Caused by: org.springframework.expression.spel.SpelEvaluationException: EL1007E: Property or field 'XXX' cannot be found on null - spring-boot

I only get the error in the console of the IDE, the webpage looks Great.
I tried using the th:if to look for null, but that didn't get rid of the issue.
And the title is never null, so I don't know why I'm getting the error, again only in the console, the webpage, including the title displays fine.
This is my first question on this website, I review code here all the time and find so many great answers, I thought why not try and get some help. I've spent so much time on this one and can't seem to find anyone else with the same issue.
Not enough room to paste the entire stack trace. But also receive this cause of error:
Caused by: org.thymeleaf.exceptions.TemplateProcessingException: Exception evaluating SpringEL expression: "post.title" (template: "post/view" - line 19, col 17)
!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en"
<head th:replace="main :: head"></head>
<!--<html lang="en"-->
<!--html xmlns="" xmlns:th="" xmlns:layout:decorate="layouts/main.html">-->
<div th:replace="main :: main"> </div>
<article style="padding:20px">
<h2 th:text="${post.title}">title</h2>
<p th:text="${#calendars.format(post.postedOn,'M/dd/yyyy hh:mm a')}">postedOn</p>
<section th:utext="${post.body}">
Posted By <a th:href="|mailto:${}|"> <span th:text="|${} ${}|">author</span></a>
<div th:replace="main :: bottom"> </div>
public class PostController {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PostController.class);
private PostService postService;
public PostController(PostService postService){
this.postService = postService;
public String listPosts(Model model){
model.addAttribute("posts", postService.list());
return "post/list";
public String view(#PathVariable(value="slug") String slug, Model model) {
model.addAttribute("post", postService.getBySlug(slug));
return "post/view";
public String byAuthor(#PathVariable(value="id") Long id, Model model) {
model.addAttribute("posts", postService.listByAuthor(id));
return "post/list";

The issue seems to be with this statement: This statement works in all my other html without causing a problem. The other replace statements in this html work fine, it's just this one. I copied the code that is in the head section directly into this html file rather than using the replace and it solved the problem. I have no idea why. –


I recieve TemplateInputException of Thymeleaf with every Get request

I tried to write my Spring Controller, using Thymeleaf, for a simple code sharing platform. So I wrote these methods
#PostMapping(value = "/api/code/new")
public String addNewCode(#RequestBody RequestCodeDTO code, Model model) {
CodeSnippet codeSnippet = new CodeSnippet();
codeSnippet.setDate("Jul 17, 2022");
model.addAttribute("code", codeSnippet);
return "";
#GetMapping(value = "/code/new")
public String returnNewCode(Model model){
return "CodeSnippet";
And my CodeSnippet.html is like this
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns=""
xmlns:th="" lang="en">
<span id="load_date" th:text="${code.getDate()}">date</span>
<pre id="code_snippet" th:text="${code.getCode()}">code</pre>
But when I try to make this get request, I reseive "org.thymeleaf.exceptions.TemplateInputException: An error happened during template parsing (template: "class path resource [templates/CodeSnippet.html]")".
I tried to change tags of html file, change gradle build file, but it all was in vain.

"Server error" while hitting a URL from controller in SAP Hybris

I am trying to practice SAP Hybris basic flow and while hitting the URL from the controller I am getting a "server error" as the response as shown below.
The controller looks something like this:
public class NewCustomerController {
#RequestMapping(value = "/custid", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public String getCustomerNameFromCustId(#RequestBody final Model model){
final List<NewCustomerData> nameList = newCustomerFacade.getCustomerNamefromID();
return ControllerConstants.Views.Pages.NewCustomer.CustId;
The JSP page "custid.jsp" looks something like this:
<%# page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<%# taglib prefix="" tagdir="" %>
<title>Customer ID detail</title>
<h1>This page displays the name of the customer based on customer ID</h1>
<h3>The name of the customer is ${nameList}.<h3>
In the dao layer, when I evaluate the call to execute the query, I get this error:
Can anyone help me please what am I doing wrong? I am stuck on this since 2 days now.

How to register with thymeleaf?

My registration is successful. a notification is sent to the mail with the text about the request to follow the link, after which the account is activated. Everything is fine, but it is impossible to translate this text into a template so that the variables should be stored in it, which should be sent to the post office, but I don’t understand how to place thymeleaf from the java code
in my case they are returned in the same form, they do not give out the value of the user to which they correspond
public void addUser(User user) throws Exception {
User userFromDb = repository.findByUsername(user.getUsername());
if (userFromDb != null) {
throw new Exception("User exist");
user.setRoles(new String[]{"USER"});
if (!org.springframework.util.StringUtils.isEmpty(user.getEmail())) {
//TODO: move to template
String message = String.format(
"Hello," + user.getUsername() + "!\n" + "Welcome. Please, visit http://aa/activate-account/%s",
mailSenderService.send(user.getEmail(), "Activation code", message);
Hello Dear ${user.getUsername}
Welcome. Please, visit
my thymeleaf
I am trying to read this file through Context and submit as message in the send method
public void send(String emailTo, String subject, String message){
SimpleMailMessage mailMessage = new SimpleMailMessage();
i get
Hello Dear ${user.getName()}
Welcome. Please, visit
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<p>Hello Dear,laza</p><p>Welcome.Please visit,</p><p> Thanks</p>
this is what comes to me in the mail with tags
I get something, but I get all the html code because I use Contex, how can I get around this?
What you are trying to is explained in here Please follow this link and apply the idea to your situation. Sample HTML template is as follows:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns:th="">
<title th:remove="all">Template for HTML email</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<p th:text="${'Hello Dear,' + user.getUsername}">
Hello Dear John Doe
<p th:text="${'Welcome.Please visit,' + user.getActivationCode}">
Welcome. Please visit

