Start/stop process in embedded linux - embedded-linux

I have my own embedded Linux system on PocketBeagle board. I have developed a simple gpio application in C that issues an on/off command to one of the pins of the connectors of the board. The application is called gpio_aa6 and located at /root.
The first challenge was to find a way to launch my application automatically after booting the board. I found two ways to do that; the first was to add an entry to etc/rcS directory. This entry is a simple script file that launches my application. The second way was to edit /etc/inittab file and add an entry to that file (::respawn:/root/gpio_aa6). In both these ways my application was launched successfully: but I am still not sure if this is the right way to launch my application automatically.
Then I came to the second challenge, how can I stop my running application, as the respawn re-launches the application if it's terminated?
I am communicating with the board in two ways; via a serial communication (using screen terminal) and via web sever (root# I have tried to use Ctrl+C, Ctrl+Z, Ctrl+\, but couldn't stop the program from being continue running. Then I used command "killall" with killsignals -9 or -15, it seems that the program is interrupted but it's launched again directly after that.
My application is to run infinitely, but I need to stop it sometimes to update it and re-launch it again.
Is there any suggestion how to overcome this problem?

Both solutions you have used are correct. I personally prefer the option of adding an init script to /etc/init.d though.
I believe the behavior that you observe that you apparently can't kill the program is because you are starting your program from inittab, with the respawn keyword, which precisely tells the init program to restart your application when it exits. If you actually check the PID of your application, you will see that it changes everytime you kill it.
Therefore, I would recommend you to use an init script instead, with which you can implement start and stop actions. See ./package/lldpd/S60lldpd for a basic example in Buildroot.


Automatically force quit frozen applications in OSX maybe using a ruby script?

I built an application using openframeworks that is live 24/7 on a kiosk. Every now and then (every few weeks) it will randomly go unresponsive and I still can't get to the bottom of it because it's so random and infrequent it is hard to debug.
I wrote a ruby script that looks for the application running and if it doesn't exist it will start it up. This works in all cases where the application name doesn't show up in activity monitor. Meaning if the app crashes and completely force quits itself or something. It works just fine.
However, if the app just freezes and goes unresponsive (red highlight in activity monitor) the app doesn't quit out completely unless I force quit manually. Is there some kind of script I can write to look for all "unresponsive apps/processes" every few seconds and force quits them automatically? That way my app launcher script will be able to detect that the app isn't running and boot it up again.
I suggest you look at Monit because it's solid, well tested, well documented, and easy to learn.
If you still want to write your own monitoring script, Monit is a good example to follow.
The most reliable way to detect an unresponsive app is to have a "vital sign" which is a generic term for a signal that an app emit to prove it's healthy. Some people call this a "pulse" or "heartbeat" or "brainwave". Your external script watches the vital sign. If your external script sees the vital sign flatline, then the script takes action to cure the app or restart it.
An alternate way is to have a "ping" which is a generic term for your external script sending a signal to the app or the system, then listening for a reply. You can use tools such as the Unix ps command for processes, or AppleScript Activity Monitor. As far as I know, these do a pretty good job of catching common cases, but have trouble catching apps that are soaking up resources, such as being caught in endless loops.

Is there any way to start a process in background in Windows leaving the service option apart

I know a way to set up a program that can be started whenever window is rebooted by creating an entry of that process in the registry :
But can anybody please tell is there any way to make that process to run in background. I am not considering services due to credentials issues I encountered.
There is no formal concept of a background process in Windows. I guess what you mean is that you don't want the process to show a GUI. You can achieve that by:
Making the process target the GUI subsystem rather than the console subsystem. A process that targets the console subsystem is automatically given a console window when it is started.
Not creating a visible window.
If you wish the process to run with a lower priority then you can do that by calling SetPriorityClass but I'd be surprised if you needed to do that.

Launching an application from another process

We have an application that we have built as a bundle and we want to launch it from another process.
How should we do it?
From what I understand we can use openUrls(), openFile() or execve()
but I don't know which one better suits us.
Since you're talking about an application, you don't want to go through the file association mechanisms. They're for opening documents, images etc. with an appropriate application. Since you don't seem to be sure what to ask, I'd say keep it simple:
The exec* family launches an executable directly. But note that it replaces the launching process with the launched application. Your launcher will stop executing at that point. If you want the launcher to continue to run, you want to use something that launches a subprocess. The low-level way is fork/vfork followed by exec, but it's far simpler to launch your app with system, which takes care of all that behind the scenes. (Assuming there are no security concerns about users on the other side of the world injecting execution paths).
If the launcher does not terminate as soon as it launches your app, you'll want to think about whether it "blocks" until the launched application terminates, or whether it launches the app asynchronously-- so that they then run in parallel. The launcher might also "wait" for the return value of the app, to check whether it succeeded and maybe do something afterwards. There are ways to do all that, but since we don't know what you need, I won't go into details.
In short: If the only job of your launcher is to start your app, use execl. If your launcher needs to do more, use system. If neither one quite fits your needs, you'll need to provide more information-- starting with the language your launcher is written in.
PS. Both of these have the advantage of generality and portability. They work for GUI and commandline applications, and they'll work on any Unix-like system, and to some extent on Windows. There's no need to lock yourself into Cocoa for something so simple.
If you're using Cocoa, you can use NSWorkspace's -launchApplication:.
From OSX documentation on NSWorkspaces:
openFile: Opens the specified file specified using the default application associated with its type.
openURL: Opens the location at the specified URL.
With url you can open also file on ftp, or http for example.

