intellij idea duplicated classes in Libraries - gradle

I have Project where is included several modules.
each module has its own build.gradle file, where is dependencies for it's module.
my main problem:
for example i have module-one and module-two, each of them has it own build.gradle where is same .jar libraries but different versions.
when building application, into each modules Library are both dependency classes both versions and getting error because of application trying to call function(from version 1.1) but i need from version 1.2
please explain how can i fix it, to don't mix up Libraries within modules.


Itext7 Jars not loading in properly to javafx project

I've got this dependency in my pom.xml
And in my file I have the following
requires transitive kernel;
which produces the following warning, "Name of automatic module 'kernel' is unstable, it is derived from the module's file name."
What can I do to get rid of this warning?
I tried changing it to
requires transitive com.itextpdf.kernel;
but then I get the following error, "com.itextpdf.kernel cannot be resolved to a module"
I tried a bunch of other similar lines of code but nothing worked. What can I change the code to in order to remove the error/warning?
itext7 currently isn't modular.
You can contact the developers and ask them to make it modular.
In the meantime, complex, non-modular systems like this are difficult to use from a modular project. Even if you get that to work via the automatic module system or hacking in module info via something like moditect, it pretty much destroys any potential benefit of the project being modular, and it runs the software in a way it was never designed to work.
So, make your project non-modular:
remove the from your project.
source the javafx modules using either:
VM arguments pointing adding them to the module path OR
from a JRE/JDK distribution that includes them, e.g. BellSoft Liberica "Full JDK" or Azul Zulu "JDK FX".
For further instructions on working with non-modular JavaFX projects, see the getting started documentation at:
I am not sure what "not modular" means but how can that be true if the itext7 website gives maven dependencies to incorporate into your pom.xml?
Non-modular means that you don't define a in your project.
Read understanding modules and the documentation I linked at to understand the basics of the JavaFX module system and how it can be used in a JavaFX application.
Maven modules and Java Platform modules are different things, they have the same name "module" but one is a build-time definition and the other is a runtime definition. Also, a maven dependency is just a dependency, it is not a Maven module or a Java Platform module. Though you can depend on artifacts built by a maven module and you can execute those artifacts through the Java Platform module system (if they are compatible with it).
itext7 is not built as a Java Platform module. The software has no and it does not define an automatic module name for itself either. Given that your software is depending on non-modular software, your software should not be modular either (in my opinion).

How to add project dependencies to specific platform targets created by the `kotlin-multiplatform` plugin?

Previously, building multiplatform projects using Gradle relied on separate Gradle plugins per targeted platform: kotlin-platform-common, kotlin-platform-js, and kotlin-platform-jvm.
Starting from Kotlin 1.3, this is now unified using one kotlin-multiplatform plugin. The current documentation specifies how to set up multiplatform projects using this approach.
However, in my project I have multiple multiplatform projects with some dependencies between them. With the old multiplatform configuration, each different platform is a separate module and adding dependencies between projects required adding project references in each platform-specific module to corresponding modules in the other project: e.g., project(':some-library:some-library-js') to add a dependency to the JS module from within another JS module.
While migrating to the new multiplatform configuration, I now need to add a dependency from a project configured using the old configuration method to a project configured using the new kotlin-multiplatform plugin.
Given that platform-specific modules are now specified and managed by the new plugin, how do I go about this?
I'm not certain whether the following approach is the recommended method, or I overlooked any potential issues, but my projects compile and all tests pass.
In Gradle, you can add dependencies to specific project configurations:
dependencies {
implementation project(path: ':some-library', configuration: 'configName')
By trial and error I figured out that specifying the following configuration dependencies per platform module type works:
common: configuration: 'archives'. Without this, Gradle configuration fails as code dependencies are not found.
Without the following, compilation fails:
jvm: configuration: 'jvmDefault'
js: configuration: 'jsDefault'
For example, for the JS module as specified in the question:
dependencies {
implementation project(path: ':some-library', configuration: 'jsDefault')
Basically, you don't need to specify the platform in project-to-project dependencies involving Kotlin Muiltiplatform projects. The Kotlin plugin sets up dependency resolution in a way that Gradle will choose the appropriate target's artifacts automatically.
So, for example, in a Kotlin/JVM single-target project, you can just use a project("...") dependency on a Multiplatform project:
dependencies {
If :multiplatform-library has a JVM target, this dependency will get resolved to the JVM target's artifact. Otherwise, you will encounter a dependency resolution failure with candidate configurartions listed.
This is described in the Kotlin reference, Building Multiplatform Projects with Gradle – Adding Dependencies, but is applicable to single-platform projects, too:
<...> a project('...') dependency on another multiplatform project is resolved to an appropriate target automatically. It is enough to specify a single project('...') dependency in a source set's dependencies, and the compilations that include the source set will receive a corresponding platform-specific artifact of that project, given that it has a compatible target.
If this does not happen for you, please post the specific dependency resolution failure log, or file an issue at

