Can't open projects in Visual Studio 2015 - visual-studio

First timer here, very new to SQL and Visual Studio. I'm not able to open any projects/solution in VS 2015 community edition. I'm getting a following error:
This version of Visual Studio is unable to open the following projects. The project types may not be installed or this version of Visual Studio may not support them.
These reports were created in VS 2015, so I know they are compatible. Like I said I'm very new at this. I realize my question is quite vague but any help would be greatly appreciated!


Migration from visual studio from 2005 to 2015

I am trying to migrate legacy code, consisting of thousand of lines code from visual studio 2005 to visual studio 2015.We have searched all over the internet but haven't found any useful resource.Can anyone please help us regarding this??
May be it will help you:
According to article "Many widely used assets behave the same in Visual Studio 2015, Visual Studio 2013 and the two earlier versions". You may need convert to VS2012 and use it in VS2015.
Did you test this: github?
In the internet there are some articles migrate for example: VS2005 to VS2008 and VS2008 to VS2012. Try to use 2 step conversions.
The best way to manually migrate: create empty project in VS2012, move your files from the old projects

How To Convert Visual Studio 2010 project to Visual Studio 2015

I have a project from VS Studio 2010 that I want to work with in VS 2015. When I start this Project with VS 2015 I receive an error saying something like "compatibility-Error (Version)".
How can I successfully convert a Visual Studio 2010 project to use with Visual Studio 2015?
Without you going into any more detail about the actual error. (error numbers / screenshot) it will be very hard for any of us to give a real answer. Therefore I am going to suggest you take a look at Troubleshooting Unsuccessful Project Upgrades.
Something else to check out might be the Porting, Migrating, and Upgrading Visual Studio Projects guide
One of the key things mentioned in the 2nd link I provided is:
The following list describes support in Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio 2013 for projects that were created in Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2010 SP
Therefore I'd recommend upgrading the 2010 version to SP1 first. (if this is still installed that is)
One further thing to note is that if you keep the old version of Visual studio installed you can import a project which is made with an older version and skip the update. Visual studio 2015 will then use parts of the older version itself to open the project.
For details you can read How to: Upgrade Visual C++ Projects to Visual Studio 2015 page and the equally useful Installing Visual Studio Versions Side-by-Side page.
It appears that there are issues when moving from VS 2010.Net to VS 2015.Net and may require that you build the project from scratch and copy the code over. VS 2015 requires a Namespace. There are a number of designer issues on control that require the style page be used since various attributes have been removed. Something still, however, do work but you need to review the HTML, specifically things like Font and alignment. While it's a pain it isn't a big deal since it requires mostly cut and paste.
If you are having issues converting web projects the projects may have originally been created as a "web site" rather than a "web Project" . Try opening the application as a web site and see what happens. At least that may help get you to the point you can actually get to the code to convert it in VS 2015. Hope this helps.
Try to Right-click the solution, then select "Re-target solution".

Visual Studio - Using different versions for the same project

I recently started a new job, and got a machine with Visual Studio 2013 Proffesional installed. This would be great, except the colleague that I'm working with is using Visual Studio 2010. As far as I know, there is no way to work on the same project (or solution), without having quite a lot of issues, is this correct?
And if so, is it still possible to download Visual Studio 2010 (from a reliable source)? I cannot seem to find it anywhere in my MSDN subscriber downloads. All I can find is a stuff like service packs, tools, etc. Did they terminate the support of it?
You work on visual studio 2013 but there are option to select which version of visual studio you want select 2010 and run your project.
You should be able to open Visual Studio 2013 solutions in 2010, if you install Visual Studio 2010 SP1. There is a possibility that some project types won't be supported, but the solution should open.

Migrating report app from Visual Studio 2008 to Visual Studio 2013

I have looked through a several forums and cannot find an answer to my specific question so don't hurt me if I have asked something that has been answered before. I have a SSRS report project that was created in Visual Studio 2005 (then upgraded to 2008) before my time at my company and i need to upgrade it to 2013 Visual studio. I know normally you just open the file and use the migration wizard, however i get an error because my Visual Studio 2013 does not recognize the .rptproj file and thus does not fully migrate the solution. I have a copy of VS Shell 2010 that was able to upgrade it to 2010 but this did not help me to migrate it to 2013. Is there a way i can migrate this over without having to buy more copies of VS to do a stair step migration?
You can first check if the Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools - Business Intelligence for Visual Studio 2013 module is installed on your computer.

VS 2013 Express for Desktop wont open vcxproj project files

I am trying to open the Direct3D Tutorial Win32 Samples with VS 2013 Express for Windows Desktop. To my surprise it claims that the individuals projects in the solution each cannot be opened because their project types (.vcxproj) are not supported by this version of the application.
Does anyone know why the vcxproj files cannot be opened, or how I could diagnose and repair the root cause of the problem?
Edit: I can also not open the vcxproj files in Mike Farnsworth's Rayito project.
It means that the projects were created in another version of Visual Studio.
Try to upgrade the current Visual Studio tools by selecting the Project menu or right-click the solution, and then selecting Upgrade Solution.
Alternatively you could use Visual Studio 2012 Express Edition to see if that resolves the problem.
Windows Dev Center indicates that Visual Studio 2012 is required.
Hope this helps
Neither of the other answers seemed to help.
I uninstalled visual studio. I uninstalled SQL server. I reinstalled visual studio. Now it loads C++ projects correctly.
I understand a previous install of visual studio can cause the problem I was having. Apparently so can installing SQL server Express prior to installing Visual Studio 2013 Express.
