How to do content based dynamic routing in zuul? - spring-boot

I am working on a micro-services based architecture which includes Spring-Boot, Eureka, Zuul at key level. My problem is as follows:
Service1 : /api/v1/service1 POST
Service2 : /api/v2/service2 POST
application.yml looks like
path: /api/v1/**
path: /api/v1/**
path: /common/endpoint
Also I have written a filter where I am trying to take input via this common endpoint and deduct based on post request where to enroute the request i.e. to service1 or service2. But here I am stuck and nothing seems to work out, even after several google searches and checking out other people's problem I am not yet able to found my solution.
here is how my Filter looks like:
public class CommonEndpointFilter extends ZuulFilter {
public boolean shouldFilter() {
RequestContext ctx = RequestContext.getCurrentContext();
if ((ctx.get("proxy") != null) && ctx.get("proxy").equals("common")) {
return true;
return false;
public Object run() {
RequestContext ctx = RequestContext.getCurrentContext();
HttpServletRequest request = ctx.getRequest();
InputStream in = (InputStream) ctx.get("requestEntity");
if (in == null) {
try {
in = request.getInputStream();
} catch (IOException e) {
String body = null;
try {
body = StreamUtils.copyToString(in, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
if (body.indexOf("somethingrelatedtoservice1") != -1) {
//forward the request to Service1: /api/v1/service1
} else if (body.indexOf("somethingrelatedtoservice2") != -1) {
//forward the request to Service2: /api/v1/service2
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
public String filterType() {
return FilterConstants.ROUTE_TYPE;
public int filterOrder() {
return 0;
I am not able to figure out how to forward the request further to those services and then obtain response to send back via common endpoint.
What am I doing wrong here ? How can I proceed so I don't have to use hardcoded url of any of the service. Please guide me through this.
I have tried out some of the things like:
1. using DiscoveryClient to obtain instance and use setRouteHost method of context. It always throws a zuulfilter exception URL is not proper common/endpoint is appended after the url of service obtained via DiscoveryClient.
2. I tried stupidest thing that came to mind, using RestTemplate to make a request and obtain response and put that in context response which didn't work either, however request was forwarded to the service but I wouldn't receive any response.
Any help is appreciated!!


Return response messages in spring boot

I am working with spring boot with a h2 database. I would like to return a 201 message when the register is inserted succesfully and a 400 when is duplicated. I am using ResponseEntity to achieve this, fot example , the next is my create method from the Service:
public ResponseEntity<Object> createEvent(EventDTO eventDTO) {
if (eventRepository.findOne(eventDTO.getId()) != null) {
//THis is a test, I am looking for the correct message
return new ResponseEntity(HttpStatus.IM_USED);
Actor actor = actorService.createActor(eventDTO.getActor());
Repo repo = repoService.createRepo(eventDTO.getRepo());
Event event = new Event(eventDTO.getId(), eventDTO.getType(), actor, repo, createdAt(eventDTO));;
return new ResponseEntity(HttpStatus.CREATED);
This is my controller:
#PostMapping(value = "/events")
public ResponseEntity addEvent(#RequestBody EventDTO body) {
return eventService.createEvent(body);
But I'm not getting any message in the browser, I am doing different tests with postman and when I consult for all the events, the result is correct, but each time that I make a post I dont get any message in the browser, I am not pretty sure what is the cause of this issue. Any ideas?
The ideal way to send Response to the client is to create DTO/DAO with ResponseEntity in Controller
public ResponseEntity<Object> testApi(#RequestBody User user)
System.out.println("User: "+user.toString());
return assetService.testApi(user);
public ResponseEntity testApi(User user) {
return new ResponseEntity("Created",HttpStatus.CREATED);
return new ResponseEntity("Used",HttpStatus.IM_USED);
// for BAD_REQUEST(400) return new ResponseEntity("Bad Request",HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
Tested using Postman
Status 201 Created
Status 226 IM Used
Okay, I really don't feel good that service sending the ResponseEntity but not Controller.You could use #ResponseStatus and ExceptionHandler classes for these cases, like below.
Create a class in exception package
public class GlobalExceptionHandler {
#ExceptionHandler(DataIntegrityViolationException.class) // NOTE : You could create a custom exception class to handle duplications
public void handleConflict() {
#PostMapping(value = "/events")
#ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.CREATED) // You don't have to return any object this will take care of the status
public void addEvent(#RequestBody EventDTO body) {
Now changing the service would look like,
public void createEvent(EventDTO eventDTO) { // No need to return
if (eventRepository.findOne(eventDTO.getId()) != null) {
throw new DataIntegrityViolationException("Already exists"); // you have to throw the same exception which you have marked in Handler class
Actor actor = actorService.createActor(eventDTO.getActor());
Repo repo = repoService.createRepo(eventDTO.getRepo());
Event event = new Event(eventDTO.getId(), eventDTO.getType(), actor, repo, createdAt(eventDTO));;

