How to wait for object and page load - hp-uft

I wrote this function which is being called after clicking any links or buttons.
Function BrowerSync
If Browser("micclass:=Browser").Page("micclass:=Page").Exist(60) then
BrowerSync = 1
End if
End Function
It works fine most of the cases. However, I am experiencing two issues:
If the browser is already loaded before UFT calls the function, I have seen that UFT is still waiting for the page to be loaded. Instead, it should not wait and move on to the next step.
If UFT calls the function but the browser is not opened, UFT still waits for the browser to open and load. Instead it should not wait and move on to the next step.
How can I edit my function to fix the above two issues?

Your code is not dynamic at all. Also the ideal way to wait is to wait for an element to load in the page (in other word to be visible) that will make sure that the browser loaded successfully. In your case anytime you call the function BrowerSync it waits for to find that object for 60 seconds and then it will exit the function.
I will suggest you that you wait for an element in the page an make it dynamic by using the time as parameter for the method so you can wait sometimes 60 seconds and sometimes 10seconds , based on your browser. Below is my function that i use to wait for a webelement
PageLoad_Performance = 10 'this will be used in DWaitForWebElement Function , set the time in seconds, if time less than time added,element found and pages loaded
'Function Name: WaitForWebElement
'Description: Its a dynamic Conditional Wait, It will wait for
' Webelement until It Exists
'Arguments: classVal - The class property Value of the Object
' innertextVal - The innertext Value of the object
'Created By:
'Date: 10/25/2016
'Usage: Call WaitForWebElement (classVal,innertextVal)
Function WaitForWebElement(classVal,innertextVal)
Dim Total_Time,oDesc
'create description of the object
Set oDesc = Description.Create
oDesc.Add "MicClass","WebElement"
oDesc.Add "class",classVal
oDesc.Add "innertext",innertextVal
With Browser("title:=yourtitleofthepage.*").Page("title:=yourtitleofthepage.*")
'this while loop , it will wait until the object exist , it will never exit the loop unless object is Found
While .WebElement(oDesc).Exist(1) = False
wait 1 ' we loop and check and then wait one second
'every time we loop we increment total time by 1 second , to check at the end to total time to load that page
Total_Time = Total_Time+1
If Total_Time < PageLoad_Performance Then 'if the page loads in less than 10 seconds Performance Report will Pass
'do your report
'do your report
End If
End With
'clean up
Set oDesc = nothing
End Function


My Roblox Studio script is sometimes having errors.. idk why

So.. I've been coding to make a GUI show the quantity of currency of a player, the datastore API works perfectly but the local script doesn't (it's local because else it would just update it each time a player's currency gets updated and would be a mess being the opposite of what I want to)
and well... sometimes it loads the currency into the GUI but other times it just stays on the original text: "Label" instead of my current currency (4600)
here's the proof
What normally happens and should always happen
What sometimes happens and shouldn't happen:
here's the script, I've tried putting waits on the start but the original code is inside the while true do..
while true do
script.Parent.TextLabel.Text = game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("Data"):WaitForChild("Bells").Value
wait() --wait is for not making the loop break and stop the whole script
well.. if you want to see if data is really in the player, here's the script, it requires a API (DataStore2)
--[Animal Crossing Roblox Edition Data Store]--
--Module not mine--
--Made with a AlvinBlox tutorial--
--·.·.*[Get Data Store, do not erase]*.·.·--
local DataStore2 = require(1936396537)
--[Default Values]--
local DefaultValue_Bells = 300
local DefaultValue_CustomClothes = 0
--[Data Store Functions]--
--[Data stores]--
local BellsDataStore = DataStore2("Bells",player)
local Data ="Folder",player)
Data.Name = "Data"
Bells ="IntValue",Data)
Bells.Name = "Bells"
local CustomClothesDataStore = DataStore2("CustomClothes",player)
local CustomClothes ="IntValue",Data)
CustomClothes.Name = "CustomClothes"
local function CustomClothesUpdate(UpdatedValue)
CustomClothes.Value = CustomClothesDataStore:Get(UpdatedValue)
local function BellsUpdate(UpdatedValue)
Bells.Value = BellsDataStore:Get(UpdatedValue)
--[test and reference functions]--
local BellsDataStore = DataStore2("Bells",player)
local CustomClothesDataStore = DataStore2("CustomClothes",player)
the code that creates "Data" and "Bells" is located in the comment: Data Stores
the only script that gets the issue is the short one with no reason :<
I hope that you can help me :3
#Night94 I tryed your script but it also failed sometimes
The syntax in your LocalScript is a little off with the waits. With that fixed, it works every time. Also, I would use an event handler instead of updating the value with a loop:
script.Parent.TextLabel.Text = value

