Laravel multi-servers memcached session - laravel

I want to make Laravel use all memcached servers listed in config file to store session, because it can only use one server now.
Also every session must be setted to all servers and getted even if one of servers is down.
I know that the session system wraps the cache system, but still i dont know where to start.

Assuming you are using the php-memcached client there is no way of doing this. When you configure this client with multiple servers it hashes the key to determine which server the value (in your case the session) will be sent to. There are some clients that allow replication by sending the value to multiple servers but this is not a common feature.
If you use long lived sessions or want to make sure they do not get deleted you should not use memcached (any cache for that matter) to store sessions. Even if you could use multiple servers a session might get evicted by the LRU algorithm when the cache is full. Use a permanent storage such as a file or a database in that case.


How to avoid single point of failure from given distributed architecture

I went through this video - Scalability Harvard Web Development David Malan
This is where I got stuck. Explaining the problem -
Lets assume LB is using round robin kind of approach.
As per First image, all servers are storing session in their local space, that is not accessible to other servers. If same request comes next time, and if LB redirects this request to another server, then that server will ask about authentication. That is very irritating from user point of view.
As per second image, all servers are sharing sessions. In this case, when next request comes from same client, and LB redirects to another server. Now, instead of asking for authentication, it will fetch information from Session host.
This is mentioned in above video link.
Question -
Now session host become single point of failure. If the host is down, it will impact availability badly. How can we avoid such case ?
You have these options (assuming session is something which cannot be lost at any cost)
1) The session data store is a highly available data store. For eg: You can use MongoDB replica set for such a session store. It consists of three nodes of MongoDB with a master and two slaves (minimum) and when the master goes down one of the nodes is promoted as the master. This election may take a few seconds but the session would not be lost.
2) Use an in memory data sharing library which does data partioning as well as replication. An example would be Hazelcast for Java. It gives you object level sharing across the web tier and here you can store the session which is shared. Please note AFAIK there is no data persistence in this case (on disk).
3) The most scalable approach that I have used till now is to have client side session and no server side data/session storage. What you can do in this case is to have a very long secret key stored in each app server and you set all the data in the cookie after encrypting the data with this secret key. The only problem with this approach is that you need to be very selective with what you store in the session as there is a limit to the data size on cookie. This encryption is a 2-way. Most of the SAAS based tools use this approach.
Implementing Session host as a replicated data store helps remove single point of failure. Example, using a replicated cache like Hazelcast will keep the cache replicated and distributed thus eliminating the single point of failure. There are others like Memcached and Mongo. Automatic fail over on these can be achieved via virtual ip addresses.
For this exact reason, usually session hosts (eg memcache) are fronted with a VIP (virtual IP) and have more than one hosts. In a distributed architecture you generally want to have 1-N hosts. Most companies that operate at scale generate use data storage like Couchbase (memcahce buckets) to store session state because it's fast, redundant, and highly scalable.

Why do I need to support sticky sessions in Jetty when storing in data store?

I'm looking to store sessions in an external data store instead of in memory. I want to do this in order to have session data available to all my Jetty server instances.
So I read the Jetty docs:
Session Clustering with a Database
Session Clustering with MongoDB
Both docs have the following statement:
The persistent session mechanism works in conjunction with a load balancer that supports stickiness.
My question is - why do I need stickiness in this mechanism? The whole point is to allow any server in the cluster serve any request because the session data is stored externally.
The problem is that the servlet specification does not provide any transactional semantics around sessions. Thus, unless your sessions are sticky its possible for concurrent requests involving the same session to go to multiple servers and produce inconsistent results, depending on the interleaving of the writes. If your sessions are read-mostly you may get away with non-sticky sessions, although you may find that sessions time out a little sooner or a little later than you'd expect, due to having multiple servers trying to manage the same session.

