IBM HTTP SERVER Configuration for WAS Liberty plugin - websphere-liberty

I have installed IBM HTTP server 8.5 version, I have to configure my WebSphere application Liberty plugin files,
I have followed as per IBM Guidelines for the same. but I got exception while start the server.
environment : windows 2012 R2, WAS Liberty with MFP8.0
Please advice me

Looks like you didn't load the WebSphere Plug-in apache module in httpd.conf w/ the LoadModule directive. That's nearly step 1.
Since the WebSpherePluginConfig directive is provided by the WAS WebServer Plug-in module, the error you showed is the first sign that you've got a problem.
One quick way to do the basic setup for IHS w/ liberty, in IHS V9, is to run the "simplepct.bat" scrpt in the bin/ directory. Otherwise, follow the instructions in the Liberty manual.


Liberty Profile and MQ version conflict

I currently have an environment where I am trying to get a Liberty Profile v8.5.5.9(using Java 7) to utilize a WebSphere MQ v9.0.3(using Java 8). These two are on the same box, the server.xml is configured correctly, but I'm getting a namespace error when I'm trying to do a direct client connection.
I'm just trying to rule out if there's a problem using these two versions together that would cause a JNDI problem.
There apparently is a conflict between the two environments. Once I removed 9.0.3 and installed 7.5(MQ) it now works.

VisualVM on new 64-bit laptop with JDK7 can't connect to JMX agent

I have a Spring app that runs fine on WebLogic 10.3.x on my old Win7-32bit laptop with JDK 1.6. I can make a local connection to the app from VisualVM and view JMX properties and execute JMX methods.
I'm now setting up a new Win7-64bit laptop, with JDK 1.7 and WebLogic The app itself works almost without change (I had to add some package overrides in the weblogic-application.xml).
However, when I installed VisualVM (1.3.7) and installed all of the relevant plugins, I can connect to the process, but when I try to open the MBeans tab, it says:
Data not available because JMX connection to the JMX agent could not be established.
There's nothing useful in the VisualVM log. I don't have quick access to the old laptop right now. Is there perhaps a WebLogic command-line option I need in order to allow JMX connections?
I've resolved this. It simply requires setting the "" system property on the JVMs I want to target. Curiously, I found an Oracle docs page that talks about this property, and it says it's not necessary to set this anymore. My experience conflicts with that.

IBM Worklight 6.0 - Deployed application is available in all Worklight Consoles

I have installed IBM Worklight Server 6.0 in WAS 8.0.
I have deployed a projectA.war & projectB.war via ant script and I can access both the console with the different context root.
The problem I am facing here is, I have deployed the appA.wlapp in projectA.war via the Worklight console, the same application is available when I access the projectB.war console.
Can anyone help me to find the solution?
My only guess right now is that there is a mutual database for both projects so you see the same app in both consoles (and that too only happens w/out an error because maybe the different .war files have identical authenticationConfig.xml settings).
That is, the same database configuration is used for both projects; This configuration is either:
Part of the .war files that you deploy (in, or
Something that you configure in the Ant task script used to deploy the .war files, or
Some configuration in the application server hosting the .war files.
See documentation:

MQSeries CSIException: JMSCS0002 but classpath looks ok for commonservices

In trying to connect from an MQSeries 7.5 client to a 7.5 local server I'm getting a CSIException: JMSCS0002 which when I look up the error in the IBM codes says:
The call could not be completed because CommonServices has not been initialized.
CommonServices is an internal component and needs to be initialized at startup but has failed.
Check that the installation and classpath setup is correct.
But both my compile and run classpaths include,, and
I'm was using Oracle JDK 1.6. I tried using the WS MQ java but it made no difference.
Any help appreciated. Thanks.
Caused by: JMSCS0002
I had been using jar files from an uninstalled MQSeries 7.5 Client because I wanted to make sure that the functionality I was using would work just with the jars provided by the free client license. According to IBM documentation taking uninstalled jars is problematic.
When I switched to the jars from the installed server trial then things works ok.

Using Spring Insight with Tomcat 6

I want to use Spring Insight with Tomcat 6. I cant use TC server because of reasons beyond my control. So I am looking at integrating Spring Insight with Tomcat 6. Has any one worked on this before or can any one point me to any documentation.
Insight Developer (the free product) comes in two form, packaged with tc Server Developer and packaged with STS. Neither option will provide an easy mechanism for installing Insight into Tomcat. I'm not saying that it can't be done, there is just no simple way to do it.
If you really want to run Insight on Tomcat then you are going to need to do some work. Here are the rough steps that you'll need to do.
Download vFabric tc Server Developer
Create a vFabric tc Server instance which has Insight enabled.
Download the latest Apache Tomcat 6.0.x or 7.0.x
Copy the following files & folders from the tc Server instance w/Insight
Edit conf/server.xml and add the following Valve to the Engine block.
<Valve className="com.springsource.insight.collection.tcserver.request.HttpRequestOperationCollectionValve"/>
Edit conf/context.xml and add the following before the closing Context tag.
<Loader loaderClass="com.springsource.insight.collection.tcserver.ltw.TomcatWeavingInsightClassLoader" />
<Listener className="com.springsource.insight.collection.tcserver.lifecycle.ApplicationLifecycleCollectionListener" />
Start the Tomcat instance.
Alternatively, Insight Operations (a paid product) makes this much easier and offers an installer that allows you to easily and quickly add the Insight Agent into different containers, including ASF Tomcat. Here's a link to the documentation.
I think this instruction can be helpful for you
Actually in this tutorial Tomcat is a cloud instance, but I guess it is suitable for local installation too.
I downloaded vfacbric-tc-server-2.9.6 and followed the instructions mentioned by Daniel Mikusa to set up insight on tomcat 7. Unfortunately tomcat was not able to find the classes HttpRequestOperationCollectionValve, TomcatWeavingInsightClassLoader and ApplicationLifecycleCollectionListener in the jars provided. After struggling 2 days adding new jars containing these classes and getting class clash., finally I figured out that just removing the configuration in server.xml and context.xml are sufficient to get insight working on tomcat.
So, all you need to setup insight on tomcat are the steps 1 to 4 and 7 in his answer. I'm copying the same for the ease of others
Download vFabric tc Server Developer
Create a vFabric tc Server instance which has Insight enabled.
Download the latest Apache Tomcat 6.0.x or 7.0.x
Copy the following files & folders from the tc Server instance w/Insight
Start the Tomcat instance.
I am trying to follow the updated instructions provided by "nagamanojv". I am able to start http://localhost:8080/insight/ on Tomcat 6, but I do not see any applications. I have deployed one of my web applications on the same tomcat instance. Let me know if I am missing anything.
