How can I read a json webhook from mixpanel using Zapier? - mixpanel

I catch a webhook from mixpanel. The payload includes all the people properties and is formatted in a json object. So far so good. Unfortunately it seems, that I can´t access the properties values I need to.
I have played around with formatter and the coding feature of zapier. I couldn´t make it work.
Help is much appreciated.

You don't need any code to make it work.
Type 'users' in 'Pick off a Child Key'. (Trigger > Edit Options)
Then you'll have access to the properties values.


GET a slide, edit it, and POST it again with minor changes

I was hoping someone could help me with something i've been stuck on. I'm not even sure if it's possible to do.
So i basically have a huge Json file which includes all objects used for a certain slide Specifically i used this GET command:
I then got a huge 200.000 line Json response which has alot of stuff like colors for each thing, position of every element on each slide ect. I save this as a JSON file on my pc. I only need it once as a form of template.
Then my golang code dynamically edits some of its values (after converting it to structs ofc).
Now i want to POST it back up. It has a new name now, new ID, but 99,9% of the values are the same.
Is it possible to do this?
And sorry in advance. I know people here tend to get mad at "stupid questions" or if i forget to add something, but i'm new here, and i hope I can get some help. Been stuck for a long while.
Yes, you can. There is a Go client library that allows you to do this if you're not set on using a REST API. If you are set on using a REST API, you should be able to post this endpoint:
Side note, the Google documentation (imo) is fantastic, a little googling goes a long ways :)

Google Places API setFields AND getDetails

The google places api docs clearly state: "IMPORTANT: To avoid paying for data that you don't need, be sure to use Autocomplete.setFields() to specify only the place data that you will use." But then when I'm calling the getDetails() method (see in generic-y form below), I'm specifying my fields, which is what setFields() sets.
I THINK I'm basically setting them via the getDetails() method, but given the caution exercised in the docs, I also don't want to surprise anyone with extra costs besides what we need. I've tried to find a clear answer in the docs, but I haven't found one. I'm hoping someone here knows from experience or has better luck with the docs. Thanks!
const placesService = new google.maps.places.PlacesService(myField);
fields: ['address_components'],
placeId: result.place_id,
sessionToken: token,
details => this.updateMethod(details.address_components),
Autocomplete.setFields is used when implementing Places Autocomplete Widget which will constrain the succeeding Places Details request to specific fields only when a user selects a place from the suggestions. Check out the example here.
However, as for your given sample code, I can see that you are directly using Places Service to get the details of a place given a Place ID and not from the Autocomplete Widget suggestions. With this, you can just set the fields in the request parameter of the getDetails(request, callback) method which is what you have correctly done in your code. See this example.
Hope this helps!

Parse, Add option to User in Data Browser

I wanted to create a new option in the Data Browser (just like the "username", "password", "authData"...fields), to hold a monetary value for my game. So a new field called "money" that will hold a value.
However, I'm not exactly sure how to go about doing so.
I took a look at the documentation and found things like .add but I wasn't sure exactly what was going on in the code.
Does anyone know a way to do this?
In the data browser, there is a "+ Col" button which allows you to add another field to your class. You can then set the name of the field and it's type.
You can also do this from their SDK's by simply setting the field, even if you have not added it via the data browser.
Here is what the Parse docs say regarding this:
Storing data through the Parse REST API is built around a JSON encoding of the object's data. This data is schemaless, which means that you don't need to specify ahead of time what keys exist on each object. You simply set whatever key-value pairs you want, and the backend will store it.

How to get object specific events using Box Api

I am having difficulty getting the events for a specific object. Basically I would like to have an event collection that reprents the "Access Stats" when looking at a file's properties on The only way I can figure to do it now is to run through all events in the stream and manually build the collection. Is there not an endpoint I can use or a query filter I can put on the events endpoint to accomplish this?
This is something our fields parameter would help with, but it's not yet GET /events. Keep an eye on this portion of our documentation for when support for this is available.

How do I parse a POST to my Rails 3.1 server manually?

I have a Board model in my Rails server side, and an Android device is trying to post some content to a specific board via a POST. Finally, the server needs to send back a response to the Android device.
How do I parse the POST manually (or do I need to)? I am not sure how to handle this kind of external request. I looked into Metal, Middleware, HttpParty; but none of them seems to fit what I am trying to do. The reason I want to parse it manually is because some of the information I want will not be part of the parameters.
Does anyone know a way to approach this problem?
I am also thinking about using SSL later on, how might this affect the problem?
Thank you in advance!! :)
I was trying to make a cross-domain request from ie9 to my rails app, and I needed to parse the body of a POST manually because ie9's XDR object restricts the contentType that we can send to text/plain, rather than application/x-www-urlencoded (see this post). Originally I had just been using the params hash provided by the controller, but once I restricted the contentType and dataType in my ajax request, that hash no longer contained the right information.
Following the URL in the comment above (link), I learned the how to recover that information. The author mentions that in a rails controller we always have access to a request variable that gives us an instance of the ActionDispatch::Request object. I tried to use request.query_string to get at the request body, but that just returned an empty string. A bit of snooping in the API, though, uncovered the raw_post method. That method returned exactly what I needed!
To "parse it manually" you could iterate over the string returned by request.raw_post and do whatever you want, but I don't recommend it. I used Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query, as suggested in Arthur Gunn's answer to this question, to parse the raw_post into a hash. Once it is in hash form, you can shove whatever else you need in there, and then merge it with the params hash. Doing this meant I didn't have to change much else in my controller!
Hope that helps someone!
Not sure exactly what you mean by "manually", posts are normally handled by the "create" or "update" methods in the controller. Check out the controller for your Board model, and you can add code to the appropriate method. You can access the params with the params hash.
You should be more specific about what you are trying to do. :)
