Telerik RadEditor spellchecker is not working - telerik

Trying to implement spellcheck and I got a message:
Web.config registration missing. The Telerik dialogs require a
HTTPHandler registration in the web.config file. Please use the
control's smart tag to add the handler automatically.
I did it by adding but still have the same message is coming up... I need some help please!

Regarding the Spell Check Handler Server Error, AjaxUrl property is used to set the path to the handler and is used in scenarios where you may have a UrlRewriter module which overwrites the handlers url even if they are set in the web.config. A correct value of this property is like follows:
RadEditor1.SpellCheckSettings.AjaxUrl = "Telerik.Web.UI.SpellCheckHandler.aspx";
Once you set the new AjaxUrl value, go to the web.config file and update the Telerik.Web.UI.SpellCheckHandler.axd instances to Telerik.Web.UI.SpellCheckHandler.aspx
Check these articles for more information about problems with handlers:!-the-telerik-dialogs-require-a-httphandler-registration-in-the-web-config-file-


Implement setValue in PCF Custom Control

My custom control does not react to getAttribute("abc").setValue("123") from form js.
Do I have implement something in PCF Custom Control code?
Pls verify these.
Debug and see whether the updateView() in PCF index.ts is hitting, your control will be rendering there to get updated for any change in its property bag
Validate you have usage="bound" for the property in ControlManifest.Input.xml file

Error Adding a Switch Mediator inside a Proxy Service in WSO2 Developer Studio

I'm trying to do a simple Proxy Service using the Developer Studio tool from the open-source SOA middleware provider WSO2.
When I drag into the flow a Switch Mediator in the graphical view there is no problem but when I changed to the text view, I'm facing the following error:
Cannot update source view. The following error(s) have been detected
Reason: XPathFactoty#newInstance() failed to create an XPathFactoty for the default object model: with the XPathFactotyConfigurationException: javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactotyConfigurationException: java.util.ServiceConfigurationError javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactoty: bundleresource://1013.fwk317983781:21/META-INF/services/javax.xml.xpath.XPathFa ctory:2: Illegal configuration-file syntax
And the XML is empty, so I can't to add any Switch Mediator and get it working with the WSO2 DS.
This is happening with the 3.5.0 and 3.6.0 version of the tool, and I even try one of the sample in the website but with the same result.
Anyone have any reason why this error is happening?
Thank you!
Each switch element needs to have an attribute called 'source'. This is the Xpath attribute that is checked against the criteria in each case. To add the 'source' attribute, type the Xpath and then click 'update' or 'save'. With that required attribute, a valid xml configuration file may be created and viewed as text.
Here is more documentation on the switch mediator:

DataAnnotation for Required property - Why is it required for webapi?

I read through these posts
DataAnnotation for Required property
and I understand it has something to do with xml and not supporting required but I don't get why this is an issue.
I have a View Model that has a Required attribute over a Guid and that is what is causing the problem. I just don't get how the xml factors into this as the request is REST so where does the xml come in play to cause this problem.
The validator was added as a security measure because all Web APIs accept XML by default. And because the XML formatter doesn't raise model state errors for missing required members, you could end up in a situation where a required member was missing and yet the model state was valid.
With that said, this behavior has caused a lot more trouble than it's worth. So it is gone in the current nightly builds, and it won't be there in the next version of Web API. In the meantime, you can disable it with this line:
config.Services.RemoveAll(typeof(System.Web.Http.Validation.ModelValidatorProvider),v => v is InvalidModelValidatorProvider);

Kendo UI Grid/DataSource - Global Error Handling?

I've currently inherited an application which has numerous Kendo grids (and other controls) throughout, and I'm trying to fix an error which keeps cropping up now and again - specifically when the user is no longer authenticated.
I know what the solution is for a single instance of the control - return a flag to indicate authentication failed, and then detect this in the error handler and perform the authentication.
The problem is am I really going to have to handle this for every instance of a Kendo control I have? Is there not a global error handler I can hook into? Either for the data source itself (as I know this is used for all Kendo control data loading), or for the Grid specificially. I don't mind either way - just which one is a hook.
This would be a more straighforward short term solution than refactoring everything to specific error handlers, etc.
I assume you can attach a global error handler to $.ajax, which is used by the DataSource, you can check how to do it here:
Or, you can take advanttage of that the configuration that is done in the DataSource is passed directly to the $.ajax:
For reference, someone from Telerik has provided a solution using just the DataSource. I haven't tested it, but I prefer the accepted answer above as it hooked into all Ajax on the site - not just ones that utilise the Kendo DataSource.

Struts 2 validation - clearing the error message

Good day!
I used the Struts2 xml validation as instructed in this website.
The problem is when I clicked the submit button twice. The error message also appears twice...
My question is... how to clear the first error message before another action is processed to accommodate new set of error messages.
Thank you in advance.
If you are using the spring integration you have to define your bean as scope="prototype", then you get a new instance of your Action for every request.
The default scope for spring is singleton.
It's a good idea to do this for every Action.
Remove validate="true" from form tag.
There is a validator interceptor in the default stack. You just need to use that and using that is very simple. Just make a method in your action class by the name public void validate(). Within that validate() you can access the fields using their getters & then put the required validation onto them.
Also, with this implementation you would not have to worry about the multiple messages being shown, because it will show only the message what you set in the addFieldError method and removes any previously kept messages.
NOTE: Be sure to use getters of the variables in your validate(), because the variables in the action are not set at the time this interceptor is invoked.
Here is a link to a very nice tutorial.
If you will keep validate=false, then validation xml will be called on submit action.
To clear messages on each submit click, if you are using table in your jsp then keep table outside of form. It will work.
