Inventory Management Not Working when using Connect V2 - square-connect

we are adjusting the stock after inserting the catalog object via SDK for the first time, stock is synchronized in Square Account correctly. After updating the stock quantity, it is doubled in variation level stock, even it is not displaying in square dashboard. Whether I'm missing anything or else if there is any solution available?
$V1AdjustInventoryRequest = new \SquareConne\Mode\V1AdjustInventoryRequest();
$V1AdjustInventoryRequest->setQuantityDelta((float) 10);
$api = new \SquareConnect\Api\V1ItemsApi();
// Upsert the Inventory
apiResponse = $api->adjustInventory($location_id, $variation_id, $V1AdjustInventoryRequest);


Update ticket Field in zoho desk

I'm a beginner at using Custom Function on the Zoho desk. I'm trying to update a field in the ticket template.
I have 2 fields in the ticket template [KM, COST]. The cost should equal 2*KM. For example, if KM = 100, then Cost = 200.
I created a workflow that works if the KM is updated and attached the following custom function code, but the field doesn't update.
orgId = "718524341";
response = zoho.desk.getRecordById(orgId,"tickets",TicketID,"zohodesk");
cid = response.get('cf_km');
km_cost = cid * 2;
The correct API Name for the tickets module in zoho desk is Tickets.
If you still can't get it to work, then try executing the function independent of the workflow with fixed parameters. Make sure to do info response and post the output here.

Plugin performance in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013/2015

Time to leave the shy mode behind and make my first post on stackoverflow.
After doing loads of research (plugins, performance, indexes, types of update, friends) and after trying several approaches I was unable to find a proper answer/solution.
So if possible I would like to get your feedback/help in a Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013/2015 plugin performance issue (or coding technique)
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013/2015
2 Entities with Relationship 1:N
EntityB has the following columns:
Id | EntityAId | ColumnDemoX (decimal) | ColumnDemoY (currency)
Entity A has: 500 records
Entity B has: 150 records per each Entity A record. So 500*150 = 75000 records.
Create a Post Entity A Plugin Update to "mimic" the following SQL command
Update EntityB
Set ColumnDemoX = (some quantity), ColumnDemoY = (some quantity) * (some value)
Where EntityAId = (some id)
One approach could be:
using (var serviceContext = new XrmServiceContext(service))
var query = from a in serviceContext.EntityASet
where a.EntityAId.Equals(someId)
select a;
foreach (EntityA entA in query)
entA.ColumnDemoX = (some quantity);
The foreach for 150 records in the post plugin update will take 20 secs or more.
While the
Update EntityB Set ColumnDemoX = (some quantity), ColumnDemoY = (some quantity) * (some value) Where EntityAId = (some id)
it will take 0.00001 secs
Any suggestion/solution?
Thank you all for reading.
You can use the ExecuteMultipleRequest, when you iterate the 150 entities, save the entities you need to update and after that call the request. If you do this, you only call the service once, that's very good for the perfomance.
If your process could be bigger and bigger, then you should think making it asynchronous as a plug-in or a custom activity workflow.
This is an example:
// Create an ExecuteMultipleRequest object.
requestWithResults = new ExecuteMultipleRequest()
// Assign settings that define execution behavior: continue on error, return responses.
Settings = new ExecuteMultipleSettings()
ContinueOnError = false,
ReturnResponses = true
// Create an empty organization request collection.
Requests = new OrganizationRequestCollection()
// Add a UpdateRequest for each entity to the request collection.
foreach (var entity in input.Entities)
UpdateRequest updateRequest = new UpdateRequest { Target = entity };
// Execute all the requests in the request collection using a single web method call.
ExecuteMultipleResponse responseWithResults =
Few solutions comes to mind but I don't think they will please you...
Is this really a problem ? Yes it's slow and database update can be so much faster. However if you can have it as a background process (asynchronous), you'll have your numbers anyway. Is it really a "I need this numbers in the next second as soon as I click or business will go down" situation ?
It can be a reason to ditch 2013. In CRM 2015 you can use a calculated field. If you need this numbers only to show up in forms (eg. you don't use them in reporting), you could also do it in javascript.
Warning this is for the desesperate call. If you really need your update to be synchronous, immediate, you can't use calculated fields, you really know what your doing etc... Why not do it directly in the database? I know this is a very bad advice. There are a lot of reason not to do it this way (you can read a few here). It's unsupported and if you do something wrong it could go really bad. But if your real situation is as simple as your example (just a calculated field, no entity creation, no relation modification), you could do it this way. You'll have to consider many things: you won't have any audit on the fields, no security, caching issues, no modified by, etc. Actually I pretty much advise against this solution.
1 - Put it this logic to async workflow.
2 - Don't use
Get all the records (150) from post stage update the fields and ExecuteMultipleRequest to update crm records in one time.
Don't send update request for each and every record

custom reason message for magento reward points

How to add a custom reason message for a reward action ?
I have created :
$customerId = 1303177;
$points = 10;
$customer = Mage::getModel('customer/customer')->load($customerId);
$reward = Mage::getModel('enterprise_reward/reward')
->setComment('Added programmatically')
i like to add something like
$reward->setReason('bonus point');
that would be visible in the reason column of the customer reward history ( back office )
If reason column already exists in the Rewards database table, then all you need is to use
$reward->setReason('bonus point');
to save the values.
But if reason column doesn't exist then first create a new column reason in the database and then use the above code to save the values in that field.

