Why i can't see desired data in jsp file - spring

I am new in Java EE and I am building a web application with maven, spring mvc
and hibernate.
I have a problem with the jsp. I can not show the data of object with the expression / jstl
language. In console doesn't show any error. Any suggestions?

I guess in the controller you are setting the object with key
model.addObject("usuario", usuarioo);
The first character is small 'u'.
And in your jsp you are trying to access using Usuario. Thus the value is not getting printed.
Kindly use something like


Spring MVC insert URL to another endpoint in the view

I'm migrating a Play! 1.2 web application and moving to Spring Boot + Spring MVC. Some views contain URLs to other endpoints. For example, I display the book title on the page and next to it I want to add the URL to go the book's details page (e.g. localhost/books/{id}).
In Play! 1.2 the controllers are static, and there is also a Router which can create the full URL for a method belonging to another controller (Router.getFullUrl("BookController.bookDetails", args)), but how do I achieve this with Spring MVC?
Best regards,
If you are trying to get the app/deployed name automatically in .jsp files to make the urls, then please make use of context path. An example below :
<c:set var="context" value="${pageContext.request.contextPath}" />
<script src="${context}/themes/js/jquery.js"></script>
From your requirement "admin.myapp.com","admin-test.myapp.com" are server names right? Something like http://admin.myapp.com/book/{bookId},http://admin-test.myapp.com/book/{bookId}. In Spring app, relative path in jsp can be accessed using pageContext.request.contextPath
I also found the UriComponentsBuilder and ServletUriComponentsBuilder. They are similar to the Play! Framework router and provide methods for building URI's, handling parameters and the query etc. We chose to annotate the controllers' methods using constants and then use the same constants with the UriComponentsBuilder to build back the path and create the request query for GET requests.

Spring mapping a .jsp with parameters to a .jsp (404) error

I have a 3rd party .jsp that I am trying to use in my SpringMVC 3.2 application.
the URL call looks like this:
I am getting a 404 error. How do I map this in my web.xml?
when I call
it works (well, no 404 errors) but I need to send it the parameters.
Changing the 3rd party jsp might be problematic, so how does one map this call straight to the jsp?
Thanks in advance.
Really a broad question. I would start with checking mapping in #Controller, then move into application-config.xml and then web.xml.
It would be nice if you would look at sample Spring Application.
If call to http://localhost:8080/dms/pcc.jsp works, you should try following thing.
The Page/q/0/ part in URL seems to be messing things up for you. If these also are parameters to be sent, send it the way explained above.

Hibernate Validator Not Correctly Displaying Unicode Characters

I am building a Spring MVC web application that uses JSR-303 validation. With the first form I created, I added a couple of validation annotations (including custom error message codes) to the form backing bean. I also created ValidationMessages.properties and ValidationMessages_en.properties files.
Everything seems to be working correctly with one exception: multi-byte utf-8 encoded characters are not displayed correctly (e.g., "ñ" is displayed as "ñ").
This is not a problem with my standard messages.properties and messages_en.properties files that I use for field labels and other text, so I'm assuming it's an issue with the hibernate validator code. Has anyone else had this issue and solved it? FYI, I'm using Hibernate version 4.3.0.Final.
In my properties files I must include special characters like this:
\u00F3 instead of ó
In that way they are shown well.
Hope it helps.
P.S.: Using ResourceBundleEditor from Eclipse also helps.

MVC Pattern in Web App (JSP Language)

Hello i am developing a web app...i am using MVC architecture in my design.
i have one form add_Flat.jsp in which admin enter the flat details and it will be stored in database (MS-Access) no other jsp page would be open on submit button.just a message displayed on add_Flat.jsp.
How can i achieve this by using MVC pattern ? do i have to write different servlet for every jsp page ? and model class for database connectivity ?
How can i achieve this by using MVC pattern ?
Let the form submit to a servlet which sets the message in the request scope and forwards back to the JSP.
do i have to write different servlet for every jsp page ?
Not necessarily. You can write a single servlet which acts as a front controller, or just use an existing MVC framework like JSF, Spring MVC, etc.
and model class for database connectivity ?
A model class should not be aware about any DB connectivity. A model class should be a simple Javabean class.
See also:
Our servlets wiki page - Contains Hello World examples and links to in-depth answers on servlet related questions here.

Multiple View resolvers in spring mvc

I want to use multiple view resolvers in my web app based on spring mvc
Can anyone tell me how do I achieve that.
I want to use both JSP and freemarker in my app.
Please suggest some approaches or links or examples..
All help is appreciated.
You can add as many view resolvers as you want. You can specify the order in which the view resolvers need to be checked. Spring will take the first view resolver which can successfully resolve the view.
Since you have JSP and freemarker add the view resolvers for both and give the order property 1 for JSP and 2 for freemarker.
If your view is /freemarker/hello.ftl then the JSP resoplver will fails since it will not be able to find th file /freemarker/hello.ftl, then the freemarker resolver will handle this view. But if the JSP resolver is able to find the file and resolve it then freemaker resolver will not be used to resolve that view
Refer: Chaining ViewResolvers
