);
return connector;
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
JMXConnector connector =
MBeanServerConnection mbeanServerConnection =
ObjectName service = new ObjectName("com.bea:Name=RuntimeService,");
ObjectName serverRuntime = (ObjectName) mbeanServerConnection.getAttribute(service, "ServerRuntime");
ObjectName jmsRuntime = (ObjectName) mbeanServerConnection.getAttribute(serverRuntime, "JMSRuntime");
ObjectName[] jmsServers = (ObjectName[]) mbeanServerConnection.getAttribute(jmsRuntime, "JMSServers");
for (ObjectName jmsServer: jmsServers) {
if (JMS_SERVER.equals(jmsServer.getKeyProperty("Name"))) {
ObjectName[] destinations = (ObjectName[]) mbeanServerConnection.getAttribute(jmsServer, "Destinations");
for (ObjectName destination: destinations) {
if (destination.getKeyProperty("Name").endsWith("!"+JMS_DESTINATION)) {
Object o = mbeanServerConnection.invoke(
new Object[] {""}, // selector expression
new String[] {"java.lang.String"});
System.out.println("Result: "+o);
} catch (Exception e) {
Works great on a single node environment, but what happens if you are on an clustered environment with ONE migratable JMSServer (currently on node #1) and this code is executing on node #2. Then there will be no JMSServer available and no message will be deleted.
This is the problem I'm facing right now...
Is there a way to connect to the JMSQueue without having the JMSServer available?
Found a solution: Use the domain runtime service instead:
ObjectName service = new ObjectName("com.bea:Name=DomainRuntimeService,");
and be sure to access the admin port on the WLS-cluster.
if this is one time, the easiest would be to do it through the console...
the program in below link helps you to clear only pending messages from queue based on redelivered message parameter
