Overriding Ruby's & and | methods doesn't require . operator? [duplicate] - ruby

I'm wondering why calls to operator methods don't require a dot? Or rather, why can't normal methods be called without a dot?
class Foo
def +(object)
puts "this will work"
def plus(object)
puts "this won't"
f = Foo.new
f + "anything" # "this will work"
f plus "anything" # NoMethodError: undefined method `plus' for main:Object

The answer to this question, as to pretty much every language design question is: "Just because". Language design is a series of mostly subjective trade-offs. And for most of those subjective trade-offs, the only correct answer to the question why something is the way it is, is simply "because Matz said so".
There are certainly other choices:
Lisp doesn't have operators at all. +, -, ::, >, = and so on are simply normal legal function names (variable names, actually), just like foo or bar?
(plus 1 2)
(+ 1 2)
Smalltalk almost doesn't have operators. The only special casing Smalltalk has is that methods which consist only of operator characters do not have to end with a colon. In particular, since there are no operators, all method calls have the same precedence and are evaluated strictly left-to-right: 2 + 3 * 4 is 20, not 14.
1 plus: 2
1 + 2
Scala almost doesn't have operators. Just like Lisp and Smalltalk, *, -, #::: and so on are simply legal method names. (Actually, they are also legal class, trait, type and field names.) Any method can be called either with or without a dot. If you use the form without the dot and the method takes only a single argument, then you can leave off the brackets as well. Scala does have precedence, though, although it is not user-definable; it is simply determined by the first character of the name. As an added twist, operator method names that end with a colon are inverted or right-associative, i.e. a :: b is equivalent to b.::(a) and not a.::(b).
1 plus(2)
1 plus 2
1 +(2)
1 + 2
In Haskell, any function whose name consists of operator symbols is considered an operator. Any function can be treated as an operator by enclosing it in backticks and any operator can be treated as a function by enclosing it in brackets. In addition, the programmer can freely define associativity, fixity and precedence for user-defined operators.
plus 1 2
1 `plus` 2
(+) 1 2
1 + 2
There is no particular reason why Ruby couldn't support user-defined operators in a style similar to Scala. There is a reason why Ruby can't support arbitrary methods in operator position, simply because
foo plus bar
is already legal, and thus this would be a backwards-incompatible change.
Another thing to consider is that Ruby wasn't actually fully designed in advance. It was designed through its implementation. Which means that in a lot of places, the implementation is leaking through. For example, there is absolutely no logical reason why
is legal but
puts(not true)
isn't. The only reason why this is so, is because Matz used an LALR(1) parser to parse a non-LALR(1) language. If he had designed the language first, he would have never picked an LALR(1) parser in the first place, and the expression would be legal.
The Refinement feature currently being discussed on ruby-core is another example. The way it is currently specified, will make it impossible to optimize method calls and inline methods, even if the program in question doesn't actually use Refinements at all. With just a simple tweak, it can be just as expressive and powerful, and ensure that the pessimization cost is only incurred for scopes that actually use Refinements. Apparently, the sole reason why it was specified this way, is that a) it was easier to prototype this way, and b) YARV doesn't have an optimizer, so nobody even bothered to think about the implications (well, nobody except Charles Oliver Nutter).
So, for basically any question you have about Ruby's design, the answer will almost always be either "because Matz said so" or "because in 1993 it was easier to implement that way".

The implementation doesn't have the additional complexity that would be needed to allow generic definition of new operators.
Instead, Ruby has a Yacc parser that uses a statically defined grammar. You get the built-in operators and that's it. Symbols occur in a fixed set of sentences in the grammar. As you have noted, the operators can be overloaded, which is more than most languages offer.
Certainly it's not because Matz was lazy.
Ruby actually has a fiendishly complex grammar that is roughly at the limit of what can be accomplished in Yacc. To get more complex would require using a less portable compiler generator or it would have required writing the parser by hand in C, and doing that would have limited future implementation portability in its own way as well as not providing the world with the Yacc input. That would be a problem because Ruby's Yacc source code is the only Ruby grammar documentation and is therefore "the standard".

Because Ruby has "syntax sugar" that allows for a variety of convenient syntax for preset situations. For example:
class Foo
def bar=( o ); end
# This is actually calling the bar= method with a parameter, not assigning a value
Foo.new.bar = 42
Here's a list of the operator expressions that may be implemented as methods in Ruby.

Because Ruby's syntax was designed to look roughly like popular OO languages, and those use the dot operator to call methods. The language it borrowed its object model from, Smalltalk, didn't use dots for messages, and in fact had a fairly "weird" syntax that many people found off-putting. Ruby has been called "Smalltalk with an Algol syntax," where Algol is the language that gave us the conventions you're talking about here. (Of course, there are actually more differences than just the Algol syntax.)

