Launch Bash console when logging into windows account - windows

I'm looking for the bash console to automatically launch when I sign into my windows account on my laptop for easier navigation, etc. What do I have to do to make this happen?

You can achieve this by creating a .bat script and adding it to the StartUp Folder:
Press win+r
Make a .bat file with the commands to want to execute at startup
Example .bat:
#echo off


need help in running a bat file but only after restart (log off/on not included)

i have a certain program that i want to run as windows boots up
but! i need it to be only after windows restart not log off and log on are out of the question - the system i have is running tests and and the app that i want to run is canceling those tests that`s why i need it to run only after windows restarts , so there is no chance that a tests would fail because of it
the .bat file points to the location of
tried shell:common startup but that open the .bat file even after i log off or log on
how do i do this ? i need this to be in a script/.bat file as well
You should add it here
C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
But cause you mentioned after only restart then you will need to run an background script to handle that restart
Or we may..
The common command to restart windows via .bat or cmd file is shutdown -r
So we can create
reboot.bat ,script.bat ,mover.bat > for example in 'C:\test' directory
move script.bat "C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\script.bat"
shutdown -r
: : stuff here..
move "C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\script.bat" script.bat
now that we have our scripts let's add them to our Environment variables
From the desktop, right click the Computer icon.
Choose Properties from the context menu.
Click the Advanced system settings link.
Click Environment Variables.
In the section System Variables, find the PATH environment variable
and select it.
Click Edit then add ; following by C:\test Click Ok, Ok etc and
restart your cmd if opened
To answer your question just type reboot.bat or reboot in CMD command-line
Which when you want to run your script after restart you have to type this to cmd or just..make a restart.bat file with this command for just one click
I used stack overflow for android to answer this without test cause i'm not windows but i'm just familiar with plus didn't have my PC at this moment but i hope that answer is clear and understandable

How to create AutoHotKey which starts script (i.e .bat) using Cmder command line arguments?

I am trying to create an autohotkey which starts a script (i.e .bat):
Run "Path\To\script\script.bat" debug
The AutoHotKey works properly. However, I would like the .bat to be opened using Cmder instead of the default windows cmd.
I tried to set the Cmder as the default cmd by going to Settings-> Integration -> Default term and by checking the "Force ConEmu as default terminal for console applications", but this did not change anything in my particular case, and the script is still being ran in windows cmd.
Assuming Cmder can take a command line parameter, make it explicit:
Run "Path\To\exe\Cmder.exe Path\To\script\script.bat" debug
Else, run Cmder and then use AHK to file open the script.
EDIT: Based on OP's solution, could try:
Run "Path\To\exe\Cmder.exe /Task ""Path\To\script\script.bat debug"""
Run "Path\To\exe\Cmder.exe /Start ""Path\To\script"" /Task ""script.bat debug"""
The exact syntax and whether and where to surround things with quotes is tbd, but try and see.
In the end I used below script to make it work:
; Win+Alt+y - Start script
Run "d:\cmder\Cmder.exe" "d:\somePath\FolderContainingTheBat\"
sleep 1000
send script.bat debug{enter}
Another solution for this does not involve AutoHotKey and works only with default windows cmd. I did the following:
Create a .bat file which contains the following
script.bat debug
Create shortcut for the newly created bat file and assign to it a "keyboard shortcut": Right click on the created shortcut -> Properties -> "Shortcut" tab -> Shortcut key
I made it work with this
Run, C:\path\Cmder\vendor\conemu-maximus5\ConEmu64.exe C:\path\to\script.exe

Can I add my own executables or batch scripts to the boot recovery command prompt in windows?

when you boot into windows and screw around with the F-Keys until you get to the repair menu, there is an option to run a command prompt. However, I cannot access any of the files on my PC from that command prompt. Is there any way for me to access them or add my own? Thank you a ton.
The cmd prompt
You could access other files, just cd yourself to other drives(you're
defaulted to driveX) – SteveFest

Executing a command-line .exe file

I have a .exe file converted from a .jar.
It is a command based application, so I have to start it with a batch script. Here is the batch script:
#echo off
cd C:\desktop\plant-text-adventure-win
start planttextadventure
When I double click on the batch script, this happens: Windows could not find 'planttextadventure'. Please confirm if you have input the correct name and retry.
I don't know what is happening, I have no idea about cmd as I use Mac, but I can confirm I have an executable called planttextadventure.exe in a folder called plant-text-adventure-win.
You should test your batch file by executing it within a shell.
Simply enter within the start menu the command cmd to open up a shell. Within this black box you could now simply enter the commands from your batch script and lookout for some error message.
If you look at your script I would guess that the cd command (to change the current directory) is not correct. Maybe you should replace it with
cd %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\plant-text-adventure-win
because the desktop folder is on a default installation not directly under the root drive but within the user profile available.
Another solution to get this thing to work, is by opening the windows explorer, going to the .exe file you wish to execute and drag & drop the .exe file with a right mouse click onto the desktop.
Then a context menu appears and you select the option Create shortcut here.

auto run a bat script in windows 7 at login

I have recently acquired a windows 7 laptop from my late grandmother.
I have been using it for work and other things. I decided to create a VM using VirtualBox And now I want to create a user on the (Windows 7 Host) machine so that when I log into that user it autoruns a .bat script to start the VM. To make it clear I only want to run it only if the user "VM" logs in and not my normal user and it would be super awesome if it would autostart in full screen. I have a shortcut on my desktop that executes the command:
"C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VirtualBox.exe" --comment "VM" --startvm "12dada4d- 9cfd-4aa7-8353-20b4e455b3fa"
but how do I make an autorun.bat when I log into the User "VM"?
To run the batch file when the VM user logs in:
Drag the shortcut--the one that's currently on your desktop--(or the batch file itself) to Start - All Programs - Startup. Now when you login as that user, it will launch the batch file.
Another way to do the same thing is to save the shortcut or the batch file in %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\.
As far as getting it to run full screen, it depends a bit what you mean. You can have it launch maximized by editing your batch file like this:
start "" /max "C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VirtualBox.exe" --comment "VM" --startvm "12dada4d-9cfd-4aa7-8353-20b4e455b3fa"
But if VirtualBox has a truly full-screen mode (where it hides even the taskbar), you'll have to look for a command-line parameter on VirtualBox.exe. I'm not familiar with that product.
I hit this question looking for how to run batch scripts during user logon on a standalone windows server (workgroup not in domain). I found the answer in using group policy.
user configuration->administrative templates->system->logon->run these programs at user logon
add batch scripts.
you can add them using cmd /k mybatchfile.cmd if you want the command window to stay (on desktop) after batch script have finished.
gpupdate - to update the group policy.
Just enable parsing of the autoexec.bat in the registry, using these instructions.
:: works only on windows vista and earlier
Modify the following value within HKEY_CURRENT_USER:
Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\ParseAutoexec
1 = autoexec.bat is parsed
0 = autoexec.bat is not parsed
