Adding windows spot instances in domain name - windows

Was working on Windows HPC on AWS, till this time I was using on demand instances.Using the hostname of my instance I connect to HPC.Change of hostname was also possible(used userdata to give powershell script for hostname change).Now I want to do this through spot instances.How do I change the hostname?

Elastic IP, Route 53 or Elastic LoadBalancer.
Elastic IP - You can assign an Elastic IP to the instance when it comes up and move it to the new instances as it changes.
Route 53 - You can assign the instance to a CNAME and then connect to the route53 dns entry
Elastic LoadBalancer - You can create an ELB and put instances behind that and then connect to the ELB dns name.


Amazon aws route53, redirect subdomain to ec2 app running under specific port

I have a domain name registered on amazon route 53.
I have an EC2 instance in which I installed a docker portainer image under 9000 port.
My docker image run perfectly under ec2 public ip address:
What I want now is to create a subdomain: and pointed it to my EC2 portainer instance.
When I try to create a new record set and point it to my docker image instance I can't specify the port value.
I know I miss something, I'm on my beginning on DNS domains.
Route 53 is a DNS resolver. Its job is to resolve domain to ip address. It has nothing to do with port.
But there are some alternatives:
Add a secondary ip to the instance to host multiple websites and bind them to port 80. You add an additional ip by attaching elastic network interface (ENI).
Add Application Load Balancer with host based routing (you will get much more control, you can even do path based routing as well). See: Listeners for Your Application Load Balancers - Elastic Load Balancing
S3 redirection (Route 53 Record Set on Different Port)

AWS: How to Create a DNS that point to private IP?

i am new to using EC2, I have an EC2 instance that can reboot daily for maintenance and after the reboot, i get new public IP(i can't use elastic IPS there are all allocated).
so my problem is the instance contains an application that I need to be accessible via a domain (, but I can figure out how to set custom DNS on NameCheap and in AWS this DNS automatically resolve the new public IP of that instance after reboot.
If you feel your architecture warrants additional Elastic IP addresses, you can request a limit increase. To request an increase, complete the Amazon VPC limit request form (choose VPC Elastic IP Address Limit). Describe your use case so that AWS can understand your needs.
You can put your instance behind ElasticLoadBalancer. Each Classic Load Balancer receives a default Domain Name System (DNS) name. This DNS name includes the name of the AWS region in which the load balancer is created. For example, if you create a load balancer named my-loadbalancer in the US West (Oregon) region, your load balancer receives a DNS name such as You can then use your DNS service to create a CNAME record to route queries to your load balancer. Then, your EC2 instance does not need to have stable public IP address.
You can delegate resolution to AWS DNS service, Route53, and then you can run a script on server boot to update Route53 records with the latest IP address.

Adding a CNAME to an AWS EC2 Public Domain Name

I have a test application running at
(This is a Test application, it wont be live for long. When I try to add a CNAME to this, like the screenshot below
. is added by the DNS system.
However, my app seems to be accessible only via or
I can make it to resolve it either one of them.
But adding anything, does not seem to resolve with a CNAME. It gives 503 Service Unavailable.
I am using AWS EC2 to host the app with a HAProxy Load Balancer.
Using Google Domains for DNS Name.
Any suggestions for troubleshooting this problem?
All dns entries have a dot in the end like
It's not suggested to create CNAMEs to your ec2 instance because that IP may vary in time and it's not reassignable, that's what elastic ip's are made for, just create an elastic IP, assign it to your ec2 instance and assign it as an A record on your DNS provider.
Amazon AWS documentation
First create elastic IP and assign to your instance. Then create A record and point IP. Your site should work normal.

How to link godaddy domain with AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment?

I'm running into this problem trying to link my Godaddy domain with an AWS Elastic Beanstalk instance. I found a lot of documentation on how to link an EC2 instance with a domain on Godaddy but not for Elastic Beanstalk instance. So I ended up with this URL:
Here is what I did for an EC2 instance:
I updated the Nameservers on my Godaddy domain with the ones from my Route 53 Hosted Zone.
I created a new Elastic IP on the EC2 console.
I went back to Godaddy and updated the DNS A # field from their DNS Manager, with the EC2 Elastic IP one.
You normally have to wait 1h to 48h and it should work.
How can I do the same for a AWS Elastic Beanstalk instance, not an EC2 one? I can't see the instance I created from my EC2 console in order to link it to an Elastic IP.
Hope this is clear enough.. Any help?
No need to create a CNAME or do any forwarding - this is bad from the point of SEO and not recommended by Amazon. Even you should not point a record to IP directly - it will cause a lot of troubles in the future because IP can be changed any moment.
The most elegant way is to migrate DNS service from GoDaddy to Route 53. You still will be with GoDaddy, but handling requests for your site will be on Amazon's side.
Here is what you need to do:
Create a new Hosted Zone for your site in Route 53 console:
Open newly added domain name, find NS record and copy servers:
In GoDaddy's Domain Manager export records via "Export Zone File (Windows)".
Import those records to Route 53 ("Import Zone File" button).
In GoDaddy's Domain Manager set custom DNS nameservers, obtained on the 2nd step:
Migrating might take some time (even days).
Now you can link you domain with your Elastic Beanstalk site. To do so select/create proper A record type in Route 53 and set Alias for it:
Here's what I did when I was facing the problem of linking a GoDaddy domain with AWS ElasticBeanstalk.
DNS Manager:
A record #: (that is GoDaddy's forwarding IP btw)
Cname www: AWS EB domain (e.g.
Forward Domain to (forward only, without masking)
Forward Subdomain to AWS EB domain (e.g. (with masking)
In order to access the site without www (e.g., I had to set up the forwarding of the domain to the www cname. This www cname then gets forwarded to the AWS EB domain (with masking in order to keep in the address bar).
You should add a CNAME record to your Godaddy domain name that maps from ->
That will direct requests to your domain name to the load balancer that is running in your elastic beanstalk environment. You don't want to route your domain name to a specific server (i.e. an elastic IP), you want it to go to the load balancer and that will route requests to your server(s). Since AWS Load balancers don't use IPs (they use domain names), you don't want to set up an A record for this - a CNAME record maps domain names to domain names.
Look at the "Adding or Editing CNAMEs" section of the GoDaddy documentation on how to do this.
Your route53 configuration has to point to the load balancer, not the ec2 instance

Amazon AWS Ec2 + Elastic IP

I'm trying to set up an EC2 instance with a public domain name that I bought from 123-reg.
Aside from associating the elastic IP with the instance that's running, and changing the DNS at 123-reg, is there anything else I need to do to access the site?
Any ideas or tutorial links would be greatly appreciated.
You just need to set an A record on your DNS entry for the domain to point at the Elastic IP, that's it.
