Tornado cancel httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient fetch() from on_chunk() - async-await

Inside one of the handlers I am doing the following:
async def get(self):
client = httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
url = 'some url here'
request = httpclient.HTTPRequest(url=url, streaming_callback=self.on_chunk, request_timeout=120)
result = await client.fetch(request)
def on_chunk(self, chunk):
yield self.flush()
The requests can sometimes be quite large and the client may leave while the request is still in progress of being fetched and pumped to the client. If this happens an exception will appear in the on_chunk function when self.write() is attempted. My question is how do I abort the remaining download if my client went away ?

If your streaming_callback raises an exception, the client request should be aborted. This will spam the logs with stack traces, but there's not currently a cleaner way to do it. You can override on_connection_close to detect when the client has disconnected and set an attribute on self that you can check in on_chunk.


Return status code when maximum retries attempted using backoff

Using asyncio and aiohttp, I have implemented an async function that triggers an API get request whenever a new record is inserted into database. If the request is successful, the status code has to be updated in database, otherwise the request should be retried 4 times and if it still fails, then the status code has to be updated in database.
To raise the exception on 404 status code, I have added raise_for_status flag to the aiohttp client session. When exception arises, the backoff decorator will retry the API call 4 times and when it still fails, it doesn't return any status code. This is what I have done:
# backoff decorator to retry failed API calls by "max_tries"
#backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, aiohttp.ClientResponseError, max_tries=4, logger=logger)
async def call_url(language: str, word:str, headers:dict) -> bytes:
url = f"{language}/{word.lower()}"
print(f"Started: {url}")
# Create aiohttp session to trigger 'get' dictionary API call with app_id, app_key as headers
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=headers) as session:
# raise_for_status is used to raise exception for status_codes other than 200
async with session.get(url, raise_for_status=True) as response:
# Awaits response from dictionary API
content = await
status = response.status
print("Finished: ", status)
# Returns API status code to be updated in db
return status
I can't add the try-except clause because once exception is raised, it's handled by the try-except clause and the backoff doesn't retry the failed API call. Is there a way to make backoff decorator return the status code after maximum retries are attempted?
You say that "when it still fails it doesn't return any status code." But it has to either return something or else raise an exception. How about wrapping the call_url and handling the error situation in the wrapper function? The wrapper function always returns a status code. For instance:
async def my_call_url(language: str, word:str, headers:dict) -> bytes:
return await call_url(language, word, headers)
except WhateverExceptionAiohttpRaises:
return some_status_code
If, instead of raising, the decorator returns None, you can make the appropriate changes.
Your code will now call this new function instead of the other one.

how to terminate websocket process after web browser page closed

I'm using flask_socketio.
def handle_client_connect_event(data):
if current_user.is_authenticated:
thread = socketio.start_background_task(background_thread,'server socket client_connected, user:{}',
emit('server_response', {'data': {'job_id': 'job1', 'name': 'hello'}})
else:'server socket client_connected, user not authenticated.....')
def background_thread(user_id):
pubsub = redisc.pubsub()
redis_suscriber = redis_channel+str(user_id)
pubsub.psubscribe(redis_suscriber)"new thread for: "+redis_suscriber)
for item in pubsub.listen():'message received:{}', item)
data_item = item['data']
if isinstance(data_item, bytes):
data_item = json.loads(data_item)
job_id = data_item['job_id']
log_data = data_item['log']
data = {'data': {'job_id': job_id, 'user_id': user_id,
'log': security_util.base64_decrypt(log_data).decode("utf-8")}}
socketio.emit('server_response', data)
except ValueError as e:
logger.error("Error decoding msg to microservice: {}", str(e))
def disconnected():
if current_user.is_authenticated:'user:{} disconnected',
else:'client disconnected, user not authenticated.....')
There are js code to establish websocket connection from web browser page to flask server.
When the web browser page is closed, "for item in pubsub.listen():" is still functioning.
So when I open the page and close the page for 3 times, flask server will subscribe the same redis topic for 3 times, and emit the same websocket message for 3 times.
Is there a way to terminate "def background_thread(user_id)" after the web browser page is closed(js client disconnected from websocket server)?
#Miguel Thanks for your reply!
I will try to explain the difficulty I met.
Please forgive me, my English is not very good.
If I open two web pages, there will be two websocket clients: wsclient1 and wsclient2。
And there will be two redis subscribers: rsub1 and rsub2, in two threads.
for item in pubsub.listen():
if ${condition}:
If weclient1 disconnect from websocket server, then disconnected() method will be invoked.
How do I define the ${condition}?
'disconnected()'' method and 'redis subscriber' belong to two different threads.
How do I know which one should be terminated?
I don'k know which 'redis subscriber' should mapped to wsclient1.

