Powershell Jobs - Monitor running jobs in another parallel job - windows

I'm looking for a way to monitor several long running jobs in a session in another parallel job, however there is no way to pass the current session's jobs (Get-Job) as a parameter into another job, unless I assign them to a variable and I process them singularly in a pipeline, which is time consuming.
I might need to end up doing something like this, even though it keeps the session busy: https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/Monitor-and-display-808ce573 , however the downside of this approach is that I cannot stop jobs and/or interact with them in any way until all of them area completed/failed, thats why I was trying to find a solution in a parallel monitoring job.


Is it safe to call the Sidekiq API from inside perform?

Nothing seems to prevent a perform method to use the Sidekiq API. It should be safe in read-only mode.
What if it calls a "write" methods ? Especially when this method acts on the current job itself.
We would like to reschedule a job without creating a new job because we need to track the job completion with the sidekiq-status gem from another worker.
Using MyWorker.perform_in or MyWorker.perform_at to reschedule the job from inside the worker creates a new job, making it difficult to track the total completion. We're thinking of using Sidekiq::ScheduledSet.new.find and the reschedule method but it seems awkward and potentially dangerous to reschedule a job that is about to complete.
Does Sidekiq and its API support this use case ?
You might be able to hack something together but it'll be really slow if you try to modify the Sets and Lists in Redis directly. They aren't designed to be used that way.
The official Sidekiq solution to this problem is a Batch.
You create a one-job batch. If the job needs to be rescheduled, it adds a new job to the Batch to be executed later. Your other worker just checks the status of the overall Batch and if it is 100% complete.

Bash script - Maintain multiple instances running

How can I ensure, that multiple instances of certain program are always running?
Let's say that I want to make sure that 4 instances of a certain program are always running.
If one instance is killed, new one should start.
If 5 instances are running, one should be killed.
This is not really a shell question, because the approach is the same, whichever shell you are using.
I think the cleanest solution is to have a "watchdog", which checks the running processes (using ps) and, if necessary, starts a new one or kills an unnecessary one.
One way - which I have used in a similar situation - is to write a cron job, which regularly (say: every 5 minutes) starts the watchdog and let it do his work.
If such an interval is too long for your case (i.e. if you need checking it more often than every minute), you could have the watchdog run continuously, in a loop. Still, you will need a cron job, which controls in turn the watchdog from time to time - just in case the watchdogs dies. In this case you might consider running it as a daemon.

Run non-blocking series of jobs

A certain number of jobs needs to be executed in a sequence, such that result of one job is input to another. There's also a loop in one part of job chain. Currently, I'm running this sequency using wait for completition, but I'm going to start this sequence from web service, so I don't want to get stuck waiting for response. I wan't to start the sequence and return.
How can I do that, considering that job's depend on each other?
The typical approach I follow is to use Oozie work flow to chain the sequence of jobs with passing the dependent inputs to them accordingly.
I used a shell script to invoke the oozie job .
I am not sure about the loops within the oozie workflow. but the below link speaks about the way to implement loops within the workflow.Hope it might help you.
Apart from this the JobControl class is also a good option if the jobs need to be in sequence and it requires less efforts to implement.It would be easy to do loop since it would be fully done with Java code.

Scheduling a job multiple times

I wrote a background job that accepts some parameters, and I scheduled it to run periodically. I now want to schedule it with a different parameter set, but the parse.com console says I have no background jobs.
I've worked around the problem adding the same job multiple times with slightly different names, but this solution is far from ideal. There should be a way to schedule a job with multiple parameter set and different schedules.
Is there a way to schedule the same job multiple times?

how to automatically run a bash script when my qsub jobs are finished on a server?

I would like to run a script when all of the jobs that I have sent to a server are done.
for example, I send
ssh server "for i in config*; do qsub ./run 1 $i; done"
And I get back a list of the jobs that were started. I would like to automatically start another script on the server to process the output from these jobs once all are completed.
I would appreciate any advice that would help me avoid the following inelegant solution:
If I save each of the 1000 job id's from the above call in a separate file, I could check the contents of each file against the current list of running jobs, i.e. output from a call to:
ssh qstat
I would only need to check every half hour, but I would imagine that there is a better way.
It depends a bit on what job scheduler you are using and what version, but there's another approach that can be taken too if your results-processing can also be done on the same queue as the job.
One very handy way of managing lots of related job in more recent versions of torque (and with grid engine, and others) is to launch the any individual jobs as a job array (cf. http://docs.adaptivecomputing.com/torque/4-1-4/Content/topics/commands/qsub.htm#-t). This requires mapping the individual runs to numbers somehow, which may or may not be convenient; but if you can do it for your jobs, it does greatly simplify managing the jobs; you can qsub them all in one line, you can qdel or qhold them all at once (while still having the capability to deal with jobs individually).
If you do this, then you could submit an analysis job which had a dependency on the array of jobs which would only run once all of the jobs in the array were complete: (cf. http://docs.adaptivecomputing.com/torque/4-1-4/Content/topics/commands/qsub.htm#dependencyExamples). Submitting the job would look like:
qsub analyze.sh -W depend=afterokarray:427[]
where analyze.sh had the script to do the analysis, and 427 would be the job id of the array of jobs you launched. (The [] means only run after all are completed). The syntax differs for other schedulers (eg, SGE/OGE) but the ideas are the same.
Getting this right can take some doing, and certainly Tristan's approach has the advantage of being simple, and working with any scheduler; but learning to use job arrays in this situation if you'll be doing alot of this may be worth your time.
Something you might consider is having each job script just touch a filename in a dedicated folder like $i.jobdone, and in your master script, you could simply use ls *.jobdone | wc -l to test for the right number of jobs done.
You can use wait to stop execution until all your jobs are done. You can even collect all the exit statuses and other running statistics (time it took, count of jobs done at the time, whatever) if you cycle around waiting for specific ids.
I'd write a small C program to do the waiting and collecting (if you have permissions to upload and run executables), but you can easily use the bash wait built-in for roughly the same purpose, albeit with less flexibility.
Edit: small example.
for i in tasks; do
task &
waitfor="$waitfor $!"
wait $waitfor
If you run this script in background, It won't bother you and whatever comes after the wait line will run when your jobs are over.