Missing braces was some "advantage" for ruby 1.8, but with ruby 1.9 you can't even write method_0 method_1 some param it will be rejected, so the language goes rather to the strict version instead of freeforms.


Ruby - when I should use parenthesis or not when calling a function/method

Is there a clear standard or guide to use or not use parenthesis when calling a function/method?
For example, the following code:
class List < Jets::Stack
Should I or shouldn't I use parenthesis? Other example:
class ExampleJob < ApplicationJob
def sqs_event ref(:dead_letter)
class ExampleJob < ApplicationJob
def sqs_event ref :dead_letter
Is there a official guideline I can follow?
There isn't an official standard for Ruby code best practices. However, a set of preferred styles has evolved in the Ruby community. It's a good idea to follow those preferred styles, just because it makes your code more easily readable by other Ruby programmers.
Nick Roz has given you a link to the style guide. I would also recommend that you consider installing and using rubocop. It will give you feedback on when and when not to parenthesize arguments, many other formatting matters such as proper indenting, and which of the often several different syntax options to choose in a particular situation.
To answer your specific question about whether or not to use parentheses for method arguments, the answer is yes, in general. Exceptions are, as the guide says, "methods that have 'keyword' status in Ruby." An example is puts (actually the Kernel.puts method). Most people don't use parentheses here, but the guide states that they are optional.
Another example, as Nick has said (although "methods with keyword arguments" isn't quite correct; in that case the arguments are symbols that represent methods rather than keywords), is attr_accessor, which is actually Module.attr_accessor.
So, as a general rule, if it looks like a "command" (a "keyword," if you will), but is actually a method, omit the parentheses. Otherwise, use them. And if you're not sure of the difference, get in the habit of using rubocop.
In Ruby it is usually optional.
Ruby tends towards minimalism so they are often avoided.
Sometimes they are required such as in rspec expect where
expect a.to be true
has to be
expect(a).to be true
Using no parens or empty parens when calling a method that has a parameter results in ArgumentError unless you a default for the param, i.e.
def a(x=1)
The other consideration is when you want to call a method on the result of something, when you'll need want that method to clearly be on the final result, i.e.
"br" + "own".upcase
("br" + "own").upcase
Finally, as I'm talking about clarity, sometimes it may be better to have them, even when not strictly needed. This is generally in compound expressions, rather than relying on operator precedence, etc. Or if you want an expression that specifically does not get executed by standard operator precedence and you want your own grouping and order of operations, for example:
irb(main):007:0> 5 + 6 * 2
=> 17
irb(main):008:0> (5 + 6) * 2
=> 22
As Nick indicated, the one complication is super where super or super() pass on parms but super(a,b) calls super with... a,b as params
Yes there is
I suppose you are looking for community guidelines since there is not style guides from Ruby core team.
Well, whenever you call a method you should use parenthesis, otherwise it becomes unclear
# bad
x = Math.sin y
# good
x = Math.sin(y)
# bad
array.delete e
# good
# bad
temperance = Person.new 'Temperance', 30
# good
temperance = Person.new('Temperance', 30)
However it is recommended to skip them when there is no arguments.
Be careful with super and super() they are different. super without brackets passes all the parameters implicitly. super() with empty brackets omits all the parameters
The only exception that comes to my mind is some kind of custom DSL, there must be some rules or preferences for DSL itself e.g.
validates :name, presence: true
It is also true for methods with keyword arguments:
attr_reader :name, :age
According to Matz:
If arguments are given to a method, they are generally surrounded by
object.method(arg1, arg2)
but they can be omitted if doing so does not cause ambiguity.
object.method arg1, arg2

Why does 1+1 work, but not other methods, in Ruby?

In Ruby, it's possible to rewrite 1.+(1) as 1 + 1. However, it's not possible to do this for other methods, such as 1.to_s, and rewrite them as 1to_s or 1 to_s. Why is this?
In other words, why is it possible to call 1+1 but not for other methods? Is this, among other methods, a nicety that's allowed by the interpreter?
Note that this works for other math operators/methods such as / and **.
a + b is just syntactic sugar for the method call a.+(b) (and the same is true for the other operators). This transformation is done during parsing. You can see it here, in ruby's bison grammar. In particular, the rule for a + b uses call_bin_op to construct the abstract syntax tree node to return, which is a macro that forwards to call_bin_op_gen, which calls NEW_CALL, which builds an AST node representing a method call.
As you state: "In Ruby, everything is an object", therefore all the things you can do end up being method calls. There is some syntactic sugar involved in making 1+1 call the #+() method of the Fixnum object 1 (you actually cannot define this yourselves as pointed out by #Ismail Badawi, it is part of the ruby language definition).
However as to_s already is a method call there is not much you can do about it. You may call it as 1.to_s(), but it is only possible to omit the . if there is no ambiguity involved and there is bound to be some in your example.