VBScript Code: Object required error

I just wrote a vbs code snippet to automatically post in a forum. That's just for convenience. I encountered a wired problem:
I have several accounts. When I login as some accounts and use the script to automatically post, everything is OK. However, when I login as the other accounts and run the script, I got the error:
Error : Object required "getElementById(...)"
Code : 800a01a8
Source : Microsoft VBScript runtime error
I'm sure the object exists because I get it in the source of the webpage. I feel the error occurred randomly and I cannot get the regularity.
The script is ran in a Windows 8 OS and the browser is IE9. I'm a new learner of vbs and I don't know how to debug it. So I hope someone can help me. You can give me some clue.
Here is my code snippet:
Option Explicit
Dim IEApp
Dim iURL1
Dim iURL2
Dim iURL3
Dim iURL4
Dim iURL5
Set IEApp = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
Open iURL1
Open iURL2
Open iURL3
Open iURL4
Open iURL5
Sub Wait(IE)
WScript.Sleep 500
Loop While IE.ReadyState < 4 And IE.Busy
WScript.Sleep 500
Loop While IE.ReadyState < 4 And IE.Busy
End Sub
Sub Post(IE)
Dim count
For count=0 To 9
With IE.Document
.getElementById("fastpostmessage").innerHTML = "good"
Wait IE
WScript.Sleep GetRandom(7,15)
End With
End Sub
Sub Open(PageURL)
IEApp.Visible = False
IEApp.Navigate PageURL
Wait IEApp
Post IEApp
End Sub
Function GetRandom(floor,ceil)
GetRandom=Int((ceil - floor + 1) * Rnd + floor)*1000
End Function
You should call your POST routine after all the HTML content is loaded, for example in DOMContentLoaded or window.onload (for IE<9).
You dimmed IEApp, created the object, but you are not using it when trying to get the element ID. Your With block should look like this:
With IEApp.Document
.getElementById("fastpostmessage").innerHTML = "good"
Wait IEApp
WScript.Sleep GetRandom(7,15)
End With
There are a few other places you only have IE instead of IEApp. Clear those up and your code should run fine.

Is it possible to stop the vb script(in QTP) when it fails?

