silent installation when there is space in the folder name - installation

I want to run silent setup from cmd, this works fine:
C:\SomeFolder\AnotherFolder>setup /s /v/qn /vINSTALLDIR="D:\targetFolder"
but when I try to install to target folder with spaces ike D:\target Folder it doesn't work.
I tried
C:\SomeFolder\AnotherFolder>setup /s /v"/qn /vINSTALLDIR="D:\target Folder""
but it doesn't do nothing

See this link, Istead of this command:
C:\SomeFolder\AnotherFolder>setup /s /v/qn /vINSTALLDIR="D:\targetFolder"
Give this a try:
C:\SomeFolder\AnotherFolder>setup /s /v"/qn INSTALLDIR=\"D:\target Folder\""


While deleting folder in Window OS it shows error : THE FOLDER IS DOESN’T EXIST

For Example :
suppose I have a directory like "C:\Users\user\Downloads\Compressed\Developing Android Apps Videos"
Now while deleting "Developing Android Apps Videos" folder, If an error popped up with this message that "FOLDER DOESN'T EXIST", How to fix such issue ???
you have to follow this steps to solve this issue:
open cmd administration
enter command -> cd /d C:\Users\MK\Downloads\Compressed\Developing Android Apps Videos
enter command -> dir /x
After the 3rd step, you can see some folder name and you need to use that name for 5th step.
enter command -> rmdir /q /s enter-folder-name
Hopefully, this could help you and please find an attachment for the exact process.
Thank you
You can try below command also.
1.Open command prompt
2.Run below command
RD /S /Q pathOfTheFolder
ex: RD /S /Q C:\Users\Me\Documents\NewFolder
/S- Delete all sub folders and files. So once you delete any folder, all files and folders with in that folder will be deleted
/Q - Doesn't show Yes/No confirmation dialog box before deleting files are folders.

TortoiseSVN client-side hooks in project properties (delete cache files)

I have several php-projects under SVN control. I want to delete compiled php-template files after update on the client side; these files are located in ./tmp/smarty/compile folder. So using windows command line I can do this using
del /Q path_to_my_project\tmp\smarty\compile
If I run this command in cmd.exe all files are successfully deleted.
using projects properties tsvn:postupdatehook I should use %REPOROOT% placeholder for project path. so my command becomes:
del /Q %REPOROOT%\tmp\smarty\compile
del is the cmd.exe command, so I need to run cmd.exe first and then run desired command. so finally my hook command looks like:
cmd.exe /c del /Q %REPOROOT%\tmp\smarty\compile
when I run this using Win+R (with reporoot changed to full path) it works fine too.
Then I put this line to SVN properties (I should replace \ slashes to /, overwise SNV returns http-path to repository, not local path), and try to update project. TortoiseSVN asks me if I want to run hook:
cmd.exe /c del /Q D:\_projects\webCakePHP\.....\tmp\smarty\compile
So here reporoot is successfully translated to correct working copy path.
Everything looks fine, but when I run this hook, it successfully deletes files in tmp\smarty\compile but it also deletes all files from working copy dir.
the question is, what am I doing wrong, and how to delete files after update right way.
I've tried to put quotes some ways but it doesn't delete enything at all or says that there is no such directory.
as an alternate solution to my question, i've created .bat file in %REPOROOT%/bin folder, which deletes files:
pushd %~dp0..\tmp\smarty\compile
del /Q *
and my hook cmd string is %REPOROOT%/bin/clearCache.bat.
this is not exact answer to my question because it requires bat-file creation and isn't one-line hook.

Deleting entire folder in Visual Studio Post-build event

I'm trying to delete a folder in my output directory using the following command line:
del /F "$(TargetDir)Content\"
Tho I always end up exiting with error code 1. I've tried several different ways, without /F, with/without slash both before and after, etc.
Error 1 The command "del /F "E:\proj\bin\Windows\Debug\Content\"" exited with code 1.
There are a lot of questions regarding deleting files in post-build event command lines in visual studio, which works fine, but I can't seem to delete a folder without getting code 1.
Any help is appreciated!
RD /S /Q "Full Path of Folder"
In your case:
RD /S /Q "$(TargetDir)Content\"
Browse to the same folder using Command Prompt, and then run that command and see what the actual error is. Might be permissions or something is in use.

CMD: Wild card for all folder and sub folder

I am trying to use a cmd command for all folder and its subfolder.
cacls "F:\Testing\*" /e /c /d %username%
all the folders and files in Testing are affected but the sub folders of those affected folder
are not affected by the command.
I also try
cacls "F:\Testing\*\*" /e /c /d %username%
but it does not work either.
Is there any wildcard that work for all sub-sub-... folders?
I've never used the CACLS command, but the built in help (cacls /?) indicates you want the /T option.
/T Changes ACLs of specified files in
the current directory and all subdirectories.
Whenever you have a question on how to use a Windows console command, you should always first check the built in help. Nearly all commands support the /? option to display help.

Impossible to delete folder Windows 7

I have a folder (cygwin) in my Program Files directory that can not be deleted. I am the administrator, and also the system administrator and still cannot delete the folder. I have tried deleting it with the command prompt (running it as administrator) and still cannot delete the folder. Is there any super be-all end-all way to delete this folder?
try to do this in cmd:
go to the cd where the folder is (example desktop)
cd desktop
attrib -s -h -r cygwin
cacls cygwin /e /c /g %username%:f
after that go to the cd were the folder his and try this
cd cygwin
del *.* /s /q
rd cygwin /s /q
I hope it works!
It's not clear whether what methods you've already used, but perhaps from an administrator command prompt you could try running "rd /s" on it? This would remove any subdirectories and files that might be hidden or set as system files that would otherwise prevent a delete.
I had the same issue, the folder was owned by a user that is not on my system. I don't claim to understand how that happened, but here is how I was able to finally remove the files.
First I had broken my cygwin install with previous delete commands, so I actually re-installed enough packages to have the terminal again. Then launched the terminal with administrator privileges and from cygwin prompt ran:
cd /cygdrive/c
chown -R `whoami` cygwin
This gave my current windows user the permissions to the folder and I was able to delete.
