Cannot access files on FTP server from Azure Data Factory - ftp

I currently have access to a third party's FTP server which, upon login, automatically redirects me to a directory that does not contain the files I am trying to download. ->
My files are in ftp://ftp.fakehost/usefulDir.
This ftp server does not support directory traversal so I cannot get to usefulDir by simply modifying my url. FileZilla works since I can execute specific ftp commands to get to the directory I want.
Can a Data Factory FTP service or dataset be customized to work around this problem since Data Factory cannot access the usefulDir directly ?

Please correct me if I doesn't understand your question correctly. Have you tried create a dataset and manually put the usefulDir in folderPath property directly, instead of using the Authoring UI to navigate to that folder (which is not possible based on your description.)


How to extract files from Qlik Sense website

I have executed this code in the Qlik website app
FROM [lib://DataFiles/orgFile.xlsx]
(ooxml, embedded labels, table is sheet1);
Store * from myTableinto [lib://DataFiles/transFile.qvd];
The qvd file is stored in the DataFiles web folder but I don't know how to reach it. I whould like to download de qvd file or save it in C:/somefolder
DataFiles is the name of a data connection. If you have the right permissions (edit data connections in the Hub and/or read data connection in QMC) you can see the connection string. The connection will be the path (local or network) where the qvds will be stored.
The path of all folder data connections is from the point of view of Qlik. If new data connection is created with path C:/some-folder then this path will be actually pointing to the C: on the server where the reload is being performed.
Folder data connections can be set to network path as well. The only "condition" is Qlik to be able to access the network path. Technically you can create folder on your machine and share it and then create data connection (or edit an existing one) to write the qvd files there. The obvious downside is that if your machine is offline then any apps, relying on this data connection, can't be reloaded.
Probably the easiest approach, in your case, is to find the connection string of DataFiles data connection.
If you have access to QMC (and have the correct permissions there) you can see the connection string:
If you have the edit data connection permissions you can find the path by trying to edit the data connection itself:
P.S. And again ... the connection path is from Qlik's point of view. So in my example C:/QlikData/Apps folder is actually on the QS server itself and not my machine.

Is there a way to list files in an FTP directory that only anonymous has access to?

Admittedly this question I'm asking is just to assist me in an argument I've been scheduled to have with a client.
Our Dev's who reside in another country have an FTP server which has mostly full public access available to all anonymous users, this to simplify the acquisition of new documents and updates for users of the application.
One directory in specific, let's call it updates, actually houses all the new updates but does not grant a directory list to anonymous users due to Access restrictions, so if you try to list the files in the directory using an FTP client, you're met with the generic response:
550 Access is denied.
Failed to retrieve directory listing
However, if you have the exact URL for a file available to the anonymous users in that directory e.g. you can very easily download that file without issue.
My question comes in that I have a client who is somehow monitoring that directory as an anonymous user and knows when a new file (which anonymous has access to) becomes available in that directory and then immediately downloads it. This directly affects their application as often times files are dropped there by Devs during QA and they're not officially available as we've not yet sent out notice of the change log and URL.
So my question is, how exactly is this client doing this? How is he able to list files that anonymous has access to, in a directory which does not list it's files to anonymous users?

how to delete file from the server after downloading it ?or how can i store the file to client machine directly from output stream?

am using liferay custom portlet and in that am using jasper report now my problem is that how can i download the pdf report directly on the client machine
right now am storing the file at server first.then provide url for downloading the pdf to user.but how can i directly store the file to client machine if i have pdf file's outputstream .
ot if i can know some how when user click on the download link and after downloading the file if i want to delete the donlowded file from the server then how can i do it.?if any one can guide me...
I'm not sure what you're asking for is possible, but I would be interested in seeing someone correct that statement though.
Servers really shouldn't be directly storing files on a client machine as that violates the intent of the client server relationship. A client has to make a request for the file and then the client can save that file (eg like a ftp download). Servers just don't manipulate client machines as they see fit.
As far as knowing when a file is downloaded, there isn't anything in a portlet you can do to detect that. You can use ResourceRequest and serveResource method to serve a file, but nothing in the portlet API will inform your portlet that the download is complete or that it wasn't interrupted by something.
As an alternative you might try simply having a cron job that will clean out old files. In this case, make sure to inform users how long they have to successfully download the file.

generate a CSV file in salesforce and transfer this into another server

I have generated a XML file in Salesforce and now my problem is that i want to transfer this file into another server. Can i connect to another server using FTP, or is there any way out to transfer the file to another server.
This is an urgent task.
Any solutions wud be greatfully accepted.
Phaniraj N
You can't FTP out, where do you store the file in Salesforce? What's the server on the other end?
You could serve the file up as a public page over sites, call a custom web service to transfer it, implement a web service to serve up the file, use data loader to extract from Salesforce on a regular basis and then a batch to upload to the other server, the list goes on but we'll need a bit more information on what you're dealing with!

How to receive a specific file thru BizTalk FTP receive port

My orchestration receives a message that contains a file name and I want to pick that file from my FTP. I can configure FTP receive port to receive all files from some folder in the FTP, but how do I receive a file with specific name?
The process looks like
I would rather recommend your solution of writing a custom .NET component which will fetch the file from FTP location (you can call that component from your expression shape).
Dynamically creating Receive Ports/Receive locations and later removing them won't scale and possibly will get you into serious trouble.
I'm not sure if this link helps - specifically the CreateFtpReceiveLocation method - i.e. programatically adding a receive location (pseudo dynamic receive location).
You would also need to remove the location afterwards. I'm guessing that you can also set the FileMask on the Transport Properties of the 'dynamic' Location to the filename in the Custom Props of the TransportTypeData, and would need to remove the Location once you are done with the file.
