How to strip vowels/nekudot/diacritics from hebrew utf-8 in ruby? - ruby

Hebrew prints vowels as nekudot/points around the letters.
with vowels: " יִתְגַּבֵּר כַּאֲרִי לַעֲמֹד בַּבֹּקֶר לַעֲבוֹדַת בּוֹרְאוֹ שֶׁיְּהֵא הוּא מְעוֹרֵר הַשַּׁחַר"
without vowels: "יתגב כארי לעמוד בבקר לעבודת בוראו שיהא הוא מעורר השחר"
I need a way to strip these vowels from a string. As in convert the string, with vowels, to the string, without vowels. Any suggestions?
I have tried "hebrew.gsub(/[^א-ת]/, '')"
but this has two problems: a: this will remove all punctuation, english, etc. I only want to remove the vowels. b: some letters get removed as well. (my understanding is limited, but it seems some letters/vowel combinations become "multibyte" in utf-8 and will not match "א-ת".
I found this: online, but the ruby suggestion only works with rails, (assuming it works at all).
However, perhaps that page can be helpful in finding a solution.
Please help, thanks in advance.

The vowels are all between U+0591 and U+05C7, so you can just do
" יִתְגַּבֵּר כַּאֲרִי לַעֲמֹד בַּבֹּקֶר לַעֲבוֹדַת בּוֹרְאוֹ שֶׁיְּהֵא הוּא מְעוֹרֵר הַשַּׁחַר".gsub(/[\u0591-\u05c7]/,"")
# => " יתגבר כארי לעמד בבקר לעבודת בוראו שיהא הוא מעורר השחר"
However, that only works if the vowels are all separate characters in the string - or to say the same thing in Unicode-speak, if the text is in Normalization Form D. You can ensure that is the case by calling String#unicode_normalize on it first:
This step is necessary because Unicode includes several individual characters that combine a letter with nekuddot in a single code point, for round-trip compatibility with older character sets that did not support combining diacritics. Those characters mean you can't tell just by looking whether the string "בּ" consists of the two-code-point sequence U+05D1 HEBREW LETTER BET followed by U+05BC HEBREW POINT DAGESH OR MAPIQ, or just the single character U+FB31 HEBREW LETTER BET WITH DAGESH. Putting the string into Normalization Form D replaces the latter with the former, and also splits up any other "precomposed" characters into their component parts.


Regex incorrectly matching punctuation (including spaces)

I am trying to check if a string contains at least one lowercase letter, uppercase letter, and a number, but not punctuation (including spaces).
For example
4aBc8Fk3 should match
4aBc 8.;3 should not match
I tried the following, but it matches spaces:
Any ideas how to not match strings containing punctuation including spaces?
The regular expression you have got there does the following for as far as I understand (I'm not familiar with the ruby variety, and still quite new to regex myself; this will give you an idea, but may not be 100% correct):
Go to the beginning of the string
Ensure the string matches any number of any characters followed by a lowercase letter, e.g. --a
Ensure the string matches any number of any characters followed by an uppercase letter, e.g.--aA
Ensure the string matches any number of any characters followed by a number, e.g. --aA0
If that is all true, make sure the beginning of the string is followed by at least 6 random characters, e.g.--aA0-
Ensure that is followed by a single non-punctuation character (although this is the part I'm not sure about, as I haven't used character classes before, and don't know if it's [^[:punct:]] or [^:punct:]), e.g. --aA0-c
Ensure that is followed directly by the end of the string
Now, the lookaheads would also allow a different order of occurrences, e.g. 0---Aa, as long as the string contains any characters followed by what they are looking for.
What you probably want is ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{6,}$, i.e. at least six characters, with the characters being letters and numbers (though that would also allow aaaaaa, for example).
Maybe try ^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[0-9])[a-zA-Z0-9]{6,}$ to make sure each group is present, and to get alpha-numerical characters (at least six of them) only.
I always use a tool such as to slowly build up my regex and to see where I go wrong, deconstructing a "bad" regex until I get to a "good" one, then slowly adding to it again.
Hope that helps. :)
P.S.: I'm still a bit unclear how many characters you want to match in total, i.e. if the string is fixed length or not...?

