what will be the behaviour of Kafka...? - spring-boot

I am stuck in a typical use case or scenario where I am not sure what will be the behavior of Kafka..
SCENERIO : I am using Spring Kafka with spring Boot. In my application I am having one Rest end point which will read all messages from the beginning of a topic to check for the duplication of message then write to topic if not duplicate.
I am confused about what will be the behavior of the application when multiple instances of same microservice are deployed and offset is moved for seekFromBegining operation.
few questions in my mind are :
do reading from beginning of a topic (with the help of seek) block the topic ?
If Yes. then how to solve this typical use case where we have to validate for the
duplication of message before writing to the topic.
Using DB is not a solution because it will be resource intensive. and make the application slower.
Thanks everyone in Advance

Sounds like you need a Log Compaction feature:
Log compaction ensures that Kafka will always retain at least the last known value for each message key within the log of data for a single topic partition.
Therefore when you specify some unique message key, you won't have more than one of them in the partition. And with that you don't need to read topic before storing at all.


Spring Boot Kafka: Consume same message with all instances for specific topic

I have a spring boot application (let's say it's called app-1) that is connected to a kafka cluster and that consumes from a specific topic, let's say the topic is called "foo". Topic foo always receives a message when another application (let's say it's called app-2) has imported a new foo-item into the database.
The topic is primarily meant to be used in a third application (let's say it's called app-3) which sends out some e-Mail notification to people that may be interested in this new foo-item. App-3 is clustered, meaning there are multiple instances of it running at the same time. Kafka automatically balances the foo-topic messages between all these instances because they use the same consumer-id. This is good and in the case of app-3 it is actually desired.
In the case of app-2, however, the messages from the foo-topic are used for cache eviction. The logic is, basically, that if there is a new foo-item then the currently existing caches should probably be cleared, because their content depends on the foo-items. The issue is that app-2 is also clustered, which means that by default kafka-logic, every instance will only receive some of the messages sent to the foo-topic. This does not work correctly for this specific app tho, because whenever there is a new foo-item, all of the instances need to know about it because all of them need their clear their local caches.
From what I understand I have these two options if I want to keep the current logic:
Introduce a distributed cache for all instances of app-2 so that they all share the same cache. Then it does not matter if only one instance receives a foo-item, because the cache eviction will also affect the cache of the other instances; even though they never learned about the foo-item. I would like to avoid this solution, as a distributed cache would add a noticeable amount of complexity and also overhead.
Somehow manage to use a different consumer-id for each instance of app-2. Then they would be considered different consumers by kafka and they all would get each foo-topic message. However, I don't even know how to programmatically do this. The code of the application is not aware of replicated instances, there is no way to access any information about what node it is. If I use a randomly generated string on startup, then each time such instance restarts it would be considered a new consumer and would have to re-process all previous messages. That would be incorrect behavior as well.
Here is my bottom line question: Is it possible to make all instances of app-2 receive all messages from the foo-topic without completely breaking the way kafka is supposed to work? I know that it is probably very unconventional to use kafka-messages for cache eviction and I am entirely able to find an alternative mechanism for the cache eviction logic that does not depend on kafka-topic messages. However, the applications are for demonstration purposes and I thought it would be cool if more than one app read from this topic. But if I end up having to hack a dirty workaround to make it work then it's also bad for demonstration purposes and I would rather implement an alternative way of cache eviction.
As you mentioned, you could use different consumer ids with random strings.
If notifications are being read from the beginning, then you probably have ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG set to "earliest" somewhere in your consumer configuration. If this is the case, removing it will probably solve your problems - when the app will start it will only receive notification sent after the consumer started listening.

bind destinations dynamically for producers and consumers (Spring)

I'm trying to send and receive messages to channels/topics whose destination names are in a database, so they can be added/modified/deleted at runtime, but I'm surprised I have found little on the web. I'm using Spring Cloud Streams to allow to change the underlying broker.
To send messages to dynamically bound destinations I'm going with BinderAwareChannelResolver.resolveDestination(target).send(message), but I haven't found something that works like it to receive messages.
My questions are:
1. Is there something similar?
2. how can the message be processed periodically as #StreamListener does?
3. And not as important, but can you create a subscriber automatically in case there is none?
Thanks for any help!
This is a bit out of scope of the original design of the framework. But I would further question your architecture. . . If you truly desire to subscribe to unlimited amount of destinations I wonder why? What is the underlying business requirement?
Keep in mind that even if we were to do it somehow that would require creation of a message listener container dynamically for each new destination which would raise more questions, such as, how long would such container have to live since eventually you would run out of resources.
If, however, you simply asking about possibility of mapping multiple destinations to a single channel so all messages go to the same message handler (e.g., StreamListener), then you can simply use input destination property and define multiple destination delimited by comas.

