Why Observable.race not working if one of observable stop emit events? - rxjs

I'd like to implement websocket reconnect in webapp if internet connection is lost. In order to detect that internet is lost I use ping-pong approach, which means that I send from client ping-message and server returns me pong-message.
When webapp loaded I send init ping message and start to listen a reply on socket some kind of this:
this.websocket.onmessage = (evt) => {
try {
const websocketPayload: any = JSON.parse(evt.data);
if (websocketPayload.pong !== undefined && websocketPayload.pong == 1) {
It means that internet connection looks ok and we can continue. Also I have the follow code:
).subscribe((data) => {
console.log("[ping-pong]:", data);
if (data == 'pong') {
Observable.interval(5000).take(1).subscribe(() => {
console.log("[ping-pong]:sending ping")
} else if (data == 'timeout'){
// show reconnect screen and start reconnect
console.error("It looks like websocket connection lost");
When this.pingPong$ subject stops to emit events - .next() doesn't happen because of we can't get response when I break connection manually - I considered that in Observable.race this observable will be emitted
But my subscribe never happens if this.pingPong$ stop emitting.
Why ?
Thank you

race picks and keeps subscribed to the first Observable that emits.
So if your this.pingPong$ starts emitting and then stops it makes no difference because race keeps subscribed to this.pingPong$. The other Observables don't matter any more. You might want emit one value from this.pingPong$ and the repeat the whole process. For example like the following:
take(1), // complete the chain immediately
repeat() // resubscribe after take(1) completes the chain
Obviously it mostly depends on what you want to do but I hope you get the point.


CLI Dart: onPause, onResume, onDone not firing up as expected

I am experimenting Dart, and I can't explain two observations.
I wonder why the "onDone" handler assigned to a stream subscription does not fire up.
I wonder why the "onPause" and "onResume" handlers fire up only once.
The code:
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
/// This class encapsulates all the necessary data used by the "onValue" event
/// handler (the construct avoids using global variables).
class OnValueHandlerContainer {
static StreamSubscription<int> _streamSubscriber;
static setStreamSubscriber(StreamSubscription<int> stream) {
_streamSubscriber = stream;
// This static method is the handler executed when a event is received through
// the stream.
// WARNING: you have absolutely no idea when this handler will be executed.
// Do not assume that it will be executed right after the execution of the code
// that emits an event. It may be executed several lines (of codes) below the
// line that emits the event. It may well be executed after the end of the
// script.
static void onValue(int value) {
// At this point: the state of the subscription is (inevitably) "active".
print("onValue: An event has been raised. The associated value is ${value}!");
print(" Pause the subscription. Wait for 1 second. Resume the subscription");
// Note 1: once a Dart function starts executing, it continues executing until
// it exits. When managing interrupts in C, it is necessary to protect
// interrupt handlers from being interrupted. This is not the case in
// Dart : a function (and, thus, an event handler) cannot be interrupted
// by the occurrence of another event.
// => The code below has no sense, other than experimentation.
// Note 2: while paused, the subscription will not fire any events. If it receives
// events from its source, they will be buffered until the subscription
// is resumed.
sleep(Duration(seconds: 1));
// At this point: the state of the subscription is "active".
main() async {
// Create a controller.
// A StreamController gives you a new stream and a way to add events to the stream
// at any point, and from anywhere. The stream has all the logic necessary to handle
// listeners and pausing. You return the stream and keep the controller to yourself.
StreamController<int> sc = StreamController<int>(
onListen: () => print("Controller: the stream has been assigned a listener!"),
onCancel: () => print("Controller: the stream has been canceled!"),
// As you may notice, the event handlers are not executed every time the
// subscription gets paused or resumed.
// This behaviour comes from these facts:
// - Dart is single-threaded.
// - An event handler cannot be interrupted: once a Dart function starts
// executing, it continues executing until it exits. In other words, Dart
// functions can’t be interrupted by other Dart code.
// See https://webdev.dartlang.org/articles/performance/event-loop
// - A stream is a FIFO.
onPause: () => print("Controller: the stream has been paused!"),
onResume: () => print("Controller: the stream has been resumed!")
// Get the stream created by the stream controller.
// Right now, this stream has no assigned listener.
Stream<int> stream = sc.stream;
print("Does the stream provided by the controller have a listener ? ${sc.hasListener ? 'yes' : 'no'} - the answer should be no.");
// Push values into the stream controlled by the stream controller.
// Because no listener subscribed to the stream, these values are just stored
// into the stream.
for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
print("Send the value ${i} into the stream.");
// Add a listener to the stream.
// Now the stream has an assigned listener.
StreamSubscription<int> subscriber = stream.listen(OnValueHandlerContainer.onValue);
subscriber.onDone(() => print("The subscription is done!"));
print("Does the stream provided by the controller have a listener ? ${sc.hasListener ? 'yes' : 'no'} - the answer should be yes.");
// Wait for 10 seconds.
print("Start waiting for 10 seconds");
Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 10)).then((var v) => print("10 seconds ellapsed!"));
print("End of script");
The result:
Does the stream provided by the controller have a listener ? no - the answer should be no.
Send the value 0 into the stream.
Send the value 1 into the stream.
Send the value 2 into the stream.
Controller: the stream has been assigned a listener!
Does the stream provided by the controller have a listener ? yes - the answer should be yes.
Start waiting for 10 seconds
End of script
onValue: An event has been raised. The associated value is 0!
Pause the subscription. Wait for 1 second. Resume the subscription
Controller: the stream has been paused!
onValue: An event has been raised. The associated value is 1!
Pause the subscription. Wait for 1 second. Resume the subscription
onValue: An event has been raised. The associated value is 2!
Pause the subscription. Wait for 1 second. Resume the subscription
Controller: the stream has been resumed!
10 seconds ellapsed!
Basically, the code provided performs the following actions :
A stream controller is created.
3 events are injected into the stream provided by the controller.
A listener subscribes to the stream provided by the controller.
We assign an "onDone" handler to the listener subscription.
Within the stream listener (OnValueHandlerContainer::onValue) we pause and resume the subscription.
The stream listener fires up 3 times, as expected.
the "onDone" handler is never executed. I expect it to be executed at the end of the script execution, while the controller is being destroyed (and, thus, the subscription gets closed).
the "onPause" and "onResume" handlers fire up only once. I expect them to be executed 3 times.
Any idea ?
The reason you don't get a "done" event is that you never close the stream subscription.
The reason you don't get more "pause" events is that the stream subscription is clever.
The first thing you do is to add a lot of events, before anyone even listens to the stream. You should never do that in real code, instead only start adding events when the onListen is called, and stop again when onPause is called, until the subscription is resumed.
Here, the stream subscription gets stuffed up with a number of events, then it delivers one event, and then the subscription is paused.
The subscription dutifully reports that back to the controller.
Then the subscription gets a resume. This is where it gets clever. Since it already has events to deliver, it does not report the resume back to the controller. It doesn't actually want more events right now, there are plenty to deliver. And so it delivers the buffered events, one at a time, until the buffer is empty. At that point, it reports the resume back to the controller.
The controller reports that work has been resumed, but since nobody adds any more events, and nobody calls close, nothing further will happen.