WebApi - Redis cache vs Output cache

I have been studying about Redis (no experience at all - just studied theory), and after doing some research, found out that its also being used as cache. e.g. StackOverfolow it self.
My question is, if I have an WebApi service, and I use output caching at the WebApi level to cache responses, I am basically storing kind of key/value (request/response) in server's memory to deliver cached responses.
Now as redis is an in memory database, how will it help me to substitute WebApi's output caching with redis cache?
Is there any advantage?
I tried to go through this answer redis-cache-vs-using-memory-directyly, but I guess I didn't got the key line in the answer:
"Basically, if you need your application to scale on several nodes sharing the same data, then something like Redis (or any other remote key/value store) will be required."
I am basically storing kind of key/value (request/response) in server's memory to deliver cached responses.
This means that after a server restart, the server will have to rebuild the cache . That won't be the case with Redis. So one advantage of Redis over a homemade in-memory solution is persistence (only if that's an issue for you and that you did not planned to write persistence yourself).
Then instead of coding your own expiring mechanism, you can use Redis EXPIRE or command EXPIREAT or even simply specifying the expire timestamp when putting the api output string into cache with SETEX.
if you need your application to scale on several nodes sharing the same data
What it means is that if you have multiple instances of the same api servers, putting the cache into redis will allow these servers to share the same cache, thus reducing, for instance, memory consumption (1 cache instead of 3 in-memory cache), and so on...

Play framework session via client cookie

In my application I want to keep a large amount of data in memory specific to a user currently accessing my web application in a user specific session. As for as I know play framework uses cookie to store session data which has a limit of 4k. How can I have much larger session data? Does ehacache memcache help here? This session has expiration time from last activity of the user.
If a session data is cache'ble its better to keep it in Cache with key as userid and clear it when user logs off. Get it reloaded from DB on relevant DB update/delete. Keeping the content in external cache like memcache, will help you to scale well and will enable you to move to distributed cache in the long run, if required. Check this interesting article on Share Nothing.
The idea with Play is to dispel the need for the session and the keeping of lots of information in memory. The problem with the in-memory approach, is that you tie the user to the specific server that their data is held, where-as the play share nothing approach means you can scale horizontally easily without worry of sticky sessions and the like.
The options you have are
- store transient data in a temporary database that can be accessed via a userId or other unique idenifier of the users session. This database would be the equivalent of your server side session.
- use a cache. However the idea of a cache is that if the information is not in the cache, it can be retrieved from the database (or other source) instead. A cache should not have to guarantee that the data will be available. If in the case of an in memory cache (like ehcache) if you have a load balanced set of servers, you may not be able to guarantee that all requets go back to the same server, so data in the cache may not be available on all servers for a particular session.
The answer to your question depends on your use case, but I think the database is your best approach based on the information you have supplied.

How to manage session variables in a web cluster?

