Print common values in columns using bash - bash

I have file with two columns
apple apple
ball cat
cat hat
dog delta
I need to extract values that are common in two columns (occur in both columns) like
apple apple
cat cat
There is no ordering in items in each column.

Could you please try following and let me know if this helps you.
awk '
for(i in col1){
}' Input_file
NOTE: It will print the values if found in both the columns exactly number of times they are occurring in both the columns too.

$ awk '{a[$1];b[$2]} END{for(k in a) if(k in b) print k}' file
to print the values twice change to print k,k
with sort/join
$ join <(cut -d' ' -f1 file | sort) <(cut -d' ' -f2 file | sort)
$ function f() { cut -d' ' -f"$1" file | sort; }; join <(f 1) <(f 2)

Assuming I can use unix commands:
cut -d' ' -f2 fil | egrep `cut -d' ' -f1 < fil | paste -sd'|'` -
Basically what this does is this:
The second cut command collects all the words in the first column. The paste command joins them with a pipe (i.e. dog|cat|apple).
The first cut command takes the second column of words in the list and pipes them into a regexp-enabled egrep command.

Here is the closest I could get. Maybe you could loop through whole file and print when it reaches another occurrence.
cat file.txt | gawk '$1==$2 {print $1,"=",$2}'
gawk '$1==$2 {print $1,"=",$2}' file.txt


uniq sort parsing

I have one file with field separated by ";", like this:
I would like to identify all non-unique IP addresses (3rd column). With the example the extract should be:
Sorted by IP address (3rd column).
Ssing simple commands like cat, uniq, sort, awk (not Perl, not Python, only shell).
Any idea?
$ awk -F';' 'NR==FNR{a[$3]++;next}a[$3]>1' file file|sort -t";" -k3
awk picks all duplicated ($3) lines
sort sorts by ip
You can also try this solution using grep, cut, sort, uniq, and a casual process substitution in the middle.
grep -f <(cut -d ';' -f3 file | sort | uniq -d) file | sort -t ';' -k3
It is not really elegant (I actually prefer the awk answer given above), but I think worth sharing, since it accomplishes what you want.
here is another awk assisted pipeline
$ awk -F';' '{print $0 "\t" $3}' file | sort -sk2 | uniq -Df1 | cut -f1
single pass, so special caching; also keeps the original order (stable sorting). Assumes tab doesn't appear in the fields.
This is very similar to Kent's answer, but with a single pass through the file. The tradeoff is memory: you need to store the lines to keep. This uses GNU awk for the PROCINFO variable.
awk -F';' '
{count[$3]++; lines[$3] = lines[$3] $0 ORS}
PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "#ind_str_asc"
for (key in count)
if (count[key] > 1)
printf "%s", lines[key]
' file
The equivalent perl
perl -F';' -lane '
$count{$F[2]}++; push #{$lines{$F[2]}}, $_
} END {
print join $/, #{$lines{$_}}
for sort grep {$count{$_} > 1} keys %count
' file
awk + sort + uniq + cut:
$ awk -F ';' '{print $0,$3}' <file> | sort -k2 | uniq -D -f1 | cut -d' ' -f1
sort + awk
$ sort -t';' -k3,3 | awk -F ';' '($3==k){c++;b=b"\n"$0}($3!=k){if (c>1) print b;c=1;k=$3;b=$0}END{if(c>1)print b}
$ awk -F ';' '{b[$3"_"++k[$3]]=$0; }
END{for (i in k) if(k[i]>1) for(j=1;j<=k[i];j++) print b[i"_"j] } <file>
This buffers the full file (same as sort does) and keeps track how many times a key k is appearing. At the end, if the key appears more then ones, print the full set.
If you want it sorted :
$ awk -F ';' '{b[$3"_"++k[$3]]=$0; }
END{ asorti(k,l);
for (i in l) if(k[l[i]]>1) for(j=1;j<=k[l[i]];j++) print b[l[i]"_"j] } <file>

Comparing 2 files with a for loop in bash

I am trying to compare the values in 2 files. For each row in Summits3.txt I want to define the value in Column 1 as "Chr" and then find the rows in generef.txt which have my value for "Chr" in column 2.
Then I would like to output some info about that row from generef.txt to out.txt and then repeat until the end.
I am using the following script:
for i in $(cat Summits3.txt)
Chr=$(echo "$i" | awk '{print $1}')
awk -v var="$Chr" '{
if ($2==""'${Chr}'"")
print $2, $3
}' generef.txt > out.txt
it "works" but its only comparing values from the last line of Summits3.txt. It seems like it not looping through the awk bit.
Anyway please help if you can!
I think you might be looking for something like this:
awk 'FNR == NR {a[$1]; next} $2 in a {print $2, $3}' Summits3.txt generef.txt > out.txt
Basically you read column one from the first file into an array (array index is your chr and the value is empty character) then for the second file print only rows where the second column is in the index set of the array. FNR row number in file that is currently being processed, NR row number of all processed rows so far. This is a general look-up command I use for pulling out genes or variants from one file that are present in the other.
In your code above it should be appending to out.txt: >> out.txt. But you have to make sure to re-set out.txt at each run.
Besides using external scripts inside a loop (that is expensive), the first thing we see is that you redirect your output to a file from insside the loop. The output files is recreated each time, so please change inte append (>>) or better move the redirection outdide the loop.
When you want to use a loop, try this
while read -r Chr other; do
cut -d" " -f2,3 generef.txt | grep -E "^${Chr} "
done < Summits3.txt > out.txt
When you want to avoid the loop (needed for large inputfiles), an awk or some combined command can be used.
The first solution can fail:
grep -f <(cut -d" " -f1 Summits3.txt) <(cut -d" " -f2,3 generef.txt)
You only want matches of the complete field Chr, so starting at the first position until a space ( I assume that is the field-sep).
grep -f <(cut -d" " -f1 Summits3.txt| sed 's/.*/^& /') <(cut -d" " -f2,3 generef.txt)