Do side effect if observable has not emitted a value within X amount of time

I'm working on a use case that requires that if an observable has not emitted a value within a certain amount of time then we should do some side effect.
To give a practical use case:
open web socket connection
if no message has been sent/received within X time then close web socket connection and notify user
This requires for a timer to be initiated on every emitted value and upon initial subscription of observable which will then run some function after the allotted time or until a value is emitted in which the timer resets. I'm struggling to do this the Rx way. Any help would be appreciated :)
debounceTime is the operator you're looking for: it only emits a value if no others follow within a specific timeout. Listening for the first message of the debounced stream will let you time out and clean up your websocket connection. If you need to time out starting from the opening of the stream, you can simply startWith. Concretely:
.subscribe(() => { /* side effects */ });
Edit: if instead you're looking to end the a message stream entirely when it times out (e.g. you clean up in the onComplete handler), just cram debounceTime into a takeUntil:
With a timeout_observable: Observer<TMessage> that contains your cleanup onComplete.
You can do this with race:
If someSource$ notifies faster than timer(5000) (5 seconds), then someSource$ "wins" and lives on.
If you only want one value from someSource$, you can obviously have a take(1) or first() on someSource$ and that will solve that issue.
I hope that helps.
Might not be the perfect answer but it does what you asked, it depends on how you want to disconnect, there might be some variation to be done
const source = new Rx.Subject();
const duration = 2000;
return Rx.Observable.of(value).combineLatest(Rx.Observable.timer(2000).mapTo('disconnect').startWith('connected'))
console.log('go disconnect')
return Rx.Observable.throw('disconnected')
return Rx.Observable.of(emit)
//.catch(e=>Rx.Observable.of('disconnect catch'))
setTimeout(() => source.next('normal'), 300);
setTimeout(() => source.next('normal'), 300);
setTimeout(() => source.next('last'), 1800);
setTimeout(() => source.next('ignored'), 4000);
<script src="https://unpkg.com/rxjs#5/bundles/Rx.min.js"></script>
A timer is initiated on each element and if it takes 4 seconds to be shown, then it will timeout and you can execute your function in the catchError
Here an example, it displays aa at T0s, then bb at t3s, then timeout after 4 second because the last one cc takes 10s to be displayed
import './style.css';
import { from } from 'rxjs/observable/from';
import { of } from 'rxjs/observable/of';
import { race } from 'rxjs/observable/race';
import { timer } from 'rxjs/observable/timer';
import { groupBy, mergeMap, toArray, map, reduce, concatMap, delay, concat, timeout, catchError, take } from 'rxjs/operators';
// simulate a element that appear at t0, then at t30s, then at t10s
const obs1$ = of('aa ');
const obs2$ = of('bb ').pipe(delay(3000));
const obs3$ = of('cc ').pipe(delay(10000));
const example2 = obs1$.pipe(concat(obs2$.pipe(concat(obs3$))), timeout(4000), catchError(a => of('timeout'))); // here in the catchError, execute your function
const subscribe = example2.subscribe(val => console.log(val + ' ' + new Date().toLocaleTimeString()));

