Do we need to run tests in CI server if every developers run the tests before push? - maven

I am not sure what is the best practice for running unit tests.
I suppose every developers should pass the unit tests locally before pushing the code to the GIT repo. And then the CI server (Jenkins) would pick up the new changes and run the tests again.
Why do we want to do it twice? Should we?
If the unit tests take a lot of time to run, do we expect the developer only picks the tests related to the change or runs every tests (even outside the scope of his projects), assuming we have a big maven multi-module POM.
Also consider we usually have a powerful hardware for CI server and relatively less powerful workstation for developers.

If the unit tests take a lot of time to run, do we expect the
developer only picks the tests related to the change or runs every
tests (even outside the scope of his projects), assuming we have a big
maven multi-module POM.
As a developer changes a class, modifies the database structure or makes any change that could have side effects, he/she will not/cannot know all potential side effects on the whole application.
And he/she never has to try to be too clever by saying : "I know that it may have be broken with my changes, so I will run just this test".
Unit testing ensures a some degree of code quality : don't make it less helpful
The unit tests are also non-regression tests. To not play all non regression tests before commit and push is taking the risk to introduce flawed code in the source content management.
You will never do it.
Unit tests have to be fast executed
If units test are so long to be executed as it hurts the developer velocity , it generally means that they are bad designed or maybe that they are not real unit tests. A unit test is designed to be run fast.
If you write tests that are long to be run because they require to start a server, to load/clean data in a database, to load/unload some containers, and so for... it means you didn't write unit test but integration tests. These tests are not designed to be executed regularly and automatically on the local development machine but on a CI tool.
The CI has to run all tests
Do we need to run tests in CI server if every developers run the tests
before push?
As explained, integration tests have to be executed by the CI tool.
About unit testing, sparing their execution in the CI side is not a good idea either.
Of course developers have to run the tests before pushing to the SCM but actually you don't have the guarantee that it will always be done.
Besides, even in a perfect world where developers execute all tests before pushing, you could fall into cases where the tests are successful on the developer machine but fail on the CI or the other developer machines.
For example, the developer could introduce in the base code some absolute paths specific to its machine or he/she could also forget to replicate a modification on the database used in the CI environment.
So running all tests (unit and integration tests) has not to be an option for the CI.

Yes, they shall be run twice. Because if some developers don't, then they run never. Developers should run the tests locally to make sure that their code works correctly.
Your CI system is however your reference, so there's no chance of one person arguing that it "works on my machine", but fails for others. Looking forward to continuous delivery, knowing this state on the CI/CD system becomes even more important.
You might hope that always and forever, every commit has been tested successfully locally (and all workstations are the same and identical with production systems...), but hope is a bad strategy.


Advent of slow steps in CI pipeline in CD environment and minimising their impact

Running a fast test suite as part of an artifact's CI pipeline is pretty common place. Recently I've also seen encouragement to add slow steps to CI pipelines: performance tests, backward compatibility tests, whole environment tests, etc.
In my experience these slow steps have never been made part of the CI pipeline but instead are practiced infrequently and manually.
I can see the benefits but I also struggle fitting them into a continuous delivery environment. Not to think CD is just about pushing code to production in a hurry, but there is a time element to it.
If I had to give it a go I'd set up a fast pipeline that builds a deployable artifact after executing a fast test suite that is deployable to all non-production environments, followed by a slow pipeline that runs in parallel. On completion the slow pipeline would mark the artifact as production deployable and possibly deploy itself to production.
Tooling is key I think, and I haven't come across anything that manages an artifact's deployability lifecycle so far.
I'd like to know what approaches you have encountered, in which situations they worked and why, and where didn't they work so well.

Why smoke tests are useful with Continuous Integration?

