I am getting following error : "The following constructor parameters did not have matching fixture data: AddressValidator addressValidator" - xunit

ValidatorTest class having common methods for all the validations.
Test case get passed but after passing I am getting this error.
I can write extension methods which can do this job but I am not getting what is going wrong with xunit. Any help is appreciated.
namespace TestSuite.Validator
public abstract class ValidatorTest<TClass,TClassValidator> where TClassValidator: AbstractValidator<TClass>
private readonly TClassValidator _tClassValidator;
public ValidatorTest(TClassValidator validator)
_tClassValidator = validator;
public void Address_Should_ReturnValidationError_When_MandatoryFieldsAreNotPassed(TClass address, List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> expectedErrors)
var validationResult = _tClassValidator.Validate(address);
foreach (var expectedError in expectedErrors)
Assert.Contains(validationResult.Errors, (actualError) => actualError.ErrorMessage.Equals(expectedError.Value) && actualError.ErrorCode.Equals(expectedError.Key));
foreach (var actualError in validationResult.Errors)
Assert.Contains<KeyValuePair<string, string>>(expectedErrors, expectedError => expectedError.Value.Equals(actualError.ErrorMessage) && expectedError.Key.Equals(actualError.ErrorCode));
public void Address_Should_Pass_When_MandatoryFieldsArePassed(TClass address)
var validationResult = _tClassValidator.Validate(address);
namespace TestSuite.Validator
public class AddressValidatorTest : ValidatorTest<Address, AddressValidator>
public AddressValidatorTest(AddressValidator addressValidator) : base(new AddressValidator())
[JsonDataReaderAttribute("AddressValidatorData", "Valid")]
public void PositiveTest(Address address)

I just had a similar error and it was because I forgot to implement IClassFixture on my test class.


