Google SMTP not working with AWS EC2 - amazon-ec2

Hi I am using gmail smtp with port 587. that is working fine on local but not working on production. my website is hosted on AWS EC2.
I have added the port in security group as well.
Please help!


Running HTTPS on EC2 Instance

I’m trying to use HTTPS on my EC2 instance.
Currently, my URL looks like this: and works great.
However, due to HTTPS requirements by Stripe and other applications, I need the url to look like this:
I should add that I am using Cloudflare as my DNS Manager.
I’ve tried Googling how to set this up with no luck. Maybe I’m searching for the wrong thing.
Can someone help me achieve this setup?
Thank you in advance!
You need to configure route53 to create a hosted zone for your website and then you need to add record set where you will point your ec2 server's ip for the particular website request.please follow the link for detailed instructions to setup website with ec2
AWS link
Which web server (httpd/IIS) you enabling on this EC2 instance?
try these steps if it is Linux box
I ended up adding rules for ports 80 and 443 to my EC2 instance, and then telling Apache to listen on port 80 instead of 8443. This allowed me to remove the appended :8443 in the URL and I was able to copy the DNS info into Cloudflare as a CNAME and begin using my domain name. Before, I wasn’t able to use my server info as it had to have :8443 appended to the URL which Cloudflare doesn’t like.

How to generate google cloud SSL certificate in Nginx server

I am new in google cloud server and I don't understand how can I generate a new SSL if they create a domain in their name. When I create a new VM in Google Cloud, it comes with a Ip domain that's not in my name.
Can anyone help me with this issue?
Thanks Folks

how to set pm2 node.js app on windows server?

i have this configuration:
aws EC2 windows server with node.js and pm2 installed on it.
Route 53 domain.
elastic IP for the server.
running app on the server on port 80 using pm2.
my app using express web app framework.
my questions is how to connect the domain name (on route 53) with the pm2 app on the server.
Create one record set pointing to EIP of your server in route53 and use.
If you have multiple servers:
Create one ELB
Attach instances to it.
Add CNAME entry from ELB to route53 record set.

Mule on Amazon Cloud

I installed Mule Community Server on AWS cloud and it is functioning properly. When I use http end point and invoke Mule services from browser on my Amazon EC2 machine they work. When I access them from outside, the request timeout. The end points are not bound to local host but mapped to I have checked all firewall settings using amaozon security group and set permission for all. Yet it doesnt work. I am able to access the Windows IIS http server on the same machine but not mule on port 8081. Any clues would help.
Hope this doesn't sound rude, but did you disable the windows firewall, or allow 8081 through the windows firewall?

SMTP tunnel forwarding

I will like to know if there is any SMTP tunnel that you can setup to run on localhost:25 and have it forward mails to Amazon SES (TLS/SMTPS) using a username and password that you specify in the SMTP tunnel settings.
My problem is that I have an old program that I want to move over to Amazon EC2 and I want it to use Amazon SES as SMTP. But it only allows me to change the SMTPServerName setting. The username and password are empty and cannot be changed.
This user documentation will help you.