Regex for capital letters not matching accented characters

I am new to ruby and I'm trying to work with regex.
I have a text which looks something like:
Some text which is always non capitalized. Headings are always capitalized, followed by a space or nothing more.
I'm using this regular expression to choose all headings:
However, it matches all headings which does not contain chars as Č, Š, Ž(slovenian characters).
So I'm guessing [A-Z] only matches ASCII characters? How could I get utf8?
You are right in that when you define the ASCII range A-Z, the match is made literally only for those characters. This is to do with the history of characters on computers, more and more characters have been added over time, and they are not always structured in an encoding in ways that are easy to use.
You could make a larger character class that matches the slovenian characters you need, by listing them.
But there is a shortcut. Someone else has already added necessary data to the Unicode data so that you can write shorter matches for "all uppercase characters": /[[:upper:]]/. See for more.
Altering your regular expression with just this adjustment:
You may need to adjust it further, for instance it would not match the heading "I AM A HEADING" due to the match insisting each word is at least two letters long.
Without seeing all your examples, I would probably simplify the group matching and just allow spaces anywhere:
You can use unicode upper case letter:
Your regex:
RegEx Demo

Error with utf8 encoding

When I get data from some website, sometime the data is encode in utf8 but look like this:
Thỏ , Nạt
The accent mark is seperated from character when in fact these string must be:
Thỏ, Nạt
I don't know what is the problem here and how to correct it. Can someone help me with this
The first sample string contains two Vietnamese characters in decomposed form. The first one of them is “ỏ”, consisting of simple letter “o” followed by U+0309 COMBINING HOOK ABOVE.
The second sample string has those characters in precomposed form. The first one of them is “ỏ” U+1ECF LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH HOOK ABOVE.
The decomposed and precomposed form are defined to be “canonical equivalent” and are normally expected to result in the same rendering (though this does not always happen). They are not identical, however; in programmatic comparison of characters and strings, they are very much different.
Mostly Latin letters with diacritics, such as “é” and “ä”, are used in precomposed form only, since that’s what keyboard drivers, online keyboards, character picking utilities, etc., normally produce. However, Vietnamese keyboard drivers often work so that some diacritic marks are entered after entering a base character, and the diacritic is thus produced as a combining character, i.e. the letter (like “ỏ”) is then in decomposed form.
One way of dealing with this issue, recommended in many contexts, is to convert your strings to Normalization Form C (NFC). This would put these characters into precomposed form. Note, however, that conversion to NFC removes some other distinctions, too (but this is not relevant if the text is in Vietnamese only and does not contain special symbols).
It remains a mystery why the first sample string has a space character before the comma.

How do I escape a Unicode string with Ruby?