Issue getting fault message from message context in Masstransit

I have an application that needs to intercept the current message consume context and extract a value that is defined in a base interface. That value is a tenant code that is eventually used in an EF database context.
I have a provider that takes a MassTransit ConsumerContext, and then using context.TryGetMessage(), extracts the tenant code, which is ultimately used to switch database contexts to a specific tenant database.
The issue lies in the MessageContextTenantProvider below. If a non-fault message is consumed then ConsumeContext<IBaseEvent> works fine. However if it is a fault, ConsumeContext<Fault<IBaseEvent>> doesn't work as expected.
Durring debugging I can see that the message context for a fault is ConsumeContext<Fault<IVerifyEvent>>, but why doesn't it work with a base interface as per the standard message? Of course, ConsumeContext<Fault<IVerifiedEvent>> works fine, but I have a lot of message types, and I don't want to have to define them all in that tenant provider.
Any ideas?
public interface ITenantProvider
string GetTenantCode();
public class MessageContextTenantProvider : ITenantProvider
private readonly ConsumeContext _consumeContext;
public MessageContextTenantProvider(ConsumeContext consumeContext)
_consumeContext = consumeContext;
public string GetTenantCode()
// get tenant from message context
if (_consumeContext.TryGetMessage(out ConsumeContext<IBaseEvent> baseEvent))
return baseEvent.Message.TenantCode; // <-- works for the non fault consumers
// get tenant from fault message context
if (_consumeContext.TryGetMessage<Fault<IBaseEvent>>(out var gebericFaultEvent))
return gebericFaultEvent.Message.Message.TenantCode; // <- doesn't work generically
// get tenant from fault message context (same as above)
if (_consumeContext.TryGetMessage(out ConsumeContext<Fault<IBaseEvent>> faultEvent))
return faultEvent.Message.Message.TenantCode; // <= generically doesn't work when using the base interface?
// get tenant from specific concrete fault class
if (_consumeContext.TryGetMessage(out ConsumeContext<Fault<IVerifiedEvent>> verifiedFaultEvent))
return verifiedFaultEvent.Message.Message.TenantCode; // <-- this works
// not able to extract tenant
return null;
public partial class VerificationDbContext
string connectionString;
public string ConnectionString
if (connectionString == null)
string tenantCode = _tenantProvider.GetTenantCode();
connectionString = _tenantConnectionManager.GetConnectionString(orgId);
return connectionString;
private readonly ITenantProvider _tenantProvider;
private readonly ITenantConnectionManager _tenantConnectionManager;
public VerificationDbContext(ITenantProvider tenantProvider, ITenantConnectionManager tenantConnectionManager)
_tenantProvider = tenantProvider;
_tenantConnectionManager = tenantConnectionManager;
protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ConnectionString))
optionsBuilder.UseSqlServer(#"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=VerificationDb;Integrated Security=True")
.ConfigureWarnings((warningBuilder) => warningBuilder.Ignore(RelationalEventId.AmbientTransactionWarning));
.ConfigureWarnings((warningBuilder) => warningBuilder.Ignore(RelationalEventId.AmbientTransactionWarning));
public interface ITenantConnectionManager
string GetConnectionString(string tenantCode);
public class TenantConnectionManager : ITenantConnectionManager
private ITenantRepository _tenantRepository;
public TenantConnectionManager(ITenantRepository tenantRepository)
_tenantRepository = tenantRepository;
public string GetConnectionString(string tenantCode)
return _tenantRepository.GetByTenantCode(tenantCode).ConnectionString;
public interface IBaseEvent
string TenantCode { get; }
public interface IVerifiedEvent : IBaseEvent
string JobReference { get; }
public class VerifiedEventConsumer : IConsumer<IVerifiedEvent>
private readonly IVerifyCommand _verifyCommand;
private readonly ITenantProvider _tenantProvider;
public VerifiedEventConsumer(ITenantProvider tenantProvider, IVerifyCommand verifyCommand)
_verifyCommand = verifyCommand;
_tenantProvider = tenantProvider;
public async Task Consume(ConsumeContext<IVerifiedEvent> context)
await _verifyCommand.Execute(new VerifyRequest
JobReference = context.Message.JobReference,
TenantCode = context.Message.TenantCode
public class VerifiedEventFaultConsumer : IConsumer<Fault<IVerifiedEvent>>
private readonly IVerifyFaultCommand _verifyFaultCommand;
private readonly ITenantProvider _tenantProvider;
public CaseVerifiedEventFaultConsumer(ITenantProvider tenantProvider, IVerifyFaultCommand verifyFaultCommand)
_verifyFaultCommand = verifyFaultCommand;
_tenantProvider = tenantProvider;
public async Task Consume(ConsumeContext<Fault<ICaseVerifiedEvent>> context)
await _verifyFaultCommand.Execute(new VerifiedFaultRequest
JobReference = context.Message.Message.JobReference,
Exceptions = context.Message.Exceptions
I've solved the issue by using the GreenPipes TryGetPayload extension method:
public class MessageContextTenantProvider : ITenantProvider
private readonly ConsumeContext _consumeContext;
public MessageContextTenantProvider(ConsumeContext consumeContext)
_consumeContext = consumeContext;
public string GetTenantCode()
// get tenant from message context
if (_consumeContext.TryGetMessage(out ConsumeContext<IBaseEvent> baseEvent))
return baseEvent.Message.TenantCode;
// get account code from fault message context using Greenpipes
if (_consumeContext.TryGetPayload(out ConsumeContext<Fault<IBaseEvent>> payloadFaultEvent))
return payloadFaultEvent.Message.Message.TenantCode;
// not able to extract tenant
return null;

HttpRouteBuilder - Where did it go and Why?