We usually do smoke tests to check critical functionalities whenever we receive a new build. After executing the smoke tests, we are sure to go to next stage (next level of testing). I heard from my colleagues that smoke tests are really useful when your team employs Continuous Integration and DevOps. Smoke tests are always beneficial, but how it will be more beneficial with the combination of CI and DevOps?
Testing is interesting and every time a new challenge for QA which requires higher level of efforts in the final deployment of product. This consist of continuous delivery in continuous integration environment. In this continuous deployment process, requires testing to be followed in parallel in order to keep the process moving.
I've usually heard smoke testing used to refer to manual testing that you run to sanity-check builds. This article defines smoke testing as follows:
Smoke Testing, also known as “Build Verification Testing”, is a type
of software testing that comprises of a non-exhaustive set of tests
that aim at ensuring that the most important functions work. The
results of this testing is used to decide if a build is stable enough
to proceed with further testing.
First, I would certainly hope that people are doing this whenever they check code into the main branch to ensure that their changes didn't break the software in some obvious way. That holds whether you're doing continuous integration or not. (One of my personal pet peeves has always been people who check in code and then leave for the day without checking to make sure that it worked).
Also, keep in mind that in a typical CI cycle nowadays a build will often occur with every checkin to the main branch (or, at a minimum, there will be a nightly automated build; at my current company we have both), so you don't really have time to manually run your entire test suite for every build. One of the main purposes of CI is to have integration (and, as an extension, builds) occur much more frequently than is typical in other kinds of development cycles.
As one final comment: if you're doing continuous integration, I'd strongly encourage you to have some kind of automated testing (e.g. coded UI tests, unit tests, etc.) as part of that. Those can provide basic smoke/sanity testing and regression testing and reduce the burden of having to do all of it manually for every build.

TDD: refactoring and global regressions

While the refactoring step of test driven development should always involve another full run of tests for the given functionality, what is your approach about preventing possible regressions beyond the functionality itself?
My professional experience makes me want to retest the whole functional module after any code change. Is it what TDD recommends?
Thank you.
While the refactoring step of test driven development should always
involve another full run of tests for the given functionality, what is
your approach about preventing possible regressions beyond the
functionality itself?
When you are working on specific feature it is enough to run tests for the given functionality only. There is no need to do full regression.
My professional experience makes me want to retest the whole
functional module after any code change.
You do not need to do full regression but you can, since Unit tests are small, simple and fast.
Also, there are several tools that are used for "Continuous Testing" in different languages:
in Ruby (e.g Watchr)
in PHP, (e.g. Sismo)
in .NET (e.g. NCrunch)
All these tools are used to run tests automatically on your local machine to get fast feedback.
Only when you are about to finish implementation of the feature it is time to do full run of all your tests.
Running tests on Continuous integration (CI) server is essential. Especially, when you have lots of integration tests.
TDD is just a methodology to write new code or modify old one. Your entire tests base should be ran every time a modification is done to any of the code file (new feature or refactoring). That's how you ensure no regression has taken place. We're talking about automatic testing here (unit-tests, system-tests, acceptance-tests, sometimes performance tests as well)
Continuous integration (CI) will help you achieve that: a CI server (Jenkins, Hudson, TeamCity, CruiseControl...) will have all your tests, and run them automatically when you commit a change to source control. It can also calculate test coverage and indicate where your code is insufficiently tested (note if you do proper TDD, your test coverage should always be 100%).