Code is not delievered by SendCodeRequest without error and this happens only on server-side with Heroku

Here is my situation: the same Telethon code is used on my local machine and on the server. Requesting authorization code from local machine works fine. Requesting the code from the server does not produce any error, and code is not sent. Sometimes it works even from the server without any changes in code.
I suppose there might be some ip blocks or something related to the ip, cause that is the only thing which might differ on the server side: Heroku assign ip addresses dynamically, so, there might by some subnets which are blocked by Telegram API for some reason. But there is no error and that is really strange. There are too many ip addresses to disprove the hypothesis. I need to catch at least one ip address which gives me opposite results: one time code it recieved and another time does not. So I am stuck with this situation and have no ideas how it could be fixed or clarified.
global t
t = None
async def ssssendCode(phone):
global t
if os.path.isfile(phone+'.session'):
logger.debug('client file exists')
logger.debug('client file does not exist')
if t is None:
t = TelegramClient(phone, settings['telegramClientAPIId'], settings['telegramClientAPIHash']) = phone
#t.phone_code_hash = None
await t.connect()
#response = await t.send_code_request(phone=phone,force_sms=True)
s3_session.resource('s3').Bucket('telethon').upload_file(str(phone)+".session", str(phone)+".session")
response = await t.send_code_request(phone=phone)
except Exception as e:
response = str(e)
return str(response)
example of response to the local machine request
SentCode(type=SentCodeTypeSms(length=5), phone_code_hash='b5b069a2a4122040f1', next_type=CodeTypeCall(), timeout=120)
example of reponse to the server-side request
SentCode(type=SentCodeTypeSms(length=5), phone_code_hash='0e89db0324c1af0149', next_type=CodeTypeCall(), timeout=120)
send_code_request is the from the Telethon without modifications
async def send_code_request(
self: 'TelegramClient',
phone: str,
force_sms: bool = False) -> 'types.auth.SentCode':
Sends the Telegram code needed to login to the given phone number.
phone (`str` | `int`):
The phone to which the code will be sent.
force_sms (`bool`, optional):
Whether to force sending as SMS.
An instance of :tl:`SentCode`.
.. code-block:: python
phone = '+34 123 123 123'
sent = await client.send_code_request(phone)
result = None
phone = utils.parse_phone(phone) or self._phone
phone_hash = self._phone_code_hash.get(phone)
if not phone_hash:
result = await self(functions.auth.SendCodeRequest(
phone, self.api_id, self.api_hash, types.CodeSettings()))
except errors.AuthRestartError:
return await self.send_code_request(phone, force_sms=force_sms)
# If we already sent a SMS, do not resend the code (hash may be empty)
if isinstance(result.type, types.auth.SentCodeTypeSms):
force_sms = False
# phone_code_hash may be empty, if it is, do not save it (#1283)
if result.phone_code_hash:
self._phone_code_hash[phone] = phone_hash = result.phone_code_hash
force_sms = True
self._phone = phone
if force_sms:
result = await self(
functions.auth.ResendCodeRequest(phone, phone_hash))
self._phone_code_hash[phone] = result.phone_code_hash
return result
Just in case: I have much more than 2 minutes between attempts to get a code from the local machine and server, so it is absolutely not the timeout issue. And moreover: even when requesting the code from the local right after half a minute from the failed server-side attemp: code is coming almost immediately.