Codeigniter Cart: Adding an item to cart more than once replaces

Using CI 2.1.1 and the native Cart library
If I insert an item (with same product id, same options) more than once, it replaces instead of increasing the qty.
Could this be a bug, am I missing something, or what would be the best way to add this functionality myself?
So this was my solution, a change to System/libraries/Cart.php on line no. 233 to 244
There may be better ways to do this but it does the trick. I don't understand why the functionality isn't there already
// EDIT: added check if idential rowid/item already in cart, then just increase qty
// without this addition, it would not increase qty but simply replace the item
if (array_key_exists($rowid, $this->_cart_contents))
$this->_cart_contents[$rowid]['qty'] += $items['qty'];
// let's unset this first, just to make sure our index contains only the data from this submission
// Create a new index with our new row ID
$this->_cart_contents[$rowid]['rowid'] = $rowid;
// And add the new items to the cart array
foreach ($items as $key => $val)
$this->_cart_contents[$rowid][$key] = $val;
It's not a bug. Look at it this way: you're telling CI that you want 1 productX in your cart. If it's already there, it stays that way. The rowid does get updated.
Editing the core libraries is not a good idea. That makes your application depend on the changes you made and it can break it when you update CI and forget to change the core again.
If you really want to be able to increase the qty every time the user clicks on Add then
I would suggest is to do something similar to what you did, but in you model.
Check if the product is already in cart, get the qty and add existing qty to the new one.
Does this make sense?

getRate() and Magento tax percentage

I'm trying to get the tax rate (percentage, not currency) for a given postcode so I can display it in a third-party quote PDF printout (no relation to the "quote" Magento uses as the shopping cart pre-checkout). While I'm still relatively new to Magento it appears that getRateRequest() and getRate() are the two main functions which get the tax rate based on all the variables (product tax class, customer tax class, etc.).
Since this is for a third-party extension and all our products are taxable I figured I would just use getRate() with the correct Varien Object input and it would return the tax rate. After a week of trial and error I can't figure out why I'm always getting a rate of zero. I've confirmed I'm calling the getRate() function and that it's not returning zero from the first if() statement checking for Country and Customer/Product class ID. In addition I've confirmed all the variables are being passed on and accessible in the getRate() function itself.
I've created an object with the below input (based on the output of getRateRequest()) that I call with getRate() and am hoping someone can shed light on what is wrong with my data input or why the getRate() function is always returning a result of zero. (I'm actually setting with $variables below, they are just defined earlier up and one of my test case values are below)
// UPDATED CODE (variable values come from 3rd party quote extension)
$country = 'US'; // use short country code
$region = '12'; // must be numeric!
$postcode = '95050';
// our quote extension stores the customer id ('2') which we use to get the tax class
$customer = Mage::getModel('customer/customer')->load( '2' );
$custTax = $customer->getTaxClassId();
$TaxRequest = new Varien_Object();
$TaxRequest->setCountryId( $country );
$TaxRequest->setRegionId( $region );
$TaxRequest->setPostcode( $postcode );
$TaxRequest->setStore( Mage::app()->getStore() );
$TaxRequest->setCustomerClassId( $custTax );
$TaxRequest->setProductClassId(2); // 2=taxable id (all our products are taxable)
$taxCalculationModel = Mage::getSingleton('tax/calculation');
$rate = $taxCalculationModel->getRate($TaxRequest);
My backup plan is to just do a direct SQL lookup formula although that will probably get a bit messy. Since our web development team didn't exactly follow good coding standards an eventual site re-write is in my future anyway once the initial launch fixes are in (all 4 pages of them).
Thanks for any help and taking the time to read this.
EDIT - Stack Overflow is awesome :)
You can also try this
$store = Mage::app()->getStore('default');
$request = Mage::getSingleton('tax/calculation')->getRateRequest(null, null, null, $store);
$taxclassid = $product->getData('tax_class_id');
$percent = Mage::getSingleton('tax/calculation')->getRate($request->setProductClassId($taxclassid));
If you change:
where $stateId is numeric region id. Your code should work then.
