Can't get WORKDAY function to work with a COUNTIF - worksheet-function

Trying to work on a system at work that will tell how many error codes were registered by a particular machine on the previous workday. This spreadsheet will need to be able to select only the errors generated on the previous date as this will become a rolling list of data generated across a wide time span. Currently working with the formula
where the last array is some shutdown days I've put in to generate a global variable "Yesterday" and trying to use the formula
to gather the number of records that occurred yesterday.
Can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong?

Found that the issue was when I tried to convert the timestamp in mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss format to mm/dd/yy and didn't realize that the other information was still hiding in there and confusing the formula. One of my coworkers recommended the use of a ROUNDDOWN function in the use of =ROUNDDOWN(argument,0) to get rid of the time information and just leave me with date.


Laravel 8 and SQL Server: problem with timestamp

Hello everyone and happy new year,
I'm converting my project to use SQL Server instead of MySQL and I'm struggling with the problem of managing timestamps.
In the project, I have this code:
Customers::whereBetween('created_at', [Carbon::now()->subDays('7'), Carbon::now()])->count();
which gives me back the number of new customers registered in the last 7 days.
Using MySQL no problem whatsoever while with SQL Server I get this error:
Converting an nvarchar data type to datetime resulted in a value
outside of the allowable range.
despite in my model, I have set
public function getDateFormat()
return 'Y-m-d H: i: s.v';
to get the values in milliseconds.
What did I forget to set up?
The error tells you that a conversion failed. Possible reasons:
The date does not exist
If you get February 30th as the input, it will fail.
Input not complying to the format in use
To detect whether this is the problem, you will need to find out what the generated SQL is and find out which value caused this problem. After carefully studying the conversion you should be able to determine what the problem and solution is.

Creating time categories and adding them to dataset

I've been trying tirelessly to figure out this issue and I cannot seem to make it work...
I am working on a project comparing activity times of some mammalian species and need to run a multinomial model in the nnet package. To do this, I need to convert the timestamp data I have into categories of time. So far, I have tried to use the which() function, strptime, strftime, and some others that I've had little luck with. I have the data both in date and time format, just time format, and just hour format in my csv and cannot figure out how to categorize time with any of these. I'd like to add these categories to my dataset as well so I can see which species were active during which times.
The times I'd like to classify are as follows:
Nocturnal: 10pm-4am
Crepuscular: 4am-8am; 6pm-10pm
Diurnal: 8am-6pm
Any help would be so greatly appreciated!!!!!

You cannot import data to this record because the record was updated in Microsoft Dynamics 365 after it was exported

I'm having a strange issue with exporting/updating/importing data in our on-premises Dynamics 365 (8.2). I was doing a bulk update of over 3000 records by exporting the records to an Excel workbook, updating the data in a specific column, then importing the workbook back into CRM. It worked for all of the records except 14 of them, which according to the import log was for the reason that "You cannot import data to this record because the record was updated in Microsoft Dynamics 365 after it was exported." I looked at the Audit History of those 14 records, and find that they have not been modified in any way for a good two months. Strangely, the modified date of the most recent Audit History entry for ALL 14 records is the exact same date/time.
We have a custom workflow that runs once every 24 hours on a schedule that automatically updates the Age field of our Contact records based on the value in the respective Birthday field. For these 14 records, ALL of them have a birthday of November 3rd, but in different years. What that means though is that the last modification that was done to them was on 11/3/2019 via the workflow. However, I cannot understand why the system "thinks" that this should prevent a data update/import.
I am happy to provide any additional information that I may have forgotten to mention here. Can anyone help me, please?
While I was not able to discover why the records would not update, I was able to resolve the issue. Before I share what I did to update the records, I will try and list as many things as I can remember that I tried that did not work:
I reworked my Advanced Find query that I was using to export the records that needed updated to return ONLY those records that had actual updates. Previously, I used a more forgiving query that returned about 30 or so records, even though I knew that only 14 of them had new data to import. I did so because the query was easier to construct, and it was no big deal to remove the "extra" records from the workbook before uploading it for import. I would write a VLOOKUP for the 30-something records, and remove the columns for which the VLOOKUP didn't find a value in my dataset, leaving me with the 14 that did have new data. After getting the error a few times, I started to ensure that I only exported the 14 records that needed to be updated. However, I still got the error when trying to import.
I tried formatting the (Do Not Modify) Modified On column in the exported workbook to match the date format in the import window. On export of the records, Excel was formatting this column as m/d/yyyy h:mm while the import window with the details on each successful and failed import showed this column in mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss format. I thought maybe if I matched the format in Excel to the import window format it might allow the records to import. It did not.
I tried using some Checksum verification tool to ensure that the value in the (Do Not Modify) Checksum column in the workbook wasn't being written incorrectly or in an invalid format. While the tool I used didn't actually give me much useful information, it did recognize that the values were checksum hashes, so I supposed that was helpful enough for my purposes.
I tried switching my browser from the new Edge browser (the one that uses Chromium) to just IE as suggested on the thread provided by Arun. However, it did not resolve the issue.
What ended up working in the end was Arun's suggestion to just do some arbitrary edit to all the records and exporting them afterward. This was okay to do for just 14 records, but I'm still slightly vexed as this wouldn't really be a feasible solution of it were, say, a thousand records that were not importing. There was no field that ALL 14 Contact records had in common that I could just bulk edit, and bulk edit back again. What I ended up doing was finding a text field on the Contact Form that did not have any value in it for any of the records, putting something in that field, then going to each record in turn and removing the value (since I don't know of a way to "blank out" or clear a text field while bulk editing. Again, this was okay for such a small number of records, but if it were to happen on a larger number, I would have to come up with an easier way to bulk edit and then bulk "restore" the records. Thanks to Arun for the helpful insights, and for taking the time to answer. It is highly appreciated!
When you first do an import of an entity (contacts for example) you see that your imported excel contains 3 hidden columns (Do Not Modify) Contact, (Do Not Modify) Row Checksum, (Do Not Modify) Modified On.
When you want to create new instances of the entity, just edit the records and clear the content of the 3 hidden colums.
This error will happen when there is a checksum difference or rowversion differs from the exported record vs the record in database.
Try to do some dummy edit for those affected records & try to export/reimport again.
I could think of two reasons - either the datetime format confusing the system :( or the the community thread explains a weird scenario.
Apparently when importing the file, amending and then saving as a different file type alters the spreadsheet's parameters.
I hence used Internet Explorer since when importing the file, the system asks the user to save as a different format. I added .xlsx at the end to save it as the required format. I amended the file and imported it back to CRM..It worked
For me it turned out to be a different CRM time zone setting for the exporter and importer. Unfortunately this setting doesn't seem to be able to be changed by an administrator via the user interface.
The setting is available for each user under File->Options->Time Zone.

