Specify key for many-to-many relationship in go-pg ORM - go

I have these 2 models with many-to-many relationship:
type Person struct {
tableName struct{} `sql:"person"`
UUID string `sql:"person_uuid,pk"`
ContactDatas []ContactData `pg:",many2many:person_contact_data,joinFK:"`
type ContactData struct {
tableName struct{} `sql:"contact_data"`
UUID string `sql:"contact_data_uuid,pk"`
And model for person_contact_data table is:
type PersonContactData struct {
tableName struct{} `sql:"person_contact_data"`
PersonUUID string `sql:"person_uuid"`
ContactDataUUID string `sql:"contact_data_uuid"`
If joinFK in ContactDatas struct tag is empty go-pg adds underscore under the hood, so generated SQL part looks like this: WHERE ("contact_data"."contact_data_uuid" = person_contact_data."_contact_data_uuid").
Is there a way to specify joining keys completely manual?

I was using version 5. In latest version this was fixed, now you can specify full joining keys:
type Person struct {
tableName struct{} `sql:"person"`
UUID string `sql:"person_uuid,pk"`
ContactDatas []ContactData `pg:",many2many:person_contact_data,fk:person_uuid,joinFK:contact_data_uuid"`


Gorm 2, Golang, Auto migrate table with foreign key

import "gorm.io/gorm"
type Object struct {
ObjectId string `gorm:"primary_key"`
ListItems []ListItem `gorm:"foreignKey:ObjectId;references:ObjectId"`
type ListItem struct {
ObjectId string
Data string
I define two objects, then try to auto migrate following the guide
db.Migrator().CreateConstraint(&Object{}, "ListItems")
db.Migrator().CreateConstraint(&Object{}, "fk_object_list_items")
db.AutoMigrate(&Object{}, &ListItem{})
Fails with
ERROR: there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "blobber_ch
I can't find any examples for this. I tried different permutations of everything.
I suspect the foreign key in the migration does not match the foreign key in the model.
You have two primary_key for Object struct as gorm.Model already have one:
ID uint `gorm:"primarykey"`
You have two otpions : not to use gorm.Model or get rid of ObjectId primary_key and clean references:ObjectId from gorm annotation.
type Object struct {
ObjectId string
ListItems []ListItem `gorm:"foreignKey:ObjectId;"`
type ListItem struct {
ObjectId string
Data string
db.Migrator().CreateConstraint(&Object{}, "ListItems")
db.Migrator().CreateConstraint(&Object{}, "fk_object_list_items")
db.AutoMigrate(&Object{}, &ListItem{})

How to create an autoincrement ID field

I have a set of employees defined in a JSON-file:
type PrimitiveEmployee struct {
PrimitiveID string `xml:"ID,attr"`
ContractID []string `xml:"ContractID"`
Both ID and ContractID is letters, but they are not necessarily given continuous sequence of letters. For instance, there might exist an employee with PrimitiveID=A and another with PrimitiveID=C, but not an employee with PrimitiveID=B.
I want to convert this data into:
type Employee struct {
ID int
PrimitiveID string
Contracts []Contract
The thing is, I want the the employee-ID to start at 0 and increment with one for each time the struct is initialized. Sort of like a an autoincrement ID in a database or iota in a enum.
The employee with PrimitiveID=A will then automatically be created with ID=0, while the employee with PrimitiveID=C will get ID=1.
I just cant figure out how to solve this in a struct.
Greatly appreciate any help or pointers here.
Create a custom type to manage the unique incrementing ID:
type autoInc struct {
sync.Mutex // ensures autoInc is goroutine-safe
id int
func (a *autoInc) ID() (id int) {
defer a.Unlock()
id = a.id
So you can use it in targeted places or at the package level:
var ai autoInc // global instance
You can then create "constructor" functions to leverage this:
func NewEmployee() *Employee {
return &Employee{
ID: ai.ID(),
Marshaling JSON data to Employee can then be performed and the ID will be preserved - provided the JSON data does not container an ID tag.

Any way to get rid of automated column snake case renaming in GORM?

I'm planning to use GORM with an existing database, therefore I'm creating some models for it. However, I've got one problem - GORM automatically renames all column to lower snake case. I don't really need it, because the database I work with doesn't really use such names. I've found out, that I can use tag
In order to prevent my columns from being renamed. However, it doesn't really seem to be a viable solution for me, because I have a bunch of models with tons of columns. Is there any way to switch off this "renaming" policy from GORM, or to automatically add a tag to all of my models?
My models look like that:
type FOOD_DES struct {
NDB_NO string `gorm:"primary_key"`
Long_Desc string
Shrt_Desc string
ComName string
ManufacName string
Survey string
Ref_desc string
Refuse float32
SciName string
N_Factor float32
Pro_Factor float32
Fat_Factor float32
CHO_Factor float32
From doc:
GORM allows users to change the naming conventions by overriding the
default NamingStrategy which need to implements interface Namer
type Namer interface {
TableName(table string) string
ColumnName(table, column string) string
JoinTableName(table string) string
RelationshipFKName(Relationship) string
CheckerName(table, column string) string
IndexName(table, column string) string
So just implement interface Namer.
And in the old version, you can do like (Ref)
DB: func(name string) string {
return name
Table: func(name string) string {
return name
Column: func(name string) string {
return name

gorm golang one2many same table

I'm trying to create a self-reference in a (my)sql table using golang gorm. At the moment my code looks like this:
type Person struct {
Name string
Children []*Person `gorm:"ForeignKey:ParentID"`
ParentID uint
func main() {
/* code to get database connection omitted */
p := &Person{Name:"Sally"}
children := []*Person{ {Name:"Jane", ParentID:p.ID},
{Name:"Tom", ParentID:p.ID}}
for _, child := range children {
var children2 []*Person
db.Model(p).Related(children2, "ParentID")
The code is failing with an error "reflect.Value.Set using unaddressable value".
Does anybody know how to get this relationship working using go gorm?
Many thanks in advance :)
Fortunately gorm have added lately this feature (reference: here).
In your case should be like this:
type Person struct {
Name string
Children []*Person `gorm:"many2many: children;association_jointable_foreignkey:children_id"`

How to specify a struct with a multi-column unique index for Gorm?

How do I define my structs to specify a multi-column unique index to Gorm in Go?
Such as:
type Something struct {
First string `sql:"unique_index:unique_index_with_second"`
Second string `sql:"unique_index:unique_index_with_first"`
this is how you do it: You need to use the gorm struct tag and specify that the index is unique
type Something struct {
First string `gorm:"index:idx_name,unique"`
Second string `gorm:"index:idx_name,unique"`
You can define same unique index for each column.
type Something struct {
First string `sql:"unique_index:idx_first_second"`
Second string `sql:"unique_index:idx_first_second"`
for latest version of gorm (or for my case)
this works:
type Something struct {
First string `gorm:"uniqueIndex:idx_first_second"`
Second string `gorm:"uniqueIndex:idx_first_second"`
