Interface conversion in slice of slice - go

I wrote this example code (
func main() {
var obj interface{}
json.Unmarshal([]byte("[[1,2],[3,4]]"), &obj)
val := obj.([][]int)
Why I get the error:
interface conversion: interface {} is []interface {}, not [][]int
Is there a simple way to transform obj in a slice of slice?
This code works, but I'd like something more compact and efficient.
var val [][]float64
for r, v := range obj.([]interface{}) {
val = append(val,nil)
for _, w := range v.([]interface{}) {
val[r] = append(val[r], w.(float64))

No, ultimately you'll have to loop over the two slices!
You can read here why you can't just use one as the other:
This answer might also be useful:
Why golang struct array cannot be assigned to an interface array
Essentially it's because the interface is stored as a 2 word pair, one defining the type and one the values.
You have to manually convert to the required type by visiting all the values in for-range loops.


How to convert a slice of maps to a slice of structs with different properties

I am working with an api and I need to pass it a slice of structs.
I have a slice of maps so I need to convert it to a slice of structs.
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
a := []map[string]interface{}{}
b := make(map[string]interface{})
c := make(map[string]interface{})
b["Prop1"] = "Foo"
b["Prop2"] = "Bar"
a = append(a, b)
c["Prop3"] = "Baz"
c["Prop4"] = "Foobar"
a = append(a, c)
[map[Prop1:Foo Prop2:Bar] map[Prop3:Baz Prop4:Foobar]]
so in this example, I have the slice of maps a, which contains b and c which are maps of strings with different keys.
I'm looking to convert a to a slice of structs where the first element is a struct with Prop1 and Prop2 as properties, and where the second element is a struct with Prop3 and Prop4 as properties.
Is this possible?
I've looked at but I wasn't able to get it working for my use case. I've looked at this answer:
which explains how to use the library:
mapstructure.Decode(myData, &result)
however this seems to assume that the struct of which result is an instance is predefined, whereas in my case the structure is dynamic.
What you can do is to first loop over each map individually, using the key-value pairs of each map you construct a corresponding slice of reflect.StructField values. Once you have such a slice ready you can pass it to reflect.StructOf, that will return a reflect.Type value that represents the dynamic struct type, you can then pass that to reflect.New to create a reflect.Value which will represent an instance of the dynamic struct (actually pointer to the struct).
var result []any
for _, m := range a {
fields := make([]reflect.StructField, 0, len(m))
for k, v := range m {
f := reflect.StructField{
Name: k,
Type: reflect.TypeOf(v), // allow for other types, not just strings
fields = append(fields, f)
st := reflect.StructOf(fields) // new struct type
sv := reflect.New(st) // new struct value
for k, v := range m {
sv.Elem(). // dereference struct pointer
FieldByName(k). // get the relevant field
Set(reflect.ValueOf(v)) // set the value of the field
result = append(result, sv.Interface())

How do you cast an array of unknown type to type []any? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Type converting slices of interfaces
(9 answers)
In Go, how do I pass a slice of interface to something that expects slice of a different compatible interface? [duplicate]
(1 answer)
How can I cast from []interface{} to []int? [duplicate]
(1 answer)
Cannot use args (type []string) as type []interface {} [duplicate]
(1 answer)
Convert map[interface {}]interface {} to map[string]string
(3 answers)
Closed 7 months ago.
Assuming only arrays are passed as arguments to the arr parameter, I would like each call of unpackArray() to return the argument casted from its original array type to type []any.
package main
func unpackArray(arr any) []any {
return arr.([]any)
func main() {
myArr1 := []string {"Hey"}
myArr2 := []int {60}
However, this code yields error panic: interface conversion: interface {} is []string, not []interface {}. So it is not allowing me to cast an interface whose static type is not type []any to type []any.
So, given I know that arr's static type is some type of array, and without changing the arr parameter's initialization type from any, how could I convert arr to type []any using this function?
(I am encountering the same problem with maps where I cannot cast from an arbitrary map type to type map[any]any, but I am guessing the solution to this issue would be similar to the solution for arrays.)
Go does not have a builtin "cast" like this, but you can write a function to do it.
You may use reflection to convert a slice of any type to []any:
func unpackArray(s any) []any {
v := reflect.ValueOf(s)
r := make([]any, v.Len())
for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
r[i] = v.Index(i).Interface()
return r
You can also use generics in Go 1.18 or later:
func unpackArray[S ~[]E, E any](s S) []any {
r := make([]any, len(s))
for i, e := range s {
r[i] = e
return r
Both versions of these functions work as requested in the question:
myArr1 := []string {"Hey"}
myArr2 := []int {60}
Go does not have "cast" like some other languages. Go has the somewhat related type assertion and conversion features.
The expression arr.([]any) is a type assertion. The expression asserts that the concrete value in the interface arr has type []any. The expression does not do any conversion.
The code in the question uses slices , not arrays as written in the title.
It's not possible to do that directly, because it's not the same thing.
any is the same of interface{} and each interface{} is two-pointers (the first one is the "metadata"/"type-information" and the second one the pointer to the original data).
If you have []uint{60, 42} you have one slice that each element is 8-byte (considering 64bits). So, if you force it to be []any, each element now take 16 bytes, that breaks everything. You can do it using unsafe.
The only way to "cast" is copying the information, so, you can create a new slice of []any and then append each value into that new slice.
One example of copying is:
// You can edit this code!
package main
func unpackArray[T any](arr any) (r []any) {
o := arr.([]T)
r = make([]any, len(o))
for i, v := range o {
r[i] = any(v)
return r
func main() {
myArr1 := []string{"Hey"}
myArr2 := []int{60}
However, that doesn't make so much sense, since you can use generics in another way.