I upgraded my nuget package for the Web API 2 from the RC1 to 5.0.0, and was dumbfounded to find that HttpRouteBuilder, which used to be accessible, was made internal. Along with that, there is no longer an overload for HttpConfiguration.MapHttpAttributeRoutes that takes HttpRouteBuilder as an argument. Why?
I was using that, and it solves a major problem in my project. What do I use instead?
I am writing a server that uses Attribute Routing for Web API 2. I implemented a class that inherited from HttpRouteBuilder so that I could inject a couple extra path segments to every URI. For example, if the default route builder ended up creating a route for //myserver/user/update, my route builder would modify that route to //myserver/{instance}/user/update. I wanted this done automatically so that I didn't have to stick that in every single of my hundreds of HttpGet, HttpPost, etc. attributes. So now how do I handle that with this major change?
That internalling broke something I was working on as well.
A change set made on August 21st 2013 made this api alteration to fix this issue. According to that issue the only reason functionality was removed was to make Web Api closer to MVC's api. Not a particularly good justification in my opinion.
To resolve my issues I implemented a custom IHttpActionSelector derived from ApiControllerActionSelector. I hope it is not going to be my final solution since it really is far too much code for a simple thing. This approach should work for your problem too.
In my project each route needs to be modified according to which assembly it was found in. In following simplified code every route is prefixed with /Api (before a controller's RoutePrefixAttribute if present).
The actual IHttpActionSelector:
public class PrefixWithApiControllerActionSelector : WrappingApiControllerActionSelector {
protected override HttpActionDescriptor WrapHttpActionDescriptor(HttpActionDescriptor actionDescriptor) {
if (actionDescriptor is ReflectedHttpActionDescriptor)
return new PrefixWithApiReflectedHttpActionDescriptor((ReflectedHttpActionDescriptor)actionDescriptor);
return actionDescriptor;
public abstract class WrappingApiControllerActionSelector : ApiControllerActionSelector {
protected abstract HttpActionDescriptor WrapHttpActionDescriptor(HttpActionDescriptor actionDescriptor);
public override ILookup<string, HttpActionDescriptor> GetActionMapping(HttpControllerDescriptor controllerDescriptor) {
return base.GetActionMapping(controllerDescriptor).SelectMany(grouping => {
return grouping.Select(actionDescriptor => new KeyValuePair<string, HttpActionDescriptor>(grouping.Key, WrapHttpActionDescriptor(actionDescriptor)));
}).ToLookup(_ => _.Key, _ => _.Value);
The part that changes the route:
public class PrefixWithApiHttpRouteInfoProvider : WrappedHttpRouteInfoProvider {
public PrefixWithApiHttpRouteInfoProvider(IHttpRouteInfoProvider infoProvider, HttpControllerDescriptor controllerDescriptor) : base(infoProvider, controllerDescriptor) { }
public override string Template {
get {
var parts = new List<string>();
var prefix = ControllerDescriptor.GetCustomAttributes<RoutePrefixAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
if (prefix != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix.Prefix)) {
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(InfoProvider.Template)) {
var route = "~/" + string.Join("/", parts);
if (route.Length > 2 && route.EndsWith("/", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
route = route.Substring(0, route.Length - 1);
return route;
public abstract class WrappedHttpRouteInfoProvider : IHttpRouteInfoProvider {
private readonly IHttpRouteInfoProvider _infoProvider;
