How to get the logs using string matching (ex: logs containing "DEBUG") - elasticsearch

In the elasticsearch cluster we get logs indexed from our cluster. Logstach didnt set any filter so we get all the logs with INFO, DEBUG etc levels. I want to know the query to get just the logs with one specific level.
If it's in python we could do it like this.
df = pd.DataFrame({"": [123, 124, 125],
"log":["INFO: run", "DEBUG: fail", "WARN: warn"]})
0 INFO: run 123
1 DEBUG: fail 124
2 WARN: warn 125
1 DEBUG: fail 124
I tried using "regex", "wildcard" but doesn't seem to get the right syntax.


ElastAlert got 0 hits

I'm working on sending Kibana email alerts using Elastalert. I did all the setup and postfix is also working fine but I'm getting no hits and alerts. The following are my config.yaml and frequency.yaml:
# Rule name, must be unique
name: Test email alerts
# (Required)
# Type of alert.
# the frequency rule type alerts when num_events events occur with timeframe time
type: frequency
# (Required)
# Index to search, wildcard supported
index: index-*
# (Required, frequency specific)
# Alert when this many documents matching the query occur within a timeframe
num_events: 1
# (Required, frequency specific)
# num_events must occur within this amount of time to trigger an alert
minutes: 1
# (Required)
# A list of Elasticsearch filters used for find events
# These filters are joined with AND and nested in a filtered query
# For more info:
- term:
log: "Performed Task"
# (Required)
# The alert is use when a match is found
- "email"
# (required, email specific)
# a list of email addresses to send alerts to
- ""
# Any .yaml file will be loaded as a rule
rules_folder: example_rules
# How often ElastAlert will query Elasticsearch
# The unit can be anything from weeks to seconds
minutes: 1
# ElastAlert will buffer results from the most recent
# period of time, in case some log sources are not in real time
minutes: 15
# The Elasticsearch hostname for metadata writeback
# Note that every rule can have its own Elasticsearch host
es_host: *host*
# The Elasticsearch port
es_port: 9200
es_username: username
es_password: password
Output of elastalert-test-rule rules_folder/frequency.yaml
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/requests/ RequestsDependencyWarning: urllib3 (1.25.4) or chardet (3.0.4) doesn't match a supported version!
INFO:elastalert:Note: In debug mode, alerts will be logged to console but NOT actually sent.
To send them but remain verbose, use --verbose instead.
Didn't get any results.
INFO:elastalert:Note: In debug mode, alerts will be logged to console but NOT actually sent.
To send them but remain verbose, use --verbose instead.
1 rules loaded
INFO:apscheduler.scheduler:Adding job tentatively -- it will be properly scheduled when the scheduler starts
INFO:elastalert:Queried rule Test email alerts from 2021-07-17 23:21 UTC to 2021-07-17 23:22 UTC: 0 / 0 hits
Would have written the following documents to writeback index (default is elastalert_status):
elastalert_status - {'rule_name': 'Test email alerts', 'endtime': datetime.datetime(2021, 7, 17, 23, 22, 7, 154742, tzinfo=tzutc()), 'starttime': datetime.datetime(2021, 7, 17, 23, 21, 6, 554742, tzinfo=tzutc()), 'matches': 0, 'hits': 0, '#timestamp': datetime.datetime(2021, 7, 17, 23, 22, 7, 183348, tzinfo=tzutc()), 'time_taken': 0.008371829986572266}
Can anyone please help me why I'm getting no hits?