Session variables are normally keept in the web server RAM memory.
In a cluster, each request made by a client can be handled by a different cluster node. right?!
So, in this case...
What happens with session variables? Aren't they stored in the nodes RAM memory?
How the other nodes will handled my request correctly if it doesn't have my session variables, or at least all of it?
This issue is treated by the web server (Apache, IIS) or by the language runtime (PHP, ASP.NET, Ruby, JSP)?
EDIT: Is there some solution for Classic ASP?
To extend #yogman's answer.
Memcached is pure awesomeness! It's a high performance and distributed object cache.
And even though I mentioned distributed it's basically as simple as starting one instance on one of your spare/idle servers, you configure it as in ip, port and how much ram to use and you're done.
memcached -d -u www -m 2048 -l -p 11211
(Runs memcached in daemon mode, as user www, 2048 MB (2 GB) of RAM on IP with port 11211.)
From then on, you ask memcached for data and if the data is not yet cached you pull it from the original source and store it in memcached. I'm sure you are familiar with cache basics.
In a cluster environment you can link up your memcached's into a cluster and replicate the cache across your nodes. Memcached runs on Linux, Unix and Windows, start it anywhere you have spare RAM and start using your resources.
APIs for memcached should be generally available. I'm saying should because I only know of Perl, Java and PHP. But I am sure that e.g. in Python people have means to leverage it as well. There is a memcached wiki, in case you need pointers, or let me know in the comments if I was raving too much. ;)
There are 3 ways to store session state in ASP.NET. The first is in process, where the variables are stored in memory. The second is to use a session state service by putting the following in your web.config file:
sqlConnectionString="data source=;user id=sa;password="
timeout="20" />
As you can see in the stateConnectionString attribute, the session state service can be located on a different computer.
The third option is to use a centralized SQL database. To do that, you put the following in your web.config:
"data source=SERVERHAME;user id=sa;password="
More details on all of these options are written up here:
Get a Linux machine and set up . Its speed is unbeatable compared to other approaches. (for example, cookies, form hidden variables, databases)
As with all sorts of thing, "it depends".
There are different solutions and approaches.
As mentioned, there's the concept of a centralized store for session state (database, memcached, shared file system, etc.).
There are also cluster wide caching systems available that make local data available to all of the machines in the cluster. Conceptually it's similar to the centralized session state store, but this data isn't persistent. Rather it lives within the individual nodes and is replicated using some mechanism provided by your provider.
Another method is server pinning. When a client hits the cluster the first time, some mechanism (typically a load balancer fronting the cluster) pins the client to a specific server. In a typical client lifespan, that client will spend their entire time on a single machine.
For the failover mechanism, each machine of the cluster is paired with another machine, and so any session changes are shared with the paired machine. Should the clients pinned machine encounter an issue, the client will hit another machine. At this point, perhaps due to cookies, the new machine sees that it's not the original machine for the client, so it pings both the original machine, and the paired machine for the clients session data.
At that point the client may well be pinned to the new machine.
Different platforms do it in different ways, including having no session state at all.
With Hazelcast, you can either use Hazelcast distributed map to store and share sessions across the cluster or let Hazelcast Webapp Manager do everything for you. Please check out the docs for details. Hazelcast is a distributed/partitioned, super lite and easy, free data distribution solution for Java.
To achieve load balancing for classic ASP, you may store the user specific values in the database and pass a reference unique id in the URL as follows.
Maintain a session table in the database which generates a unique id for each record. The first time you want to store session specific data, generate a record in your session table and store the session values in it. Obtain the unique id of the new session record and re-write all links in your web application to send the unique id as part of querystring.
In every subsequent page where you need the session data, query the session table with the unique id passed in the querystring.
Consider your website to have 4 pages: Login.asp, welcome.asp, taskList.asp, newtask.asp
When the user logs in using login.asp page, after validating the user, create a record in session table and store the required session specific values (lets say user's login date/time for this example). Obtain the new session record's unique id (lets say the unique id is abcd).
Append all links in your website with the unique id as below:
Now, if in any of the above web pages you want to show the user's login date/time, you just have to query your session table with the sessionID parameter (abcd in this case) and display to the user.
Since the unique value identifying the session is a part of the URL, any of your web servers serving the user will be able to display the correct login date/time value.
Hope this helps.
In ASP.NET you can persist session data to an SQL Server database which is common to all web servers in the cluster.
Once configured (in the web.config for your site), the framework handles all of the persistance for you and you can access the session data as normal.
As Will said, most load-balancing approaches will use some sort of stickiness in the way the distribute forthcoming requests from the same client, meaning, a unique client will hit the same server unless that actual server goes down.
That minimizes the need of distribution of session-data, meaning that only in the eventual failure of a server, a client would loose his session. Depending on your app, this is more or less critical. In most cases, this is not a big issue.
Even the simplest way of loadbalacing (round-rubin the DNS-lookups) will do some sort of stickiness since most browsers will cache the actual lookup and therefor keep going to the first record it received, AFAIK.
It's usually the runtime that is responsible for the sessiondata, in for exampla PHP it's possible to define your own session-handler, which can persist the data into a database for instance. By default PHP stores sessiondata on files, and it might be possible to share these files on a SAN or equivalent in order to share session-data. This was just a theory I had but never got around to test since we decided that loosing sessions wasn't critical and didn't want that single point of failure.