private readonly HttpControllerDescriptor _controllerDescriptor;
protected WrappedHttpRouteInfoProvider(IHttpRouteInfoProvider infoProvider, HttpControllerDescriptor controllerDescriptor) {
_infoProvider = infoProvider;
_controllerDescriptor = controllerDescriptor;
public virtual string Name {
get { return InfoProvider.Name; }
public virtual string Template {
get { return _infoProvider.Template; }
public virtual int Order {
get { return InfoProvider.Order; }
protected HttpControllerDescriptor ControllerDescriptor {
get { return _controllerDescriptor; }
protected IHttpRouteInfoProvider InfoProvider {
get { return _infoProvider; }
The glue:
public class PrefixWithApiReflectedHttpActionDescriptor : WrappedReflectedHttpActionDescriptor {
public PrefixWithApiReflectedHttpActionDescriptor(ReflectedHttpActionDescriptor descriptor) : base(descriptor) {}
public override Collection<T> GetCustomAttributes<T>(bool inherit) {
if (typeof(T) == typeof(IHttpRouteInfoProvider)) {
var attributes = Descriptor.GetCustomAttributes<T>(inherit).Cast<IHttpRouteInfoProvider>().Select(_ => new PrefixWithApiHttpRouteInfoProvider(_, Descriptor.ControllerDescriptor));
return new Collection<T>(attributes.Cast<T>().ToList());
return Descriptor.GetCustomAttributes<T>(inherit);
public override Collection<T> GetCustomAttributes<T>() {
if (typeof(T) == typeof(IHttpRouteInfoProvider)) {
var attributes = Descriptor.GetCustomAttributes<T>().Cast<IHttpRouteInfoProvider>().Select(_ => new PrefixWithApiHttpRouteInfoProvider(_, Descriptor.ControllerDescriptor));
return new Collection<T>(attributes.Cast<T>().ToList());
return Descriptor.GetCustomAttributes<T>();
public abstract class WrappedReflectedHttpActionDescriptor : ReflectedHttpActionDescriptor {
private readonly ReflectedHttpActionDescriptor _descriptor;
protected WrappedReflectedHttpActionDescriptor(ReflectedHttpActionDescriptor descriptor) : base(descriptor.ControllerDescriptor, descriptor.MethodInfo) {
_descriptor = descriptor;
public override HttpActionBinding ActionBinding {
get { return Descriptor.ActionBinding; }
set { Descriptor.ActionBinding = value; }
public override Collection<T> GetCustomAttributes<T>(bool inherit) {
return Descriptor.GetCustomAttributes<T>(inherit);
public override Collection<T> GetCustomAttributes<T>() {
return Descriptor.GetCustomAttributes<T>();
public override Collection<System.Web.Http.Filters.FilterInfo> GetFilterPipeline() {
return Descriptor.GetFilterPipeline();
public override Collection<System.Web.Http.Filters.IFilter> GetFilters() {
return Descriptor.GetFilters();
public override System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary<object, object> Properties {
get { return Descriptor.Properties; }
public override IActionResultConverter ResultConverter {
get { return Descriptor.ResultConverter; }
public override Collection<HttpMethod> SupportedHttpMethods {
get { return Descriptor.SupportedHttpMethods; }
public override Collection<HttpParameterDescriptor> GetParameters() {
return Descriptor.GetParameters();
public override Task<object> ExecuteAsync(HttpControllerContext controllerContext, IDictionary<string, object> arguments, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
return Descriptor.ExecuteAsync(controllerContext, arguments, cancellationToken);
public override string ActionName {
get { return Descriptor.ActionName; }
public override Type ReturnType {
get { return Descriptor.ReturnType; }
protected ReflectedHttpActionDescriptor Descriptor {
get { return _descriptor; }
To use this functionality just substitute the IHttpActionSelector service with PrefixWithApiControllerActionSelector in the config.
If you find a cleaner way of doing things please post your solution!