How to use ReadBodyPredicateFactory to cache payload data

I have Spring Boot microservice, and sending large payload using swagger. At the server I get only 15000 chars and reset 2000 chars are not read.
How can I use ReadBodyPredicateFactory to cache the body message text?
I am using springcloudgateway and added filters. In the filter in apply method I am trying to read the payload json using
DefaultServerRequest serverRequest = new DefaultServerRequest(exchange);
body = serverRequest.bodyToMono(String.class).toFuture().get();
Sometimes it hangs.
I tried with Flux and then i get only half message
Flux body = request.getBody();
body.subscribe(buffer -> {
try {
System.out.println("byte count:" +
byte[] bytes = new byte[buffer.readableByteCount()];;
String bodyString = new String(bytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
} catch (Exception e) {
Recently, I needed the similar thing in my application and I've found that it can be achieved by Spring Cloud Gateway built-in caching in ServerWebExchangeUtils
Before filters that use request content in some business cases, I created a filter that only forces content caching:
class CachingRequestBodyFilter extends AbstractGatewayFilterFactory<CachingRequestBodyFilter.Config> {
public CachingRequestBodyFilter() {
public GatewayFilter apply(final Config config) {
return (exchange, chain) -> ServerWebExchangeUtils.cacheRequestBody(exchange,
(serverHttpRequest) -> chain.filter(exchange.mutate().request(serverHttpRequest).build()));
public static class Config {
In any of the subsequent filters, we can extract the content of the request body, as below:
// some ReadRequestBodyFilter filter
public GatewayFilter apply(final Config config) {
return (exchange, chain) -> {
final var cachedBody = new StringBuilder();
final var cachedBodyAttribute = exchange.getAttribute(CACHED_REQUEST_BODY_ATTR);
if (!(cachedBodyAttribute instanceof DataBuffer)) {
// caching gone wrong error handling
final var dataBuffer = (DataBuffer) cachedBodyAttribute;
final var bodyAsJson = cachedBody.toString();
// some processing
return chain.filter(exchange);
Then the gateway configuration would look like this:
- [...]
- CachingRequestBodyFilter
- ReadRequestBodyFilter

Retrotif2 + RxJava sending POST request failed

I want to send POST request with Retrofit + RxJava, but it is failing and I don't know the reason. In one activity it's working, in another - don't want to work:
private void sendMerchantInfo() {
try {
String advertiserOriginalDeepLink = "";
String urlGetParams = LinkParser.getUrlGETParams(advertiserOriginalDeepLink);
Map<Object, Object> merchantInfo = LinkParser.parseUrlGetParams(urlGetParams);
String merchantInfoJson = new Gson().toJson(merchantInfo); //{"param1":"value1","param2":"value2"}
String url = "";
userService = this.serviceGenerator.createService(UserService.class, true);
final Observable observable = userService.sendUserInfo(
url, new RetrofitMapBody(merchantInfo))
.doOnNext(new Consumer<ResponseBody>() {
public void accept(ResponseBody responseBody) throws Exception {
//handle 200 OK.
.onErrorResumeNext((ObservableSource<? extends ResponseBody>) v ->
Crashlytics.log("Send user info attempt failed."))
} catch (Exception exception) {
Crashlytics.log("Send user info attempt failed. " + exception.getMessage());
I suspect that problem in this part, I am trying to send request in OnCreate() method:
Tried to use this, but no effect:
What I am doing wrong? It always call onErrorResumeNext() It's probably something with threads because one time I got exception: networkonmainthreadexception. Please help.
Try using RxJava2 Adapter, it will save you a lot!
Step 1: Retrofit client setup
private Retrofit getRetrofitClient() {
return new Retrofit.Builder()
.addCallAdapterFactory(RxJava2CallAdapterFactory.create()) //option 1
.addCallAdapterFactory(RxJava2CallAdapterFactory.createWithScheduler(Schedulers.newThread())) //option 2
Step 2: APIService interface (Example)
Single<ResponseModel> fetch();
Step 3: Usage
Single<ResponseModel> fetch() {
return getRetrofitClient()
Any non-2xx HTTP response will be wrapped in HttpException from which you can extract the status code, the status message and the full HTTP response.
Any connection errors will be wrapped in IOException
And that is all you need to do to wrap your network call in any RxJava stream.

How can we remove x-forwarded-* header in Netflix Zuul filter?

