Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier at eval anonymous - model-view-controller

I create a test project in MVC with kendo grid with popup edit. In
this scenario I have 3 relational tables. but when I add the third
table, I getting this Error:
> VM1362:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
> at eval (<anonymous>)
at (https://kendo.cdn.telerik.com/2017.3.1018/js/jquery.min.js:2:2651)
at `Function.globalEval` (https://kendo.cdn.telerik.com/2017.3.1018/js/jquery.min.js:2:2662)
at Ha (https://kendo.cdn.telerik.com/2017.3.1018/js/jquery.min.js:3:21262)
at `n.fn.init.append` (https://kendo.cdn.telerik.com/2017.3.1018/js/jquery.min.js:3:22791)
at `I.fn.init.n.fn.(anonymous function) [as appendTo]` (https://kendo.cdn.telerik.com/2017.3.1018/js/jquery.min.js:3:24510)
at `init._createPopupEditor` (https://kendo.cdn.telerik.com/2017.3.1018/js/kendo.all.min.js:52:4953)
at `init.editRow` (https://kendo.cdn.telerik.com/2017.3.1018/js/kendo.all.min.js:52:2129)
at `HTMLAnchorElement.<anonymous>`
if I comment bellow line, project run correctly:
#{Html.RenderAction("AgreementExpertsIndex", new { xAgreementID = Model.xID });}
Can anyone say what is the problem?
The source code is here:
source file

Try a lowercase M in Model:
#{Html.RenderAction("AgreementExpertsIndex", new { xAgreementID = model.xID });}


Migration to CRM 2016: Unable to get property 'getPageData' of undefined or null reference

After migration from CRM 2013 to CRM 2016 (On Premise), we have error messages in the browser like:
Unable to get property 'getPageData' of undefined or null reference
Unable to get property 'className' of undefined or null reference
Unable to get property 'firstChild' of undefined or null reference
The error happens in components of CRM. Any idea, what the reason could be?
<Message>Unable to get property 'getPageData' of undefined or null reference</Message>
<FunctionRaw>TypeError: Unable to get property 'getPageData' of undefined or null reference</FunctionRaw>
Try suggestion provided at the end of thread - https://community.dynamics.com/crm/f/117/p/190275/482107
When do errors occur?
I' v had similar error [1] on when pressing Next Stage on Business Process Flow. Much effort was put into debugging so wanted to document it somwhere.
Rollup field
The error was caused by rollup fields that provides SUM for Money fields. The HTML generated by CRM and javascript function didn't match.
Guilty line is within /_static/form/formcontrols.js called on line 28871:
XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetNextSibling(this.get_controlValue().parentNode)))))).innerHTML = CrmEncodeDecode.CrmHtmlDecode((this.$5_1.$3_2).get_currencySymbol());
This one returns null and it therefore spits error: XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetNextSibling(this.get_controlValue().parentNode
FIX 1: Enable "Use legacy form rendering" under System Settings
OR Fix 2: Remove Currency rollup fields from form.
OR Fix 3: Create non-rollup fields that get calculated with workflow or plugin.
OR Fix 4: You may do some jQuery stuff and add some empty siblings which it -
expects. Except it may show duplicate currency symbol (at least for EUR currency) - one as prefix the other one as suffix.
OR Fix 5: Most undesirable way: patch that .js yourself if you're on-premises.
Replace line 28871:
XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetNextSibling(this.get_controlValue().parentNode)))))).innerHTML = CrmEncodeDecode.CrmHtmlDecode((this.$5_1.$3_2).get_currencySymbol());
if (XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetNextSibling(this.get_controlValue().parentNode) !== null) {
XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetFirstChild(XUI.Html.DomUtils.GetNextSibling(this.get_controlValue().parentNode)))))).innerHTML = CrmEncodeDecode.CrmHtmlDecode((this.$5_1.$3_2).get_currencySymbol());
[1] Error:
<Message>Cannot read property 'firstChild' of null</Message>
<FunctionRaw>function (dirtyVisiblePropertyData) {
var $v_0 = dirtyVisiblePropertyData.getKeys();
for (var $v_1 = 0; $v_1 < $v_0.length; $v_1++) {
var $v_2 = $v_0[$v_1];
if (IsNull(this.get_viewMap().get_item($v_2))) {
Thanks to Andrii!
Removing a composite control in the header did the trick.
It seems to be a bug in CRM 2016, but our customers can live without this information in the header. All fine!
Kind regards,