Continuous Integration testing with physical devices

I've been wondering how you go about doing CI-style testing when you're dealing with physical devices.
I imagine you have a suite of tests, and a pool of devices against which they can be run.
Some tests may require specific device models.
Some tests may require the use of more than one device.
What CI servers have support for this?
I'm still interested in those which have partial support, either natively or through plugins, as I'm interested in how it's done.
Continuous Integration enables a team integrate & test their work frequently. Automated builds are meant to compile, link and run unit-tests. You want your CI to run fast, especially if you run it at every check-in. That is why you would want to restrict CI activities to simple confirmation of the build and unit tests alone. What you're asking seems more-along the lines of quality assurance (QA) testing...and having QA failures mixed into your CI efforts would detract development efforts from progressing.
As such, I'm more under the impression activities associated with CI are not dependent upon the final physical machine said work may eventually be migrated to.
Now...this doesn't mean you CAN'T take the CI-compiled package and run it against some final target-machine....but again...that is really considered a seperate activity.
This seems to be re-enforced in the following article by Martin Fowler.
Notice he doesn't talk about the final targeted devices...only the build machine.
I can suggest Test Manager that is part of the TFS suite of Microsoft. I have not tried it with many different environments apart from windows based though I know there are many connectors. For windows based environments I believe it will satisfy most needs.
I use it for nightly builds to perform smoke tests (Turn it on, see if any smoke comes out) but you have to be careful to keep tests small in order to have them finished in a matter of hours and not days, if you want it to be part of your CI.
Then when you have a good enough quality you can proceed onto regression tests and integration tests if needed.
I wouldn't get too caught up in what a CI system is supposed to do or not do. Instead I would focus on the problem you are trying to solve. It sounds like that problem is to facilitate development on multiple platforms. You can use the concept of Continuous Integration and add to it successfully address the issue. I know, because I've done it in the past.
I implemented a build system for code that needed to compile and test successfully on 4 different platforms (nt, wince, linux-arm, linux-x86). The CI server would:
Used a linux and winnt build server compilation (and cross compilation)
The compiled tests and supporting libs would then be copied to the appropriate devices and an automated test run executed.
After the test suite was completed the log would be copied back, (or it was written to a network mounted fs)
If the test suite was successful we would tag the source, and package the libs and executables.
This same platform was reused for developer verification before commits. Developers would run a partial build and test (only updated source would be recompiled and those tests rerun). The CI would execute a full build (from scratch).
Our build were pretty fast because we had a proper DAG for build dependencies. This allowed for concurrent compilation within a platform build. Each platform build was also concurrent. As a result partial builds took a few seconds, full builds took ~30 minutes. Our build servers were quite beefy (optimized for fast compiles) and the codebase was of moderate size (I don't remember the stats).

NAnt with DB integration tests, and eventually Continuous Integration

I've been exploring different strategies for running integration tests within some Nant build scripts. Typically a number of different scripts are chained in one monolithic build that has separate targets: staging (build a staging version, like build), build (just build the stuff), integration (build the stuff and run the integration tests). This works reasonably well, the build target takes about a third of the time to run as the integration target and it's not painfully long so I don't find myself disinclined to run it frequently.
The integration target on the other hand takes long enough that I don't want to do it very often - ideally just before I'm ready to do a deploy. Does this seem like a reasonable strategy? IOW, am I doing it right?
The plan is to eventually move this project to Continuous Integration. I'm new to the whole Continuous Integration thing but I think I understand the concept of "breaking the build" so I'm wondering what are some good practices to pick up in order to make the most of it?
Any good sources of reading on this subject would be appreciated as well. Thanks!
Yes, you are on the right track. What you need to do now is to hook up your nant target to an automated process. I recommend using either Team City or Cruise Control for as your CI tool. Once you have your automated server setup you can run your build and unit tests on each check in (Continuous Integration). Your integration tests could then run at night or over the weekend since they typically take longer to run. If your integration tests are successful, you can then have a job that will deploy to some QA or other server.
Sounds like you're 99% of the way there. My advice is to just dive in and start doing it. You'll learn a lot more by actually taking the plunge and doing it than by thinking about whether you're doing it right.
My company is currently using CruiseControl and I personally think it's great.
See this related thread What is a good CI build process?
You are on the right track. If you're using a decent CI tool, you should be able to set each setup up as a separate project that triggers the next step in the chain... i.e. sucessfull build triggers tests which trigger deployment which triggers integration etc
This way your ealiest "break" stops the line so to speak.
We use CruiseControl to build, unit-test, configure and deploy, run integration tests and code coverage, run acceptance tests, and package for release. This is with a system of 8 or so web services, and a dozen or so databases, all with interralated configuration and deployment dependencies with across multiple environments with different configurations (anythin from single boxes to redundent boxes for each component)