Mindmeld Elasticsearch index and QuestionAnswerer

I am using Mindmeld blueprint application (kwik_e_mart) to understand how the Question Answerer retrieves data from relevant knowledge base data file (newbie to Mindmeld, OOP and Elasticsearch).
See code snippet below:
from mindmeld.components import QuestionAnswerer
config = {"model_type": "keyword"}
qa = QuestionAnswerer(app_path='kwik_e_mart', config=config)
qa.load_kb(app_namespace='kwik_e_mart', index_name='stores',
data_file='kwik_e_mart/data/stores.json', app_path='kwik_e_mart', config=config, clean = True)
Output - Loading Elasticsearch index stores: 100%|██████████| 25/25 [00:00<00:00, 495.28it/s]
Output -Loaded 25 documents
Although Elasticsearch is able to load all 25 documents (see output above), unable to retrieve any data with index greater than 9.
stores = qa.get(index='stores')
Output: - {'address': '23 Elm Street, Suite 800, Springfield, OR, 97077',
'store_name': '23 Elm Street',
'open_time': '7:00',
'location': {'lon': -123.022029, 'lat': 44.046236},
'phone_number': '541-555-1100',
'id': '1',
'close_time': '19:00',
'_score': 1.0}
However, stores [10] gives an error
Output: - IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-12-08132a2cd460> in <module>
----> 1 stores[10]
IndexError: list index out of range
Not sure why documents at index higher than 9 are unreachable. My understanding is that the elasticsearch index is still pointing to remote blueprint data (http/middmeld/blueprint...) and not pointing to the folder locally.
Not sure how to resolve this. Any help is much appreciated.
By default, the get() method only returns 10 records per search - so only stores[0] through stores[9] will be valid.
You can add the size= option to your get() to increase the number of records it returns:
stores = qa.get(index='stores', size=25)
See the bottom of this section for more info.

Mulesoft EC2 *describeInstances* with *filter* option

I'm having problems using the EC2 connector with filters for DescribeInstances. Specifically, I'm trying to find all instances that have the tag "classId" set.
I've also tried to find all instances that have the classId tag with specific string, e.g. "123".
Below are the XMLs of the describeInstance for both scenarios.
tag-key ------
<ec2:describe-instances doc:name="Describe instances" doc:id="ca64b7d4-99bb-4045-bbb4-16c0c27b1df5" config-ref="Amazon_EC2_Configuration">
<ec2:filter name="tag-key" values="#[['classId']]">
<ec2:describe-instances doc:name="Describe instances" doc:id="ca64b7d4-99bb-4045-bbb4-16c0c27b1df5" config-ref="Amazon_EC2_Configuration">
<ec2:filter name="tag:classId">
<ec2:values >
<ec2:value value="#['123']" />
Each time I receive an error like the following (for tag:classId):
ERROR 2021-03-29 08:32:49,693 [[MuleRuntime].uber.04: [ec2-play].ec2-playFlow.BLOCKING #1092a5bc] [processor: ; event: df5e2df0-908a-11eb-94b5-38f9d38da5c3] org.mule.runtime.core.internal.exception.OnErrorPropagateHandler: 
Message        : The filter 'null' is invalid (Service: AmazonEC2; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidParameterValue; Request ID: 33e3bbfb-99ea-4382-932f-647662810c92; Proxy: null)
Element        : ec2-playFlow/processors/0 # ec2-play:ec2-play.xml:33 (Describe instances)
Element DSL      : <ec2:describe-instances doc:name="Describe instances" doc:id="ca64b7d4-99bb-4045-bbb4-16c0c27b1df5" config-ref="Amazon_EC2_Configuration">
<ec2:filter name="tag:classId">
<ec2:value value="#['123']"></ec2:value>
FlowStack       : at ec2-playFlow(ec2-playFlow/processors/0 # ec2-play:ec2-play.xml:33 (Describe instances))
 (set debug level logging or '-Dmule.verbose.exceptions=true' for everything)
NOTE: The code works without a filter, returning all instances. But, that isn't what I want or need. The more filtering I can do the faster the response.
Does anyone have samples of the filter option working? Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?
This surely is a bug. I tried the same and it was not working for me as well. I enabled debug logging and found that the connector is not sending the filter.1.Name=tag:classId as a query parameter in the request. Here is the debug log that I found. (Notice there is no filter.1.Name=tag:classId in the query string)
DEBUG 2021-04-02 21:55:17,198 [[MuleRuntime].uber.03: [test-aws-connector].test-aws-connectorFlow.BLOCKING #2dff3afe] [processor: ; event: 91a34891-93d0-11eb-af49-606dc73d31d1] org.apache.http.wire: http-outgoing-0 >> "Action=DescribeInstances&Version=2016-11-15&Filter.1.Value.1=123"
However, I tried to use the Expression or Bean Reference option and set the expression directly as [{name: 'tag:classId', values:['123']}] like this:
and it worked correctly. Here is the same debug log after this change
DEBUG 2021-04-02 21:59:17,198 [[MuleRuntime].uber.03: [test-aws-connector].test-aws-connectorFlow.BLOCKING #2dff3afe] [processor: ; event: 91a34891-93d0-11eb-af49-606dc73d31d1] org.apache.http.wire: http-outgoing-0 >> "Action=DescribeInstances&Version=2016-11-15&Filter.1.Name=tag%3AclassId&Filter.1.Value.1=123"
Also, I want to point out very weird behaviour, this does not work if you try to format [{name: 'tag:classId',values: ['123']}] across multiple lines in the expression and will give an error during deployment.

