Is there any way to run Tungstenite on the same port as hyper? - https

I'm trying to make a web server in Rust for a simple browser game. I want the server to be able to deliver pages through HTTPS, but also be able to communicate through WebSockets. I'm planning to put this server on Heroku, but since they only allow one port per application I have to make the WebSocket server operate on the same port as the other HTTPS code.
It seems like this is possible with crates like rust-websocket, but that crate uses an outdated version of hyper and seems to be no longer maintained. The crate tokio_tungstenite is much more up to date.
The problem is that both hyper and tungstenite have their own implementation of the HTTP protocol that WebSockets operate over with no way to convert between the two. This means that once an HTTPS request has been parsed by either hyper or tungstenite there is no way to continue the processing by the other part, so you can't really try to connect the WebSocket and match on an error in tungstenite and process it by hyper, nor can you parse the request by hyper and check if it's a WebSocket request and send it over to tungstenite. Is there any way to resolve this problem?

I think it should be possible to do that, the tungstenite and tokio-tungstenite allow you to specify custom headers (there are helpers functions for that, prefixed with hdr), so depending on the hyper version you use, if you can convert a request to some form, when the headers can be extracted, you can pass them to tungstenite.
You might also want to try warp crate, it's built on top of hyper and it uses tungstenite under the hood for the websocket support, so if you want to write your own version of warp, you can take a look at the source code (the source code may contain hints on how to use hyper and tungstenite together).

You can do it, but it's quite fiddly. You'll have to use tokio-tungstenite, do the handshake yourself (check header, set response headers) and spawn a new future on the runtime that will handle the websockets connection. The new future can be created by calling on_upgrade() on the request body with the latest version of hyper, and the connection can then be passed to tokio_tungstenite::WebSocketStream::from_raw_socket to turn it into a websockets connection.
Example handler (note that this doesn't fully check the request headers and assumes we want an upgrade):
fn websocket(req: Request<Body>) -> Result<Response<Body>, &'static str> {
// TODO check other header
let key = match req.headers().typed_get::<headers::SecWebsocketKey>() {
Some(key) => key,
None => return Err("failed to read ws key from headers"),
let websocket_future = req
.map_err(|err| eprintln!("Error on upgrade: {}", err))
.and_then(|upgraded| {
let ws_stream = tokio_tungstenite::WebSocketStream::from_raw_socket(
let (sink, stream) = ws_stream.split();
.map(|_| ())
.map_err(|err| error!("{}", err))
let mut upgrade_rsp = Response::builder()


How to disable HTTP/2 in Golang's standard http.Client, or avoid tons of INTERNAL_ERRORs from Stream ID=N?

