MacOS Bash command line overlap - bash

I am new to Bash and just set my own terminal theme. However, when I typed a long command, the command line overlapped in one line instead of wrapping into two. I looked up for solutions and solved the problem by making sure I added \[...\] when using non-printing characters in a bash prompt. Yet, when I move up and down my cursor on previous command line, the command line still overlaps like this:
katnano .bash_profile
while normally it should be:
katrinachan#katrina :~$ nano .bash_profile
My .bash_profile looks like this:
export PS1="\[\e[1;38;5;73m\u#\h\e[m\] :\[\e[1;38;5;214m\W\e[m\]\$ "
export CLICOLOR=1
export LSCOLORS=Cxfxcxdxbxegedabagacad
May I know what I am missing in my .bash_profile file? Thanks
Thank you! It works perfectly. Now my code is:
export PS1="[\e[1;38;5;73m]\u#\h[\e[m] :[\e[1;38;5;214m]\W[\e[m]\$ "
export CLICOLOR=1
export LSCOLORS=Cxfxcxdxbxegedabagacad
The overlap problem doesn't exist anymore.

The \[...\] should only bracket sequences which do not involve cursor movement on output. You have the \u#\h\e sequence inside these brackets where obviously it should be outside.


How to change path name in mac bash?

I want to change the path?(they are id?) in front of %, because they are too long to read.
I want to make them short.
In your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc, using any editor you like, add one line
export PS1="<whatever prompt you like>"
Then restart the bash.

Text shatters after pressing up arrow and changing bash prompt

So I recently decided to change my bash prompt and I have a problem. After pressing up arrow a few times so I don't have to write the command I used like a minute ago the command suddenly breaks the whole prompt and the characters are randomly shattered.
I added this to my bash profile:
export PS1="[\e[32m]\u[\e[m]#[\e[32m]\s[\e[m]-[\e[32m]\W[\e[m] >> "
After pressing the up arrow like two or three times, the characters become totally scrambled like this:
do nano ~/.bash_profile-[]Downloads[] >> source ~/.bash_profile
pwd sudo nano
Guys please help me, it's really annoying. Thanks.
Already answered in comments. Here is the answer:
You need \[...\] around non-printing characters, not [...]. That's why you have a bunch of [] scattered throughout your prompt.

ZSH aliases not found

When I open my ~/.zshrc file and add alias homestead=“cd ~/Homestead”, I expect to be able to type homestead and be taken to the Homestead folder.
Instead I get the following error:
zsh: command not found: “cd
Even when I use single quotes, i.e. alias homestead='cd ~/Homestead' and run source ~/.zshrc I get the same error.
UPDATE: Also, when I run which homestead I get homestead: aliased to "cd
How can I fix this?
The answer was to open ~/.zshrc in Sublime Text as opposed to TextEdit and to check that the " were coming up as 042 in an octal dump.
You don't need to define this alias at all in zsh. Add the following to your .zshrc:
setopt autocd
The first allows you to treat a directory name as a command, which implicitly sets the working directory of the current shell to the named directory. The second specifies that if the current directory doesn't have a directory whose name is used with cd (or by itself with autocd set), then try to find it in a directory named in the cdpath parameter.
With these two, simply typing Homestead will first try to run a command named Homestead; failing that, it tries to cd to ./Homestead, and failing that, will finally succeed in cding to ~/Homestead.
The double quotes must be ASCII, not Unicode outside the ASCII range. Load the file in your editor, disable any automatic mangling of single quotes and double quotes. Then replace the funny quotes with ASCII quotes " (code decimal 34, hex 22, octal 042). Or type the command at a prompt, then cut & paste it in your editor. If all else fails, add the alias at the end of your .zshrc with
printf 'alias homestead="cd ~/homestead"' >> ~/.zshrc
Verify the result with octal dump,
od -bc .zshrc
The number above the quotes should appear as 042.
Maybe your locale settings is auto correcting a double quote " into a localized double quote “ as you posted. Since this is not recognized as a valid quote in shell, a simple white-space would break the string. So the actual alias is “cd.
As to why alias homestead='cd ~/Homestead' does not work, it seems you changed the alias in ~/.zshrc. From the which homestead result, it can be seen that alias homestead='cd ~/Homestead' does not really work. Maybe there is another line of alias homestead=“cd ~/Homestead” hidden in .zshrc after it.
Just saying that for me what fixed it was an error in the first alias in my list that had a question mark in it.
Just switched to Mac OS Catalina and ~/.bashrc to ~/.zshrc and I guess zsh doesn't support question marks.
Maybe it'll help someone coming here from Google search like I did.

