Dialogflow - External JWT Token Handling - laravel

I have a Laravel app that generates JWT token after login. JWT token is required for handling all other API calls. I am going to be using account linking feature for my dialog flow app that will require me to make API calls these JWT protected APIs. Is there a way form to store the token in Dialogflow. I will wiling using both Voice and Text interfaces.

Actions on Google (and thus Dialogflow) only supports account linking via OAuth 2.0, not JWTs. You would have to implement OAuth in your backend service.


How to get user details (email and name) using Azure AD auth token?

We have a web app that has authentication on the front-end (React JS) using Microsoft OAuth, but no authentication at the back end side (Spring Boot), meaning everybody can access the APIs. We want to secure the APIs using the "Access token" generated by the UI (front-end). The idea is that UI passes the token to the back-end in every API call. Since each API call would contain the token, the back-end will use this to validate which user this token belongs to. Is there a way to achieve this using MSAL?
Tl;dr: How to obtain user details (email and user name) from Microsoft OAuth generated token using MSAL?
I did try going through this: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/scenario-protected-web-api-overview but to no help

Does OKTA only supports OAuth token based access for REST APIs?

I have written REST APIs. I have users in OKTA. Does OKTA only supports OAuth token based access for REST APIs or for my REST APIs I can also use some other authentication mechanisms as well to authenticate users to APIs??
As it's your API you can protect it with whatever your want :) Some forms can be a static API token which a user would need to send you in an authorization header, or something else.
But as you have your users in Okta, it would make sense to go with a standard mechanisms like OAuth protection, where your app is registered with Okta as an OAuth service for which users would need to get an access token. Then you would ask that token to be sent in a standard Authorization: Bearer xxxxx header for it to be validated by any solid JWT verification library.

Django rest framework working with multiple apps

My aim is to authorize browsable API(first app) using the JWT token generated(second app).
I have two apps created,
1. API - has all the data
2. Authentication - generate JWT tokens after validating the user.
Now, when I try to access the API after generating the token it says,
Authentication credentials were not provided.
Trying to access the API (passing the bearer whatevertoken)
I mean, is there a way to authenticate the Browsable API using JWT token? Instead of creating a user session.
Passing Authorization header as,
"Authorization: JWT token"
authenticates the user.
But, limits me to browse the API in a browser. Is there any way we can implement Browsable API using JWT authentication?
A thorough reading on
Authentication classes
Permission classes
Django settings
Helped in understanding the core concepts and apply appropriate solutions.

Facebook and JWT Auth w/ Laravel back-end and React Native app

I have built a website with vuejs front-end and laravel back-end.
Only way to login is via Facebook Login using Socialite
All that works fine.
Now I am building some React Native apps (Ios/Android) that also use Facebook login but need to interact with the same web api.
I want to use JWT to secure the API for React Native -> Laravel API
I set up JWT w/ Dingo on Laravel side and I am able to generate a token using the JWTAuth::fromUser(). And I have established some API endpoints that use the token to authenticate.. so far so good.
Now here's the part that becomes sticky. I understand that on the Laravel side of things you can create JWT token with any user.. right now the JWT "identifier" is simply "id".. and it's my understanding that the token I generate from JWTAuth::fromUser() simply has no idea or care that this user doesn't have conventional credentials and instead used a Facebook Login.
On the React Native side however.. when a new user first authenticates via the Facebook Login.. it has no idea what the "matching user" is on the Laravel app, all I have to go on is basically the unique Facebook Provider Id.
So the question is as follows:
How can I generate a JWT token on the React Native side using only the Facebook Provider Id and the JWT Secret, and more importantly, how do I modify my JWT code on the Laravel side so that it can understand tokens that were generated with the Facebook Provider Id and JWT Token
In other words, I think my Laravel JWT implementation needs to be modified so that tokens are created/parsed purely on the basis of the Facebook Provider Id because otherwise it won't match up with tokens generated on the React Native side.
Many thanks!!
Ok after doing some reading I think this flow might work. Your thoughts please?
1 User authenticates via Facebook on in on Android/Ios app
2 Retrieve facebook access token
3 Do api call to public endpoint on web server and pass FB Access Token and FB ID
4a Web server makes Facebook Graph Api call w/ Access Token and verifies token is valid, is authenticated with Facebook App, and matches Facebook ID
4b If user doesn't exist on web first.. create user
5 If above matches, then web servers generates JWT token from user model and returns JWT token to app
6 App now uses JWT token for future API calls

ASP.NET Web API - Authenticated Encrypted JWT Token - Do I need OAuth?

I'm considering using authenticated encrypted JWT tokens to authenticate / authorized access to an ASP.NET Web API application.
Based on what I've read so far, it seems to me like it is an option to generate JWT tokens from a token service and pass them to Web API via the http authorization header.
I have found some good code examples on implementing the JWT creation and consumption (Pro ASP.NET Web API Security by Badrinarayanan Lakshmiraghavan).
I'm trying to understand if I need a full OAuth implementation to support this, or if I can simply pass the tokens along in the auth header.
Assuming the tokens are properly encrypted and signed, is there any inherent security flaw in keeping things simple without having to use OAuth?
Trying to keep things as simple as possible for my needs without compromising security.
It is not that you must always OAuth when you use tokens. But given the fact that your application is a JavaScript app, you would be better off implementing a 3-legged authentication. Thinktecture identity server does support implicit grant. But if the client application getting access to the user credential is not a problem for you, your JavaScript app can get the user ID and password from the user and make a token request from a token issuer ensuring the user ID and password are not stored any where in JavaScript app (including DOM). This request for token can be a simple HTTP POST as well and it does not need to be anything related to OAuth. If your end user will not enter the credentials in the client application, OAuth implicit grant is the way. BTW, you don't need to encrypt JWT. TIS issues signed JWT and that will ensure token integrity. But if you are worried about the confidentiality, you can use HTTPS to both obtain the token as well as present the token.
It looks like you don't really need auth delegation as the one provided by OAuth. Isn't HMAC authentication enough for your scenario ?. With HMAC, you will not have to deal with JWT at all. This is an implementation I made for HMAC authentication for .NET