It would be helpful to me, if anyone can provide me an idea to below problem.
I’ve a scenario in which my script will be executing each test step line by line and for each test step it will report pass and fail result in html result page.
If test step result is pass, it will proceed to next test step and further on.
Similarly for failed cases it proceeds to next test step and executes it.
Is it possible to stop the script when it fails?
Below is the sample outline script
Call webEdit_check (“google”,”google”,”nametxtbox”,”xxxx”)
Call Link_check (strbrowser,strpage,strlink)
Call WebButton_check (strbrowser,strpage,strWebbutton)
So according to above script, it will call webEdit function and check whether object is displayed and visible and will enter value in webEdit textbox and result will be written as pass in html result, if all conditions are satisfied.
After completing above function, now it will call link function and will initiate execution .Here also it will check if object is displayed .If success, it will go to next step. Let us assume link is not visible, here second step in this function fails and so result is written as fail and execution of third function begins( call WebButton_check). What I need is entire execution should be stopped as previous test step is failed. Is there any function to run at back end, to stop the execution? When test step fails? Is there any solution to my problem?
(Please note I’ve multiple scenarios so “Exit Test/Exit function” is not applicable.)
Functions are
Function webEdit_check(strbrowser,strpage,strwebEdit,strvalue)
If Testobject.exist(10) Then
blnvisible= testobject.getRoproperty(visible)
If blnvisible =True Then
Testobject.set strvalue
‘It will write result to html page
Call html (“test step is success”,Environment(result))
Call html (“test step is fail”,Environment(result))
End If
Call html (“test object is not visible fail”,Environment(result))
End If
End Function
Function webEdit_check(strbrowser,strpage,strLink)
If Testobject.exist(10) Then
blnvisible= testobject.getRoproperty(visible)
If blnvisible =True Then
‘It will write result to html page
Call html (“test step is success”,Environment(result))
Call html (“test step is fail”,Environment(result))
End If
Call html (“test object is not visible fail”,Environment(result))
End If
End Function
Function WebButton_check(strbrowser,strpage,strWebButton)
If Testobject.exist(10) Then
blnvisible= testobject.getRoproperty(visible)
If blnvisible =True Then
‘It will write result to html page
Call html (“test step is success”,Environment(result))
Call html (“test step is fail”,Environment(result))
End If
Call html (“test object is not visible fail”,Environment(result))
End If
End Function
Function (strverify,Result)
If Environment(result)=pass Then
'(please note this is sample, which I typed, it’s just for concept)
End If
End Function
If possible please mail ( me the solution as in my office I’ve limited access to outside website. I’ll not be able to check immediately. I’ve been strucked with this issue for pass 20 days.
Thanks& Regard’s
Jagadeesh Mani
May be try this
On Error Resume Next
Call Link_check (strbrowser,strpage,strlink)
Err.Raise 6 ' Raise an overflow error.
MsgBox "Error # " & CStr(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description
Err.Clear ' Clear the error.
In the above if the Function Link_check results in an error then, the execution will not move forward.If you want to execute next function use
On Error Resume Next
Call Link_check (strbrowser,strpage,strlink)
Err.Raise 6 ' Raise an overflow error.
MsgBox "Error # " & CStr(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description
Err.Clear ' Clear the error.
On Error goto 0
I hope this is what you have asked for.
To make my question more simple, i've 15 scenario's and for each scenario below function will be executed every time
Call WebEdit_check (“google”,”google”,”nametxtbox”,”xxxx”)
Call Link_check (strbrowser,strpage,strlink)
Call WebButton_check (strbrowser,strpage,strWebbutton)
so if when executing 3 rd scenario, Below step function fails
Call Link_check (strbrowser,strpage,strlink)
It will write fail in html result file and 3 rd scenario execution should be stopped and exceution of 4 th scenario should begin. This Err.Raise 6 will raise a user predefined error msg
for cnt i=0 to 15
Call WebEdit_check (“google”,”google”,”nametxtbox”,”xxxx”)
Error Resume Next
Call Link_check (strbrowser,strpage,strlink)'If the Error Occurs here then add On Error Resume Next above this statement
Call WebButton_check (strbrowser,strpage,strWebbutton)
Err.Clear 'This will clear the error.As,you want to keep this process to run for 15 times for each scenario.just add On Error goto 0
add On Error goto 0
This might help

I am not able to wait in testcomplete for page element to load

I am working on web application, using tool testcomplete with vbscript.
pageTab = Sys.Process("iexplore").IEFrame(0).CommandBar.TabBand.TabButton("Tieto Client Manager").Enabled
do while(pageTab <> True)
pageTab = Sys.Process("iexplore").IEFrame(0).CommandBar.TabBand.TabButton("Tieto Client Manager").Enabled
Sys.Process("iexplore").IEFrame(0).CommandBar.TabBand.TabButton("Tieto Client Manager").Refresh
pageBusyState = Sys.Process("iexplore" , 2).Page("*").Busy
do while(pageBusyState <> False)
pageBusyState = Sys.Process("iexplore" , 2).Page("*").Busy
With this code i can wait for new page but not able to wait for control loading page.
The best approach to wait until a dynamic page is ready is to wait for a specific object on this page. For example, this can be the first object you need to work on the page. This approach is described along with a couple of other approaches in the Waiting For Web Pages help topic.
'Check IEXPLORE Process running on window
If Sys.Process("IEXPLORE").Exists Then
Set obj = Sys.Process("IEXPLORE").Page("*")
Set PageObj = Eval(obj.FullName)
'Set Default Timeout
'Do until Page Object readyState=4 or Timeout
Set PageObj= Sys.Process("IEXPLORE").Page("*")
'Check for Timeout
If aqConvert.StrToInt(DateDiff("n",intTimerStart,Now))>= aqConvert.StrToInt(intDefaultTimeout) Then
End If
Loop Until PageObj.ReadyState = 4 Or Timeout=True
'Check iexplore 2 Process running on window
If Sys.Process("iexplore",2).Exists Then
Set obj = Sys.Process("iexplore",2).Page("*")
Set PageObj = Eval(obj.FullName)
'Set Default Timeout
'Do until Page Object readyState=4(page loaded fully or request finished and response is ready) or Timeout
Set PageObj= Sys.Process("iexplore",2).Page("*")
If aqConvert.StrToInt(DateDiff("n",intTimerStart,Now))>= aqConvert.StrToInt(intDefaultTimeout) Then
End If
'Check still the page is in busy mode or page loaded fully .
Loop Until PageObj.ReadyState = 4 Or Timeout=True
End If
End If
'Calling Activate method to apply a property collection corresponding to a run mode