Using actual regex in Ansible's search_regex parameter

I'm trying to use the wait_for module in Ansible to repeatedly check a log file and end when it finds either success (the word Successfully appears in the log) or failure (the string [FATAL] appears in the log).
- name: Wait for Logstash API Endpoint to be running
path: /var/log/logstash/logstash-plain.log
search_regex: '(\\[FATAL\\]|Successfully)'
delay: 30
timeout: 120
I've tried various approaches to the search_regex parameter including no escape characters, single escape characters etc.
I've checked that the logs' output includes [FATAL] and it definitely does, but I can't get this module to work.
Where am I going wrong?
** EDIT **
Attempting to use the following code:
On the following log:
[2019-01-15T15:43:14,735][INFO ][logstash.runner ] Starting Logstash {"logstash.version"=>"6.5.2"}
[2019-01-15T15:44:00,534][ERROR][logstash.agent ] Failed to execute action {:action=>LogStash::PipelineAction::Create/pipeline_id:main, :exception=>"Java::OrgLogstashConfigIr::InvalidIRException", :message=>"Config has duplicate Ids: \nID: jsonfilter P[filter-json{\"id\"=>\"jsonfilter\", \"source\"=>\"message\", \"remove_field\"=>[\"_sourceUri\", \"_user\", \"sourceUri\", \"user\", \"pid\", \"v\"]}|[str]pipeline:41:7:```\njson {\n id => \"jsonfilter\"\n source => \"message\"\n # remove some irrelevant fields\n remove_field => [\"_sourceUri\", \"_user\", \"sourceUri\", \"user\", \"pid\", \"v\"]\n }\n```]\nP[filter-json{\"id\"=>\"jsonfilter\", \"source\"=>\"message\", \"remove_field\"=>[\"_sourceUri\", \"_user\", \"sourceUri\", \"user\", \"pid\", \"v\"]}|[str]pipeline:191:7:```\njson {\n id => \"jsonfilter\"\n source => \"message\"\n # remove some irrelevant fields\n remove_field => [\"_sourceUri\", \"_user\", \"sourceUri\", \"user\", \"pid\", \"v\"]\n }\n```]", :backtrace=>["", "<init>(org/logstash/config/ir/", "java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(java/lang/reflect/", "org.jruby.javasupport.JavaConstructor.newInstanceDirect(org/jruby/javasupport/", "org.jruby.RubyClass.newInstance(org/jruby/", "org.jruby.RubyClass$INVOKER$i$$INVOKER$i$newInstance.gen)", "usr.share.logstash.logstash_minus_core.lib.logstash.compiler.compile_sources(/usr/share/logstash/logstash-core/lib/logstash/compiler.rb:29)", "usr.share.logstash.logstash_minus_core.lib.logstash.compiler.RUBY$method$compile_sources$0$__VARARGS__(usr/share/logstash/logstash_minus_core/lib/logstash//usr/share/logstash/logstash-core/lib/logstash/compiler.rb)", "org.jruby.RubyClass.finvoke(org/jruby/", "org.jruby.RubyBasicObject.callMethod(org/jruby/", "", "org.logstash.execution.AbstractPipelineExt.initialize(org/logstash/execution/", "org.logstash.execution.AbstractPipelineExt$INVOKER$i$3$0$$INVOKER$i$3$0$initialize.gen)", "usr.share.logstash.logstash_minus_core.lib.logstash.pipeline.initialize(/usr/share/logstash/logstash-core/lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:22)", "usr.share.logstash.logstash_minus_core.lib.logstash.pipeline.initialize(/usr/share/logstash/logstash-core/lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:90)", "org.jruby.RubyClass.newInstance(org/jruby/", "org.jruby.RubyClass$INVOKER$i$$INVOKER$i$newInstance.gen)", "usr.share.logstash.logstash_minus_core.lib.logstash.pipeline_action.create.block in execute(/usr/share/logstash/logstash-core/lib/logstash/pipeline_action/create.rb:42)", "", "org.jruby.RubyProc.call19(org/jruby/", "org.jruby.RubyProc$INVOKER$i$0$0$$INVOKER$i$0$0$call19.gen)", "usr.share.logstash.logstash_minus_core.lib.logstash.agent.block in exclusive(/usr/share/logstash/logstash-core/lib/logstash/agent.rb:92)", "org.jruby.ext.thread.Mutex.synchronize(org/jruby/ext/thread/", "org.jruby.ext.thread.Mutex$INVOKER$i$0$0$$INVOKER$i$0$0$synchronize.gen)", "usr.share.logstash.logstash_minus_core.lib.logstash.agent.exclusive(/usr/share/logstash/logstash-core/lib/logstash/agent.rb:92)", "usr.share.logstash.logstash_minus_core.lib.logstash.agent.RUBY$method$exclusive$0$__VARARGS__(usr/share/logstash/logstash_minus_core/lib/logstash//usr/share/logstash/logstash-core/lib/logstash/agent.rb)", "usr.share.logstash.logstash_minus_core.lib.logstash.pipeline_action.create.execute(/usr/share/logstash/logstash-core/lib/logstash/pipeline_action/create.rb:38)", "usr.share.logstash.logstash_minus_core.lib.logstash.pipeline_action.create.RUBY$method$execute$0$__VARARGS__(usr/share/logstash/logstash_minus_core/lib/logstash/pipeline_action//usr/share/logstash/logstash-core/lib/logstash/pipeline_action/create.rb)", "usr.share.logstash.logstash_minus_core.lib.logstash.agent.block in converge_state(/usr/share/logstash/logstash-core/lib/logstash/agent.rb:317)", "", "", ""]}
[2019-01-15T15:44:01,189][FATAL][logstash.runner ] An unexpected error occurred! {:error=>#<LogStash::Error: Don't know how to handle `Java::OrgLogstashConfigIr::InvalidIRException` for `PipelineAction::Create<main>`>, :backtrace=>["org/logstash/execution/ `create'", "org/logstash/execution/ `add'", "/usr/share/logstash/logstash-core/lib/logstash/agent.rb:329:in `block in converge_state'"]}
[2019-01-15T15:44:02,220][ERROR][org.logstash.Logstash ] java.lang.IllegalStateException: Logstash stopped processing because of an error: (SystemExit) exit
Results in this failure:
Further info:
Based on my testing you were soooooooooo close. This:
search_regex: "(\\[FATAL\\]|Successfully)"
works for me. (Note " rather than ')
Also, check that Ansible has permission to read the log file. In the case that it doesn't, wait_for doesn't give you any indication that it can't read the file.