I want to send a fairly large number (several thousand) of HTTP requests ASAP, without putting too much load on the CDN (has an https: URL, and ALPN selects HTTP/2 during the TLS phase) So, staggering (i.e. time shifting) the requests is an option, but I don't want to wait TOO long (minimize errors AND total round-trip time) and I'm not being rate limited by the server at the scale I'm operating yet.
The problem I'm seeing originates from h2_bundle.go and specifically in either writeFrame or onWriteTimeout when about 500-1k requests are in-flight, which manifests during io.Copy(fileWriter, response.Body) as:
http2ErrCodeInternal = "INTERNAL_ERROR" // also IDs a Stream number
// ^ then io.Copy observes the reader encountering "unexpected EOF"
I'm fine sticking with HTTP/1.x for now, but I would love an explanation re: what's going on. Clearly, people DO use Go to make a lot of round-trips happen per unit time, but most advice I can find is from the perspective of the server, not clients. I've already tried specifying all the relevant time-outs I can find, and cranking up connection pool max sizes.
Here's my best guess at what's going on:
The rate of requests is overwhelming a queue of connections or some other resource in the HTTP/2 internals. Maybe this is fix-able in general or possible to fine tune for my specific use case, but the fastest way to overcome this kind of problem is to rely on HTTP/1.1 entirely, as well as implement limited retry + rate limiting mechanisms.
Aside, I am now using a single retry and rate.Limiter from in addition to the "ugly hack" of disabled HTTP/2, so that outbound requests are able send an initial "burst" of M requests, and then "leak more gradually" at a given rate of N/sec. Ultimately, the errors from h2_bundle.go are just too ugly for end-users to parse. An expected/unexpected EOF should result in the client "giving it another try" or two, which is more pragmatic anyway.
As per the docs, the easiest way to disable h2 in Go's http.Client at runtime is env GODEBUG=http2client=0 ... which I can also achieve in other ways as well. Especially important to understand is that the "next protocol" is pre-negotiated "early" during TLS, so Go's http.Transport must manage that configuration along with a cache/memo to provide its functionality in a performant way. Therefore, use your own httpClient to .Do(req) (and don't forget to give your Request a context.Context so that it's easy to cancel) using a custom http.RoundTripper for Transport. Here's some example code:
type forwardRoundTripper struct {
rt http.RoundTripper
func (my *forwardRoundTripper) RoundTrip(r *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
return my.rt.RoundTrip(r) // adjust URLs, or transport as necessary per-request
// httpTransport is the http.RoundTripper given to a Client as Transport
// (don't forget to set up a reasonable Timeout and other behavior as desired)
var httpTransport = &customRoundTripper{rt: http.DefaultTransport}
func h2Disabled(rt *http.Transport) *http.Transport {
log.Println("--- only using HTTP/1.x ...")
rt.ForceAttemptHTTP2 = false // not good enough
// at least one of the following is ALSO required:
rt.TLSClientConfig.NextProtos = []string{"http/1.1"}
// need to Clone() or replace the TLSClientConfig if a request already occurred
// - Why? Because the first time the transport is used, it caches certain structures.
// (if you do this replacement, don't forget to set a minimum TLS version)
rt.TLSHandshakeTimeout = longTimeout // not related to h2, but necessary for stability
rt.TLSNextProto = make(map[string]func(authority string, c *tls.Conn) http.RoundTripper)
// ^ some sources seem to think this is necessary, but not in all cases
// (it WILL be required if an "h2" key is already present in this map)
return rt
func init() {
h2ok := ...
if t, ok := httpTransport.rt.(*http.Transport); ok && !h2ok {
httpTransport.rt = h2Disabled(t.Clone())
// tweak rate limits here
This lets me make the volume of requests that I need to OR get more-reasonable errors in edge cases.

Is it possible to use http4k to stream long reponses?

I would like to use http4k to stream a long response. I plan to use Content-type: multipart/x-mixed-replace so I push data to the client quite endlessly. In http4k, we have typealias HttpHandler = (Request) -> Response. But my handler cannot return a response because it is not a limited document that I want to return but an endless stream. Is this means that I should use something else for what I want?
If you're pulling from another HTTP source, you can use the streaming body mode on one of the various HTTP client modules (Apache/OkHttp/Jetty will work).
Alternatively if you're generating the content yourself or streaming from a database, you'll have to start a Thread and handle it that way. There's an example of how to do this in the source code in a test case that is used to prove the various clients can do streaming.
Could be that websocket is what you need?
So you can have an endless stream of event (e.g you need to push a feed).

Netty: How to add websocket handshake and framing while still supporting native socket

