Performance testing on Azure Web App - performance

I am looking at few Performance testing features Azure Web Application has. I a following a tutorial given below. I tested a small application. My question is on how I can test an application where I have to login. My application users have to login to get to the home page. How will I do it? Can somone please help me on this

The load test you refer to is very limited. It supports only GET requests, so presumably it is meant for public pages. For more realistic scenarios you need to record (or build) test cases with navigation between multiple pages, where the login page is one and where state such as the login cookie/token is propagated between them.
Personally I work mostly with JMeter, see on how to record a test. The recorded steps need to be edited before they can be used (hard-coded data replaced with variables). There is probably a similar tool from Microsoft, but the function in Azure portal seems overly simplistic.
In summary use another tool for more complex load testing, as the specified one handles only GET requests and can't do the job.


How to Test Gol App Engine apps locally on Win 10 and use app.yaml

In Google's latest docs, they say to test Go 1.12+ apps locally, one should just go build.
However, this doesn't take into account all the routing etc that would happen in the app engine utilizing the app.yaml config file.
I see that the is still included in the sdk. But it doesn't seem to work in Windows 10.
How does one test their Go App Engine App locally with the app.yaml. ie: as an actual emulated app engine app.
Thank you!
On one hand, if your application consists of just the default service I would recommend to follow #cerise-limón comment suggestion. In general, it is recommended for the routing logic of the application to be handled within the code. Although I'm not a Go programmer, for single service applications that use static_files and static_dir there shouldn't be any problems when testing the application locally. You might also deploy the new version without promoting traffic to it in order to test it as explained here.
On the other hand, if your application is distributed across multiple services and the routing is managed through the dispatch.yaml configuration file you might follow two approaches:
Test each service locally one by one. This could be the way to go if each service has a single responsibility/functionality that could be tested in isolation from the other services. In fact, with this kind of architecture the testing procedure would be more or less the same as for single service applications.
Run all services locally at once and build your own routing layer. This option would allow to test applications where services needs to reach one another in order to fulfill the requests made to them.
Another approach that is widely used is to have a separate project for development purposes where you could just deploy the application and observe it's behavior in the App Engine environment. As for applications with highly coupled services it would be the easiest option. But it largely depends on your budget.

Logging user interactions with a program

We have an app and we want to log how the user is interacting with it. For example are they using the pages we expect them to. I dont want to log this via the app as it will be very hard for me to then get this information from the device. Each page interacts with webservices so I was planning to log that interaction.
I have had some thoughts on this
* as the webservice is being called add a logging table to the database - problem here could be performance impact
* use log4j async mode to log these details.
Does anyone have any other suggestion on how to do this? Im reading the Lean Startup at the moment (very good so far) and this sort of thing seems fundamental to it so Im wondering if there are any other tips to this.
Since no one answered this for a couple months, I thought a couple pointers might help you...
Use mobile analytics tools
Google Analytics for Mobile Apps
Amazon Mobile Analytics
Have the server record what users access (that's the approach you're considering). To offload the overhead, there are a couple tactics you could employ (mix 'n match as you will):
Use async mechanisms (async operations in the server, such as Futures; log4j async mode; async databases; etc).
Use a separate database.
Use a NoSQL database only to write accesses. Later on you process that information in a separate analytics application.
Have the client (mobile app) record the actions and send them in bulk to the server once in a while (as frequently as you need / want / can afford).

Need for creating different Projects in Google API console

I have basically two URL's (for Development Testing) and (For Production). I have a simple Login mechanism where a user can click on Google Plus icon to log in rather than using their Username and Password. I created one Project for Development with obviously different Client ID and different for Production with a separate client ID.
But I tested both the URL's above with the client ID of Development project and it worked fine. I am wondering why there is a need ot having multiple projects in Google API console?
There is no particular need. A single project can have several URLs and client IDs for use.
Some reasons you might use multiple projects include:
Changing project settings in dev without worrying about breaking production
If you have a development script that gets into an endless loop or something it might use up all of the quota and the production app might start throwing errors
You might want clear branding on the dev app that explicitly identifies as not production.
Some unknown reason I can't think of.

Can I get all the performance metrics of an MVC 3 app from within the app itself?

So say I've got an MVC app hosted in the cloud somewhere, meaning I don't have access to IIS or any infrastructure.
All I have control over is the App code itself, and what comes down to the client.
My goal
Is to collect data over time of how well the MVC app is performing in terms of response times.
Current Problems
I can get a lot of data from Google Analyics, and other client-side tricks, but that won't tell if say, the App Pool is recycling too often.
Similarly if I put stop watches in the actions, that won't tell me about any delays in the App Startup (if it has to start up again).
Also, if I do put a stop watch in the Action, it doesn't take into account any delays in redering the View. For example, even though it's bad practice, there might be a DB call being made from the View, and my action metrics won't take that into account.
My Question
So, if I want to get true metrics of how long requests are taking overal from mulitple clients and users, where are the best places to but Stopwatches in the App. Or is it impossible to get true metrics from the app itself, and I have to place counters outside of the App (like in IIS).
Add New Relic, it's available for free as part of the AppHarbor service -
Since you mention "in the cloud somewhere" are you using Microsoft Azure for hosting? If so, there's some great diagnostics you can log to your Azure storage with DiagnosticsMonitorConfiguration.
Here's a tutorial on how to add diagnostics to your web and worker roles. You can find a full list of performance counters on MSDN
You can get everything from application requests/second, memory and CPU utilization, network adapter statistics, output cache hits/misses, request execution time, etc.

What are the options for sharing sessions between applications?

Say that I have two or more completely separate web applications. The might even be running on a different server and use different language & framework.
What I need to do is to share state, or at least authentication. For example if the user logs in on one of the websites and goes to another one, he will be able to authenticate using his credentials from the first website.
For example, if I have one website running e-commerce and another one is a blog, I want all the e-commerce users be able to comment on the blog with the information from their profile.
What is the best way to do this? Is it even a good idea?
The only solution that comes to my mind is abstracting away the profiles and authentication and create some kind of global profile and then use that on both of those websites. But that seems like a really complex solution considering what I need to achieve.
OpenID seems like a good way.