Selenium-Webdriver Ruby --> How to wait for images to be fully loaded after click

I am very new to Ruby and Selenium-Webdriver, so please, help :)
I am trying to open email campaign , sent to my inbox, that has images and take a screenshot in the firefox. But i can not make it wait until images is fully loaded. Once i click on 'Show images' , screenshot is already taken , but image is not loaded at that time. How can i pause the script and take screenshot some time later, after all images is displayed?
Please, help :(
Bellow is my script:
enter code here
require 'selenium-webdriver'
browser = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox
wait = browser.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = 15
url = ''
# Open browser (firefox) url
browser.find_element(:id, 'username').send_keys "some yahoo id"
browser.find_element(:id, 'passwd').send_key "some password"
browser.find_element(:id, ".save").click
browser.find_element(:id, "inbox-label").click
browser.find_element(:xpath, "//div[#class='subj']").click
browser.find_element(:xpath, "//a[#title='Display blocked images']").click
result_page_title = browser.find_element(:tag_name, 'title')
puts "Title of the page: \t\t: #{result_page_title.text}"
browser.save_screenshot "1.jpg"
You can use Implicit Wait and Explicit Wait to wait for a particular Web Element until it appears in the page. The wait period you can define and that is depends upon the application.
Explicit Wait:
An explicit waits is code you define to wait for a certain condition to occur before proceeding further in the code. If the condition achieved it will terminate the wait and proceed the further steps.
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver,30);
WebElement myDynamicElement = (new WebDriverWait(driver, 30))
.until(new ExpectedCondition<WebElement>(){
public WebElement apply(WebDriver d) {
return d.findElement("myDynamicElement"));
This waits up to 30 seconds before throwing a TimeoutException or if it finds the element will return it in 0 - 30 seconds. WebDriverWait by default calls the ExpectedCondition every 500 milliseconds until it returns successfully. A successful return is for ExpectedCondition type is Boolean return true or not null return value for all other ExpectedCondition types.
You can use ExpectedConditions class as you need for the application.
Implicit Wait:
An implicit wait is to tell WebDriver to poll the DOM for a certain amount of time when trying to find an element or elements if they are not immediately available
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
One thing to keep in mind is that once the implicit wait is set - it will remain for the life of the WebDriver object instance
For more info use this link
The above code is in Java. Change as your language need.
Ruby code from the docs (click on the 'ruby' button):
wait = => 10) # seconds
element = wait.until { driver.find_element(:id => "some-dynamic-element") }
Which works for me
To add to the above answer, here is how I use implicit and explicit wait in Ruby.
Implicit Wait
I pass this option to Selenium::WebDriver after initializing with a couple of lines like this:
browser = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox
browser.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = 10
Just replace "10" with the number of seconds you'd like the browser to wait for page refreshes and other such events.
Explicit Wait
There are two steps to declaring an explicit wait in Selenium. First you set the timeout period by declaring a wait object, and then you invoke the wait with Selenium::Webdriver's .until method. It would look something like this, in your example:
wait = => 10)
wait.until { browser.find_element(:xpath, "//path/to/picture").displayed? }
This would tell the Webdriver to wait a maximum of 10 seconds for the picture element to be displayed. You can also use .enabled? if the element you're waiting for is an interactive element - this is especially useful when you're working with Ajax-based input forms.
You can also declare an explicit wait period at the start of your script, and then reference the object again whenever you need it. There's no need to redeclare it unless you want to set a new timeout. Personally, I like to keep the wait.until wrapped in a method, because I know I'm going to reference it repeatedly. Something like:
def wait_for_element_present( how_long=5, how, what )
wait_for_it = => how_long )
wait_for_it.until { #browser.find_element(how, what) }
(I find it's easier to just declare browser as an instance variable so that you don't have to pass it to the method each time, but that part's up to you, I guess?)
ExpectedConditions isn't supported yet in the Ruby Selenium bindings. This snippet below does the same thing as ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable — clickable just means "visible" and "enabled".
element = wait_for_clickable_element(:xpath => xpath)
def wait_for_clickable_element(locator)
wait = => 10)
element = wait.until { #driver.find_element(locator) }
wait.until { element.displayed? }
wait.until { element.enabled? }
return element
