I'm using this example to get the inventory list:
try {
$result = $api_instance->listInventory($location_id, $limit, $batch_token);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling V1ItemsApi->listInventory: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
I would like to create a items/products list out of it but I can't since it only returns "variation_id" and "quantity_on_hand". How can I get the item_id so I can retrieve the necessary details?
If the item was created using the Square Dashboard, or via V2's UpsertCatalogObject then it will be a V2 catalog object. With the V2 object, you can use the RetrieveCatalogObject endpoint and pass the variation_id directly to get the variation's details (which includes name, price, and item_id).
If you used V1 CreateItem then it will be a V1 item, and the only way you can find the item_id using the variation_id would be to ListCatalog (or V1 ListItems) and loop through to find the item with the corresponding variation_id.
I'm using the paypal API with Laravel, everything works fine. I just need to find the way to get the user email address and name.
$payment = Payment::get($payment_id, $this->_api_context);
$execution = new PaymentExecution();
$execution->setPayerId( $request->query('PayerID') );
$result = $payment->execute($execution, $this->_api_context);
if ($result->getState() == 'approved') {
// I should get the info about the payer here
The v1/payments PayPal-PHP-SDK is deprecated, you should not use it for any new integration.
The current supported SDK is the v2/checkout/orders Checkout-PHP-SDK, which you should use instead.
You can try the srmklive package "v3" if you like, otherwise integrate directly.
You should be able to create two routes, one for 'Create Order' and one for 'Capture Order', documented here. These routes should return only JSON data (no HTML or text). Pair those two routes with the following approval flow: https://developer.paypal.com/demo/checkout/#/pattern/server
The capture order response may have details about the payer and payment, if not use can do a 'Get' API call on the order ID for this information. Store it in your database before returning the JSON to the client code.
i am working on laravel api, integrated omnipay/braintree, i have successfully created my customer, what i need to get customer data through this,
$mycustomer = $omnipay_gateway->findCustomer(5)->send();
but it giving me bad response like,
<pre>Omnipay\Braintree\Message\CustomerResponse Object
[request:protected] => Omnipay\Braintree\Message\FindCustomerRequest Object
[braintree:protected] => Braintree\Gateway Object
[config] => Braintree\Configuration Object
its a huge chunck of data which i am not pasting here, how i get my customer details through this type of data, and it shows in this format, why not in proper json or some other format?
Not only findCustomer , all functions give same sort of response,
how we can traverse it.
Call $mycustomer = $omnipay_gateway->findCustomer(5)->send()->getData(); please
The simple answer for future readers is something like
// Process response
if ($response->isSuccessful()) {
// Payment was successful
// $url = $response->getRedirectUrl();
} elseif ($response->isRedirect()) {
// Redirect to offsite payment gateway
} else {
// Payment failed
echo $response->getMessage();
I am writing an update methoda for my api. I neede to update requested fields.
So ı am trying to get only requested fields and update them. However, the code below returns me null even thoug I cast $fill to string.
foreach ($fillableFields as $fill){
$customerId->$fill = $request->get("$fill") ;
edit- 1
My code is like below ;
$fillableFields = array('lastname','firstname');
when I dd($fill) it returns me null .
You forgot to call the save() method to update your object :
foreach ($fillableFields as $fill){
$customerId->$fill = $request->get($fill);
Your method should be.
public function yourMethod(Request $request)
try {
foreach ($fillableFields as $fill){
$customerId->$fill = $request->get($fill) ;
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
Best way to get request parameters is provided at laravel's official documentation as below.
You can get request parameter based on your specific need.
By using below statment you can get only those perameter you have specified in only attribute as array eg : username, password.
$input = $request->only(['username', 'password']);
If you wantto get all fields excluding particular field than you can define as below with except parameter. eg: by using below it will allow to get all the fields except credit_card.
$input = $request->except('credit_card');
For more information on request parameter please refer official doc url : https://laravel.com/docs/5.4/requests
I am building a pretty simple online shop in SilverStripe. I am writing a function to remove an item from the cart (order in my case).