To me it looks like there is no out of the box support with mixed websocket/native socket for Netty 4. I'm using custom binary protocol on my server and it is supposed to support both native and websocket on the same port. Here is what I'm trying in my ServerInitializer:
public void initChannel(SocketChannel ch) {
System.out.println("channel initialized");
ChannelPipeline pipeline = ch.pipeline();
pipeline.addLast(new HttpServerCodec());
pipeline.addLast(new HttpObjectAggregator(65536));
// client decoders cannot be singleton....
pipeline.addLast(new WebSocketDecoder(), new ClientCommandDecoder());
pipeline.addLast(this.webSocketEncoder, this.serverCommandEncoder);
The WebSocketDecoder is taken from the examples, however it seems to use a handshaker which handles only FullHttpRequests which makes use of HttpObjectAggregator mandatory.
However both HttpServerCodec and HttpObjectAggregator don't seem to pass the input data by if it is not HTTP requests. So here is what I wonder:
Can I write custom implementations of given classes and override logic in order to pass the input data if it is not web socket but native
Or can I somehow detect if input data is from websocket and swerve to two different flows (one with HTTP support, other without)
You will need to adjust the pipeline on the fly depending on your input.
Please check our PortUnification example...

Exchange data between node.js script and client's Javascript

I have the following situation, where the already sent headers problem happens, when sending multiple request from the server to the client via AJAX:
It is something I expected since I opted to go with AJAX, instead of sockets. Is there is other way around to exchange the data between the server and the client, like using browserify to translate an emitter script for the client? I suppose that I can't escape the sockets, so I will take advice about simpler library, as seems too complex for such a small operation.
Here is the node.js code as requested.
var maxRunning = 1;
var test_de_rf = ['rennen','ausgehen'];
function callHandler(word, cb) {
console.log("word is - " + word);
gender.gender_function_rf( word , function (result_rf) {
res.send(result_rf);// Here I send data back to the ajax call
setTimeout(function() { cb(null);
}, 3000);
async.eachLimit(test_de_rf, maxRunning, function(item, done) {
callHandler(item, function(err) {
if (err) throw new Error(err);
}, function(err) {
if (err) throw new Error(err);
res.send() sends and finishes an http response. You can only call it once per request because the request is finished and done after calling that. It is a fairly high level way of sending a response (does it all at once in one call).
If you wanted to have several different functions contributing to a response, you could use the lower level functions on the http object such as res.setHeader(), res.writeHead(), res.write() (which you can call multiple times) and res.end() (which indicates the end of the response).
You can use the standard webSocket API in the browser and get webSocket module for server-side support or you can use which offers both client and server support and a number of higher level functions (such as automatic reconnect, automatic failover to http polling if webSockets are not supported, etc...).
All that said, if what you really want is the ability to just send some data from server to client whenever you want, then a webSocket is really the better way to go. This is a persistent connection, is supported by all modern browsers and allows the server to send data unsolicited to the client at any time. I'd hardly say is complex. The doc isn't particularly great at explaining things (not uncommon in the open source world as the node.js doc isn't particularly great either). But, I've always been able to figure advanced things out by just looking at a few runtime data structures in the debugger and/or looking at the source code.

Does WP background transfers support re-uploading and how it actually works?

I'm trying to implement http handler for handling file upload by wp background transfers. I've tried this:
var request = new BackgroundTransferRequest(#"http://computerName/test.ashx")
Method = "POST",
TransferPreferences = TransferPreferences.None,
UploadLocation = new Uri(#"shared/transfers/testfile.txt", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)
In this case my phone always sends Range:0- . ContentLength equals actual source file size. And request stream contains all data... I did not know how to make it sending data partially.
And, I can not find any actual info about how uploading works, what headers it uses and so on. There is no any specification for server!
Sadly, BackgroundTransferRequests do not support range for upload or download. If you don't need to allow transfers when your app is not running, I would suggest writing your own transfer code. Then you can support RANGE and you can control the number of concurrent transfers(and you can get around the 2 transfer limit for the phone) and you don't have to deal with the various file size/network type limitations.
Below is the documentation explaining this from the following link:
The Headers property of the BackgroundTransferRequest object is used to set the HTTP headers for a transfer request. The following headers are reserved for use by the system and cannot be used by calling applications. Adding one of the following headers to the Headers collection will cause a NotSupportedException to be thrown when the Add(BackgroundTransferRequest) method is used to queue the transfer request:
