I'm looking for help integrating Paypal IPN's with Marklogic - utf-8

I'm using ngrok to tunnel to my localhost. The IPN simulator runs smoothly, as does Postman. But once I run through the whole process (make a transaction, wait for IPN), I'm getting the following error: 400 XDMP-REQUTF8SEQ: Invalid UTF-8 escape sequence -- requests are not UTF-8 encoded.
I put a xdmp:log at the entry point of the app and nothing was logged, so I believe the error occurs when the request hits the server. Is there a way to handle this at the server level? Has anyone had success integrating IPN's with ML?
Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!

I think I found the answer:) In the IPN docs it says: When testing using the IPN Simulator, the character encoding will always be UTF-8. So if they're telling me that the messages will always be UTF-8 encoded when using the simulator, will the real messages be any different? Turns out that they just might be!
In the profile section of the PP account, click on "My Selling Tools" and scroll down to the bottom of the page. There should be a link that says "Paypal button language encoding". From there, click "More options" and you'll see what your options are. Mine was set up as "windows-1252". I guess that's what it is by default. Hope this helps someone else!


DialogFlowCX console (NOT API) "Invalid update mask" in saving routes

Impossible for me to save any route in the Start flow on DialogFlow CX console. I always get the same message: "invalid update mask.".
Tried to re-open browser, switch browser, clear cache and cookies, go on another device but same issue.
Can someone help me with this?
I believe there's an on-going bug regarding the Invalid update mask which started yesterday. You may check this link for updates.

SagePay Server Integration

I'm integrating SagePay Server and am stuck at step 4 here: https://developer-eu.elavon.com/docs/opayo-server/taking-payments
I get this error: Server error 5006: Unable to redirect to Vendor's web site. The Vendor failed to provide a RedirectionURL.
I know there are quite a lot of suggestions for this error out there. That it basically means there is something wrong with your code on the Notification URL.
I know it is completing the previous steps fine (I get the correct response parameters), I have made sure Opayo's IPs are allowed, the MD5 signatures match.
I think the problem is how I am "Responding to the Notification Post".
I am doing a standard WebRequest to send our RedirectUrl to SagePay - but the link here - SagePay RedirectURL failure - suggests it doesn't need that. Rather I should just "write to the simple Response object." The trouble is, I don't know what they mean by that.
Any help / experience with this, much appreciated.
I hope this answer isn't too late to be useful to you.
You're suffering from the main issue I've always had with Opayo (formerly SagePay) - namely that their integration guides for developers are terrible.
As the Opayo Server integration method is identical to the old SagePay version, I found it helpful to follow the much more in-depth instructions from before they rebranded. You can find those instructions here:
In answer to your specific question, you can refer to page 68 of the above PDF guide. RE: You acknowledge receipt of the Notification POST, quote, "This is the plain text response part of the POST originated by the Server in the step above. Encoding must be as Name=Value fields separated by carriage-return linefeeds (CRLF)."
Literally, your script just has to print or echo something along the lines of:
StatusDetail=Hashes match - proceeding\r\n
Or the equivalent for errors, aborts, etc.
Bear in mind that any output not formatted like the above will break the foldback process, so you must supress any errors or warnings your script might generate (ideally capturing them in a log or some other way).
Opayo give you basically no help in bugfixing, so if you continue to encounter errors you pretty much have to work in the dark.

Google Drive API Console: Error saving Drive UI integration page

I have a webapp in production that interacts with Google Drive through Google Drive API.
I need to change some settings in Drive interaction but I can't save.
When I save the Drive UI integration page, I receive this error:
There's a problem at our end.
Please try again. If the problem persists, please let us know using
the "Send feedback" link below. Thanks!
(spying Network console: there is an Internal Server Error in a POST call)
I tried to send feedback for months: nobody answers and the bug is still there.
I tried also to create another project: I can save the first time but then the bug returns.
How can I do? Has someone the same problem?
Is there a way to receive a reply from Google? Is there some workaround?
Thank you.
i think that problem must be Client ID
before adding Client ID, go to the Credentials -> OAuth 2.0 Client IDs
then select edit your Client ID. after that your production site url add to Authorized JavaScript origins and Authorized redirect URIs.
then enter your Client ID in Drive UI integration page
For myself trying to get the Drive UI configured I noticed a couple of errors (that don't have any specific error messages)
When adding in an Open URL it has to be a valid domain, so for instance I tried to test it out with local host, to no avail. However something like https://devbox.app.com worked, but something like https://localhost:8888 does not. Even though https://localhost is a valid javascript origin in the client_id configuration (at least for the app I am working on, not sure about other apps), localhost doesn't work as an open URL.
When adding in the mimeTypes it needs to be in the format */* and can include custom mimeTypes like application/custom+xml and application/custom-name+json not sure for other custom types that are not in a particular format like xml or json. Also not sure about wildcards.
When adding in file extensions do not add in the '.' just the name of the file extension.
The app icon I found only failed to upload the image when the image wasn't the exact dimensions, I actually ended up editing some icons in photoshop to change the pixel x pixel values as a quick work around during dev.
That worked for me to get it to save and I tested it with a file that had a custom mimeType (application/custom-name+xml specifically) and custom file extension!

