Am trying to install swoole using PHP 7.0.2 in MAMP
$ pecl install swoole
Could not open input file:/app/MAMP/bin/php/php7.0.2/lib/php/peclcmd.php
Is there any alternate way to install it?
I have no luck installing Swoole via home brew or pecl. So I installed it manually and works. So here my step:
Make sure you php installed on your osx
php -v
phpize -v
Go to temporary folder
cd /tmp/
Download the source code
wget "" -O swoole.tar.gz
Extract the file
tar xvzf swoole.tar.gz
Go to source folder
cd swoole-src-4.0.3/
Prepare the build environment for a PHP extension
Add configuration paramaters as needed
Run make. This will take some time
a successful result of make is module/
create Swoole extension directory
mkdir -p /usr/local/opt/php71-swoole/
install the swoole into the PHP extensions directory
cp modules/ /usr/local/opt/php71-swoole/
Create config file for Swoole
touch /usr/local/etc/php/7.1/conf.d/ext-swoole.ini
echo "extension=/usr/local/opt/php71-swoole/" > /usr/local/etc/php/7.1/conf.d/ext-swoole.ini
check if the swoole extension has been enabled
php -m | grep swoole
If succeed, it will send you output something like "swoole"
PS: I run PHP 7.1 and Swoole 4.0.3. Adjust it with your own version.
I have installed Composer as per the instructions command not found
After installing I get the prompt that Composer is successfully installed but when I go to check the version it gives me error "Composer: Command Not Found"
I have been looking how to fix this issue and I had to read and understand little bit and the environment variables on MAC.
I understand the issue looks simple but it will get over complicated if you didn't understand how to install composer probably.
Solution 1
I found this solution here:
Open a terminal and navigate to your user directory, ie cd /User//
Run this command shown below to download Composer. This will create a Phar (PHP Archive) file called composer.phar:
curl -sS | php
Now we move composer.phar file to a directory
sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/
We want to run Composer with having to be root al the time, so we need to change the permissions:
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/composer.phar
Next, we need to let Bash know where to execute Composer:
nano ~/.bash_profile
Add this line below to bash_profile and save
alias composer="php /usr/local/bin/composer.phar"
and then run this command:
source ~/.bash_profile
Finally, run:
composer --version
Solution 2:
I understand that the first command you will find online when you try to google this issue would be
curl -sS | php
But actually this is the main terminal installation but sometimes I wanted to manually install the composer, so this 2nd solution about manually installing the composer in specific directory
First of all you need to understand where are you now on the terminal
and then install composer manually using the following commands
php -r "copy('', 'composer-setup.php');"
php -r "if (hash_file('sha384', 'composer-setup.php') ==='baf1608c33254d00611ac1705c1d9958c817a1a33bce370c0595974b342601bd80b92a3f46067da89e3b06bff421f182') { echo 'Installer verified'; } else { echo 'Installer corrupt';
unlink('composer-setup.php'); } echo PHP_EOL;"
php composer-setup.php
php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');"
to use it on that case you will read on the terminal to use this composer installation use
Use it: php composer.phar
so just write
php composer.phar
and it should be working.... one more thing, during this installation you can install the composer to specific directory / project folder... in that case you can use a flag with command No.4 to tell the terminal to install the composer in specific directory...this flag is --install-dir=your-directory-path
and you will the terminal this time after installing composer asking you to use the following path to call the composer
Use it: php /Users/muatafa/composer.phar
if you want to read more about this issue, I think you must read the composer documentation how to install it>>>
that's how I solved my current issue... if you still have any issues comment on this replay & Hopefully we can figure it out!
I had the same problem. "composer require something" works if installed in global and not locally.
If you install composer locally you'll then install dependencies using "php composer.phar require nameofyoudependency"
To install globally open a terminal to install as mentionned on the composer website. Then run "sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer"
Now you can use "composer" directly to install dependencies like => "composer require something/sdk"
the composer you installed is still named /usr/local/bin/composer.phar - look in the second yellow/brownish line in your output. Just rename it to just composer
Your composer command is not set to path, use
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/
I had the same issue, After installing composer using the command line on their website. I forgot to put composer.phar into a directory on my PATH, so it can simply be called from any directory (Global install). and then I ran this command "sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer" and it was resolved
I figured out. in place of "composer require twilio/sdk" I needed to use
"composer.phar require twilio/sdk" since I am on mac. It worked
How to install package in laravel on live server, whenever I run "command composer require monolog/monolog". It gives error Could not open input file: /home/root/composer.phar
First of all, you should not run composer require on live server. You should only run composer install so you should require it locally, test if everything is working fine and then on live server just install library that is tested in your application.
About error:
Could not open input file: /home/root/composer.phar
make sure this file really exists (if not you can download it from Composer site) and make sure it has correct permissions (it should have execute permission) - use chmod +x composer.phar to make it executable
Please try like this.
$ curl -sS | php
$ mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
$ php composer.phar update monolog/monolog
You can install package without any problem.
