Spring Data find substring containing special characters - spring

How to retrieve data from elasticsearch containing special characters like . / - ... using spring data ?
I have document defined like this:
#Document(indexName = "audit-2018.135", type = "audit")
public class Trace {
private String id;
#Field(type = FieldType.Text)
private String uri;
// setters & getters
I need to retrieve data from elasticSearch by field uri.
Here's an example how data looks:
When using kibana I can use:
uri: "martin-int-vip.vs.cz:5080/kib"
and I get back the record above which contains desired substring.
Now I need to achieve the same from java however in spring data it's not working as expected.
I have elasticSearchRepository defined like this:
public interface TraceRepository extends ElasticsearchRepository<Trace, String> {
List<Trace> findByUriContaining(String uri);
when I call method findByUriContaining with parameter uri as:
or even this
I get back 0 results. When I send "kib" as parameter it returns correctly all records containing word "kib" however it's not working with special characters like . / - etc. How should I query my elasticSearch from java to get all records which contains my desired substring ? Thanks

I found out that by default elasticSearch analyzer tokenize your query. Instead of "martin-int-vip.vs.cz:5080/kib" it looks for a field which contains martin and int and vip...
In order to query these kind of fields you need to change behaviour of analyzer or you can use elasticSearchTemplate and Criteria to build more flexible queries.


A Jpa query annotation to return results as key value pairs

I have a users table and I am trying to use annotated Queries in spring boot to get a result set. I am able to get result set as a list, but that does not have field names. How do I get the result set with field name as key and value pairs?
Current response [[1,"Jay"]] , what I want to do is {"id":1,"Name":"Jay"}
-----Here is my repository class-----
public interface UsersauthRepository2 extends JpaRepository<Users2,Long> {
#Query("select id,name,email from Users u where LOWER(email) = LOWER(:email) and LOWER(u.password) = LOWER(:password)")
List<Users2> querybyemail(#Param("email") String email,#Param("password") String password);
The request doesn't return fields names.
If you need to get them :
You have them already as method argument
You need to use reflection.
Good luck

Best way to index base64 encoded string into ElasticSearch

I'm using Spring-Data-ElasticSearch to index a whole object as a document in Elastic. One of the field is a String typed base64 encoding of user upload file.
#Document(indexName = "user_record")
public class UserRecord {
private String base64UserUploadFile;
Currently this base64 string is indexed directly into Elastic so not searchable, so I'm wondering what's my options here if I want to be able to search the actual content from that file without having to convert this field to be the actual file content string in my class?
You might want to use the mapper-attachments plugin and declare your field with the Attachment field type
#Document(indexName = "user_record")
public class UserRecord {
#FieldType(type = FieldType.Attachment, store = false)
private String base64UserUploadFile;
That way the Base64 content will be indexed and searchable. I suggest not to store the content (hence store=false) if you don't want to inflate your index unnecessarily.

Spring data jpa Query dynamically pass where clause

My Entity is in this way
public class event
String title;
String description;
String city;
I am new to Spring data jpa ,i want implement search feature when an user enters "Hello Hyderabad Fest"
I want token size the string and split into words and find Any word matches on any properties on entity with search query hit to db.
WHERE title LIKE '%Hello%' OR title LIKE '%Hyderabad%' OR title LIKE
'%Fest%' OR description LIKE '%Hello%' OR description LIKE
'%Hyderabad%' OR description LIKE '%Fest%'city LIKE '%Hello%' OR
cityitle LIKE '%Hyderabad%' OR city LIKE '%Fest%'
How can we achieve this in spring data jpa.
Can we dynamically pass where condition in Spring data jpa named queries
Can we lucene kind query which we use in nosql dbs.
any other suggestion
Thanks in advance.
Postgresql fulltext search query solved the above issue http://rachbelaid.com/postgres-full-text-search-is-good-enough/

Spring Elastic Search Custom Field names

I am new to Elastic Search and I am trying to implement it using Spring-data-elasticsearch.
I have fields with names such as "Transportation", "Telephone_Number" in our elastic search documents.
When I try to map my #Domain object fields with those, I don't get any data for those as I couldn't successfully map those fields.
Tried to use #Field, was disappointed as it didn't have 'name' property in it to map with custom field name.
Tried different variations of a GETTER function, none of those seem to be mapping to those fields.
I started wondering if there's something I'm missing here.
How does a domain object field look like which should map to a filed called something like "Transportation" ?
Any help appreciated
You can use custom name. Spring Data ES use Jackson. So, you can use #JsonProperty("your_custom_name") to enable custom name in ES Mapping
for example:
#Document(indexName = "your_index_name", type = "your_type_name")
public class YourEntity {
#Field(type = FieldType.String, searchAnalyzer = "standard", indexAnalyzer = "standard", store = true) // just for example
private String myTransportation;
Note: I'm sorry anyway, my english is bad.. :D

Group toghether Node properties and return as a view in Cypher

I am working with v2.2.3 of Neo4J and Spring Neo4j Data SDN 4
I want to return a few properties of a node using a cypher query and map them into attributes of a POJO.My function in Spring data repository looks something like this
"MATCH(n:ServiceProvider{profileStatus:{pStatus},currentResidenceState:{location}}) RETURN n.name,n.currentResidenceAddress ,n.employmentStatus,"
+ "n.idProofType,n.idProofNumber
ORDER BY n.registrationDate DESC SKIP{skip} LIMIT {limit}")
List<AdminSearchMapResult> getServiceProviderRecords(
#Param("pStatus")String pStatus,
#Param("location")String location,
#Param("skip") int skip,#Param("limit")int limit);
I get an error like
Scalar response queries must only return one column. Make sure your cypher query only returns one item.
I think its because of the fact that I cant bundle all the returned attributes into a view that can map into the POJO
If I return the node itself and map it into a POJO it works
Kindly guide
This can be done using #QueryResult
Annotate the AdminSearchMapResult POJO with #QueryResult. For example:
public class AdminSearchMapResult {
String name;
String currentResidenceAddress;
Optionally annotate properties with #Property(name = "n.idProofType") if the alias is different from the field name.