I need to encode/convert a Unicode string to its escaped form, with backslashes. Anybody know how?
In Ruby 1.8.x, String#inspect may be what you are looking for, e.g.
>> multi_byte_str = "hello\330\271!"
=> "hello\330\271!"
>> multi_byte_str.inspect
=> "\"hello\\330\\271!\""
>> puts multi_byte_str.inspect
=> nil
In Ruby 1.9 if you want multi-byte characters to have their component bytes escaped, you might want to say something like:
=> "\"hello\\xD8\\xB9!\""
In both Ruby 1.8 and 1.9 if you are instead interested in the (escaped) unicode code points, you could do this (though it escapes printable stuff too):
>> multi_byte_str.unpack('U*').map{ |i| "\\u" + i.to_s(16).rjust(4, '0') }.join
=> "\\u0068\\u0065\\u006c\\u006c\\u006f\\u0639\\u0021"
To use a unicode character in Ruby use the "\uXXXX" escape; where XXXX is the UTF-16 codepoint. see
If you have Rails kicking around you can use the JSON encoder for this:
require 'active_support'
x = ActiveSupport::JSON.encode('µ')
# x is now "\u00b5"
The usual non-Rails JSON encoder doesn't "\u"-ify Unicode.
There are two components to your question as I understand it: Finding the numeric value of a character, and expressing such values as escape sequences in Ruby. Further, the former depends on what your starting point is.
Finding the value:
Method 1a: from Ruby with String#dump:
If you already have the character in a Ruby String object (or can easily get it into one), this may be as simple as displaying the string in the repl (depending on certain settings in your Ruby environment). If not, you can call the #dump method on it. For example, with a file called unicode.txt that contains some UTF-8 encoded data in it – say, the currency symbols €£¥$ (plus a trailing newline) – running the following code (executed either in irb or as a script):
s ="unicode.txt", :encoding => "utf-8") # this may be enough, from irb
puts s.dump # this will definitely do it.
... should print out:
Thus you can see that € is U+20AC, £ is U+00A3, and ¥ is U+00A5. ($ is not converted, since it's straight ASCII, though it's technically U+0024. The code below could be modified to give that information, if you actually need it. Or just add leading zeroes to the hex values from an ASCII table – or reference one that already does so.)
(Note: a previous answer suggested using #inspect instead of #dump. That sometimes works, but not always. For example, running ruby -E UTF-8 -e 'puts "\u{1F61E}".inspect' prints an unhappy face for me, rather than an escape sequence. Changing inspect to dump, though, gets me the escape sequence back.)
Method 1b: with Ruby using String#encode and rescue:
Now, if you're trying the above with a larger input file, the above may prove unwieldy – it may be hard to even find escape sequences in files with mostly ASCII text, or it may be hard to identify which sequences go with which characters. In such a case, one might replace the second line above with the following:
encodings = {} # hash to store mappings in
s.split("").each do |c| # loop through each "character"
c.encode("ASCII") # try to encode it to ASCII
rescue Encoding::UndefinedConversionError # but if that fails
encodings[c] = $!.error_char.dump # capture a dump, mapped to the source character
# And then print out all the captured non-ASCII characters:
encodings.each do |char, dumped|
puts "#{char} encodes to #{dumped}."
With the same input as above, this would then print:
€ encodes to "\u20AC".
£ encodes to "\u00A3".
¥ encodes to "\u00A5".
Note that it's possible for this to be a bit misleading. If there are combining characters in the input, the output will print each component separately. For example, for input of 🙋🏾 ў ў, the output would be:
🙋 encodes to "\u{1F64B}".
🏾 encodes to "\u{1F3FE}".
ў encodes to "\u045E".
у encodes to "\u0443". ̆
encodes to "\u0306".
This is because 🙋🏾 is actually encoded as two code points: a base character (🙋 - U+1F64B), with a modifier (🏾, U+1F3FE; see also). Similarly with one of the letters: the first, ў, is a single pre-combined code point (U+045E), while the second, ў – though it looks the same – is formed by combining у (U+0443) with the modifier ̆ (U+0306 - which may or may not render properly, including on this page, since it's not meant to stand alone). So, depending on what you're doing, you may need to watch out for such things (which I leave as an exercise for the reader).
Method 2a: from web-based tools: specific characters:
Alternatively, if you have, say, an e-mail with a character in it, and you want to find the code point value to encode, if you simply do a web search for that character, you'll frequently find a variety of pages that give unicode details for the particular character. For example, if I do a google search for ✓, I get, among other things, a wiktionary entry, a wikipedia page, and a page on, which I find to be a useful site for getting details on specific unicode characters. And each of those pages lists the fact that that check mark is represented by unicode code point U+2713. (Incidentally, searching in that direction works well, too.)
Method 2b: from web-based tools: by name/concept:
Similarly, one can search for unicode symbols to match a particular concept. For example, I searched above for unicode check marks, and even on the Google snippet there was a listing of several code points with corresponding graphics, though I also find this list of several check mark symbols, and even a "list of useful symbols" which has a bunch of things, including various check marks.
This can similarly be done for accented characters, emoticons, etc. Just search for the word "unicode" along with whatever else you're looking for, and you'll tend to get results that include pages that list the code points. Which then brings us to putting that back into ruby:
Representing the value, once you have it:
The Ruby documentation for string literals describes two ways to represent unicode characters as escape sequences:
\unnnn Unicode character, where nnnn is exactly 4 hexadecimal digits ([0-9a-fA-F])
\u{nnnn ...} Unicode character(s), where each nnnn is 1-6 hexadecimal digits ([0-9a-fA-F])
So for code points with a 4-digit representation, e.g. U+2713 from above, you'd enter (within a string literal that's not in single quotes) this as \u2713. And for any unicode character (whether or not it fits in 4 digits), you can use braces ({ and }) around the full hex value for the code point, e.g. \u{1f60d} for 😍. This form can also be used to encode multiple code points in a single escape sequence, separating characters with whitespace. For example, \u{1F64B 1F3FE} would result in the base character 🙋 plus the modifier 🏾, thus ultimately yielding the abstract character 🙋🏾 (as seen above).
This works with shorter code points, too. For example, that currency character string from above (€£¥$) could be represented with \u{20AC A3 A5 24} – requiring only 2 digits for three of the characters.
You can directly use unicode characters if you just add #Encoding: UTF-8 to the top of your file. Then you can freely use ä, ǹ, ú and so on in your source code.
try this gem. It converts Unicode or non-ASCII punctuation and symbols to nearest ASCII punctuation and symbols
example usage:
=> "100%"
the gem uses the reference in for the conversion.