My setup:
My endpoint is returning JSON to the view for use in ajax.
public function remove() {
// Get existing order from SESSION
$sessionOrder = Session::get('order');
// Get the product id from POST
$productId = $_POST['product'];
// Remove the product from order object
// Set the order session value to the updated order
Session::set('order', $sessionOrder);
// Save the session (don't think this is needed, but thought I would try)
// Return object to view
return json_encode(Session::get('order'));
My issue:
When I post data to this route, the product gets removed but only temporarily, then next time remove is called, the previous item is back.
Order object:
product-1: {
name: 'Product One'
product-2: {
name: 'Product Two'
When I post to remove product-1 I get the following:
product-2: {
name: 'Product Two'
Which appears to have worked but then I try and remove product-2 with and get this:
product-1: {
name: 'Product One'
The SON OF A B is back! When I retrieve the entire cart, it still contains both.
How do I get the order to stick?
Your expectation is correct, and it should work with the code you wrote. However, the way the session data is managed doesn't work well with data being deleted, because it is not seen as a change of state. Only existing data being edited is seen as such. See Session::recursivelyApply() if you want to know more.
Only way I know is to (unfortunately) emphasized textmanipulate $_SESSION directly before you set the new value for 'order'
public function remove() {
// Get existing order from SESSION
$sessionOrder = Session::get('order');
// Get the product id from POST
$productId = $_POST['product'];
// Remove the product from order object
if (isset($_SESSION['order'])){
// Set the order session value to the updated order
Session::set('order', $sessionOrder);
// Return object to view
return json_encode(Session::get('order'));
using a custom hack OF ZfcUserLdap to authenticate against a LDAP server (include zfcUser too as dependency)
the hack is due the Ldap server uses a ldapc wrapper, so the bind and search process doesn't belong to Ldap standards but through a ldapc library
the login/password box works great against the Ldap server by modifying the bind and findbyuser methods
add country selection at login step
check if the user has the permission to work with this country (so to have the country here has sense, don't need ACL, it will be check through LDAP user groups)
store the selected country to use along the whole application
add SELECT dropdown with available countries to login box [OK]
get the country selected at the login form [OK]
-> at authenticate method on ZfcUserLdap\Authentication\Adapter\Ldap.php class I get correctly the country set at the form
how to store the country into a session variable,
-> since zfcUser has an Storage defined and the country is defined at the login step, I would like to use that Storage
I will appreciate any kind of clarification or tips to accomplish this task.
The logic is more at zfcUserLdap module, since the auth is against an LDAP Server.
I added to the Entity extended at zfcUserLdap a new property, country that is set to the Entity object along the findByUsername method.
public function findByUsername($username, $country = null)
$pUser = $this->ldap->findByUsername($username);
if (isObjectNotNull($pUser))
$this->entity->setDisplayName(getLdapUserFirstName($pUser) . ' ' . getLdapUserLastName($pUser));
return $this->entity;
else {
return null;
To have the country here will be useful because the authentication process might check if the username has permission to work within that country. I'll need to add that check later.
Like this, the country is part of the entity object, so I can get the country at the same way I was able to get the username.
For now, I have create a View Helper very similar to ZfcUserDisplayName. I just update the get metohd to get the country property.
$countryName = $user->getUserCountry();
I plan to create a Controller Plugin to get the country from any Controller.
ZFCUser has an authenticate event that you should leverage for this. IN your Module's main bootstrap:
$sm = $e->getApplication()->getServiceManager();
$zfcAuthEvents = $e->getApplication()->getServiceManager()->get('ZfcUser\Authentication\Adapter\AdapterChain')->getEventManager();
$zfcAuthEvents->attach( 'authenticate', function( $authEvent ) use( $sm ){
// use $authEvent->getIdentity() to get country and stick it in a session
return true;
catch( \Exception $x )
// handle it
How you store in session is up to you, there's 400 ways to skin that cat.