how to fill a scripted field value by condition in kibana

i am using Kibana 4 and my document contains two integer fields called: 'x' & 'y'. i would like to create a scripted field in Kibana returning the division value of 'x' by 'y' if 'y'<> 0. else: return the value of 'x'.
i have tried to add this script to a new screnter code hereipted field:
doc['x'].value > 0 ? doc['x'].value/doc['y'].value : doc['x'].value;
but got a parsing error when trying to visualize it:
Error: Request to Elasticsearch failed:
{"error":"SearchPhaseExecutionException[Failed to execute phase [query],
all shards failed; shardFailures
how can i create a scripted field with condition in Kibana, step by step?
What you are seeing is not a parsing error, shardFailures just means that the underlying Elasticsearch is not ready yet. When starting Kibana/Elasticsearch, make sure your ES cluster is ready before diving into Kibana, i.e. run curl -XGET localhost:9200/_cluster/health and in the response, you should see something similar to this:
cluster_name: your_cluster_name
status: yellow <----- this must be either yellow or green
timed_out: false
number_of_nodes: 2
number_of_data_nodes: 2
active_primary_shards: 227
active_shards: 454
relocating_shards: 0 <----- this must be 0
initializing_shards: 0 <----- this must be 0
unassigned_shards: 25
As for your script, it is written correctly, however the condition you mentioned is not correct since you wanted y <> 0 and not x > 0, so it should be
doc['y'].value != 0 ? doc['x'].value / doc['y'].value : doc['x'].value
Please give it a try