Google sheets time formatting won't work for me

I'm rather new to google sheets, and I'm trying to make a timesheet that will calculate hours and minutes automatically. The problem I'm facing is that the formula always returns a "#VALUE!"-error because "23:15 is a text and cannot be coerced to a number".
I've formatted the cells to time, but it won't recognize the input as hours and minutes. What am I doing wrong here?
It happened to me too, I discovered that you have to change the location:
File > Spreadsheet Setting > Locale > United Kingdom
you will see that now you can type your time correctly with the ":"
Try going to Format, Number, More Formats, More Date time formats.Select Hour Minute (13:30). Apply this format to all columns (or cells) involved in the calculation.
Here is a copy of my test spreadsheet. I can't get yours to work(?), but this does:
It is set to your country.

Calculate Value For Dates Between

A few references:
Microsoft's documentation on DATESBETWEEN.
Somewhat similar question, though the answer and derivatives of the formula don't return the correct results.
Microsoft's documentation on TODAY
Per the above Microsoft documentation, I'm trying to get a calculation for the last three months based on today's current date in SSAS Tabular model. First, I have no idea how to use SSAS and my company doesn't provide any learning material, so I've been reading through the MSDN documentation, which may not be the place to start, so if this is wrong, I'd appreciate being told so. For instance, with C# or Ruby, I can test code in a console to see if I get the result that I want, and I don't see how I can do that in SSAS Data Tools' DAX language - this is a GUI which gives users very little power over what they can do (it took me four hours to figure out how to access a dimension's properties). I am definitely a code monkey.
I tried using the below formula (and derivatives of it) because this is what it looks like Microsoft is doing in their example:
The result, nothing. Of course, if I run similar SQL logic, I get the right results. I also used the provided SO example, though I suspect that's not exactly what I'm trying to achieve, and only obtained blanks as answers. Given that I need to calculate a formula between a certain time frame, which in SQL would be the WHERE clause, how do I translate this into DAX? In other words, what is DAX's WHERE and if CALCULATE isn't right, what's the correct approach?
When you say it isn't working, how do you mean? The formula you are using refers to your date dimension's key as the starting date for your DATESBETWEEN function - this means if you are expecting the measure to populate a value, you'll need to be using a particular date in your pivot to establish context.
If you are trying to view the measure at design time, in the editor, there is no context so the measure wont populate.
Moreover, if in a pivot you're looking at a time context that includes more than one date, that also will not work. So say you are looking at a month, or a quarter. Both of these encompass what amount to multiple DateDimension[Date]'s - so again context cannot be established.
so to recap - measures which look at date ranges like DATESBETWEEN using a starting time context that is set to your dimensions time key will only show up in a pivot when the pivots data is filtered to a single date.
You can test this using the same function, but hard set the starting date by replacing DateDimension[Date] with a static date (or possibly TODAY()). The measure should show up in design time because the formula has all the information it needs to complete the calculation.