Access to a property with Interface cast

ActionBase, ActionA, ActionB and ActionC are Entities (from a database). ActionA, ActionB and ActionC are derived type of ActionBase.
ActionB and ActionC implements ISpecialAction with a SpecialProperty.
ex :
public interface ISpecialAction
Guid SpecialProperty { get; }
public partial class ActionBase
public objectX OnePropertyBase { get; set; }
public partial class ActionA : ActionBase
public objectY OnePropertyA { get; set; }
public partial class ActionB:ActionBase,ISpecialAction
public objectZ OnePropertyB { get; set; }
public Guid SpecialProperty
return OnePropertyB.ID;
public partial class ActionC : ActionBase ,ISpecialAction
public objectW OnePropertyC { get; set; }
public Guid SpecialProperty
return OnePropertyC.ID;
My problem is that SpecialProperty is build from other Properties of the objects (ActionB or ActionC) and when the cast (to ISpecialAction) is done, OtherProperty and OtherProperty2 are null.
I tried :
GetActionBase().ToList().Where(x=>x is ISpecialAction && ((dynamic) x).SpecialProperty== p_SpecialProperty);
GetActionBase().ToList().Where(x=>x is ISpecialAction && ((ISpecialAction) x).SpecialProperty== p_SpecialProperty);
GetActionBase().ToList().OfType<ISpecialAction>().Where(x => x.SpecialProperty== p_SpecialProperty).Cast<ActionBase>();
return GetActionOnGoing().ToList().OfType<ICityAction>().Cast<ActionBase>().Where(x => ((dynamic)x).CityId == p_CityId);
remark : OfType<> doesn't works with an Interface in Linq to entities but is ok in Linq to object
How do I access my property interface without knowing the type of the object?
I might missed something but this is Ok with the code you provided :
public class objectX
public class objectY
public class objectZ
public Guid ID { get { return Guid.NewGuid();} }
public class objectW
public Guid ID { get { return new Guid(); } }
class Program
private static Guid p_SpecialProperty;
static void Main(string[] args)
var result = GetActionBase().ToList().Where(x => x is ISpecialAction && ((dynamic)x).SpecialProperty == p_SpecialProperty).FirstOrDefault();
var result1 = GetActionBase().ToList().Where(x => x is ISpecialAction && ((ISpecialAction)x).SpecialProperty == p_SpecialProperty).FirstOrDefault();
var result2 = GetActionBase().ToList().OfType<ISpecialAction>().Where(x => x.SpecialProperty == p_SpecialProperty).Cast<ActionBase>().FirstOrDefault();
private static IEnumerable<ActionBase> GetActionBase()
return new List<ActionBase> {new ActionA{OnePropertyA= new objectY()}, new ActionB{OnePropertyB=new objectZ()},new ActionC{OnePropertyC=new objectW()} };
Not sure if I exactly understand your question, but could you try using an intermediate interface, such as:
public interface ISpecialActionB : ISpecialAction
objectZ OnePropertyB { get; set; }
public class ActionB : ActionBase, ISpecialActionB
//same stuff
and casting to that instead.
var b = new ActionB{OnePropertyB = new Whatever()};
var bAsSpecial = b as ISpecialActionB;
var whatever = b.OnePropertyB; // should not be null
It' ok.
Your example run very well without problem so I searched in a other way : AutoMapper.
l_List.Actions = Mapper.Map<List<ActionBase>, Action[]>(l_ActionManagement.GetActionBySpecialId(l_Special.ID).ToList());
The problem was not interfaces or Linq queries but it was that automapper need an empty constructor and in this constructor, I need to initialize OnePropertyB and OnePropertyC to compute SpecialProperty.

How to declare MVVM RelayCommand in viewmodel

How to use relay command in set, I use the following way, throws interface bug on set method
public RelayCommand ChartCommand
ChartCommand = new RelayCommand<string>(e => ExecuteChartCommand(e));
public void ExecuteChartCommand(string vendor)
You should really be doing it this way:
private RelayCommand<string> m_ChartCommand;
public RelayCommand<string> ChartCommand
return m_ChartCommand ?? (m_ChartCommand = new RelayCommand<string>(e => ExecuteChartCommand(e));
public void ExecuteChartCommand(string vendor)

How to Mock a Delegate Action Input Parameter

I am trying to arrange the input parameter of the lambda that is passed to ICallback#Regsiter<T>(Action<T>) in the (paired down) unit test sample below (see the comments in the unit test sample). I am trying to avoid having to abstract out the lambda because it's so specific and small, but I'm not sure if that's possible.
// IBus interface peek
public interface IBus {
ICallback Send(IMessage message);
// ICallback interface peek
public interface ICallback {
void Register<T>(Action<T> callback);
public enum ReturnCode { Success }
// Controller
public class FooController : AsyncController {
readonly IBus _bus;
// Action being unit tested
public void BarAsync() {
.Register<ReturnCode>(x => {
AsyncManger.Parameters["returnCode"] = x;
public ActionResult BarCompleted(ReturnCode returnCode) {
// ...
// Controller action unit test
public class FooControllerTest {
public void BarTestCanSetAsyncManagerParameterErrorCodeToSuccess() {
var fooController = ControllerUTFactory.CreateFooController();
Assert.AreEqual(ReturnCode.Success, (ReturnCode)fooController.AsyncManager.Parameters["returnCode"]);
Using the Mock<T>#Callback() is the answer:
public void BarTestCanSetAsyncManagerParameterErrorCodeToSuccess() {
var mockCallback = new Mock<ICallback>();
.Setup(x => x.Register(It.IsAny<ReasonCode>())
.Callback(action => action(ReasonCode.Success));
var mockBus = new Mock<IBus>();
.Setup(x => x.Send(It.IsAny<ZapMessage>())
var fooController = new FooController(mockBus.Object);
Assert.AreEqual(ReturnCode.Success, (ReturnCode)fooController.AsyncManager.Parameters["returnCode"]);
