WebStorm can't resolve a function from several modules. For example, it can't resolve get method from express module or toBe from expect module.
const expect = require('expect')
const mocha = require('mocha')
const describe = mocha.describe
const it = mocha.it
const utils = require('./utils')
describe('Utils', () => {
describe('#add', () => {
it('should add two numbers', () => {
let res = utils.add(33, 11)
it('should async add two numbers', (done) => {
utils.asyncAdd(4, 3, (err, sum) => {
if (err) {
For mocha elements I solved by adding it and describe functions separately. But don't see any solution for other.
Can these functions be resolved? If not, is there a solution how to suppress only these warnings without adding a comment to the code?
Express methods are generated dynamically in runtime, so they can't be resolved during static code analysis. Installing TypeScript stubs would make things better: put cursor on 'express' in const express = require('express'); and hit Alt+Enter to install typings:
Typings installing should also help with expect methods resolving
So I'm just starting to learn Typescript with Cypress and I noticed this in a page I was reading about here: https://medium.com/#NicholasBoll/cypress-io-scaling-e2e-testing-with-custom-commands-6b72b902aab
export const updateTodo = (name: string) => ($todo: JQuery) => {
cy.wrap($todo).within(() => {
So I'm still new to typescript and I understand I think that the Jquery element is the subject parameter although I'm still a little bit unsure at what would represent a "Jquery" element/parameter in Cypress.
However what confused me is the fact that there are two fat arrow parameter sections... I've not seen that before? What exactly does that mean? Especially when further down it's called as such (With just a string):
it('should update a todo', () => {
createTodo('Learn Cypress Command API')
.then(updateTodo('Learn Cypress composition'))
.should('equal', 'Learn Cypress composition')
Can anyone explain what's going on here?
Two fat arrows just means the function is returning another function.
export const updateTodo = (name: string) => ($todo: JQuery) => {
cy.wrap($todo).within(() => {
is equivalent to
export const updateTodo = (name: string) => { // outer function
return ($todo: JQuery) => { // inner function
cy.wrap($todo).within(() => {
Where you use the double-fat-arrow function is another shorthand,
.then(updateTodo('Learn Cypress composition'))
is shorthand for this
.then((name: string) => updateTodo(name)('Learn Cypress composition'))
where the double brackets updateTodo()() calls the outer function then the inner function.
Or even longer syntax:
.then((name: string) => {
const innerFn = updateTodo(name);
return innerFn('Learn Cypress composition');
I'm building a web scraper that uses puppeteer. I'd obviously like to ensure that I don't break things as I work the kinks out and so I'm writing some implementation tests.
How would I go about testing out the code below? The issue is that newPage() is nested and I can't figure out how to create a spy for it.
Any ideas? Should I structure the code differently to make it easier to test (from what I've read this a big no-no). Happy to hear your suggestions.
let browser = puppeteer.launch()
let page = browser.newPage();
describe('searchAddress', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
browserSpy = spyOn(puppeteer,'launch')
pageSpy = spyOn(puppeteer,'newPage') // <--- ????
it('should ensure the calls were made', async () => {
await myFn()
In this case the spyOn(puppeteer,'launch') should return an object that contains a spy object for newPage call. I mean the followings:
describe('searchAddress', () => {
let newPageSpy;
let browserSpy;
beforeEach(() => {
newPageSpy = jasmine.createSpy();
let browserMock = { newPage: newPageSpy };
browserSpy = spyOn(puppeteer, 'launch').and.returnValue(browserMock);
it('should ensure the calls were made', async () => {
// ACT
await myFn();
I am using Mocha and Chai for writing tests for a smart contract deployed on the development blockchain with truffle.
I have a contract named Election which contains two candidates.
The test code is as follows:
it("Checking the properties for candidates", () => {
return Election.deployed().then((app) => {
return [app.candidates(1), app];
}).then(params => {
const [candidate1, app] = params;
assert.equal(candidate1.id, 0);
return [app.candidates(1), app];
}).then(params => {
const [candidate2, app] = params;
assert.equal(candidate2.id, 1);
The test cases pass when I am not using the array destructuring to return app.candidates() and an instance of the app. In that case I had to declare a global variable, assign it to app and use it in every scope. But I want to avoid defining a global variable. I came across this post on SO which suggests using ES6 destructuring.
But here I am getting candidate1.id and candidate2.id both as undefined.
What am I doing wrong here?
Why are you returning from an it? It's not needed, they should only throw.
