Kendo Dropdownlist with checkbox and keyboard navigation - kendo-ui

I am newbie in the Kendo UI in Jquery and looking Kendo dropdown list with checkbox selection,"Select All" option and keyboard navigation.
Luckily, I found example on google but it doesnt work in my version "Kendo UI v2018.1.221" and Jquery version "1.12.4"
Link :
If anybody have solution pleas help me out.

In the latest Kendo there is a new widget called DropDownTree that can work the same way if you only populate it with root items and set tagMode: "single". Here is a working dojo.


Kendo UI TreeView checkbox checked when load

I had this Kendo TreeView with checkbox. When load the treeview I want the checkbox is checked when tick="y"? How to achieve this?
Instead of
See also

Kendo UI Angular filter menu automatically closes when selecting a time in kendo timepicker

I recently started working with Kendo UI grid with Angular.
After some testing I discovered the lack of timepicker filter menu component and decided to make my own.
The problem is when I use the Kendo UI timepicker in the template and choose a time, the filter menu automatically closes.
Here is a stackblitz to reproduce the issue:
A small note: The reason I extended the DateFilterMenuComponent in my custom TimeComponent is that I have the same operators as date related values which is okay and to gain easy access to other common filter properties (example logic operators).
Can someone help me out with the menu not closing when a time is selected?
So far I tried the following:
On the timepicker I tried
(click)="$event.preventDefault(); $event.stopPropagation()"
That results into the timepicker not closing but the filter menu still closes.
I found the answer after contacting Telrik support, they pointed me to
The problem is that the timepicker is being rendered in the body/root component and the filter menu is (by default) configured to close when a user clicks outside the filter menu content.
Here is the documentation mixed with my problem fixed in stackblitz:

Kendo DropDownList is not opening inside KendoTreeView

I am new to kendo TreeView so please bear with me.
I am trying to bind a kendo dropdownlist in each row of Kendo TreeView.
I am able to bind kendoDropdownList successfully but when I am trying to open the dropdown it closes very quickly and the user is not able to select the value.
Please check my code in below link
Any help is highly appreciated
Thank you for the reply.
I have changed my approach to bind the dropdown in Kendo Treeview.
Instead of binding Kendo DropDownList I have created dropdown through javascript and bind it with the datasource.
Please check below my approach, hope it may help someone.
From the Telerik forums, my bold
The current scenario is not supported. There is a conflict between the
DropDownList and the TreeView items. Additionally each time the
DropDownList is clicked, the TreeView item is selected, which is
triggering a refresh of the template. Please reconsider the current
implementation and try a different approach.

Kendo Button single click

Is there a Single Click button feature in Kendo Button widget like shown below in the example link (I know its WebControl for webforms app). I am looking for similar kind of functionality in Kendo MVC Wrapper/Core. Can someone please share the configuration settings either in Kendo MVC Wrapper or Kendo Core.
Example of Single Click in Telerik RadButton
You can easily achieve that functionality using jQuery, like this:
$("#myButton").one("click", function() {
'Code to run when the button is clicked.
You can read more about it here.

Kendo Mobile UI Accordian

Hello all I want to implement accordian like functionality in kendo mobile but I am not getting any solution for that as it does not provide accordian.
Help me by giving any other option.
The data in my opening div is dynamic(the portion which is opened when we click on any row of option)
Kendo UI does not provide a widget for this. You can easily do this with CSS3. Here is an example