Aliases in .bash_profile not working properly [closed]

Closed. This question is not reproducible or was caused by typos. It is not currently accepting answers.
This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers.
Closed 3 years ago.
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I have been trying to alter the .bash_profile that is in my root directory, but have been running into some problems. I am on OS X, Yosemite, on a Macbook Pro. As I understand it, the .bash_profile file contains the script that is called automatically whenever the Terminal app is opened and the bash shell starts.
This is what I currently have written in that file:
export PATH
This works perfectly fine. However, I want to add an alias (right underneath the above two lines) as follows:
alias test='cd ..'
However, when I save this and start up the Terminal, I get the following message:
-bash: alias: ..": not found
Replacing the single quotes with double quotes doesn't help, nor does taking them away altogether. Curiously however, the following alias works:
alias c=clear
When I type c into the terminal, it clear the screen, as you would expect. However, if I instead entered this line with quotes in the bash profile as:
alias c='clear'
Then I will get the following whenever I enter c into the Terminal:
-bash: 'clear': command not found
Note that I do not get an error message on startup for this alias.
What am I doing wrong? Is there a setting I need to change somewhere to get aliases to work properly? I have seen previous examples of aliases and they simply do not work for me.
It looks like shell is not accessing your .bash_profile when logging via terminal.
.bash_profile is a config file of bash shell. When bash shell starting, shell will execute the commands in .bash_profile. But there are many kinds of shells, and different shells execute different config file.
Terminal is a software to receive user input, shell will execute commands.You can use cat /etc/shells to list acceptable shells. For example:
$ cat /etc/shells
The default shell is bash shell on Mac OX. But if you have installed zsh, the default shell is zsh, when zsh shell starting, shell will find out the file named .zshrc, and execute the commands in .zshrc.
You can use echo $SHELL to determine the current shell:
$ echo $SHELL
-> echo $SHELL
If your default shell is zsh, .bash_profile don't work. The config file of zsh is .zshrc. And I guess your problem is that your default shell is not bash shell. For example, if your default shell is zsh, you should config the .zshrc , just add
export PATH
or other config to ~/.zshrc.
Then source ~/.zshrc, and the config will work immediately.
Wrapping the command with double quotation worked for me. I was trying with every possible way mentioned in this thread and none of them worked. Then I replaced single quote to double and that worked.
alias mysql_start="sudo /path/to/server/mysql.server start"
For me, it didn't work in the same terminal. I had to open a new one to get it work.
The killer for me was space and single quotes.
alias test="cd .." worked.
Don't put any spaces between alias_name=
User level 'system' files need to contain 'plain text'. How to set/configure this for your 'editor-of-choice' can vary (I don't use a Mac so I'm not much help with that.) Soo,
create your profile 'from the shell' by appending lines directly, i.e. remove the 'bad lines and then:
echo "some command string" >> ~/path/bash_profile
use 'vi' or 'vim' ## should be 'safe'
review your file via:
cat -v ~/path/bash_profle | more ## see any 'funny chars'? or
cat -ve ~/path/bash_profle | more ## see any 'funny chars'? or
vi ~/path/bash_profle # then set 'control codes' to 'on'
set list ## see any 'funny chars' for your 'quotes'?
What I realised is that Mac has option for smart quotes and dashes.
alias ..='cd ../' is different from alias ..=‘cd ../‘, where the former works but the latter doesn't.
You can run alias custom auto startup in ~/.bash_profile or ~/.alias_file... by paste file name alias in ~/.bashrc if you use bash or ~/.zshrc if you use zsh.
if [ -s ~/.bash_profile ]; then
source ~/.bash_profile;
I fixed this by editing my .bash_profile in vim or nano something about text edited messed it up unsure why.
I tried to edit in in notepad just using "open .bash_profile" however something about the symbols translated wrong. So you have to either "vim .bash_profile" or "nano .bash_profile"
Doing this corrected this problem for me.
Make sure that the alias commands are together in the .bash_profile too. That is what was wrong with mine.
Also, if you just type in alias in the terminal, it should list all the known alias commands, so if you don't see your command you know something is wrong.
If alias is not recognizing, first identify what shell you're using when you open up your terminal or commandlineprompt echo $SHELL. For me it's /bin/bash so i'll input my aliases in ~/.bash_profile
Take note, the file ~/.bash_profile can store both aliases to call out during a terminal session and autorun those same aliases upon opening up a terminal session. The example below would be to open up a file to edit by text via vim-software. You may change it other text-editors as you wish. You can see the difference by closure-method.
ALIAS CALLOUT (uses parenthesis)
alias editbp="vim ~/.bash_profile"
ALIAS AUTORUN (uses tilda)
alias editbp=`vim ~/.bash_profile`

Terminal error in mac

I used to do something to change the looking my of macbook terminal(adding color to character, etc). However, since than, when ever I try "ls", it always gave the error like:
error : invalid character '' in LSCOLORS env var.
How to set up my env to fix it please?
Update: I fixed the problem by fix my .bash_profile in changing to
export LSCOLORS=ExFxCxDxBxegedabagacad
figure out your current setting - run 'grep "LSCOLORS=" ~/.bash_profile'
open your ~.bash_profile, find the LSCOLORS definition. Change it as follows:
export CLICOLOR=1
export LSCOLORS=Gxfxcxdxbxegedabagacad
You must have added a line beginning with LSCOLORS= some character to your .bash_profile. Open it in terminal with nano ~/.bash_profile or using TextEdit and remove that line.