RxJS 5: skipping socket feed while keeping latest values

I've been struggling to come up with an Rx strategy for a particular situation. I'm hoping someone could point me in the right direction.
Basically, I have a socket feed that I would like to skip based on a boolean value. When the stream is skipping the socket, I need to keep a running buffer of the latest value sent from socket.
Once I am no longer skipping the socket events, then push down the stream the last value that was emitted when it was skipping, but only under another condition (bool), and re-start listen to socket events
So basically:
Listen to socket feed
When start listening again, apply last values while skipping
socket, if reapply==true
Didn't get far, but this is what I have:
Perhaps skipWhile is not the right approach but was the only one that kind of made sense…
You could do it similarly to the following (I'm assuming your isSkipping can be an Observable):
const isSkipping = new BehaviorSubject(false);
.switchMap(([observable, skipping]) => skipping
? observable.takeLast(1).map(val => 'last:' + val)
: observable)
setTimeout(() => isSkipping.next(true), 500);
setTimeout(() => isSkipping.next(false), 1050);
setTimeout(() => isSkipping.next(true), 1500);
setTimeout(() => isSkipping.next(false), 1850);
Every time isSkipping emits a value the window operator creates a new Observable that just re-emits everything or chains the .takeLast(1) operator when skipping is set to true.
The example above prints the following output to the console:

Vertx SocketJS disconnects after few seconds of server being busy

Need some help understanding on where disconnects occur (SocketJS, Vertx) and how timeouts can be configured.
I am creating SockJSServer along with creating eventBus bridge. Problem that I observer is frequent WebSocket connection disconnects. Looking at the websocket frames, I see pings every 5 seconds and heart-beats what I configured every 1/2 sec(what seem to take effect). However, once heart beats are being delayed for longer then 5 second disconnects comes with message c[3000,'Go away']. As observed it happens when server is busy(doing something else on separate thread).
I have searched Vertx documentation and looked over vertx code and found few configuration parameter(which appear to be different across versions and documentation).
.putNumber("ping_interval", 120000)
.putNumber("session_timeout", 1200000)
To be absolutely sure, I have tried different config that did not appear to have any impact. At this point, I think I have reached dead wall and need some help.
Vertx version 2.1P3
Server snipet
final SockJSServer server = vertx.createSockJSServer(httpServer);
server.bridge(new JsonObject().putString("prefix", "/eventbus")
.putNumber("ping_interval", 120000)
.putNumber("session_timeout", 1200000)
new JsonArray().addObject(new JsonObject()),
new JsonArray().addObject(new JsonObject()));
Client code:
var eventBus = new EventBus('//hostX:12001/eventbus');
When you receive a SOCKET_IDLE event, you can't complete the event with a "true" parameter, as it indicates the socket must be closed:
SockJSHandler.create(vertx,handlerOptions).bridge(options, event -> {
boolean result = true;
switch(event.type()) {
LOGGER.info("Socket created");
result = false;
LOGGER.info("Socket closed");

routing files with zeromq (jeromq)