Spring MVC 3.2 Thymeleaf Ajax Fragments

I'm building application with Spring MVC 3.2 and Thymeleaf templating engine. I'm a beginner in Thymeleaf.
I have everything working, including Thymeleaf but I was wondering if anyone knows of a simple and clear toturial on how to do simple Ajax request to controller and in result rendering only a part of a template (fragment).
My app has everything configured (Spring 3.2, spring-security, thymeleaf, ...) and works as expected. Now I would like to do Ajax request (pretty simple with jQuery but I don't wan't to use is since Thymeleaf in its tutorial, chapter 11: Rendering Template Fragments (link) mentiones it can be done with fragments.
Currently I have in my Controller
public String showDimensionMenuList(Model model) {
Collection<ArticleDimensionVO> articleDimensions;
try {
articleDimensions = articleService.getArticleDimension(ArticleTypeVO.ARTICLE_TYPE);
} catch (DataAccessException e) {
// TODO: return ERROR
throw new RuntimeException();
model.addAttribute("dimensions", articleDimensions);
return "/admin/index :: dimensionMenuList";
the part of the view where I would like to replace <ul></ul> menu items:
<ul th:fragment="dimensionMenuList" class="dropdown-menu">
<li th:unless="${#lists.isEmpty(dimensions)}" th:each="dimension : ${dimensions}">
Any clue is greatly appreciated. Especially if I don't have to include any more frameworks. It's already too much for java web app as it is.
Here is an approach I came across in a blog post:
I didn't want to use those frameworks so in this section I'm using jQuery to send an AJAX request to the server, wait for the response and partially update the view (fragment rendering).
The Form
<span class="subtitle">Guest list form</span>
<div class="listBlock">
<div class="search-block">
<input type="text" id="searchSurname" name="searchSurname"/>
<br />
<label for="searchSurname" th:text="#{search.label}">Search label:</label>
<button id="searchButton" name="searchButton" onclick="retrieveGuests()" type="button"
th:text="#{search.button}">Search button</button>
<!-- Results block -->
<div id="resultsBlock">
This form contains an input text with a search string (searchSurname) that will be sent to the server. There's also a region (resultsBlock div) which will be updated with the response received from the server.
When the user clicks the button, the retrieveGuests() function will be invoked.
function retrieveGuests() {
var url = '/th-spring-integration/spring/guests';
if ($('#searchSurname').val() != '') {
url = url + '/' + $('#searchSurname').val();
The jQuery load function makes a request to the server at the specified url and places the returned HTML into the specified element (resultsBlock div).
If the user enters a search string, it will search for all guests with the specified surname. Otherwise, it will return the complete guest list. These two requests will reach the following controller request mappings:
#RequestMapping(value = "/guests/{surname}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String showGuestList(Model model, #PathVariable("surname") String surname) {
model.addAttribute("guests", hotelService.getGuestsList(surname));
return "results :: resultsList";
#RequestMapping(value = "/guests", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String showGuestList(Model model) {
model.addAttribute("guests", hotelService.getGuestsList());
return "results :: resultsList";
Since Spring is integrated with Thymeleaf, it will now be able to return fragments of HTML. In the above example, the return string "results :: resultsList" is referring to a fragment named resultsList which is located in the results page. Let's take a look at this results page:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns=""
xmlns:th="" lang="en">
<div th:fragment="resultsList" th:unless="${#lists.isEmpty(guests)}" id="results-block">
<th th:text="#{}">Id</th>
<th th:text="#{results.guest.surname}">Surname</th>
<th th:text="#{}">Name</th>
<th th:text="#{}">Country</th>
<tr th:each="guest : ${guests}">
<td th:text="${}">id</td>
<td th:text="${guest.surname}">surname</td>
<td th:text="${}">name</td>
<td th:text="${}">country</td>
The fragment, which is a table with registered guests, will be inserted in the results block.
Rendering only Thymeleaf fragments also works well with ModelAndView.
Your controller
#RequestMapping(value = "/feeds", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView getFeeds() {
LOGGER.debug("Feeds method called..");
return new ModelAndView("feeds :: resultsList");
Your view
<html xmlns=""
<div th:fragment="resultsList" id="results-block">
<div>A test fragment</div>
<div>A test fragment</div>
What's actually rendered
<div id="results-block">
<div>A test fragment</div>
<div>A test fragment
As an alternate version to Sohail's great answer, I want to give a version that using javascript can send the whole th:object to the controller, integrating Thymeleaf in your forms, not having to use #PathVariable which becomes messy or not usable at all when you've forms with many fields.
For the form (using an example which returns an object which has an id and a name Strings, and feeds a combobox with a Map that has some of those objects as values) we have:
<form method="post" th:action="#{/yourMapping}" th:object="${object}" id="yourFormId">
<select th:field="*{mapOfObjects}">
th:each="entry: ${mapOfObjects}"
th:text="${}" >
<input type="text" th:field="*{name}" />
When this form is submited (using a button with type submit for example) the whole document will be replaced. However we can intercept this submit with javascript and do it the ajax-way. To achieve this, we will add an interceptor to our form using a function. First call the function that adds the interceptor right after the form:
And the function looks like this (place it in the head of the document or wherever suits your needs):
function formInterceptor(formName) {
var $form = $("#" + formName);
$form.on('submit', function(e) {
url : $form.attr('action'),
type : 'post',
data : $form.serialize(),
success : function(response) {
if ($(response).find('.has-error').length) {
Now whenever the form is submited, this function will trigger, and it will:
Prevent the original form submit
Make an ajax call using the url defined in the form's th:action
Serialize the form data. Your controller will be able to recieve this in an object
Replace the part of your html code with the returned fragment
The replaced part should look like this
<div id="ajaxLoadedContent"></div>
And the controller can recieve the th:object in the form, with it's values filled, like this (Replace Object with your object's type and "object" with a proper name):
#PostMapping(value = /yourMapping)
public String ajaxCtrlExample(#ModelAttribute("object") Object object, Model model) {
return yourFragmentPath;
And that's everything. Call the function that adds the interceptor after every form you need in ajax-version.