Define custom Ruby operator

The question is: Can I define my own custom operator in Ruby, except for the ones found in
"Operator Expressions"?
For example: 1 %! 2
Yes, custom operators can be created, although there are some caveats. Ruby itself doesn't directly support it, but the superators gem does a clever trick where it chains operators together. This allows you to create your own operators, with a few limitations:
$ gem install superators19
require 'superators19'
class Array
superator "%~" do |operand|
"#{self} percent-tilde #{operand}"
puts [1] %~ [2]
# Outputs: [1] percent-tilde [2]
Due to the aforementioned limitations, I couldn't do your 1 %! 2 example. The Documentation has full details, but Fixnums can't be given a superator, and ! can't be in a superator.
No. You can only define operators already specified in ruby, +,-,!,/,%, etc. (you saw the list)
You can see for yourself this won't work
def HI
def %!
puts "wow"
This is largely due to the fact that the syntax parser would have to be extended to accept any code using your new operator.
As Darshan mentions this example alone may not be enough to realize the underlying problem. Instead let us take a closer look at how the parser could possibly handle some example code using this operator.
3 %! 0
While with my spacing it may seem obvious that this should be 3.%!(0) without spacing it becomes harder to see.
3%! can also be seen as 3.%(0.!) The parser has no idea which to chose. Currently, there is no way easy way to tell it. Instead, we could possibly hope to override the meaning of 3.%(0.!) but this isn't exactly defining a new operator, as we are still only limited to ruby's parsable symbols
You probably can't do this within Ruby, but only by modifying Ruby itself. I think modifying parse.y would be your best bet. parse.y famtour

Why doesn't ruby support method overloading?