I'm trying to implement a "file dispatcher" on zmq (actually jeromq, I'd rather avoid jni).
What I need is to load balance incoming files to processors:
each file is handled only by one processor
files are potentially large so I need to manage the file transfer
Ideally I would like something like https://github.com/zeromq/filemq but
with a push/pull behaviour rather than publish/subscribe
being able to handle the received file rather than writing it to disk
My idea is to use a mix of taskvent/tasksink and asyncsrv samples.
Client side:
one PULL socket to be notified of a file to be processed
one DEALER socket to handle the (async) file transfer chunk by chunk
Server side:
one PUSH socket to dispatch incoming file (names)
one ROUTER socket to handle file requests
a few DEALER workers managing the file transfers for clients and connected to the router via an inproc proxy
My first question is: does this seem like the right way to go? Anything simpler maybe?
My second question is: my current implem gets stuck on sending out the actual file data.
clients are notified by the server, and issue a request.
the server worker gets the request, and writes the response back to the inproc queue but the response never seems to go out of the server (can't see it in wireshark) and the client is stuck on the poller.poll awaiting the response.
It's not a matter of sockets being full and dropping data, I'm starting with very small files sent in one go.
Any insight?
Following raffian's advice I simplified my code, removing the push/pull extra socket (it does make sense now that you say it)
I'm left with the "non working" socket!
Here's my current code. It has many flaws that are out of scope for now (client ID, next chunk etc..)
For now, I'm just trying to have both guys talking to each other roughly in that sequence
object FileDispatcher extends App
val context = ZMQ.context(1)
// server is the frontend that pushes filenames to clients and receives requests
val server = context.socket(ZMQ.ROUTER)
// backend handles clients requests
val backend = context.socket(ZMQ.DEALER)
// files to dispatch given in arguments
args.toList.foreach { filepath =>
println(s"publish $filepath")
server.send("newfile".getBytes(), ZMQ.SNDMORE)
server.send(filepath.getBytes(), 0)
// multithreaded server: router hands out requests to DEALER workers via a inproc queue
val NB_WORKERS = 1
val workers = List.fill(NB_WORKERS)(new Thread(new ServerWorker(context)))
workers foreach (_.start)
ZMQ.proxy(server, backend, null)
class ServerWorker(ctx: ZMQ.Context) extends Runnable
override def run()
val worker = ctx.socket(ZMQ.DEALER)
while (true)
val zmsg = ZMsg.recvMsg(worker)
zmsg.pop // drop inner queue envelope (?)
val cmd = zmsg.pop //cmd is used to continue/stop
cmd.toString match {
case "get" =>
val file = zmsg.pop.toString
println(s"clientReq: cmd: $cmd , file:$file")
//1- brute force: ignore cmd and send full file in one go!
worker.send("eof".getBytes, ZMQ.SNDMORE) //header indicates this is the last chunk
val bytes = io.Source.fromFile(file).mkString("").getBytes //dirty read, for testing only!
worker.send(bytes, 0)
println(s"${bytes.size} bytes sent for $file: "+new String(bytes))
case x => println("cmd "+x+" not implemented!")
object FileHandler extends App
val context = ZMQ.context(1)
// client is notified of new files then fetches file from server
val client = context.socket(ZMQ.DEALER)
val poller = new ZMQ.Poller(1) //"poll" responses
poller.register(client, ZMQ.Poller.POLLIN)
while (true)
val zmsg = ZMsg.recvMsg(client)
val cmd = zmsg.pop
val data = zmsg.pop
// header is the command/action
cmd.toString match {
case "newfile" => startDownload(data.toString)// message content is the filename to fetch
case "chunk" => gotChunk(data.toString, zmsg.pop.getData) //filename, chunk
case "eof" => endDownload(data.toString, zmsg.pop.getData) //filename, last chunk
def startDownload(filename: String)
println("got notification: start download for "+filename)
client.send("get".getBytes, ZMQ.SNDMORE) //command header
client.send(filename.getBytes, 0)
def gotChunk(filename: String, bytes: Array[Byte])
println("got chunk for "+filename+": "+new String(bytes)) //callback the user here
client.send("next".getBytes, ZMQ.SNDMORE)
client.send(filename.getBytes, 0)
def endDownload(filename: String, bytes: Array[Byte])
println("got eof for "+filename+": "+new String(bytes)) //callback the user here
On the client, you don't need PULL with DEALER.
DEALER is PUSH and PULL combined, so use DEALER only, your code will be simpler.
Same goes for the server, unless you're doing something special, you don't need PUSH with ROUTER, router is bidirectional.
the server worker gets the request, and writes the response back to
the inproc queue but the response never seems to go out of the server
(can't see it in wireshark) and the client is stuck on the poller.poll
awaiting the response.
Code Problems
In the server, you're dispatching files with args.toList.foreach before starting the proxy, this is probably why nothing is leaving the server. Start the proxy first, then use it; Also, once you call ZMQProxy(..), the code blocks indefinitely, so you'll need a separate thread to send the filepaths.
The client may have an issue with the poller. The typical pattern for polling is:
ZMQ.Poller items = new ZMQ.Poller (1);
items.register(receiver, ZMQ.Poller.POLLIN);
while (true) {
if (items.pollin(0)) {
message = receiver.recv(0);
In the above code, 1) poll until timeout, 2) then check for messages, and if available, 3) get with receiver.recv(0). But in your code, you poll then drop into recv() without checking. You need to check if the poller has messages for that polled socket before calling recv(), otherwise, the receiver will hang if there's no messages.