request.getParameter() returns null

Got a homework assignment that is giving me problems.... Its modifying a JSF project with two pages and a bean to fit MVC2 by adding two more pages and a controller servlet and another bean for the two additional pages. the new main page forwards to either the second new page or the old first page. My issue is response.getParameter() always results in null.
<%#page session="false" import="java.util.Iterator"%>
<%#taglib prefix="f" uri=""%>
<%#taglib prefix="h" uri=""%>
<jsp:useBean id="status" scope="request" class="JSFRegistration.Status" />
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
<title>JSP Page</title>
<% if (status!=null && !status.isSuccessful()){%>
<font color="red">Processing errors:
<ul><%Iterator errors=status.getExceptions();
while (errors.hasNext()){
Exception e = (Exception);%>
<li><%= e.getMessage()%><%}%></ul></font><%}%>
<form action="LoginServlet" method="POST">
<% String username = request.getParameter("username");
if (username==null) username="";%>
<input type="text" name="usernameTF" value="<%=username%>" />
<% String password = request.getParameter("password");
if (password==null) password="";%>
<input type="password" name="passwordTF" value="<%=password%>" />
<input type="submit" value="Login" />
this is basically a direct copy from our book but the fields I need for the new main page. Same for the controller servlet, a direct copy except only contains the fields I need.
protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
RequestDispatcher view = null;
Status status = new Status();
request.setAttribute("status", status);
String username = request.getParameter("username");
String password = request.getParameter("password");
if (username==null || username.length()==0)
status.addException(new Exception("Please enter username"));
if (password==null)
status.addException(new Exception("Please enter password"));
if (!status.isSuccessful()){
view = request.getRequestDispatcher("Login.jsp");
//view.forward(request, response);
request.setAttribute("username", username);
request.setAttribute("password", password);
view = request.getRequestDispatcher("Registration.jsp");
} catch (Exception e) {
status.addException(new Exception("Error"));
view = request.getRequestDispatcher("Login.jsp");
view.forward(request, response);
and the Status class, again a direct copy from the book.
public class Status {
private ArrayList exceptions;
public Status(){
exceptions = new ArrayList();
public void addException(Exception exception) {
public boolean isSuccessful(){
return (exceptions.isEmpty());
public Iterator getExceptions(){
return exceptions.iterator();
regardless of what is typed into the two boxes, stepping through a debug shows the values not getting passed to the parameters. I get the created exceptions printed above the screen for both fields if both have text, if only one has text and when both are empty.
Your request parameter names do not match the input field names. You've assigned the input fields a name of usernameTF and passwordTF. They are then available by exactly those names as request parameter, but you're attempting to get them using the names username and password. So you need either to fix the input field names, or the request parameter names so that they match each other.
By the way, why falling back from a modern MVC framework like JSF to awkward 90's style JSP with mingled business code? Is that really what the homework assignment is asking you? Also the HTML <font> element is deprecated since 1998. Where did you learn about it? Is the quality of the course really good?