Awk is overwriting letters when printing reversed order, why?

I'm currently using awk to replicate the function uniq -c with commas as delimiters.
This gives correct output:
$ cut --delimiter=, -s -f2 wordlist.csv | awk '{ cnts[$0] += 1 } END { for (v in cnts) print cnts[v], v}' OFS="," | head
However, if I reverse the awk command print cnts[v], v into print v, cnts[v], I get a messed up output:
$ cut --delimiter=, -s -f2 wordlist.csv | awk '{ cnts[$0] += 1 } END { for (v in cnts) print v, cnts[v]}' OFS="," | head
I'm confused by this output, because I'm expecting something like word,1 as output. What is the problem?
Most likely you have DOS line feed characters i.e. \r before end of line \n. You can use RS variable in awk to ignore this:
cut --delimiter=, -s -f2 wordlist.csv | awk -v RS='\r|\n' '{
cnts[$0] += 1 } END { for (v in cnts) print cnts[v], v}' OFS="," | head
However if you show your csv file I believe even cut and head can be removed from above commands.
PS: Thanks to #Bammar you can also run:
dos2unix file.csv
to convert your csv file to unix compatible file.

awk loop over all fields in one file

This statement gives me the count of unique values in column 1:
awk -F ',' '{print $1}' infile1.csv | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr > outfile1.csv
It does what I expected (gives the count (left) of unique values (right) in the column):
117 5
58 0
18 4
14 3
11 1
9 2
However, now I want to create a loop, so it will go through all columns.
I tried:
for i in {1..10}
awk -F ',' '{print $$i}' infile.csv | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr > outfile$i.csv
This does not do the job (it does produce a file but with much more data). I think that a variable in a print statement, as I tried with print $$i, is not something that works in general, since I did not come across it so far.
I also tried this:
awk -F ',' '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) infile.csv | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr}' > outfile$i.csv
But this does not give any result at all (meaning syntax errors for infile and sort command). I am sure I am using the for statement the wrong way.
Ideally, I would like the code to find the count of unique values for each column and print them all in the same output file. However, I am already very happy with a well functioning loop.
Please let me know if this explanation is not good enough, I will do my best to clarify.
Any time you write a loop in shell just to manipulate text you have the wrong approach. Just do it in one awk command, something like this using GNU awk for 2D arrays and sorted in (untested since you didn't provide any sample input):
awk -F, '
BEGIN { PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "#val_num_desc" }
{ for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) cnt[i][$i]++ }
for (i=1; i<=NF; i++)
for (val in cnt[i])
print val, cnt[i][val] > ("outfile" i ".csv")
' infile.csv
No need for half a dozen different commands, pipes, etc.
You want to loop through the columns and perform the same command in each one of them. So what you are doing is fine: pass the column name to awk. However, you need to pass the value differently, so that it is an awk variable:
for i in {1..10}
awk -F ',' -v col=$i '{print $col}' infile.csv | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr > outfile$i.csv

finding pattern in a file

I have a txt file of 500 rows and one column.
The column in each row appears some what like this (as an example I am pasting two rows):
Want I want to extract from each row is the values starting from NM_ or NR_
row 1 has NR_021492 NM_005198 NM_152247 NM_152253
row 2 has NR_021492 NM_005198
in tab delimited file
any suggestions for a bash command line?
sed -r -e 's/chr[0-9]+:[^_]*_(N[RM])_([0-9]+)_[^,_]+([, ]|$)/\1_\2'$'\t''/g;s/'$'\t''$//g'
Presuming GNU sed.
sed -r -e 's/chr[0-9]+:[^_]*_(N[RM])_([0-9]+)_[^,_]+([, ]|$)/\1_\2'$'\t''/g;s/'$'\t''$//g' your_file > tab_delimited_file
EDIT: Updated to not leave a trailing tab character on each row.
EDIT 2: Updated again to work for any chr-then-number sequence.
grep "NM" yourfiname | cut -d_ -f3 | sed 's/[/\d]*/NM_/'
grep "NR" yourfiname | cut -d_ -f3 | sed 's/[/\d]*/NR_/'
cat file|sed s/$.*!(NR)//;
Use a regular expression to remove everything before the NR
awk -F '[,:_-]' '{
for (i=1; i<NF; i++)
if ($i == "NR" || $i == "NM")
printf("%s_%s ", $i, $(i+1))
print ""
This will also work, but will print each match on its own line: egrep -o 'N[RM]_[0-9]+