Instead of supporting method overloading Ruby overwrites existing methods. Can anyone explain why the language was designed this way?
"Overloading" is a term that simply doesn't even make sense in Ruby. It is basically a synonym for "static argument-based dispatch", but Ruby doesn't have static dispatch at all. So, the reason why Ruby doesn't support static dispatch based on the arguments, is because it doesn't support static dispatch, period. It doesn't support static dispatch of any kind, whether argument-based or otherwise.
Now, if you are not actually specifically asking about overloading, but maybe about dynamic argument-based dispatch, then the answer is: because Matz didn't implement it. Because nobody else bothered to propose it. Because nobody else bothered to implement it.
In general, dynamic argument-based dispatch in a language with optional arguments and variable-length argument lists, is very hard to get right, and even harder to keep it understandable. Even in languages with static argument-based dispatch and without optional arguments (like Java, for example), it is sometimes almost impossible to tell for a mere mortal, which overload is going to be picked.
In C#, you can actually encode any 3-SAT problem into overload resolution, which means that overload resolution in C# is NP-hard.
Now try that with dynamic dispatch, where you have the additional time dimension to keep in your head.
There are languages which dynamically dispatch based on all arguments of a procedure, as opposed to object-oriented languages, which only dispatch on the "hidden" zeroth self argument. Common Lisp, for example, dispatches on the dynamic types and even the dynamic values of all arguments. Clojure dispatches on an arbitrary function of all arguments (which BTW is extremely cool and extremely powerful).
But I don't know of any OO language with dynamic argument-based dispatch. Martin Odersky said that he might consider adding argument-based dispatch to Scala, but only if he can remove overloading at the same time and be backwards-compatible both with existing Scala code that uses overloading and compatible with Java (he especially mentioned Swing and AWT which play some extremely complex tricks exercising pretty much every nasty dark corner case of Java's rather complex overloading rules). I've had some ideas myself about adding argument-based dispatch to Ruby, but I never could figure out how to do it in a backwards-compatible manner.
Method overloading can be achieved by declaring two methods with the same name and different signatures. These different signatures can be either,
Arguments with different data types, eg: method(int a, int b) vs method(String a, String b)
Variable number of arguments, eg: method(a) vs method(a, b)
We cannot achieve method overloading using the first way because there is no data type declaration in ruby(dynamic typed language). So the only way to define the above method is def(a,b)
With the second option, it might look like we can achieve method overloading, but we can't. Let say I have two methods with different number of arguments,
def method(a); end;
def method(a, b = true); end; # second argument has a default value
# Now the method call can match the first one as well as the second one,
# so here is the problem.
So ruby needs to maintain one method in the method look up chain with a unique name.
I presume you are looking for the ability to do this:
def my_method(arg1)
def my_method(arg1, arg2)
Ruby supports this in a different way:
def my_method(*args)
if args.length == 1
#method 1
#method 2
A common pattern is also to pass in options as a hash:
def my_method(options)
if options[:arg1] and options[:arg2]
#method 2
elsif options[:arg1]
#method 1
my_method arg1: 'hello', arg2: 'world'
Method overloading makes sense in a language with static typing, where you can distinguish between different types of arguments
as well as between different number of arguments
f(1, 'foo')
f(1, 'foo', true)
The first distinction does not exist in ruby. Ruby uses dynamic typing or "duck typing". The second distinction can be handled by default arguments or by working with arguments:
def f(n, s = 'foo', flux_compensator = true)
def f(*args)
case args.size
when 2
when 3
This doesn't answer the question of why ruby doesn't have method overloading, but third-party libraries can provide it.
The contracts.ruby library allows overloading. Example adapted from the tutorial:
class Factorial
include Contracts
Contract 1 => 1
def fact(x)
Contract Num => Num
def fact(x)
x * fact(x - 1)
# try it out
Factorial.new.fact(5) # => 120
Note that this is actually more powerful than Java's overloading, because you can specify values to match (e.g. 1), not merely types.
You will see decreased performance using this though; you will have to run benchmarks to decide how much you can tolerate.
I often do the following structure :
def method(param)
case param
when String
when Type1
#default implementation
This allow the user of the object to use the clean and clear method_name : method
But if he want to optimise execution, he can directly call the correct method.
Also, it makes your test clearers and betters.
there are already great answers on why side of the question. however, if anyone looking for other solutions checkout functional-ruby gem which is inspired by Elixir pattern matching features.
class Foo
include Functional::PatternMatching
## Constructor Over loading
defn(:initialize) { #name = 'baz' }
defn(:initialize, _) {|name| #name = name.to_s }
## Method Overloading
defn(:greet, :male) {
puts "Hello, sir!"
defn(:greet, :female) {
puts "Hello, ma'am!"
foo = Foo.new or Foo.new('Bar')
foo.greet(:male) => "Hello, sir!"
foo.greet(:female) => "Hello, ma'am!"
I came across this nice interview with Yukihiro Matsumoto (aka. "Matz"), the creator of Ruby. Incidentally, he explains his reasoning and intention there. It is a good complement to #nkm's excellent exemplification of the problem. I have highlighted the parts that answer your question on why Ruby was designed that way:
Orthogonal versus Harmonious
Bill Venners: Dave Thomas also claimed that if I ask you to add a
feature that is orthogonal, you won't do it. What you want is
something that's harmonious. What does that mean?
Yukihiro Matsumoto: I believe consistency and orthogonality are tools
of design, not the primary goal in design.
Bill Venners: What does orthogonality mean in this context?
Yukihiro Matsumoto: An example of orthogonality is allowing any
combination of small features or syntax. For example, C++ supports
both default parameter values for functions and overloading of
function names based on parameters. Both are good features to have in
a language, but because they are orthogonal, you can apply both at the
same time. The compiler knows how to apply both at the same time. If
it's ambiguous, the compiler will flag an error. But if I look at the
code, I need to apply the rule with my brain too. I need to guess how
the compiler works. If I'm right, and I'm smart enough, it's no
problem. But if I'm not smart enough, and I'm really not, it causes
confusion. The result will be unexpected for an ordinary person. This
is an example of how orthogonality is bad.
Source: "The Philosophy of Ruby", A Conversation with Yukihiro Matsumoto, Part I
by Bill Venners, September 29, 2003 at: https://www.artima.com/intv/ruby.html
Statically typed languages support method overloading, which involves their binding at compile time. Ruby, on the other hand, is a dynamically typed language and cannot support static binding at all. In languages with optional arguments and variable-length argument lists, it is also difficult to determine which method will be invoked during dynamic argument-based dispatch. Additionally, Ruby is implemented in C, which itself does not support method overloading.

Shorthand logic to prepend a variable in many languages

I'm interesting why the shorthand forms of the assignment operators only works in one way, that means appending the value of the variable.
Ex. (In Javascript):
x+=y x=x+y
x-=y x=x-y
x*=y x=x*y
x/=y x=x/y
x%=y x=x%y
Frequently I found situations where I need to prepend the variable:
Suppose x and y are strings and you are concatenating.
I would like to have a syntax that allow something like:
As I do with i++ or ++i incrementing number.
Is there some language that support this?
surely x=y+x is the same as y+=x
I'm puzzled as to why you would learn a new language just to save on 1 character!
However, I would suggest JQuery's .prepend() method
There are languages that allow to define new operators and/or overload existing operators (see operator overloading).
But operators and the use of them should be unambiguous. In your example x=+y could be interpreted as x=y+x (as you denoted) but also as x=(+x) (+ as unary operation like negation operation in -1). This ambiguity can make using a language hard, especially when programmers want to make their code short and concise. That’s also why some languages don’t have syntactic sugar like pre/post increment/decrement operators (e.g. Python).