XML Parsing Error : AJAX Chat

I am just trying to plant AJAX Chat for my website users. I have successfully completed the installation process with database configuration. But when I am trying to brows the domain.com/ajaxchat/index.php its returning this error given below:
XML Parsing Error: junk after document element Location: http://futurenext.esy.es/inc/chat/ Line Number 2, Column 1:
I think that the problem is in AJAXChatTemplate.php , and here the code is:
function getContent() {
if(!$this->_content) {
$this->_content = AJAXChatFileSystem::getFileContents($this->_templateFile);
return $this->_content;
And the error message is like:
" Non-static method AJAXChatFileSystem::getFileContents() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in line 37"
Now please any one can help me to fix the problem. What is the problem here I can't really understand. Thanks.

Angular ui-select in ng-grid

I'm trying to use the ui-select dropdown inside an editable ng-grid.
This is what my editable cell template looks like:-
editableCellTemplate: "<ui-select ng-model=\"COL_FIELD\" ng-class=\"'colt' + col.index\" theme=\"bootstrap\"><match placeholder=\"Choose client Account..\"></match><choices repeat=\"client in clients | filter: $select.search\"><div ng-bind-html=\"client.clientAccount | highlight: $select.search\"></div></choices></ui-select>"
However, I am not able to bind the selected value to the class,
ng-class=\"'colt' + col.index\"
I am getting the following error on my console:
Error: [$parse:syntax] Syntax Error: Token '{' is an unexpected token
at column 20 of the expression ['colt' + col.index {open:
$select.open}] starting at [{open: $select.open}].
The HTML generated is as follows:
Basically the html is generated as ng-class="'colt' + col.index {open: $select.open}" and the curly braces produce a syntax error..
Anyone faced a similar problem?
You need to add ';' after the 'colt'+col.index expression

jqGrid v4.5.4 "TypeError: this.p is undefined"

I'm getting the above error on this line in jqGrid.src.js, line 8713:
var alertIDs = {themodal: 'alertmod_' + this.p.id, modalhead: 'alerthd_' + this.p.id,modalcontent: 'alertcnt_' + this.p.id},
this.p is null.
I see this: jqGrid throws: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'a' of undefined
but, don't understand the answer. I am already doing this, "The solution was to chain the pager to the grid constructor."
but, still getting the error.

BCB: from BDE to dbexpress, BCD exception

I'm having some problem about TSQLStoredProcedure. Here is the code:
storedproc->ParamByName("A")->AsInteger = adataset->FieldByName("AA")->AsInteger;
param "A" is declared integer in the form (and it's 29 in the program). Also the stored procedure has no errors. I'm sure of it. Database is Oracle 11g. By the way, as storedproc is executed an exception occurred:
EBcdException with message '<0000001:000000010000000:00000063612>' is not a valid BCD value
All was working fine with BDE but now, using dbexpress, there is this problem. I searched over the internet for some days and I did not find an answer.
I thank you in advance and beg a pardon for my English.
I searched over the web. I found something interesting at:
I decide to make some test:
SQLQuery->ParamByName("f1")->AsString = Edit1->Text;
It works. Not the same for
SQLQuery->ParamByName("f1")->AsInteger = StrToInt(Edit1->Text); //ERROR DBX Error: Invalid Field Type.
SQLQuery->ParamByName("f1")->AsFloat = StrToFloat(Edit1->Text); //ERROR DBX Error: Invalid Field Type.
SQLQuery->ParamByName("f1")->AsBCD = StrToInt(Edit1->Text); //ERROR ORA-06502: PL/SQL: error: ... ORA-06512: at line 1.
SQLQuery->ParamByName("f1")->AsFMTBCD = StrToBcd(Edit2->Text); //ERROR ORA-06502: PL/SQL: error: ... ORA-06512: at line 1.
or by using TSQLStoredProc.
So now I call my pl/sql stored proc by TSQLQuery. I use "AsString" to pass values to parameters. Weird. How does dbexpress map types? Thanks in advance.