Pushing data to websocket browser client in Lua

I want to use a NodeMCU device (Lua based top level) to act as a websocket server to 1 or more browser clients.
Luckily, there is code to do this here: NodeMCU Websocket Server
(courtesy of #creationix and/or #moononournation)
This works as described and I am able to send a message from the client to the NodeMCU server, which then responds based on the received message. Great.
My questions are:
How can I send messages to the client without it having to be sent as a response to a client request (standalone sending of data)? When I try to call socket.send() socket is not found as a variable, which I understand, but cannot work out how to do it! :(
Why does the decode() function output the extra variable? What is this for? I'm assuming it will be for packet overflow, but I can never seem to make it return anything, regardless of my message length.
In the listen method, why has the author added a queuing system? is this essential or for applications that perhaps may receive multiple simultaneous messages? Ideally, I'd like to remove it.
I have simplified the code as below:
(excluding the decode() and encode() functions - please see the link above for the full script)
net.createServer(net.TCP):listen(80, function(conn)
local buffer = false
local socket = {}
local queue = {}
local waiting = false
local function onSend()
if queue[1] then
local data = table.remove(queue, 1)
return conn:send(data, onSend)
waiting = false
function socket.send(...)
local data = encode(...)
if not waiting then
waiting = true
conn:send(data, onSend)
queue[#queue + 1] = data
conn:on("receive", function(_, chunk)
if buffer then
buffer = buffer .. chunk
while true do
local extra, payload, opcode = decode(buffer)
if opcode==8 then
print("Websocket client disconnected")
--print(type(extra), payload, opcode)
if not extra then return end
buffer = extra
socket.onmessage(payload, opcode)
local _, e, method = string.find(chunk, "([A-Z]+) /[^\r]* HTTP/%d%.%d\r\n")
local key, name, value
for name, value in string.gmatch(chunk, "([^ ]+): *([^\r]+)\r\n") do
if string.lower(name) == "sec-websocket-key" then
key = value
if method == "GET" and key then
acceptkey=crypto.toBase64(crypto.hash("sha1", key.."258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"))
"HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n"..
"Upgrade: websocket\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\n"..
"Sec-WebSocket-Accept: "..acceptkey.."\r\n\r\n",
function ()
print("New websocket client connected")
function socket.onmessage(payload,opcode)
socket.send("GOT YOUR DATA", 1)
print("PAYLOAD = "..payload)
--print("OPCODE = "..opcode)
buffer = ""
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\nContent-Length: 12\r\n\r\nHello World!",
I can only answer 1 question, the others may be better suited for the library author. Besides, SO is a format where you ask 1 question normally.
How can I send messages to the client without it having to be sent as a response to a client request (standalone sending of data)?
You can't. Without the client contacting the server first and establishing a socket connection the server wouldn't know where to send the messages to. Even with SSE (server-sent events) it's the client that first initiates a connection to the server.

Is it possible to get the headers of a request using Ruby's HTTPClient gem before the request completes?

I have a requirement to proxy a request in a Rails app. I was hoping I could proxy it with chunking (so, 1 chunk received, one chunk is sent). The app is working fine without chunking (load the request into memory, and transmit).
Here is my code to proxy the chunks through to the end-client:
self.response.headers['Last-Modified'] =
self.response_body = do |y|
client =
http_response = client.get(proxy_url, nil, headers) do |chunk|
y << chunk
The problem is, I can't inspect "http_response" until all the chunks have been received, thus I can't set the headers based on the headers of the client.
What I'm trying to do is transmit the headers returned from the client before the first chunk is sent. Is this possible?
If not, is this pattern possible in any other Ruby HTTP client gem?
I have a solution for you.
If you call get_async instead, it will retun immediately with an HTTPClient::Connection object that is updated with the header information as soon as it is received. This code sample demonstrates.
The patch to HTTPClient::Connection is almost certainly not necessary for you, but it lets you write things like conn.queue.size? and conn.queue.empty?.
conn.pop blocks until the response (or exception) has been pushed to the queue by the async thread and then returns the normal HTTP::Message object. (Note that, if you are using the monkey patch, you can use conn.queue.empty? to see if pop is going to block.)
resp.content returns an IO object which is a pipe read endpoint, and can be called as soon as pop hs returned. The other end is written by the async thread as the data arrives, and you can read the entire content in one go or in whatever size chunks you like using read.
require 'httpclient'
class HTTPClient::Connection
attr_reader :queue
client =
conn = client.get_async ''
resp = conn.pop
resp.header.all.each { |name, val| puts "#{name}=#{val}" }
pipe = resp.content
while chunk =
print chunk
You could parse the first chunk you receive to extract the headers, but I suggest you call head first to get the header information. Then do the get as well.
(Updated - the first chunk holds the beginning of the content so this won't work.)
