Route::resource clean /public from URL - laravel

I am making a system using the Laravel 5.6
I uploaded to a server that I have and access this externally
You used the software when a route uses resouce, for example::
Route::resource('materiais', 'MaterialController');
Because the routes you create using Route::get, Route::post, Route::patch, etc.., work correctly
For example, if I'm in
and I go to open a new order he goes to the address
running correctly, a route looks like this:
Route::get('serviceorder/{id}/create', 'ServiceOrderController#create');
but if I'm in
and you can register new material the url looks like this:
The view is called on the controller so
public function create()
$units = Units::all();
return view('materials/create', compact('units'));
and the lack of sisobras/public/ a Not Found error
When used with the php artisan serve works correctly


Route [add.sp] not defined

i wrote url like that
use App\Http\Controllers\DashController;
Route::get('/admin/special', [DashController::class, 'addSpecializations'])->name('add.sp');
this is controller
public function addSpecializations()
return view('dashboard.add-specializations');
when i tried to open it i can't even though all route work
after that i wrote this code in view's file
<a href="{{route('add.sp')}}">
so i faced this issue
Route [add.sp] not defined.
In case your routes are cached, run php artisan route:clear. In development, don't cache anything, including views and config.

GET Parameters cannot be retrieved from the Laravel Controller, after making it live to Linux Server

I am having an issue after making my Laravel Project live on the Server. Any GET parameters cannot be retrieved from the controller in the entire project, whereas it is running fine on my local server and I also tried in different servers, but when I switching it to the Production Server it is not been able to read the URL Parameters.
For Example, If I consider the URL as below:
My Controller Function
/***** In the Starting I had declared use Illuminate\Http\Request; *****/
public function index(Request $request)
echo $request->type;
echo $request->value;
Suppose the above URL pointed to this index function, it is returning NULL in the server.
I sorted the issues out. It was a problem in the htaccess file.

Laravel route works with subdomain in 2 environments

I'm coding a platform to generate sub-websites.
I have a route like this who works very well in local :
Route::domain('{slug}.domain.test')->group(function () {
I want to be able to make it works as well in production (other domain), so i did :
Route::domain('{slug}.{domain}')->group(function () {
And in my template :
The generated URL looks amazing, but the routing doesn't work and bring me to the parent page of the main domain.
What i am doing wrong ?
Working with domain routes like this is a little bit of a pain in Laravel.
In an application recently, I parsed the domain part from the application URL and then set it as a configuration value like this:
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function boot()
'app.domain' => parse_url(config('app.url'), PHP_URL_HOST),
You can then use that in your domain routes:
Route::domain('{slug}.'.config('app.domain'), function () {
// Subdomain routes that work in all environments
If you are using laravel homestead, you'll need to register every subdomain on the etc/hosts file and on Homestead.yaml, as you probably did with the main domain. Now, I'll recommend the structure:
I wouldn't recommend to use something like:
I mean, you could, but it doesn't make much sense, and you would also have to register all of this on your Homestead/Local and Production environments.
For the approach that I suggest, you could set up this on an environment variable.
You can add any env variable you want/need to the .env file, there's an APP_URL variable, but this includes the http protocol, you could add something like:
And for production
Then on the routes file access it with the helper method env, you can omit the second parameter, or use it to setup a default value, in case you forget to put it on the .env file.
Route::domain('{slug}.' . env('APP_DOMAIN', ''))->group(function () {
BTW, this might be of help for setting up your slug value with named routes:
Setting up named routes within a subdomain group in Laravel 5.7

Laravel Route to Standalone WebApp

I am trying to build a portal in Laravel to serve some other, standalone web apps (not built in Laravel), but I am struggling to find out how to route to these apps if I want to place them outside the public folder.
In the past, I would use (temporary) symlinks for this kind of things, but I was wondering if Laravel provides another solution.
So, I have a folder:
and I want a route /modules/1 to link to index.php in the module-folder in such a way that the resources in this folder (js/css/img) are also accessible.
Any suggestions?
You can include other PHP files with require_once.
Route::any('/webapp/{assets?}', 'WebAppController#index');
class WebAppController {
public function index(Request $request) {
require_once '../module/index.php';
if ($request->assets) {
// check from session if user is logged in
// require asset as well
// (or download them

Laravel 4 - changing resource root routing path

In a Laravel 4 installation, Using Jeffrey Way's Laravel 4 Generators, I set up a 'tweet' resource, using the scaffolding command from his example:
php artisan generate:scaffold tweet --fields="author:string, body:text"
This generated the model, view, controller, migration and routing information for the tweet type. After migrating the database, visiting http://localhost:8000/tweets works fine, and shows the expected content.
The contents of the routes.php file at this point is:
Route::resource('tweets', 'TweetsController');
Now I would like to move the url for tweets up one level into admin/tweets, so the above url should become: http://localhost:8000/admin/tweets. Please note that I am not treating 'Admin' as a resource, but instead just want to add it for hypothetical organizational purposes.
Changing the routes.php file to:
Route::resource('admin/tweets', 'TweetsController');
Does not work, and displays the following error:
Unable to generate a URL for the named route "tweets.create" as such route does not exist.
Similarly when using the following:
Route::group(array('prefix' => 'admin'), function() {
Route::resource('tweets', 'TweetsController');
As was suggested in this stackoverflow question.
Using php artisan routes reveals that the named routes also now have admin prefixed to them, turning tweets.create into admin.tweets.create.
Why is the error saying that it cannot find tweets.create? shouldn't that automatically be resolved (judging by the routes table), to use admin.tweets.create?
How can I change my routing so that this error no longer occurs?
I just tested with new resource controller and it works fine for me.
The problem is not with the Route, its with the named routes used in your application.
check your view files there are link to route like link_to_route('tweets.create', 'Add new tweet'), this is creating the error because when you add admin as prefix tweets.create doesn't exists so change it to admin.tweets.create every where, in your controller also where ever named route is used.