Kotlin Modules with Gradle Multi-Project

Kotlin got rid of package level visibility for module level visibility. I think that was a great idea, except it's difficult to get multiple Kotlin modules working in a Gradle multi-project setup.
I'm using Gradle Wrapper 3.1, with Android Studio 2.2 and Kotlin 1.0.4
Here is my structure:
----myapp (android application)
----lib (android library)
----commons (android library)
// myapp/build.gradle
dependencies {
compile project(':lib')
// lib/build.gradle
dependencies {
compile project(':commons')
When I try to sync or build I get the following error:
Error:A problem occurred configuring project ':lib'.
Cannot change dependencies of configuration ':lib:default' after it has been included in dependency resolution.
The only thing that has worked is to make sure that the module names have a lexical order that matches the order they need to be built in, which is ridiculous, and not a proper solution.
I know I can publish lib and commons as artifacts, but I'd really prefer to not do that.
Anyone have any suggestions?

How do I prevent Gradle from exporting a dependency?

I have two Android apps that share a subproject. The build.gradle in the subproject contains a dependency like this:
dependencies {
compile "my.library.dependency:${version}"
What I'd like is to use this dependency at compile time, but not runtime. This is because the two apps need to link against slightly different versions of the dependency (same API).
The Gradle docs describe dependency configurations like this:
compile The dependencies required to compile the production source of
the project.
runtime The dependencies required by the production classes at
runtime. By default, also includes the compile time dependencies.
If runtime also includes compile dependencies, does this mean the library is exported from the subproject to the parent projects (and included in my apk)? If so, how do I prevent this? I assume it's possible because it says "by default".
Thanks in advance...
It's not clear if your subproject is using the android-library plugin, but if it is, v0.8 has added a provided scope -- see
This should work:
dependencies {
provided "my.library.dependency:${version}"
If you upgrade to 0.8 of the plugin, you'll need to run Gradle 1.10 (update if you're using the wrapper), and if you're using Android Studio, upgrade to 0.4.3.

How do I gradually migrate Netbeans wrappers of OSGi modules to direct dependencies on the OSGi modules for a Maven built, Netbeans 7.1 RCP?

We have a Maven built Netbeans 7.1 rcp application that successfully mixes OSGi modules (packaging: bundle) and Netbeans modules (packaging: nbm) by wrapping the OSGi modules in Netbeans module wrappers. We want to migrate from using these wrappers to using the OSGi modules directly to simplify the build. There are around 30 wrapper, osgi module pairs and I would like to tackle the removal of the wrappers, one module pair at a time.
However when we replace a specific wrapper dependency with its osgi dependency in a modules pom that depends on it, and use the
in the nbm-maven-plugin configuration. Any other dependencies to other wrappers suddenly fail to build with transitive dependencies not available at runtime error.
Project uses classes from transitive module [xxx] which will not be accessible at runtime.
-- where [xxx] is the name of the OSGi module.
Of course I can fix the build by replacing the wrapper dependencies with the OSGi modules they were wrapping, but that escalates the size of the migration task considerably.
Once Ive got a build by "fixing" these transient dependencies the OSGi module that I picked to migrate appears successfully in a new cluster “extra”.
But at runtime the rcp fails to find the other osgi modules because, I guess, elsewhere in the build, they are still being referenced through wrappers.
Is there any way these wrappers and direct OSGi dependencies can co-exist? Or do I have to migrate all of the Netbeans wrappers to OSGi in one go?
Many thanks,
Phil Wilkinson.
Looks like theres no way to do this one wrapper at a time, its all-or-nothing with useOSGiDependencies. :(
You can change them to useOSGiDependencies=true one module at a time.
A detailed step-by-step guide would probably be too long for an answer, so here are some general rules for this to work:
Use nbm-maven-plugin version >= 3.11. Lower version has some bugs.
NBM wrapper's OpenIDE-Module & OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version must match the wrapped bundle's Bundle-SymbolicName & Bundle-Version respectively.
If the bundle has package versioning, that has to be copied into the NBM wrapper's MANIFEST.MF as Netigso-Export-Package.