I have read How to enable PHP's openssl extension to install Composer? and You must enable the openssl extension to download files via https
They both state that the php file needs to uncomment extension=php_openssl.dll from the php.ini files which live in both these folders:
C:\wamp64\bin\php\php5.6.16 ' I don't think I need to, but did it any way
I've done that, and then restarted the PC.
WAMP is running on my Windows 10 machine
The same error always shows when trying to install Composer
Some settings on your machine make Composer unable to work properly.
Make sure that you fix the issues listed below and run this script again:
The openssl extension is missing, which means that secure HTTPS transfers are impossible.
If possible you should enable it or recompile php with --with-openssl
What do I need to do to install Composer?
From C:\PHP (the PHP folder) I started a command prompt and ran php -r "phpinfo();"
In the results, there is the following:
OpenSSL support => disabled (install ext/openssl)
I have followed
You have multiple version of PHP installed:
The PHP version, which you run on the CLI is based on your environment PATH variable. The first PHP path wins.
run php --ini on the CLI. It will show you which php.ini is included and also the path of PHP
edit this php.ini file and activate the extension=php_openssl.dll
then run php -m to check, if the extension is loaded
then run composer
I can't download the zip file symfony2.7. The link on the website doesn't work. Does anyone know why? Where can i find the symfony 2.7-zip file? I found an older version somewhere on the internet but i would really like the latest stable version.
if you really MUST have a zip :
also, a simple search would have revealed this
Wich is where i got this answer form .. so yea, use search next time ...
use the symfony installer, as documented on their website here
Linux and Mac OS X Systems:
Open your command console and execute the
following commands:
sudo curl -LsS -o /usr/local/bin/symfony
sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/symfony
This will create a global symfony command in your system.
Windows Systems:
Open your command console and execute the following
c:\> php -r "readfile('');" > symfony
Then, move the downloaded symfony file to your project's directory and
execute it as follows:
c:\> move symfony c:\projects c:\projects\> php symfony
You can then use it to install a specifi version using
symfony new my_project_name 2.x.x
I always used to install it through or via the create-project command:
composer create-project symfony/framework-standard-edition project_name
If you want a 2.7 version
composer create-project symfony/framework-standard-edition project_name '2.7.*'
if there is no 2.7 stable version at the time of this writing, you need to lower the stability to dev:
composer create-project symfony/framework-standard-edition project_name '2.7.*' -s dev
-s (--stability.)
I have Ubuntu 14.04 + Sublime text 3 and installed phpcs packages
additionalty I have installed phpcs and php-cs-fixer on my system
From this blog
I have found that phpmd (PHP Mess Detector) is also a required library, so installed phpmd as per given instructions on official php md page using alternative method From the github repository everything was finished.
:~/phpmd$ curl -s | php
#!/usr/bin/env php
All settings correct for using Composer
Composer successfully installed to: /home/keshav/phpmd/composer.phar
Use it: php composer.phar
but now when I write on terminal
phpmd /opt/lampp/htdocs/myproject, myfile.php
phpmd: command not found
There is phpmd folder on Home directory and everything without any error.
I have local project on core PHP create composer.json in project folder as per suggested on github .
Please tell me what means by
Then install Composer in your project (or download the composer.phar directly):
I think the problem is you've installed phpmd in a local directory, but you're trying to use it as if it was installed globally.
Installation instruction on the referenced sites can't really be made any clearer. Since you've already installed phpcs and php-cs-fixer, and those work for you, just follow similar instructions for phpmd. These are all PHP projects and are installed in a similar way.
Anyway, to use phpmd as a global command you have several options.
Clone the github repository just like you did and add the phpmd bin directory to your PATH variable.
Global composer installation
Use the composer global command to install phpmd globally. You will also need to make sure that composer's bin directory is in the PATH. By default it's ~/.composer/vendor/bin.
composer global require phpmd/phpmd
This command will install phpmd globally, and as soon as ~/.composer/vendor/bin is in your PATH you'll be able to call it by simply invoking phpmd.
It's very well explained in composer's documentation:
Download the phar archive
This is the simplest thing you can do. Simply go the phpmd releases, choose the latest and download the phar archive.
Put the phar file to whatever place you'd like. Just remember that it needs to be in your PATH. You can also rename it, to skip the .phar extension.
For example:
sudo mv phpmd.phar /usr/bin/phpmd
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/phpmd
Docker container
First, fetch the docker image with static analysis tools for PHP:
docker pull jakzal/phpqa
One of the tools provided by the image is phpmd. The command below will run phpmd in a docker container and mount the current working directory as a /project.
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/project -w /project jakzal/phpqa \
phpmd src text cleancode,codesize,controversial,design,naming,unusedcode
When you use the composer-based install, it gets installed into the ./bin directory within the ./vendors directory. So for me, relative to my project's root directory, it was here:
And I was able to run it from my project's root by running ./vendor/bin/phpmd . text codesize. (I'm not getting any useful output yet, but another issue)