How to check order-status of each items individually particular order in Magento-2.1.12? - magento2.1

Suppose I have one order with multiple items. How to check order-status of each item individually particular order in Magento-2.1.12?


In NetSuite, can I sort a transaction by item # or some other column field?

Is it possible to sort the lines in a transaction by item (or some other column field)? We often receive very large orders from our customers and the items are in a more or less random order. When we receive said items from our vendors, the items come in numerical order by part number. It's very difficult for our logistics to receive them when our purchase order is in random order but the items came numerically. Is there any way for me to sort the purchase order by item #?
Re-sorting transaction lines is possible but quite prone to breaking. Until Netsuite actually supports it my recommendation would be to not spend time trying to re-sort lines.
About the only place it's safe to do that is on a Sales Order in the before Submit phase. Generally a sales order is the start of a whole chain of related transactions. Some of these relations are visible from fields and some are hidden. There is no api to re-sort the lines so the the way to get them sorted is to cache the lines in memory; clear the lines from the sales order; and then re-insert the lines in the desired order.
You have to make sure you capture everything and that you account for future customizations in your code.
So the alternative of supplying a sorted UI to aid fulfillments and receipts is much more reliable. Some of the ways I've done that include:
Adding a text area where people can paste a formatted list of skus/qtys received. A client script processes that and sets up the item receipt lines.
Creating a pop-up with the PO's items sorted as you like with whatever controls you need for efficient handling. The pop-up has a button for processing items when you are done with the receipt.
A field that lets you enter a sku (can have type ahead) that either brings you to the item you are receiving (selects the line) or provides a qty field as well so you just work at the top of the item list and enter and sku/qty/click process... until you have received the order
a similar thing but expecting a scanner to provide the sku so the process is gun/qty/click process

What are prefuse data groups and how do I put nodes into them?

Many components of prefuse seem to use a String group to identify some subset of data. How do you use groups in practice? Some documentation seems to imply that a single row of data can belong to multiple groups, but I cannot work out how to make this happen.
Ideally, I could put some nodes of a graph into multiple groups, but have them each visualized once, and apply various forces and layouts to them.
Indeed most prefuse components such as Layout, ColorAction or the RendererFactory use group names.
There are different types of groups:
groups created from raw data, e.g. by vis.addGraph(...)
focus groups that contains some items (= rows) from another group
decorator groups, e.g., for labels
aggregate groups that represent items merged to aggregated items
In order to put "some nodes of a graph into multiple groups" you can use focus groups.
Then some Action may be added to run only on the focus group.
Alternatively you could pass a Predicate to the Action, so that only items (= rows) matching the Predicate are handled by the Action.
I recommend to look at the demos to see how this works:
for example

Hadoop map-reduce : Order of records while grouping

I have a record in each line of input and each record has around 10 fields. First, I group the records by three fields (field1, field2, field3) thus one mapper/reducer is responsible for one unique group (based on the three fields). Within each group, I sort the records based on another integer field timestamp and I tag each record in the group with the same tag aTag by adding another field.
Lets say that in mapper#1, I tag a sorted group as aTag and in mapper#2, I tag another group (a different group because I initially grouped the records based on the three fields) with the same tag aTag.
Now, if I group the records based on the tag field (i.e., grouping the groups in different mappers), I notice that the ordering within each group is no more preserved. I was expecting that since each mapper has a group with all records having the same tag, grouping by the tag name should just involve getting the relevant groups from other mappers and just concatenating them without re-ordering each individual group.
Is it because I am trying to store the records in gzip format and hence it tries to re-order the records for better compression? Also I would like to know how to preserve the order after grouping by the tag name.
It seems that you are trying to implement the sort step of MapReduce yourself in local memory, but then it completely ignores what you did and re-sorts the items in each group anyway. The proper way to fix this would be to specify a comparator on the keys, so that within each partition so that the merged input to the reducer is according to that comparison function. This means that
You don't have to do the sorting yourself
You don't run out of memory on one machine trying to sort a really large group.
It seems on your case that you'd want to add timestamp to the set of keys, tell it to partition on the first three keys, and tell it to sort on the timestamp.
For more information, see the following diagram, and Where is Sort used in MapReduce phase and why?

Define an item order in the list

I have items in a list. I would like to add a number field that would indicate the order of the items in the list. Is it possible to do it ? I can't find any option like that.
In fact, it seems that the "Change Order" option available in all previous SP version is missing in SP 2010.
The custom order is still available via the list views.
You could create your own field for a list and set the list sort order in your view to use that field. Then you can choose descending or ascending order.

Finding all items before a certain item in mongomapper

I want to find all items before a certain item in mongomapper.
For example if I have five User classes saved and I pass in the ID of user 3 then I expect to get back the first two items.
Any ideas how to do this efficiently?
The ObjectID key in Mongo is comprised of a few things, one of them being a timestamp. You can probably use that as a condition on which to query. Look here for more details,