Chromecast sample sender application CastHelloText-chrome ends with error when trying to get session

I have problem with launching Google-Cast application similar to sample CastHelloText-chrome. I slightly modified example code for my specific purposes. The goal for creating this application is to send and show image data directly in Chromecast device.
Particularly the difference between official sample and my code is in message format and its content, sent by sender application. Sender application took png image coded by base64 and send through message bus with custom namespace. Receiver application get this message and use this as data source for html object <img>.
Error appears when I do this steps:
Reload sender page, checking console if any device found.
Send the form by just pushing enter on input box (text is ignored).
Now a popup from Chromecast extension shows. Next there are two scenarios:
3a) I confirm casting to device by choosing one from the list, then I get this error message in console:
onError: {"code":"channel_error","description":"Error: Timeout","details":null}
3b) I just click somewhere else, I get this error:
onError: {"code":"cancel","description":"User closed popup menu","details":null}
Both of errors are caused by calling function chrome.cast.requestSession in chromehellotext.html at line 161, but what's really wrong I don't know.
When I step sender script I realize that function sessionListener is never called. I know that something go wrong when code try to call chrome.cast.requestSession, where described error raises. So I need help if I missed about right way to use Google-Cast API or If this problem has something to do with networking issues.
Receiver application is registered on Google Cast SDK Developer Console and I'm testing on registered device with some serial number. I'm using Google Chrome in version 42.0.2300.2 canary (64-bit) and Chrome version 40.0.2214.111 (current stable I suppose). For testing I also tried to turn off Windows Firewall entirely but with no luck.
There were some syntactic errors that caused error message described above.
It seems like you are trying to use the data/control channel to send an image; please don't do that; that channel is not meant to be used for large data communications; in fact it cannot send anything which approaches or exceeds 64k. If your goal is to send images from your local machine, you would need to run a local web server on your local machine and serve images through the web server.
For and easiest tutorial you can have a look to this tutorial.
It is well explained in this tutorial.
Chromecast Sender application
There is no need to maintain session by yourself.
just add button and enjoy casting
I found a source of my problem. There was something wrong in receiver code - syntactic and runtime errors, so I must admit that my code wasn't functional. Now its working in terms of launching application and getting session.
Unfortunate thing is that the error message generated by Chromecast extension didn't match the actual error - at least it was a bit confusing when I didn't know what's really happening on receiver side without ability to debug the code.

BITS error codes

I'm writing an application updater that pulls installation package from our distribution web site to the user's PC using the background intelligent download service facility.
More or less everything is working fine now but I'm having a bit of problem getting the application react well to all recoverable errors. Specifically, I'd like the application to handle properly the case of proxy authentication.
In HTTP, it's simple: make a request, get a "407" HTTP response code, prompt for user name/password and repeat until you ether go through or the user press "cancel".
With BITS, it's not that simple. I don't get the HTTP status code. I get a couple of codes: the context (which should be BG_ERROR_CONTEXT_REMOTE_FILE in my case) and an "ErrorCode" that is supposed to depend on the context.
If I request the textual description of the error through GetErrorDescription, I get the correct "407 proxy authentication require" text. But the error code I have is 0x80190197 which is nowhere near 407.
So, does anyone know where I can get a full list of the BITS error code ? Failing that, partial list with the most common errors would be nice.
0x80190197 is not strictly speaking a BITS error, it's an HTTP stack error. The list is available here: Errors (019) FACILITY_HTTP