I strongly recommend avoiding this .then syntax and npm i chai-as-promised --save-dev then install it like this:
const chai = require('chai');
const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');
// Must install Chai as Promised last - https://github.com/domenic/chai-as-promised/#node
// Disable object truncating - https://stackoverflow.com/a/23378037/1828637
chai.config.truncateThreshold = 0;
global.expect = chai.expect;
Then you would do:
it("Checking the properties for candidates", async () => {
expect(Election.deployed()).to.eventually.satisfy(app => app.candidates(1).id === 0)
and.satisfy(app => app.candidates(2).id === 1);
If app.candidates returns a promise, maybe can even do this, I'm not sure about async function to argument of satisfy though.
it("Checking the properties for candidates", async () => {
expect(Election.deployed()).to.eventually.satisfy(async app => {
await expect(app.candidates(1)).to.eventually.be.an('object').that.has.property('id', 0);
await expect(app.candidates(2)).to.eventually.be.an('object').has.property('id', 1);
Here's a generalized example:
// myActions.js
export const actionOne = () => (dispatch) => {
export const actionTwo = () => ({
type: 'SOME_TYPE',
I would like to test that actionTwo has been either called or dispatched, ideally without the test knowing anything about what is going on in actionTwo, because I have a different test that takes care of that.
I am using redux-mock-store to dispatch the tested action to a mocked store and calling store.getActions() to find out if the expected actions within the thunk action creator have been dispatched. I feel it is not the right way to go in this particular scenario because then the test would test more than it should. I really only want to know if actionTwo has been called at all.
I'm aware of spyOn and jest.mock, but I've been unable to use either to solve my problem. Here's what the generalized test looks like:
// myActions.test.js
import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
import * as actions from 'myActions';
const mockStore = configureMockStore([thunk]);
test('actionOne', () => {
const store = mockStore();
return store.dispatch(actions.actionOne()).then(() => {
// TODO: check if actions.actionTwo was called
test('actionTwo', () => {
const store = mockStore();
return store.dispatch(actions.actionTwo()).then(() => {
expect(store.getActions()).toEqual([{ type: 'SOME_TYPE' }]);
I'm grateful for any suggestions!
Took me a while, but I figured it out. It's not ideal (because it involves a small change to the tested code), but the closest to ideal that I could get.
// myActions.js
export const actionOne = () => (dispatch) => {
export const actionTwo = () => ({
type: 'SOME_TYPE',
The important change is the exports.actionTwo(). That way, I make sure that I can overwrite the function's implementation from the outside (the test file) and the overwriting function will actually be called from within the imported file.
Now I can simply add something like the following to my test file:
beforeEach(() => {
actions.actionTwo = jest.fn(() => () => Promise.resolve());
actionTwo is now being mocked and I can use toBeCalledWith and other expectations on it. If I wish to test its actual implementation within the same test file, I can store it in a variable before calling beforeEach, like:
const actionTwo = actions.actionTwo;
And then in the test setup for its implementation, I can overwrite the mock calling
actions.actionTwo = actionTwo;
That's it. Now I can make sure to ignore all side effects from an exported function and test it as an actual unit.
It would be better to assert that two redux actions hit the store, not that actionOne calls the action creator.
Since all actions dispatched to the store must have an action type. Just make assertions about store.getActions():
test('actionOne', () => {
const store = mockStore();
return store.dispatch(actions.actionOne()).then(() => {
// make additional assertions about the first action
I'm trying to test my asyn thunk middleware function using mocha, chai and sinon (my first time!).
Please consider my files:
export const fetchCurrentUser = () => {
return (dispatch) => {
setTimeout(dispatch, 100);
it('Should work', () => {
const dispatch = sinon.spy();
const action = fetchCurrentUser();
I did not yet implement the fetchCurrentUser function - just assumed it will take some "server" time and then it will call 'dispatch()'.
The spec fails, due to the async flow. If I add a setTimeout of 101 ms before the expect - it passes.
My code will use some DB API that returns promise, so the async function will eventually look like:
return (dispatch) => {
return dbAPI.fetchUser().then(dispatch(....));
So I tried to require dbAPI and create a sinon.stub().returns(Promise.resolve()) inside the test and it didn't work as well (I thought that since the stub returns a resolved promise - the async function will act like a synchronous function).
Any ideas how should I test async functions like that?
Don't mock dispatch with sinon, write your own and call Mocha's done() in that when it's done.
it('Should work', (done) => {
const dispatch = () => {
// Do your tests here
const action = fetchCurrentUser();
// Also allow quick failures if your promise fails
If you're just wanting to ensure that the dispatch is called, then mocha will time out. The catch on the returned promise from your async action creator allows errors to be shown in the right place and for the test to fail rather than time out.
Well, I think I've found a solution:
Assuming my async function looks like this:
return (dispatch) => {
return dbAPI.fetchUser().then(dispatch(....));
Then I can write the spec as follows:
it('Should work', () => {
dbAPI.fetchUser = sinon.stub().returns(Promise.resolve({username: 'John'}));
const dispatch = sinon.spy();
const action = fetchCurrentUser();
action(dispatch).then(() => {
I don't know if this is a workaround or not, but it works. I would appreciate your opinions of a better way of doing this...