Hide magento default configurable option and create own - magento

I want to hide default magento 1.9 configurable option selection on product page and create my own for selection of product Like Size, Colour etc.
How i can do this in magenot 1.9

You can replace the default template for your configurable options with the following addition to /app/design/frontend/[your]/[theme]/layout/local.xml:
<reference name="product.info.options.configurable">
<action method="setTemplate"><template>path/to/your/template.phtml</template></action>
I would recommend starting with a copy of /app/design/frontend/base/default/template/catalog/product/view/type/options/configurable.phtml for reference, so you can see the code to pull relevant data.
Otherwise, you can customize your code in app/design/frontend/[your]/[theme]/template/path/to/your/file.phtml 'til your heart's content!


Different look for bundle-product

I need to apply a different style for the bundle-products within a magento-project. And I'd like to know which would be the best routine to do so?
Changing the layout with the layout updates directly in the dashboard
Making a new layout-template explicitely for these products and apply
this layout on all bundles
I have severally (>20) bundled products and want to use a quite different look for these. What would be the best routine therefore?
Is it just styling changes, or differences at the page template level? If it's just styling, you can create custom CSS using the .bundle-product selector to apply the changes to bundle product types only. If you want to customise on the product level, the body tag will include a class built from the product identifier (e.g. product-type-my-amazing-product), which again you can target to apply styling changes on a per-product level.
For template overrides on the other hand, you'll need to use layout updates using the corresponding layout handles:
<reference name="product.info">
<action method="setTemplate">
And then create the catalog/view/bundle.phtml file in your custom theme. Again, the same can be achieved on a per-product level: a product page can be targeted for a layout update using the layout handle where X is the (numeric) ID of your product.

can i have a second media.phtml in my magento new theme?

so this is the project.
I need to display the regular product images for most of the products but for a second set of products i need to replace the image with a javascript that will change depending on selections of options.
My question is: can i have two different media.phtml. Let's say media.phtml and js-media.phtml. And if i can where can i change this?
Or another case could be finding the file responsible for the content on the product page and change it there.
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('content') ?>
I thought i could change this creating a new layout file but apparently i am wrong.
This is totally something you can do.
In your template create your js-media.phtml in templates/catalog/product/view.
Then if you want to assign this new template only to some of the products, you can switch media template straight from the backend of magento, through the Design tab of a product info.
There you can do this by adding a bit of XML into the Custom Layout Update field :
<reference name="product.info.media">
<action method='setTemplate'><template>catalog/product/view/js-media.phtml</template></action>

Only some products using proper theme in Magento

This has been very frustrating and I cannot figure it out. I recognize the answer is most likely simple.
I have a my own package and all the desired pages except for some products are not using the desired theme product view layout.
Compared the data in mysql against a product that is displaying properly. Both records match.
In Catalog/Manage products - I have performed a side by side comparison of the products in magento admin (including design). both match.
In Catalog/Manage Categories - All categories set to apply to products and to use parent as default.
The default category is using my theme and applying to products.
Set the proper template in my local.xml file however this did not work.
<reference name="root">
<action method="setTemplate">
In system/configuration/design I have the current package name set to my package for the Default Config. Any children from there are checked to use default.
I tried several configurations with flushing cache and re indexing just in case.
This is and example of the site the correct display (please note design not complete).
Page using correct Theme
Here is example of product using base theme
Page using BASE Theme
Any suggestions. I understand that I could Manually select the desired template for each product and I would sooner jump off bridge. I must be overlooking something. Appreciate any advice.
Please check to admin>product here each product can select difference type of custom design

Magento : Find a layout handle for product category page?

I know : we can update a layout of a view in magento by using its layout handle for example "http://domain.com/shops/index.php/customer/account/index/" it has a layout handle like by using this in local.xml we can update layout of that particular view like removing the cart sidebar as follows
<layout version="0.1.0">
<remove name="cart_sidebar"/>
And what i want to know is, i created a menu items fall like men->Tshirts and it goes to the url like "http://domain.com/shops/index.php/men/t-shirts.html", how can i remove the cart sidebar from this page?
You have the general layout for categories catalog_category_view, but Magento also loads a specific layout handle for a category <CATEGORY_{ID_HERE}> so you ca use for example <CATEGORY_5> You can also specify a custom layout code in the category edit page under the design tab. You can also set it's children to inherit this by editing them.
On category page the handles Magento fires (in order) are
The full action name handler catalog_category_view
A special catalog_category_layered handler
A special CATEGORY_[ID] handler (where ID is a category id, like CATEGORY_8
That should give you what you're after.
If you're using Commerce Bug (the commercial Magento debugging extension I created and try not to over promote), you can grab this information from the Layout tab

Magento Adding a Custom Layout to individual product

I have an online estore setup using magento 1.6.2 CE, an have a very novice like question!!
1. I have created Categories and sub categories.
2. To categories i have added a custom template for left navigation.
3. I want this template to also apply to products that i have applied to the category/ sub category. For this, i have selected Apply To Products under Custom Design to Yes.
4. i want custom left navigations for products in different categories./p>
when i access the product using the category name/ sub category name, the template is applied to it on the individual products page. For example, say the category is MENS, and the product name is shirts, so when i access it using www.mydomain.com/MENS/shirts.html the template is applied and i see the custom left menu.
when the shirts page is accessed directly, like magento does, ie www.mydomain.com/shirts.html, the custom template is not applied. it shows blank.
what is the possible workaround for this? I have tried setting APPLY TO PRODUCTS to NO, and then adding custom layout template to each product individually... but this is too cumbersome..
Can't you just set 'Use Categories Path for Product URLs' to yes in Configuration > Catalog > Search Engine Optimization?
Navigate to your catalog.xml file in
You may already have this file located in your theme folder, if not copy it across.
Search for
<catalog_product_view translate="label">
<label>Catalog Product View (Any)</label>
<!-- Mage_Catalog -->
<reference name="root">
the line below this should state something like the following:
<action method="setTemplate"><template>page/2columns-right.phtml</template></action>
Edit this so that it states this instead
<action method="setTemplate"><template>page/2columns-left.phtml</template></action>
Notice the column denotation has changed from right to left, re-upload the file. Hey presto it is done!
emagen - Magento Designers, Shepherds Bush, West London
