Laravel Local Routes on server after deployment - laravel

My problem is that i tried to upload my project to the server (using filezilla uploaded the whole thing) and encountered this error:
"The only supported ciphers are AES-128-CBC and AES-256-CBC with the correct key lengths."
Searching on google, people says its a key problem on .env file. But that wasn't my case. the Key is there, I even use php artisan key:generate. it's like the server isn't reading the .env file
I tried config:cache and uploaded the "config.php" that was generated inside the cache folder and now the app cant finds the "views" because the paths are not the server paths but the local ones.
I tried everything, even uploading a fresh laravel installation and again: "The only supported ciphers are AES-128-CBC.."
Also tried config:cache on the server using the routes:
Route::get('/config-cache', function() { $exitCode = Artisan::call('config:cache'); return 'done.'; });
But i get this error: "putenv() has been disabled for security reasons"
I don't really know how to proceed..

You are getting this error because you have to generate key
php artisan key:generate
Or generate locally then replace it with .env


Heroku Laravel 500 (Internal Server Error) oauth-public.key does not exist

OAUTH Public Key is Here
oauth-public.key is exist
I uploaded a question board using Laravel, Vue, RESTful API on Heroku.
When I log in and add a question, I get a 500 (Internal Server Error) called
"Key path \"file:///app/storage/oauth-public.key\" does not exist or is not readable".
Heroku Question board:
Login id :
Login pw: password
Thank you for those who have solved the same problem!
Verify that the file in fact doesn't exist, rather than just having incorrect permissions
Verify that it also doesn't exist in app/storage/app. I've had it happen where Passport's default location for creating new keys didn't quite match where the Auth middleware was looking. You can fix this in config/filesystems.php if need be.
Make sure to run php artisan passport:keys
I runned heroku ps:exec -a your_app_name next run php artisan passport:keys I solved!!

How to fix this error "Impossible to connect, please check your Algolia Application Id"?

I have everything correct, as written at laravel/algolia websites.
I tried to read lot of documentations and tutorials about Laravel Scout installation, but still can't find solution.
I have everything correct in my settings and also APIs are correct but still getting this error:
Impossible to connect, please check your Algolia Application Id.
I had the same issue (with Windows 10) and found this exception in the stack trace:
cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate (see
I found the solution for the error above in another StackOverflow post:
1) Download the latest cacert.pem from
2) Add the following line to php.ini (if this is shared hosting and
you don't have access to php.ini then you could add this to .user.ini
in public_html)
Make sure you enclose the path within double quotation marks!!!
It solved my problem, Laravel Scout is working fine after that. Hope this will help someone.
Apparently on the issue came from on wrong credentials, this can occurs providing the wrong Application ID or Admin API Key. Also the correct way to provide the credential on scout.php is :
'algolia' => [
'id' => env('ALGOLIA_APP_ID', ''),
'secret' => env('ALGOLIA_SECRET', '')
And then fill your credentials in your .env file.
I'd recommend you to run php artisan config:clear in case you have cached your configuration (which you shouldn't do in dev env).
Let us know if it solve your issue.
I had the same issue and solved it like this
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan route:clear
php artisan config:clear or config:cache
My assumption is, because Laravel always creates a cache in the config, every time we change some config, there must be another config that is broken or an error due to the cache that was created earlier.
But I don't know for sure.
I share with you my experience.
System was Vagrant Homestead with VirtualBox in Windows 10.
command used in CMD:
php artisan scout:import "App\Post"
command failed with:
Impossible to connect, please check your Algolia Application Id.
Logged into virtual box with vagrant ssh and gave it another try.
That solved my problem.

Whoops, looks like something went wrong. on server

I uploaded all laravel project on server, its working fine on local but getting error on server, even database configuration and key is configured in env. file. even i renamed .env.example file as .env too but got same error.
Error is
"Whoops, looks like something went wrong."
my error log is here:
[2017-11-06 15:19:07] local.ERROR: exception 'RuntimeException' with
message 'The only supported ciphers are AES-128-CBC and AES-256-CBC
with the correct key lengths.' in
Judging from your error, you need to run php artisan key:generate this will update your key of which in turn will rectify your error.
You will need to either SSH into your public_html folder if you have host permission to do so. Alternatively, you can ask your host provider to either:
Grant you SSH access
Perform this action for you.
You can then run: php artisan config:clear once the new key has been generated.
If you are on shared hosting you can use these steps
Open your .env file, copy APP_KEY to somewhere else as a backup
Run php artisan key:generate from console
Copy the new APP_KEY and upload it to the .env file on your (shared) server
Move the old key back to development
I resolved this issue, by adding web app url in .env and Config/App.php and now its working :) thanks all of you for sharing such a value able knowledge that will help me, may be later.

Laravel uploading to Heroku

Hello guys so I uploaded my app to Heroku. I want to mention that when I run php artisan:serve it all works fine without any problem but when I upload it to the heroku server I have a problem with the following error
The only supported ciphers are AES-128-CBC and AES-256-CBC with the correct key lengths.
Now I had the same error localy but I fixed it. now I can't seem to find how to fix it when I the app is uploaded. Any help would be appriciated. Thank you.
You need a key in your .env
php artisan key:generate
And make sure .env exists
As #EddyTheDove mentioned,
php artisan key:generate
This makes sure that the APP_KEY variable is set in the .env file. When you open the .env file, you should see the same key that was generated after you executed the command.
And make sure .env exists
This is located in your project folder.
Remember to use the ENTIRE key.
The "base64:" part of the generated key is also important, because it encodes the random string and provides an encryption key of the required length.

moving Laravel project between computers

I have been working on a laravel5 project on a computer , but now I want to continue on an other, but don't know how :(
I'm using wampserver and the project is in the "www" folder, this is the error I'm getting when trying to open the project: " Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request"
Your error message is very vague, so it is hard to pinpoint the cause. I assume you just copy pasted all of the project files
Try these steps:
Make sure you copy all of the project files including the hidden ones(.env).
Prepare your destination computer as in
Check you have all the necessary PHP extensions available in php.ini as in above link requirements. Also, watch your PHP version!
Install composer
When copied, go to your destination folder and run composer install.
Run php artisan key:generate from the command line.
Run php artisan cache:clear from command line
Make sure your webserver is serving pages from project/public folder.
If laravel is failing, check the log file to see the cause
Copy the project folder and navigate terminal/cmd
just run following commands.
Create database and place the same name at .env file in laravel project folder
1. composer install
2. php artisan key:generate
3. php artisan cache:clear
4. php artisan migrate
UPDATE: If you're getting
Whoops, looks like something went wrong
in app/config/app.php, set debugging as true with:
'debug' => env('APP_DEBUG', true)'
If you're getting the error
No supported encrypter found. The cipher and/or key length are invalid
for some people it worked to do cp .env.example .env before (2).
You would also have to create new storage link, because Laravel uses absolute path inside it.
php artisan storage:link Please follow this to resolve your problems. All people forget about permissions on folders.
After you have done as Ademord answer, you might need to use refresh to your WAMP, XAMP or any other development stack you are using. I had the same issue plus changes were not reflecting in the front end. For example new routes in the web.php were not updating.