I m building a simple PoC to strip-off the X-FORWARDED-* header while invoking microservice through Zuul gateway. I tried with route filter, but I couldnt find those headers there.
Where are the default headers are added and how can we remove it?
Found out. Add the below in
Works for me
RequestContext.getCurrentContext().getZuulRequestHeaders().remove("name of the header to be remove");
return new HttpServletRequestWrapper(request) {
private Set<String> headerNameSet;
public Enumeration<String> getHeaderNames() {
if (headerNameSet == null) {
// first time this method is called, cache the wrapped request's header names:
headerNameSet = new HashSet<>();
Enumeration<String> wrappedHeaderNames = super.getHeaderNames();
while (wrappedHeaderNames.hasMoreElements()) {
String headerName = wrappedHeaderNames.nextElement();
if (!headerName.contains("x-forwarded")) {
return Collections.enumeration(headerNameSet);
public Enumeration<String> getHeaders(String name) {
if (name.contains("x-forwarded")) {
return Collections.<String>emptyEnumeration();
return super.getHeaders(name);
public String getHeader(String name) {
if (name.contains("x-forwarded")) {
return null;
return super.getHeader(name);
Simple one through the configuration file
#mentioned header are ignored while build the request in zuul
ignored-header: header_name1, header_name2
#Will ignore all the x-forward-* headers
add-proxy-headers: false

Why this externa web service call go into error only when the call is performed using Spring RestTemplate?

I am working on a Spring project implementing a simple console application that have to call an external REST web service passing to it a parameter and obtaining a response from it.
The call to this webservice is:
where 6 is the specified ID. If you open this address in the browser (or by cURL tool) you will obtain the expected error message:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sampleid>IRGC 100000</sampleid>
<error>PGRFA sampleid [IRGC 100000], genus [Oryza] already registered for this owner</error>
This error message is the expected response for this request and I correctly obtain it also using cURL tool to perform the request.
So I have to perform this GET request from my Spring application.
To do it I create this getResponse() method into a RestClient class:
#Scope(proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
public class RestClient {
RestTemplate restTemplate;
String uriResourceRegistrationApi;
public RestClient() {
restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
uriResourceRegistrationApi = "";
public ResponseEntity<String> getResponse() {
ResponseEntity<String> response = restTemplate.getForEntity(uriResourceRegistrationApi, String.class);
return response;
Then I call this method from this test method:
public void singleResourceRestTest() {
System.out.println("singleResourceRestTest() START");
ResponseEntity<String> result = restClient.getResponse();
System.out.println("singleResourceRestTest() END");
But I am experiencing a very strange behavior, what it happens is:
1)The call to my external web service seems that happens (I saw it from the web services log).
2) The web service retrieve the parameter having value 7 but then it seems that can't use it as done without problem performing the request from the browser or by the shell statment:
curl -v
But now, calling in this way, my webservice (I can't post the code because it is a WSO2 ESB flow) give me this error message:
<200 OK,<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<error>Location information not correct</error>
<error>At least one between <genus> and <cropname> is required</error>
<error>Sample ID is required</error>
<error>Date is required</error>
<error>Creation method is required</error>
</response>,{Vary=[Accept-Encoding], Content-Type=[text/html; charset=UTF-8], Date=[Fri, 05 May 2017 14:07:09 GMT], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], Connection=[keep-alive]}>
Looking the web service log it seems that performing the call using RestTemplate it have some problem to use the retrieved ID=7 to perform a database query.
I know it looks terribly strange and you can see: "The problem is of your web service and not of the Spring RestTemplate". This is only partially true because I implemented this custom method that perform a low level Http GET call, this callWsOldStyle() (putted into the previous RestClient class):
public void callWsOldStyle() {
HttpURLConnection connection = null;
BufferedReader reader = null;
try {
URL restAPIUrl = new URL("");
connection = (HttpURLConnection) restAPIUrl.openConnection();
// Read the response
reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()));
StringBuilder jsonData = new StringBuilder();
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
}catch(Exception e) {
finally {
// Clean up
if(connection != null)
Using this method instead the RestTemplate one it works fine and this line:
print the expected result:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><response><sampleid>IRGC 100005</sampleid><genus>Oryza</genus><error>PGRFA sampleid [IRGC 100005], genus [Oryza] already registered for this owner</error></response>
To summarize:
Calling my WS from the browser it works.
Calling my WS using cURL it works.
Calling my WS using my callWsOldStyle() method it works.
Calling my WS using the method that use RestTemplate it go into error when my WS receive and try to handle the request.
So, what can be the cause of this issue? What am I missing? Maybe can depend by some wrong header or something like this?
As Pete said you are receiving an internal server error (status code 500) so you should check the server side of this rest service.
In any case you can do the following for the resttemplate
create an org.springframework.web.client.RequestCallback object if
you need to do something in the request
create an org.springframework.web.client.ResponseExtractor<String>
object in order to extract your data
use the resttemplate
public class SampleRequestCallBack implements RequestCallback
public void doWithRequest(ClientHttpRequest request) throws IOException
public class CustomResponseExtractor implements ResponseExtractor<String>
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CustomResponseExtractor.class.getName());
public String extractData(ClientHttpResponse response) throws IOException
String result =, Charset.forName("UTF8"));
if( logger.isInfoEnabled() )
{"Response received.\nStatus code: {}\n Result: {}",response.getStatusCode().value(), result);
return result;
catch (Exception e)
throw new IOException(e);
public void testStack()
String url = "";
String response = restTemplate.execute(url, HttpMethod.GET, new SampleRequestCallBack(), new CustomResponseExtractor());;;
catch (Exception e)
logger.error("Errore", e);