Convert slice of struct to slice of interface

How do I convert the following slice of struct to slice of interface?
type BatchImportData struct {
Name string
SetHash []string
SetMembers []string
var b []BatchImportData
This is so I can batch import data into Neo4j, as the Neo4j driver requires a slice of interface when the slice of struct is passed as a parameter.
Cypher Type Driver Type
List []interface{}
You can loop over the struct slice and append it to the interface slice.
var b []BatchImportData = []BatchImportData{}
var c []interface{}
for _, b := range b {
c = append(c, b)
I think your doubt may be something along the lines of this, in which case you may find this answer quite helpful.
So you will need to loop over the slice and copy each element. Something like:
var b []BatchImportData
interfaceSlice := make([]interface{}, len(b))
for i, v := range b {
interfaceSlice[i] = v

Why [capacity]string assert to []string will be failed in Golang?

I am using Golang1.14.
Here is the test code.
package main
import "time"
func checkData(data interface{}) {
if _, ok := data.([]string); ok {
println("Assert true.")
} else {
println("Assert false.")
func main() {
var years [20]string
for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
years[i] = string(time.Now().Year() - 10 + i)
foods := []string{"Fruit", "Grass", "Fish", "Meat"}
The output is:
Assert false.
Assert true.
I am new to Golang and really confusing that [20]string is not a []string.Can someone tell me why?Thanks.
[20]string is an array. It is a type that contains 20 strings, and if you pass it as an interface{}, you can recover it using intf.([20]string).
[]string is a slice. It has a backing array, but it is essentially a view over an array. You assertion checks if the interface is a slice, so this one works.
Arrays and slices are different things in Go. An array is a data type with a fixed size. For instance:
func f(arr [10]int) {...}
You can only call f with an int array of size 10. When you do call it, the array will be passes as value, so the function will get a copy of the array, all 10 members of it. But:
func f(arr []int) {...}
You can call f with any size of slice. A slice contains a reference to its underlying array, so an array copy will not take place here. You cannot call thisf` with an array.

Generic function which appends two arrays

Not able to figure out how to convert interface{} returned from function into an array of structs
As part of some practise i was trying to create a function which can take 2 slices of some type and concatenates both and returns the slice.
The code can be found here -
type mystruct struct {
name string
value string
func appendarr(array1 interface{}, array2 interface{}) interface{} {
p := reflect.ValueOf(array1)
q := reflect.ValueOf(array2)
r := reflect.AppendSlice(p, q)
return reflect.ValueOf(r).Interface()
func main() {
array1 := []mystruct{
mystruct{"a1n1", "a1v1"},
mystruct{"a1n2", "a1v2"},
array2 := []mystruct{
mystruct{"a2n1", "a2v1"},
mystruct{"a2n2", "a2v2"},
arrayOp := appendarr(array1, array2)
fmt.Printf("arr: %#v\n", arrayOp) // this shows all the elements from array1 and 2
val := reflect.ValueOf(arrayOp)
fmt.Println(val) // output is <[]main.mystruct Value>
fmt.Println(val.Interface().([]mystruct)) // exception - interface {} is reflect.Value, not []main.mystruct
I may have slices of different types of structs. I want to concatenate them and access the elements individually.
If there is any other way of achieving the same, please do let me know.
reflect.Append() returns a value of type reflect.Value, so you don't have to (you shouldn't) pass that to reflect.ValueOf().
So simply change the return statement to:
return r.Interface()
With this it works and outputs (try it on the Go Playground):
arr: []main.mystruct{main.mystruct{name:"a1n1", value:"a1v1"}, main.mystruct{name:"a1n2", value:"a1v2"}, main.mystruct{name:"a2n1", value:"a2v1"}, main.mystruct{name:"a2n2", value:"a2v2"}}
[{a1n1 a1v1} {a1n2 a1v2} {a2n1 a2v1} {a2n2 a2v2}]
[{a1n1 a1v1} {a1n2 a1v2} {a2n1 a2v1} {a2n2 a2v2}]
You also don't need to do any reflection-kungfu on the result: it's your slice wrapped in interface{}. Wrapping it in reflect.Value and calling Value.Interface() on it is just a redundant cycle. You may simply do:
On a side note: you shouldn't create a "generic" append() function that uses reflection under the hood, as this functionality is available as a built-in function append(). The builtin function is generic, it gets help from the compiler so it provides the generic nature at compile-time. Whatever you come up with using reflection will be slower.