How to create unique messages to rabbitmq queue - spring-amp

I am putting a message containing string data to rabbitmq queue.
Message publishing is called as a part of a service and the service can be called with same data (data goes to the queue) multiple times, thus chances for having duplicated data in the queue is very likely.
We have issues with this as the consumer code is inserting this data to table where this data is primary key. Consumer will be called from 4 different nodes simultaneously thus chances for having consumers consuming same data (from different messages) can happen.
I want to know if rabbitMQ publishing has any way to avoid message duplication.
Read "define a property "x-unique-message-code" to compare them is an easy and simple way" , but don't know how to do it.
I am using spring-amqp
Any help is highly appreciated.
Thank you
There is a good article from RabbitMQ about reliability: https://www.rabbitmq.com/reliability.html
There is a note like:
In the event of network failure (or a node crashing), messages can be duplicated, and consumers must be prepared to handle them. If possible, the simplest way to handle this is to ensure that your consumers handle messages in an idempotent way rather than explicitly deal with deduplication.
For this purpose the message to produce can be supplied with a messageId property.

How can I reset Kafka state to "start of universe"?

I'm still working on a Kafka Streams application that I described in
Why isn't Kafka consumer producing results?. In that posting, I asked why setting
kstreams_props.put( ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, "earliest");
doesn't appear to reset the state of Kafka to "start of the universe" before any data are pushed to any topic. I am now encountering a variant of that issue:
My application consists of a producer program that pushes data to a Kafka stream and a consumer program that groups the data, aggregates the groups, and then converts the resulting KTable back into a stream, which I print out.
The aggregation step is essentially adding up all the values, then putting those sums into the output stream as new data. What I observe, though, is that every time I run the program, the resulting aggregated values get bigger and bigger, almost as if Kafka is somehow retaining the previous results and including those in the aggregation.
In order to try fixing this, I deleted all my topics (except for __consumer_offsets, which Kafka would not allow), then re-ran my application, but the aggregated values continue to grow, as if Kafka were retaining the result of previous computations even though I thought that deleting the intermediate topics would fix things. I even tried stopping and restarting the Kafka server, to no avail.
What's going on here and, more to the point, how can I fix this? I've tried various suggestions about setting AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, also with no effect. I should mention that one aspect of my application is that my original producer creates its own Kafka timestamps in the Producer.send call, although disabling that also seemed to have no effect.
Thanks in advance, -- Mark
AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG only triggers if there are not committed offsets: If an application starts, it first looks for committed offsets and applies the reset policy only, if there are no valid offsets.
Furthermore, for a Kafka Streams application, resetting offsets would not be sufficient and you should use the reset tool bin/kafka-streams-applicaion-reset.sh -- this blog post explains the tool in details: https://www.confluent.io/blog/data-reprocessing-with-kafka-streams-resetting-a-streams-application/

Turn recovery on after first message

I have a persistent actor which receives many messages. Fist message is CREATE (case class) and next messages are UPDATEs (case classes). So if it receives CREATE then it should not go into persistence to run recovery because the storage is empty for this actor. It's performance wasting from my perspective.
Is there any possibility to do not call recovery for particular input message (the first one which is CREATE), please?
A persistent actor will always have to hit the database, because there is no other way to know whether it having existed before - it could have been created in a previous instance of the application that was stopped or it could have been created on a different node in a cluster.
In general a good pattern for performance is to keep the actor in memory after it has been hit the first time, as that will allow as fast responses as possible. The most common way to do this is using Cluster Sharding (which you can read more about in the docs here: https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/cluster-sharding.html?language=scala#cluster-sharding
I have never heard of anyone seeing the hit for an empty persistent actor as a performance problem and I'm not sure it is possible to solve that in a general way, so if you have such a problem and somehow can know the actor was never created before you can not do that with Akka Persistence but would have to build a special solution for that yourself.