Remove all but some special characters

I am trying to come up with a regex to remove all special characters except some. For example, I have a string:
str = "subscripción gustaría♥"
I want the output to be "subscripción gustaría".
The way I tried to do is, match anything which is not an ascii character (00 - 7F) and not special character I want and replace it with blank.
This doesn't work. The last special character is not removed.
Can someone help? (This is ruby 1.8)
Update: I am trying to make the question a little more clear. The string is utf-8 encoded. And I am trying to whitelist the ascii characters plus ó and í and blacklist everything else.
Oniguruma has support for all the characters you care about without having to deal with codepoints. You can just add the unicode characters inside the character class you're whitelisting, followed by the 'u' option.
ruby-1.8.7-p248 > str = "subscripción gustaría♥"
=> "subscripci\303\263n gustar\303\255a\342\231\245"
ruby-1.8.7-p248 > puts str.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z\sáéíóúÁÉÍÓÚ]/u,'')
subscripción gustaría
=> nil
str.split('').find_all {|c| (0x00..0x7f).include? c.ord }.join('')
The question is a bit vague. There is not a word about encoding of the string. Also, you want to white-list characters or black list? Which ones?
But you get the idea, decide what you want, and then use proper ranges as colleagues here already proposed. Some examples:
if str = "subscripción gustaría♥" is utf-8
then you can blacklist all char above the range (excl. whitespaces):
if string is in ISO-8859-1 codepage you can try to match all quirky characters like the "heart" from the beginning of ASCII range:
The problem is here with regex, has nothing to do with Ruby. You probably will need to experiment more.
It is not completely clear which characters you want to keep and which you want to delete. The example string's character is some Unicode character that, in my browser, displays as a heart symbol. But it seems you are dealing with 8-bit ASCII characters (since you are using ruby 1.8 and your regular expressions point that way).
Nonetheless, you should be able to do it in one of two ways; either specify the characters you want to keep or, alternatively, specify the characters you want to delete. For example, the following specifies that all characters 0x00-0x7F and 0xC0-0xF6 should be kept (remove everything that is not in that group):
puts str.gsub(/[^\x00-\x7F\xC0-\xF6]/,'')
This next example specifies that characters 0xA1 and 0xC3 should be deleted.
puts str.gsub(/[\xA1\xC3]/,'')
I ended up doing this: str.gsub(/[^\x00-\x7FÁáÉéÍíÑñÓóÚúÜü]/,''). It doesn't work on my mac but works on linux.
