Converting pdf to image - prevent text output - ghostscript

I know Ghostscript can translate pdf into png.
Can you tell which lines in the source code to comment out so that blocks with text are simply skipped (ignored) when converting pdf to png.

Don't modify the source. Instead use -dFILTERTEXT which will drop text rather than rendering it. See here


PDF generated with ghostscript (no output fonts) has defects (missing outlines)

Following of question: Convert PDF to get vectorized text ("convert all text to outlines")
The PDF generated with the gs -o outputPath.pdf -dNoOutputFonts -sDEVICE=pdfwrite inputPath.pdf has a defect. Around some font characters, some outlines have disappeared when I inspect it deeply with Inkscape (View / Display Mode / Outlines). See:
Link of the file for further inspection:
How to solve this? Is there an option in the ghostscript command that I could add to solve this? Thanks.

Converting TIFF to PDF with GraphicsMagick MediaBox / CropBox resolution

We are currently converting TIFF files to PDF using GraphicsMagick. The TIFF is coming from an eFAX and has a (pixel) resolution of 1728x2200.
If you do the conversion with tiff2pdf or just open it on Preview and convert export it to PDF, it is generated with a MediaBox value of 612x792 point, which is what is expected.
However graphics magick generates a MediaBox of 1728x4400 and a CropBox of 610x792. It all looks good if you open it on a PDF viewer because it's using the CropBox but if you're feeding it to GhostScript after, you don't get the Image on the full page but as a small square inside the document.
The lazy solutions would be to change for Tiff2PDF or add -dUseCropBox to our GhostScript command but I'd like to know what GraphicsMagick option should be used to have the PDF with the good MediaBox. It's like it doesn't understand that the resolution is in Pixels and not in Point. Hope somebody has insights

Ghostscript Stamp Image on PDF

Is there any way to stamp or overlap a tiff image on a existing PDF file and output the result using Ghostscript?
I have two PDF which i want to merge in a result PDF with one over the other using ghostscript. I want to know if this can be done and how, or if it may work with one PDF as tiff image on top of the base PDF.
Can ghostscript make this stamp using layers in the PDF?
Thank you for your answers
The pdfwrite device in Ghostscript doesn't really support layers, so you can't use that. Also its unclear why you think layers would help.
TIFF isn't part of PostScript (or PDF), so you can't directly read a TIFF file into GS. I have elsewhere posted a PostScript program which reads TIFF files and renders them for output. You could use that to read a TIFF file.
However, you would have to mess about with either the PDF interpreter or a custom EndPage procedure in order to read and render the TIFF file. And unless you take specific kinds of action, it will be opaque, which may well not be what you want.
The Ghostscript PDF interpreter doesn't really lend itself to this kind of manipulation, have you considered using pdftk instead ?

How to convert a source code text file (e.g. asp php js) to jpg with syntax highlight using command line / bash routine?

I need to create images of the first page of some source code text files, like asp or php or js files for example.
I usually accomplish this by typing a command like
enscript --no-header --pages=1 "${input_file}" -o - | ps2pdf - "${temp_pdf_file}"
convert -quality 100 -density 150x150 -append "${temp_pdf_file}"[0] "${output_file}"
trash "${temp_pdf_file}"
This works nice for my needs, but it obviously outputs an image "as is" with no "eye-candy" features.
I was wondering if there's a way to add syntax highlighting too.
This might come handy to speed up the creation of presentations of developed works for example.
Pygments is a source highlighting library which has PNG, JPEG, GIF and BMP formatters. No intermediate steps:
pygmentize -o jquery.png jquery-1.7.1.js
Edit: adding source code image to the document means you are doing it wrong to begin with. I would suggest LaTeX, Markdown or similar for the whole document and source code document could be generated.
Another easy/lazy way would be to create an html document using pygmentize and copy-paste it to the document. Not professional, but better than raster image.
Here's how I do it on my Mac:
I open up the file with MacVIM. MacVIM supports syntax highlighting.
I print the file to a PDF. This gives me a paged document with highlighted syntax.
When I print, The program Preview opens up to display the file. I can Export it to a jpg, or whatever my hearts desire.
I don't have a Mac
This works with Windows too.
You have to get VIM although Notepad++ may also work. Any program editor will support syntax highlighting and allow you to print out with the highlighted syntax. So, pick what you like.
You have to get some sort of PDF producing print driver such as CutePDF.
Converting it to a jpg. I think Adobe Acrobat may be able to export a PDF into a JPG, or maybe the print driver can print to a JPG instead of a PDF. Or, you can send it to a friend who has a Mac.

image not shown in dvi after latexing

I include several images of eps format in latex. After latex command, there are some of the images missing in the dvi file. Not sure if it is related to the image size, most of the images missing have size around 83kB while those shown up have a size less than 40kB. After conversion from dvi to ps, the images are all back. Just wonder what is the reason causing the images missing in dvi file?
Thanks and regards!
As far as I can remember, a dvi viewer cannot show eps file. Just use pdflatex as the front-end instead of latex and view the resulting pdf file.
Checking man xdvi reveals this:
Xdvi can show PostScript specials
by any of three methods. It will try
first to use Display PostScript,
then NeWS, then it will try to
use Ghostscript to render the images. All of these options
depend on additional software to work
properly; moreover, some of them may
not be compiled into this copy of xdvi.
So it would appear to be platform- and/or implementation-dependent.