How to restart program automatically if it crashes in Windows?

How can I start my program automatically if it crashes on windows 2003 server? Sometimes my program just crashes, is there a way in windows or settings that I can set?
There are several ways to create a process supervisor/guardian process on Windows.
First, is to leverage windows command line capabilities. Create a bat file:
#echo off
start /w "your app to watch.exe"
goto start
start /w will wait for the process to exit. When the process crashes and exits, the bat script will relaunch it.
Another option is to use free supervisor tool It allows to restart the crashed app, plus it allows to monitor two or more apps at once and it will automatically close these apps when supervisor's window is closed.
The usual approach is to run what is known as a guardian process. This is a separate process, often a service, that monitors the state of the main process. When the guardian detects that the main service has died, it re-spawns it.
To the very best of my knowledge, there is not built in Windows functionality to do this for you.
Notice: running self-looping bat files can be useful, but unless you know what you're doing, they can wreak all kinds of havoc. This goes especially if you run them on startup. You have been warned.
Anyway. I just remembered something from my 286 days, when I played around a lot with BAT files. If you write the file
some other event
the BAT file will run yourprogram, and then pause and wait around in the background until the program exits. After that it will run "some other event". This used to be kind of annoying if you wanted to run multiple things at once, but here it's actually useful. Using this, it's possible to make it run a loop that restarts the program (and reruns the bat file) as soon as it exits. Combine this with, and you'll never even see it happening.
The final BAT file ("restart.bat" in this example) will look something like:
wscript "C:\[location]\invisible.vbs" "C:\[location]\restart.bat"
That's about it. Start the program (on startup via task or even just startup folder) with line 2, and this ought to solve your problem :)
Oh, if you want to stop the loop, just rename the bat file or put "// " in front of the two lines, save it, and exit the program.
If the program you are running requires admin rights, the solution I found was using psexec ( to run both the program and the bat with elevated privileges. In that case the BAT will look like:
c:\[location]\psexec -h c:\[location]\yourprogram.exe
c:\[location]\psexec -h wscript "C:\[location]\invisible.vbs" "C:\[location]\restart.bat"
Then you run the bat as administrator, or run the second line (without the psexec part) from task scheduler with elevated privileges. BEWARE: running it as a normal user and clicking "no" on the UAC prompt gave me a BSOD, probably because it looped "can't run program because of lacking privileges" a couple of billion times or something :)
You can use RegisterApplicationRestart.
"If you register for restart and the application encounters an
unhandled exception or is not responsive, the user is offered the
opportunity to restart the application; the application is not
automatically restarted without the user's consent. "
For automatic restart without user intervention, there is also RestartOnCrash. Works with all Windows versions.
I was looking for something similar. There are two options to handle this - either you can write a small script by yourself or use something that is already existing.
After some googling I came across this nice list. The blogger has compiled about 8 tools to automatically restart a crashed or closed application.
Unfortunately there are no settings in Windows to automatically restart a regular program when it crashes.
Do you need to actively interact with your application's GUI? Some of the Service Wrappers (designed to run any application as a Windows Service) will monitor your application and restart it when it fails, but be sure investigate Session 0 Isolation to ensure that it won't get in the way.
You may use some special app like BDV SystemEvents or any other. It allows you to specify application which will be started if some another application is closed. Specify the same application as a Condition and as an Action and you will get expected results.

What's the best way to stop multiple instances of a Windows app being launched?

Many Windows apps (like Skype or MSN for instance) don't let you start multiple instances, rather trying to run it a 2nd time just leaves the existing version running.
Is this typically done in some simple way - the start-menu shortcut is a 'wrapper' app around the main app - or is there some registry magic you can do to delegate the problem to Windows itself?
Specifically dealing with Win32 here (unmanaged C++) but happy to hear more general solutions as long as they are workable on Windows XP or later.
EDIT: this seems the best duplicate.
Named Mutex or similar OS-specfic named object. If it exists - app is running.
Lock file somewhere (in temporary directory, etc - create it on program start, remove on program end). Linux software frequently operates this way (some programs store PID in lockfile), but it isn't safe - if you suddenly lose power (electricity cut off), it is possible that lock file won't be deleted.
And you can always enum all running processes and try to find yourself.
There could be more ways to do it, but those are the first ones I could think of.
As far as i remember, there exist system-wide Mutexes. Set Mutex on first launch, if on launch already set, immediately exit.
Use CreateMutex() call an prepend the name with "Global\" should to the trick.
I just check to see if the process is already running: if it's not start the application, if it's already running bring the window to foreground. The check is done in the Main method.
I get the process name with System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName and check if it's already running System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName(). If there are more than 1 processes focus the first of them and then exit.
